Repayment of Student Loans as of 2015 Among 1995–96 and ...

Repayment of Student Loans as of 2015 Among 1995?96 and 2003?04 First-Time Beginning Students

First Look

NCES 2018-410


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Repayment of Student Loans as of 2015 Among 1995?96 and 2003?04 First-Time Beginning Students

First Look


Jennie H. Woo Alexander H. Bentz Stephen Lew Erin Dunlop Velez Nichole Smith RTI International Sean A. Simone Project Officer National Center for Education Statistics

NCES 2018-410


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Suggested Citation Woo, J., Bentz, A., Lew, S., Smith, N., and Velez, E.D. (2017). Repayment of Student Loans as of 2015 Among 1995?96 and 2003?04 First-Time Beginning Students: First Look (NCES 2018-410). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved [date] from .

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List of Tables .......................................................................................................................... v Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1 Selected Findings.................................................................................................................... 5 Tables ....................................................................................................................................... 6 References ............................................................................................................................. 23 Appendix A--Glossaries ..................................................................................................A-1 Appendix B--Technical Notes and Methodology........................................................ B-1 Appendix C--Standard Error Tables and Cohort Description Table ....................... C-1

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List of Tables



1 PREVALENCE OF FEDERAL BORROWING: Percent of 1995?96 and 2003?04 first-time beginning postsecondary students who took out federal education loans and, among borrowers, average number of years in which students borrowed, by selected demographic, enrollment, and financial aid characteristics: 2007 and 2015 .......................................................... 6

2 LOAN AMOUNT OWED: Among 1995?96 and 2003?04 first-time beginning postsecondary students who took out federal education loans, median and average amount owed (in current dollars) and percent of amount borrowed owed, by selected demographic, enrollment, and employment characteristics: 2007 and 2015 ......................................................... 8

3 LOAN REPAYMENT STATUS: Among 1995?96 and 2003?04 firsttime beginning postsecondary students who took out federal education loans, percent distribution of the status of their most recent loan, by selected demographic, enrollment, and employment characteristics: 2007 and 2015................................................................................................................... 12

4 STUDENT LOAN DEFAULTS: Among 1995?96 and 2003?04 firsttime beginning postsecondary students who took out federal education loans, percent who had defaulted on a federal loan, by selected demographic, enrollment, and employment characteristics: 2007 and 2015 .......................................................................................................................... 16

5 PAYING OFF LOANS: Among 1995?96 and 2003?04 first-time beginning postsecondary students who took out federal education loans, percent who had paid off all federal loans without default, by selected demographic, enrollment, and employment characteristics: 2007 and 2015 .......................................................................................................................... 19





B-1 Characteristics of 1995?96 and 2003?04 Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Studies............................................................................. B-3

B-2 Number of sampled, eligible, and participating institutions, by level and control of institution, of the 1995?96 and 2003?04 Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Studies.................................................. B-5

B-3 Percentage of eligible institutions participating, by level and control of institution, student sample sizes, and response rates of the 1995?96 and 2003?04 Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Studies............... B-7

B-4 Comparison of federal student loan default rates published by the U.S. Department of Education as of 2016 ..................................................... B-16

B-5 Summary of amount owed variables, by principal sources and components as of 2015: 1995?96 cohort........................................................ B-18

B-6 Summary of amount owed variables, by principal sources and components as of 2015: 2003?04 cohort........................................................ B-19

C-1 Standard errors for table 1: PREVALENCE OF FEDERAL BORROWING: Percent of 1995?96 and 2003?04 first-time beginning postsecondary students who took out federal education loans and, among borrowers, average number of years in which students borrowed, by selected demographic, enrollment, and financial aid characteristics: 2007 and 2015................................................................................................................. C-2

C-2 Standard errors for table 2: LOAN AMOUNT OWED: Among 1995?96 and 2003?04 first-time beginning postsecondary students who took out federal education loans, median and average amount owed (in current dollars) and percent of amount borrowed owed, by selected demographic, enrollment, and employment characteristics: 2007 and 2015 ........................................................................................................................ C-3

C-3 Standard errors for table 3: LOAN REPAYMENT STATUS: Among 1995?96 and 2003?04 first-time beginning postsecondary students who took out federal education loans, percent distribution of the status of their most recent loan, by selected demographic, enrollment, and employment characteristics: 2007 and 2015 ..................................................... C-6


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