DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES Organizational Chart - LA County


Director Department of Health Services

* Christina R. Ghaly, MD

Directo r Emerge ncy Medical

Ser vices Cathy Chides ter, RN

Assistant Cou nty Counsel & Chief L egal

Advisor Sharon Re ichma n


Kim be rly McKenzie, RN

Chief Med ical Office r Hal F. Yee, Jr, MD, PhD

Chief Nursing Office r Sue Currin, RN

Director System Operations and

Support Services Phillip Franks

Human Re sou rce s Directo r

Elizabeth Jacobi

Directo r Enterpr ise Data &

Info rma tion Manag ement Mic hae l Owe ns, MD

Chief Information Offi cer

* Pam ela G riffith, RN

Directo r & CMO Manag ed Car e Ser vices (MCS) * Mic hae l Owe ns, MD


Jorge Orozco


Judith Ma ass, MSN

Rancho Los A mig os NRC CEO

Aries Lim baga, DNP, MBA

Ambula tor y Care Networ k (ACN)

CEO Nina Park, MD

Associate Chief Medical Officer Paul G iboney, MD

Dire ctor Pt. Safety & Clinical Risk Management Arun P atel, MD

Dire ctor Audit & Compliance * Edgar Soto

Chief Med ical Info rma tion O ffice r *Hal F. Yee, Jr, MD,


Pha rma cy Dir ector Jea n Palla res, PharmD

Directo r Health Plan Network

Inte gration Pet er Balingit, MD

Facility CNO s

Chief Sup ply Chain

Networ k Jas on Ginsberg

Directo r Contracts & Gra nts

Kathy Hanks

Director Centralized Contract

Monitoring Tryphenia Funches

Associa te Directo r Org Developmen t Donna Na gaoka

Associa te Directo r Human Re sou rce s

Ope rations Marilyn Hawk ins

Directo r Plan ning & Data

Ana lytics Irene Dyer

Director Enterprise Health Information Management * Christopher J.


Chief E nte rprise App lica tion s Officer * David Engel, MD

Chief Techno logy Offi cer

* Jeff Bowlick

Bud get & Plan ning Laura William s

Directo r My Health LA

Pro gram Amy Luftig V iste

Directo r Capital Projects John Shubin

Chief Facilitie s Manag ement Marta S he ffie ld

Security Compliance

Jeff Zit o

Facility & Pro gram CIO s

* Acting/Interim * Vacant

Risk Manager Edgar Soto

Directo r Valu e A nalysi s Mojgan Bashiri,


Facility CMOs

Directo r Govern me nt Affa irs * Est her Aguilera

Facility CO Os

Chief Fina ncia l Offi cer

Allan Wec ker

Associa te Chief Financial Officer

Hitomi Rice

Directo r Offi ce of P atie nt

Access Shari Doi

Chief Social & Behavioral Health

Charmaine Dorsey, MSW, LCSW

Call Ce nte r Manag er Fiorella

Arc idia cono, RN

Provost College of Nursing and

Allied Health

Vivian Branchick, RN

Chief Patient Fin ancial

Ser vices Fra nk Albert

Facility Patient Access Dir ectors

8/20/2018 Christina R. Ghaly, MD Date Acting Director


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