1) Derived UnitsIn physics, there is what we call, Derived SI Units. These are larger units that are made up of multiple SI base units. Use the textbook to fill in the following units and symbols.QuantityUnitSymbolVolumeDensitySpeedNewtonEnergyPressure2) Problem solving and unit conversionIn physics, scientist often encounter data and measurements in many different units of measurements, or measurements simply not in their base unit. Sometimes it is best to have all data in small base units, or in larger units. Knowing how to convert units to another unit is essential in any scientific or engineering discipline. The following problems needs to be solved, but will require some unit conversion.a) Tony made, 14 L of lemonade for a party. His guests drank 9500 mL of the lemonade.How many milliliters of lemonade did Tony have left over?b) On Judy’s way home from school yesterday, she ran for half the distance. Then she skipped for one fourth of the remaining distance and walked the rest of the way home. She walked for a total of 360 feet. What is the distance between school and Judy’s home?3) Accuracy and PrecisionCompare the following data recordings and compare which data set is more accurate and which set is has the best precision.a) Two students measure the volume of water in a beaker, which has a true volume of 50.0mL. Who is more accurate, and who is more precise?Raquel: 50.0mL, 51.0mL, 49.0mL, 48.5mLZoe: 48.5mL, 48.0mL, 48.2mL, 48.5mLcenter47942500b) Three archers were doing target practice. For each target, tell if that archer had precision and accuracy. 4) Significant Figures40957530543500Answer the following problems while keeping the correct amount of significant figures.right1206500a) b)c) Tell how many significant digits each number has.23.612.361236,100236,100.2.3610 X 105d) Express the answer with the correct number of significant digits38.65 X 105.93 = ................

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