27759479442700Las composiciones de SPN 101 Objective: Show what you have learned from the current chapter. -1301757168000Focus on the grammar and vocabulary presented in the chapter. Use only your textbook as a reference. Using grammar we haven’t learned yet will have a negative impact on your grade. Read the Composición prompt so you understand what you’ll be writing about. Review the chapter vocabulary. Think of ways to incorporate at least 16 new vocabulary words.Review the chapter grammar. Think of how you will demonstrate it in the composición.Download the Composición Template off my website.Fill in the headings and type the composición. (Double spaced, 14’ font)Bold and underline the new vocabulary words/verbs you used. Fill in word count in the heading.Save and print your composición.Use the checklist above to write your rough draft. I will then help you edit your rough draft into a final draft. 801370-9552600Composición #1 (100 palabras) Objective: Write a paragraph in which you describe yourself and your best friend. Paso 1: Brainstorm: Think of adjectives in Spanish that describe you physically and your personality. Think of adjectives in Spanish that describe your best friend (mejor amigo/a). Think of qualities that you are not and your friend is not. Paso 2: Write a sentence in which you introduce your reader to yourself and your mejor amigo(a). Paso 3: Using the information you generated in Paso 1, continue your paragraph with a few sentences in which you describe yourself. Add a few more sentences in which you describe your best friend. Write a few more sentences about the qualities you and your friend have in common and how you are different. 447675028573600Paso 4: Write a conclusion sentence that wraps up the paragraph. Paso 5: Edit your paragraph:Do the adjectives agree with the person they describe?Check your spelling, including accent marks.Are there any sentences that could be joined with ‘y’ or ‘pero’?Can you add any words like ‘también’ or add a negative sentence using ‘no’?901976-13335000Composición #2 (150 palabras) Objective: Write an email to a friend and tell him/her about your family and your classes. Paso 1: Brainstorm: Think of your family members, descriptions, ages, your school campus, classes and what they are like and your classmates.Paso 2: Start your email with Hola or ?Qué tal? (How’s it going?) and introduce yourself. Tell him/her something about yourself, such as where you are from, your age, or what you are like. Paso 3: Tell him/her whether you have a big or small family. Tell who each of the members of your family are. Then write about two family members. Describe each one using two (or more) adjectives and his/her age. Be sure to choose different adjectives for each person. Write about what each of those people does using the -ar verbs from the chapter.Paso 4: Begin a second paragraph telling your friend that you are a student, and where you study. Include campus vocabulary and what activities you do there. (I study in the library, etc.) Write about the classes you have this term (este trimestre). Choose one of the classes you have to describe (easy, difficult, interesting, boring, fun, etc.). Write about how many students are in the class, what they are like, and your opinion of the class. Then write about who the teacher is and what s/he is like. 4476750635000Paso 5: Finish the letter with Hasta pronto, or Tu amigo(a). Paso 6: Edit your paragraph:Check your spelling, including accent marks, and adjective agreement.Do your verbs agree with the person/object they describe?Are there any sentences that could be joined with ‘y’ or ‘pero’?Can you add any words like ‘también’ or add a negative sentence using ‘no’?4511371157400960728952500Composición #3 (175 palabras) Objective: Write an email to an international student from a Spanish speaking country is going to attend your school and stay with you for a semester. Paso 1: Brainstorm: Weather expressions for the current season, clothing typically worn in that season, and what students at your school typically do during that season.Paso 2: Start your email by writing the date in Spanish and greeting the student using Querido(a) (dear) and his/her name. Make Querido(a) agree with the gender of your student. Paso 3: Begin your first paragraph by introducing yourself and telling him/her where you study. Write about the season, the weather and what clothing s/he needs (necesitar) or “should wear” (deber llevar) for the climate. Hint: Remember to use indefinite articles with clothing. (I wear a sweater, not I wear the sweater.) 564324525844500Paso 4: Write a second paragraph and tell him/her what you do or like to do this time of year. You can mention what you do on different days of the week and at what time.Paso 5: Then use the future tense to explain what you are going to do when s/he visits. 471868528194000Paso 6: Finish the letter with Hasta pronto, or Tu nuevo(a) amigo(a). Paso 7: Edit your paragraph:Check your spelling, including accent marks.Do adjectives agree with the objects they describe?Does each verb match the subject?Are there any sentences that could be joined with ‘y’ or ‘pero’?Can you add any words like ‘también’ or add a negative sentence using ‘no’?-58102652387500How to type Spanish characters on PC & MacScoring guide para las composiciones:El borrador(rough draft)ChapterVocabChapterGrammarVerbsSpelling & SyntaxStrong9-10All of the errors from the rough draft are corrected.Met word count.Demonstrates mastery of Chapter Vocab by using and spelling correctly at least 16 words from the chapter.Demonstrates mastery of all Chapter Grammar concepts.All or nearly all verbs match the subject. Uses verbs from the chapter.Writes using at least 3 subjects (yo, tú, él, ella, nosotros, etc.).Spelling and syntax (word order, sentence structure) are perfect or nearly perfect.*meets word countMeets7-8Attempts to correct all errors; most of the errors from the rough draft are corrected. And/ormet word count.Demonstrates partial mastery of Chapter Vocab by using and spelling correctly at least 12 words from the chapter.Demonstrates partial mastery of Chapter Grammar concepts.Most verbs match the subject. Uses verbs from the chapter.Writes using at least 2 subjects.Spelling and syntax are accurate or mostly accurate.*meets word countIn progress6-5Some of the errors from the rough draft are corrected, or attempted to be corrected.And/or did not meet word count.Demonstrates limited ability in using and spelling Chapter Vocab.Demonstrates limited ability to use Chapter Grammar concepts.Many verbs do not match the subject. Writes using only 1 subject.Needs more practice with spelling and syntax. *does not meet word countDid not meet3-4Most of the errors from the rough draft are not corrected.*no rough draft submitted.Does not demonstrate an ability to use Chapter Vocab.And/or did not utilize enough chapter material.Does not demonstrate an ability to use Chapter Grammar concepts. And/or did not utilize enough chapter material.Does not demonstrate an understanding of verb conjugation.And/or did not utilize enough chapter material.Does not demonstrate an understanding of the spelling or syntax concepts from the chapter.Not enough material to grade0Contained outside help or non-chapter material. (OH / NCM / TR)Contains outside help or non-chapter material. (OH / NCM / TR)Contains outside help or non-chapter material. (OH / NCM / TR)Contains outside help or non-chapter material. (OH / NCM / TR)Contains outside help or non-chapter material. (OH / NCM / TR) ................

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