


Term |Month |File |competence |Learning objectives |Type of task |Resources |Module of integration (project) |What students could already do | | | | | | | |Grammar |Lexis |Pronunciation |Learning to Integrate |Assess Integration | | |First Term |October | File one "1" "A Person's Profile"




Produce |

❖ Describing a person's physical appearance

❖ Describing daily life activities.

❖ Talking about person's life

❖ Write a biography

❖ Narrate past event |

( ( oral and written)

( ( oral and written)

(( oral and written)

( ( oral and written )


( The simple present tense

( use of adjectives

( whqqs words

( Simple past with "regular and irregular verbs "

( whqqs + did

( reminder {simple past}

(simple past + ago

( genitive


Learn about culture

Music around the world

( Chaabi


( Classical


( Rhythm and


❖ ( Hip hop |


← /s/ "acts- paints"

← /z/ " sings – reads

← /iz/ "dresses – teaches"

← Identify

← Compare |A famous person's profile

• Today we are living the age of technologies and discoveries {TV – computer- internet – medicine- space discoveries and explorations}

• These discoveries and exploration are the work of famous persons.

• They are Scientifics, researchers , doctors, cosmonauts …….

• But who , how ,when and where did they realize those discoveries and explorations?

• Choose one of them , you best like ,and make "his /her " profile.

• Choose your partners (3 or 4) pupils and form you group.

• You need:

( a large sheet of paper.

( photos / illustrations /drawings /cut outs…

( songs / paintings / books …

( a dictionary / magazines / Internet materials…

Make a short biography of your famous person , stick a photo or drawing of him or her , and what has "he" or "she" done , on the large sheet.

Your famous person's profile is ready stick it on the wall of your classroom and discuss your friends sheets.


Make researches ,discover and explore |

← Describe physical appearance.

← Recognize "age" weight" and height", then discriminate between them.

← Recognize famous people and their jobs.

← Identify time.

← Ask questions using the simple present.

← Use the dictionary

← Recognize the sounds /s/ /z/ /iz/ .

← Describe biography

← Report past events.

← Narrate

← Recognize and identify the simple past .

← Recognize the sounds /t/ /d/ /id/

← Make exchanges

← Ask questions using the past simple .

← Discriminate between regular and irregular verbs

← Discrimination between " 's " possessive and " ' s "Contractive form

By Mr. samir bounab (sambounab@hotmail.fr) | |Term |Month |File |competence |Learning objectives |Type of task |Resources |Module of integration (project) |What students could already do | | | | | | | |Grammar |Lexis |Pronunciation |Learning to Integrate |Assess Integration | | |First Term |November | File Two "2" "Language Games"




Produce |

• Expressing possibility, ability and inability

← Expressing permission and making requests

• Describing and

Locating places

← Asking and showing the way.

← Talking about prices / quantities


( ( oral and written)

( ( oral)

(( oral and written)

( ( oral and written )

( (oral and written)


( "can" possibility

( adjectives

( can /can't ability

( reminder

( can-those-these )

("Could" permission

( could "request"

( Reminder " use of could"

( possessive pronouns



( colours

Learn about culture

← The origin of the crosswords

← Chess

← Video games

← Flipper

← Puzzle

← Monopoly

← Criss Cross

← Scrabble |


← "the" ( this- brother

← "th" = thin - nothing

← Identify

← Compare

⇨ /i/ ( many-early

← /ei/ ( they – may

← /ai/ ( try – sky

← /j/ ( you – yes

← Identify

← Compare |Language Game Booklet

• You are playing a language game with your friend" crosswords-puzzle-scrabble …" then your friend asked

you :

• What is the origin of those Games?

• So your friend's question challenged you to make a research work on one of those games.

• Once you have gathered information- pictures

• Write small definitions about those games and stick in front each of them pictures ;

• You will make a small booklet on "Language Games"

• Read your booklet to your friends and discuss the subject with you colleagues.

• Put your booklet in the library to be a useful resource for your next school pupils.


