Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Training Services ITQ #4400008567

Conference Planning and Professional Education Services Categories

RFQ FOR THE PA Department of Education

21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant (21st CCLC) Peer Review

Solicitation Number: 6100033839

Dear Suppliers:

The attached Statement of Work (SOW) (Attachment A) is provided for you to develop your proposal for the referenced Conference Planning Project. The successful contractor will be selected based on Best Value. The Best Value Criteria specified below defines the criteria that will be used to determine the successful contractor to be issued a purchase order. It is imperative that you expound in writing on the requirements listed within the SOW. Contractors may not subcontract more than 49% of the total spend for this project. You may complete your proposal on this form and return your quote via SRM by reply no later than 3:00PM, May 15, 2015.

Best Value Criteria:

1. Cost: Complete the attached Cost Matrix to submit the cost portion of your proposal (Attachment B).

2. Contractor Prior Experience

3. Contractor Personnel and Qualifications

Any questions on this RFQ may be sent to by 3:00 PM, May 8, 2015 to:

James Domen

(717) 525-5980


Note: This Request for Quotations (6100033839) is a restricted solicitation. Only those contractors qualified in the designated categories under Contract #4400008567, known as the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Training Services Invitation to Qualify (ITQ), may submit a proposal in response to this RFQ.

For more information about the Training Services ITQ, please click the following link.

The following documents must be returned with your RFQ response:

Attachment A – Statement of Work (include Contractor Work Statement, Project Work Plan,

*Contractor Prior Experience Submittal and *Resumes of proposed personnel)

Attachment B – Cost Matrix

Appendix B – Domestic Workforce Utilization Form

Appendix C – Lobbying Form

*This information should not include any PDE personnel

Attachment A - – Statement of Work

(Include Contractor Work Statement, Project Work Plan, Contractor Prior Experience Submittal and Resumes of Proposed Personnel)

PDE is responsible for selecting the individual Peer Reviewers from a pool of applicants.  Resumes are reviewed and teams of 3-5 readers are selected based on experience in areas related to the grant purpose and requirements, for a total of 27-30 readers, based upon the number of final applications for funding received. 

PDE is responsible for the training of peer reviewers and the overall scoring of the grants and recommendations for funding.

The Contractor is responsible for issuing payments to the hotel and peer reviewers for the peer review process.

Lunch is required to be provided in order to maintain the confidentiality of the peer review process, so Readers are not leaving score sheets and grants out in the open where others may see scores, while they go off-site for lunch.

Peer Reviewers will be paid an honorarium of $350/day, not to exceed $1400/person which will cover all travel and subsistence not provided through the peer review process. We may require a greater number of reviewers than anticipated, based upon the actual number of applications received in response to the Request for Applications and may need to increase the total number of reviewers.

Project Background:

The 21st CCLC is a competitive grant program.  Pennsylvania will be distributing more than $16 million to eligible and approved applicants for the 2015-16 school year for after school tutoring and enrichment programs following the completion of the confidential peer review.

In a competitive grant, all applications are required to be read and scored by a panel of peer reviewers in order to determine which grants are eligible and approved for funding.  This process generally takes between four and five days, depending upon the final total number of applications received and needs to be held at an off-site hotel location where the teams of readers can be monitored to ensure confidentiality for the grant reading process.  Readers are required to stay on-site during the process to ensure that grants and scores are contained in one location and to maintain confidentiality.

Project Overview:

The purpose of the program is to establish or expand community learning centers that provide students who attend high-poverty and low-performing schools with academic enrichment opportunities by Expanding Learning Opportunities during non-school hours along with activities designed to complement the students’ regular academic program. Community learning centers must also offer families of these students’ literacy and related educational development. Centers – which can be located in elementary or secondary schools or other similarly accessible facilities – provide a range of high-quality services to support student learning and development, including tutoring and mentoring, homework help, academic enrichment (such as hands-on science or technology programs), and community service opportunities, as well as music, arts, sports and cultural activities. At the same time, centers help working parents by providing a safe environment for students during non-school hours or periods when school is not in session.

It is the intent of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant program to fund projects that have the greatest probability for successful implementation; therefore, all applications will undergo a competitive review process at the state-level to determine the order of applicants to be awarded. Each application will be read and scored independently by a team of three reviewers and the three scores for that application will be normalized through a statistical z-score analysis. No reviewer will be allowed to judge a proposal submitted by an institution with which the reviewer has an affiliation, conflict of interest forms will be completed by each reviewer as well as a confidentiality notice. Proposals will be evaluated based upon the quality and commitment demonstrated in the application and reviewers will assign point values to specific narratives.

