Define and describe the High Middle Ages

Middle Ages Homework Packet

Name______________________________ #________ Date____________ Period______

Homework 1: Chapter 8, Section 1 and 2 Questions and Vocab

1. Describe at least two resources Europe had at the dawn of the Middle Ages. _________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Who was Clovis and why was he important? __________________________________________


3. What was the turning point during the rule of Clovis? ____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

4. What happened at the Battle of Tours? _______________________________________________


5. What happened to Charlemagne on Christmas Day of 800 CE? ____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

6. Describe two things the scholar, Alcuin, did to promote learning and education in Charlemagne’s empire in Europe. __________________________________________________________________




7. What was Charlemagne’s legacy? ___________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________


8. What else were the Vikings known for besides being fierce warriors? Describe them. ___________ ________________________________________________________________________________


9. What did a lord give a vassal? ______________________________________________________

10. What did a vassal owe back to his lord? _____________________________________________


11. Thoroughly describe medieval castles. ______________________________________________




12. How did the code of chivalry affect the status of women? ________________________________


13. Describe what peasants had to do for their lords. ______________________________________




14. What did a typical manor include? __________________________________________________



Vocab: Define the terms and write the most significant/ important information about each term IN YOUR OWN WORDS.

1. Feudalism

2. Vassal

3. Fief

4. Knight

5. chivalry

6. manor

7. serf

Name______________________________ #________ Date____________ Period______

Homework 2 Chapter 8, Section 3 and 4 Questions and Vocab

1. What kind of power did the power have as spiritual leader of the Roman Catholic Church during the Middle Ages? _____________________________________________________________________


2. How was religion linked to the routines of daily life? Give at least two examples. ______________


3. Thoroughly describe what monks and nuns could and couldn’t do under Benedictine Rule. ______


4. What else did monks and nuns in monasteries and convents do that was important in the Middle Ages? Describe at least two things. ____________________________________________________


5. Why were reform movements needed in the medieval church? ____________________________


6. Describe three new ways farms were made more productive during the High Middle Ages.

a. ___________________________________________________________________________

b. ___________________________________________________________________________

c. ___________________________________________________________________________

7. Describe how the three-field system worked. ___________________________________________


8. What was the effect of these improvements during the agricultural revolution of the Middle Ages?


9. Describe what a trade fair was like. __________________________________________________



10. What was a charter?____________________________________________________________


11. What did the king receive from merchants for granting a charter? __________________________


12. As trade revived, money reappeared. Explain these new business practices that developed.

a. Partnership ___________________________________________________________________


b. Insurance ____________________________________________________________________


c. Bill of exchange _______________________________________________________________


13. How did the use of money affect serfs? ______________________________________________


14. By 1000 C.E., what new social class appeared in medieval society? _______________________


Vocab: Define the terms and write the most significant/ important information about each term IN YOUR OWN WORDS.

1. secular

2. sacrament

3. canon law

4. excommunication

5. interdict

6. tithe

7. Anti-Semitism

8. monastery

9. monk

10. clergy

11. Capital

12. usury

13. guild

14. apprentice

Name______________________________ #________ Date____________ Period______

Homework 3 Chapter 9, Section 1, 3 and 4 Questions and Vocab

1. Why did feudal monarchs have limited power? _________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

2. Describe at least three ways rulers tried to centralize their power.




3. How did the information in the Domesday Book help William and his successors? ____________


4. What two basic ideas were contained in the Magna Carta?

a. ____________________________________________________________________________

b. ____________________________________________________________________________

5. Describe the two-house body of Parliament.

a. ____________________________________________________________________________

b. ____________________________________________________________________________

6. What developed in France that was similar to Parliament in England? ______________________

7. Medieval Europeans fought to control the Holy Land in the Crusades. What were some reasons why many knights went on the Crusades? ______________________________________________


8. What were some of Pope Urban’s motives for going on the Crusades? ______________________ ________________________________________________________________________________



9. How did the Crusades increased trade in Europe? ______________________________________


10. List four effects of the Crusades. __________________________________________________





11. What was the Reconquista? _______________________________________________________


12. Why did universities spring up in the Middle Ages? _____________________________________


13. Describe what it was like to be a student in the Middle Ages. _____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________


14. Describe the ideas of Thomas Aquinas. ______________________________________________


15. What are flying buttresses? _______________________________________________________

16. Why were churches called “Bibles in stone”? __________________________________________


Vocab: Define the terms and write the most significant/ important information about each term IN YOUR OWN WORDS.

1. Jury

2. common law

3. theology

4. scholasticism

5. vernacular


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