Make researches ,discover and explore |

• Get familiarized with theme "games"

• Recognize the structure "the present and present continuous

• Recognize the synonymes

• Spell the words

• Use fluently the alphabets and manipulate them

• Check for the synonymes

• Ability to draw and colour

• Recognize a dictionary

• Look for synonyms and antonyms "use a dictionary"

• Recognize "this-that" and their plural form

• Express ability and inability

• Make plural forms

• Ask for prices

• Use the grammar notes

• Use whqqs

• Make family words

• Count words

• Draw a plan and complete it

• Recognize and play some word games

Crée par Mr S.Bounab

Bouchrahil, Médéa | |

Term |Month |File |competence |Learning objectives |Type of task |Resources |Module of integration (project) |What students could already do | | | | | | | |Grammar |Lexis |Pronunciation |Learning to Integrate |Assess Integration | | |First Term |November & December | File one "3" "HEALTH "




Produce |

• Inquiring about someone's health

• Asking for permission

• Advising "fitness"

• Narrating

o talking about discoveries

o Describing medicinal plants

• (F5(1stAM)

o saying quantities

o instructing

o talking about aliments

o Describing vitamins

• Advising |

( ( oral and written)

( ( oral)

( ( oral and written)

(( oral and written)

( ( oral and written )

( (oral and written)


( Have got

( should 'advice'

( must obligation

( "can" permission

"must" prohibition

The imperative

( Reminder "must- could"

( S present + adverbs

( S past

( Adverbs formation

( Reminder " the use of adverbs "

( pr continuous

( passive (F5(1stAM)

• The quantifiers : some / any

• How much / how many

• Countable / uncountable nouns

( S present

( passive

( reminder "passive


Learn about culture

Grand mothers remedies

➢ A bee sting

➢ Headaches

➢ Colds

➢ Hiccups

➢ Burns

➢ Beauty

➢ Colours and health

➢ Orange

➢ Indigo

➢ Purple

➢ Green

➢ Blue

❖ Yellow |


← "sh" ( english –fresh

← "ch" ( check – stetcher

← "k" ( school – chemical

← Identify

← Compare

/ai/ ( pile – excite

/i:/ ( pill – exit



First syllable

Second syllable

Third syllable

word |A poster with recommendations about health. / A health Guide

School year started and you began your first séance of "physical education" so you noticed that you cannot run and move quickly, you feel heavy and uncomfortable .

You are getting weigh , so you decided to react to the situation.

This situation is the result of, no sports activities, bad eating habits, drugs ….

Try to make a poster with recommendations about health or a sort of health guide.

( choose your partners and form your group , divide the tasks.

( Make lists of the problems resulting of unhealthy food , no sports activities and addiction to grugs.

( collect photos , pictures and drawings showing those problems

( Ask your local area doctor about the problems and what to do to resolve them

( stick the photos , define the problems , give recommendations about good habits food , sports .so by the end you have a health guide.

( Present your guide to your classmates discuss the problems , then ask the administration to stick the poster in your school.


Discriminate between healthy and unhealthy eating habits and exercise to keep fit |

Ask about a person's health

Recognize a past situation

Recognize an illness

Recognize the "sh" an "ch" sounds

Improvise and describe some known illnesses

Build dialogues using questions and answers

Match remedy with illness

Recognize places such as the doctor's

Give orders

Recognize some warning signs and describe them

Desxcribe some sports to keep fitness

Revise the sounds"i" "i:"

Act a play

Use sequiencers

Recognize an adjective

Make wh qqs

Descriminate between regular and irregular adjctive and adverbs

Build correct sentences

Improvise adverbs

Recognize plants and their use

Use what it has been learnt in biology and perform it in English

Talk about plants and traditions in using those plants

Crée par S. Bounab


| |Term |Month |File |competence |Learning objectives |Type of task |Resources |Module of integration (project) |What students could already do | | | | | | | |Grammar |Lexis |Pronunciation |Learning to Integrate |Assess Integration | | |Second Term |January & February | File Four "4" "CARTOONS "




Produce |

• Inviting

• Enquiring about someone's likes

• Making forma land informal invitations

• Refusing invitations with justification

• Expressing intentions

• Describing cartoons

• Planning future activities

← Making choices and enquiring about prices

← Describing appearance

← Expressing likes


( ( oral and written)

( ( oral)

( ( oral and written)

(( oral and written)

( ( oral and written )

( (oral and written)


• Would you like …

• Do + pr + want +?

• Would you like ….

• Do +pr +like ?

Reminder "use of would like"

• Future with "going to"

• Pr continuous

Future with "going to"

• Reminder "use of going to form"


( future with "will"

( How much?

( Which one / ones ?