An agenda for a typical peer review is:

Day 1:  Three hours AM Training/five-eight hours PM Individual Grant Reading/Scoring

Day 2:  Individual Grant Reading/Scoring (all day)

Day 3:  Individual Grant Reading/Scoring (all day)

Day 4:  Individual Grant Reading/Scoring (AM); Team Debriefings (PM)

Day 5:  Overall Grant Scoring/Ranking and Selection and debriefing (PDE)

Supplier/Vendor Services for the 21st CCLC Training Session

1. The supplier will make lodging arrangements and provide reimbursement to reviewers beginning tentatively with the evening of August 17, 2015 and concluding August 21, 2015. The orientation training will be scheduled at a location close to the selected provider for 3-4 hours in the morning of the first day. This includes orientation and distribution of assigned grants to be read to teams of reviewers.

a. The number of training days will not exceed five days (August 17-21, 2015).

b. The number of participants requiring lodging for the training session will not exceed 35.

c. The number of nights of lodging required is not to exceed five.

d. The number of participants per room is expected to be one.

e. Trainees traveling less the 50 miles one way will not be granted a room.

f. The Fiscal Officer for the Department will provide the supplier/vendor with names, contact information and dates for lodging services; the Contractor will be expected to provide participants and the Department with hotel information and room reservation numbers.

2. Hotel provides breakfast with cost of the room, but does not have a restaurant on-site.  For a hotel with no breakfast included, the supplier will make catering arrangements for four days (August 18-21, 2015).

3. The supplier will make lunch and break arrangements for five days (August 17-21, 2015) to be delivered to the location of the peer review orientation and to the peer review hotel location, the cost of which shall not exceed $12/day/participant.

4. The supplier will reimburse trainees for breakfast on August 17 and dinner on August 16, 2015 based on state substance formula. (for those from a greater distance who arrive on Sunday evening only)

5. The supplier will be provided registration information for the participants of the training. This will include names and contact information.

6. The supplier will reimburse invoiced expenses to the consultant for lodging, travel, as approved by the Fiscal Officer at the Pennsylvania Department of Education. All peer reviewers selected will be required to make their own transportation and evening meal arrangements. Individuals seeking reimbursement must submit their invoices directly to the department on forms provided by the Department of Education. Reimbursements shall be provided at the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania reimbursement rates pursuant to Management Directive 230.10.

7. These reimbursements include, but are not limited to:

a. Expenses of the peer reviewer incurred in-route to and from orientation and peer review hotel site locations. This could include transportation, meals and lodging. Reimbursements shall be made at the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania reimbursement rates pursuant to Management Directive 230.10.

b. Reimburse the 21st CCLC trainer for materials provided for the 21st CCLC training as approved by the Fiscal Officer at the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

8. The supplier will reimburse invoiced expenses for fees, services, lodging, meals and travel provided by attendees representing the Intermediate Units. To insure state government rates are secured, lodging arrangements shall be made by the supplier.

9. The supplier is expected to pay all invoices that are submitted for payment, unless the invoice is returned for correction or explanation and to make a direct arrangement for payment to vendors of lodging services.

Contractor Relationship with the PA Department of Education

1. Reimbursement invoices must be approved by PDE prior to payment.

2. The supplier will invoice the Department of Education on a monthly basis, date to be determined.


| |Company Name and Address |Contact Information |Project Name |Project Start and |Brief Description of the Project |

| | | | |End Dates | |

|1 | | | | | |

|2 | | | | | |

|3 | | | | | |


Provide resumes with names of individuals that will be assigned and demonstrate the qualification and skills required to successfully develop and implement the project as defined in the SOW. PDE expects the names and resumes of any subcontractors who will perform task under this contract as well. Any current grantee or sub-contracting agency working in concert with the 21st CCLC program is not eligible to apply as this is a conflict of interest. All reviewers should hold a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in education, with preference for those with a Master’s degree and the majority of reviewers holding degrees in education with five or more years of experience in Pennsylvania schools or adjoining state school systems. Preference will be given to reviewers with prior knowledge of the 21st CCLC program and no conflicts of interest. 

Attachment B - – Cost (you may insert additional lines as necessary)

|Budget Category |Quantity |Unit of Measure |Rate |Total |

|Travel/Lodging (Lodging rate may include occupancy tax | | | | |

|only) | | | | |

| |Lodging* |30 rooms |Per night |30 rooms @ $0 per night x 4 days |$0 |

| |Catered Breakfast (only if not included|30 |$0 per person |Catered Breakfast (only if not |$0 |

| |in Hotel Room) | | |included in Hotel Room) at $0 per | |

| | | | |person x 30 reviewers x 4 days | |

| |Catered Lunch |30 |$0 per person |Catered lunch at $0 per person x 30 |$0 |

| | | | |reviewers x 5 days | |

| |Other- grant reviewers |30 | Up to 35 reviewers |$350 per diem honorarium x 4 days x 30|$42,000 |

| |One meeting room |1 |$0 |Meeting room for 5 days |$0 |

|Subtotal | | | | |$0 |

| |Administrative Cost- approved indirect |0% x subtotal of $0 |Used 0% |.00 x $0 = $0 |$0 |

| |cost rate | | | | |

|*Based on US GSA Rates | | | | |

| | | |TOTAL: |$0 |

Appendix B - Domestic Workforce Utilization Certification (attached separately)

Appendix C – Lobbying Form (attached separately)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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