Learn about culture

"C" for cartoon/comi

More about cartoons

Yellow kid

Zig et puce



Lucky luke


❖ Asterix |


"j" ( job- Algeria

"g" ( Olga – give



← "c= k" = cake, picture, music

• " c = s" ( juice, accept, sentence

• Identify

• Compare

• First syllable

• Second syllable

• Third syllable words s

• Identify


|Making a strip cartoon.

In your school , local area you see many mortal problems which affects the youths like smoking , drugs ,violence , bad school results…..

You feel you can contribute to arise those problems to let people (pupils) be aware of them .

You decided to make "a strip cartoon" , the best thing to let people read, laugh and discuss the problem your are talking about for example "smoking"

Collect or draw funny pictures about the situation exposing the problem, the cause and the results of such problem (you may ask your art teacher for help)

Propose solutions through cartoon pictures to solve and help people who are facing this problem.

Your strip cartoon is ready , stick it in your classroom , discuss the problem with your friends and your teacher.

Give your work to your teacher in order to stick it in your school.


Promote the children's common sense (send a message through cartoons to face some of the daily society problems. |Identify gamesSay the time

← Plan future activities

← Make invitations

← Revise the sounds"j" and "g"

← Recognize places of leasure

← Describe a cartoon

← Discriminate between right and wrong statements

← Explain what a cartoons says

← Describe and locate touristic places in Algeria

← Describe some daily activities

← Express exclamations

← Recognize funny cartoons"lucky luke"

Plan future activities

← discriminate between "will " and "going to form"

← Ovoid repetitions by using pronouns

← Express likes and dislikes

← Use "wh" questons

Crée par Mr Samir Bounab

| |Term |Month |File |competence |Learning objectives |Type of task |Resources |Module of integration (project) |What students could already do | | | | | | | |Grammar |Lexis |Pronunciation |Learning to Integrate |Assess Integration | | |First Term |March & Aoril | File Five "5" "THEATRE"




Produce |

← Asking and showing the way

• Inquiring about someone's career

❖ Make a questionnaire

• Making plans

• Suggesting plans

• Expressing likes and dislikes .

• Interviewing

• Inquiring about someone's past activities

• Narrating

• Reporting events

• Describing daily activities


( ( oral and written)

( ( oral and written)

(( oral and written)

( ( oral and written )

( (oral and written)


( Pr . Perfect

( future

( wh qqs

( Reminder "use of wh qqs"

( would / like

( S past +ireg and reg verbs

( Do + pr + like +v+ing

( what +do + pr +enjoy/prefer+doing+?

( would + like/ enjoy /want

( gerund

( Reminder "gerund"

( present perfect

( future

( Simple past

( pr .perfect + sequencers

( pr perfect

( Reminder " use of the present perfect"

( list of some irregular verbs |

Learn about culture

Theatrical genres

Comedy and farce


Light comedy



❖ Some records |


• "i" ( buy , crying , describe

• "a" ( obey , fail ,same , explain

• Identify

← Compare

← "a" ( place , Jane , they, paint

← "oy –oi" ( boy ,destroy , exploit

← Identify


• First syllable

• Second syllable

• Third syllable words

• Identify

Compare |Write a short play

• Your school is going to organize a party on the 16th of April " the Day of Science" in Algeria.

• You and your friends decided to participate in this occasion .

• Your participation will be with a short play.

• In your play you want to arise one of the problems that faces the youths in present time or you may talk about the meaning of the "16th of April" and what does represent for our country.

• Form your group .

• Write the script and give it to your teacher to correct it .

• Choose your costumes , repeat your rehearsals.

• Get ready to present your play on the planned day.


Celebrate one of the most important event of the nation (nationalism) |

• Identify places "theatre"

▪ Ask for the way

▪ Show the way

▪ Discriminate between the sounds"ai" and "ei"

▪ Ask about distance

▪ Discriminate between distance and time

▪ Use "whqqs"

▪ Describe a biography

▪ Work in groups and substitute roles in a play

▪ Match questions with answers

▪ Describe weather

▪ Discriminate between time markers " pre, past, future "

▪ Make the grammar form of sentences

▪ Make sentences from questionnaire

▪ Interview

▪ Discriminate between present , pr perfec, past

▪ Discriminate between likes and dislikes

▪ Rcognize famous actors

▪ Ask and answer qqs

▪ Order a conversation

▪ Make and act a play

By Mr. samir bounab (sambounab@hotmail.fr) | |[pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic]


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