
QUIZ #2 Study Guide

I. Listening Section- A. You will hear a brief conversation between 2 people and then answer multiple choice questions about them and their conversation. B. I will orally ask you three questions like we did for practice in class and you will have to answer them. C. You will hear a description of somebody and answer questions in Spanish about him

II. You will need to be able to fill in blanks in greetings, etc in a conversation/dialogues like on the first quiz- use pgs. 4-5- spelling counts

III. Be able to write numbers to simple math problems 0-30 and the time in words. 8:00 A.M.= Son las ocho de la mañana- spelling counts

IV. Be able to read culture paragraphs with a LOT of cognates like we did in class and answer some multiple choice questions about the paragraphs

V. Be able to write a 3-4 sentence description of yourself in Spanish using likes/dislikes and the correct form of ser with describing adjectives that they give you on the test

QUIZ #2 Study Guide

I. Listening Section- A. You will hear a brief conversation between 2 people and then answer multiple choice questions about them and their conversation. B. I will orally ask you three questions like we did for practice in class and you will have to answer them. C. You will hear a description of somebody and answer questions in Spanish about him

II. You will need to be able to fill in blanks in greetings, etc in a conversation/dialogues like on the first quiz- use pgs. 4-5- spelling counts

III. Be able to write numbers to simple math problems 0-30 and the time in words. 8:00 A.M.= Son las ocho de la mañana- spelling counts

IV. Be able to read culture paragraphs with a LOT of cognates like we did in class and answer some multiple choice questions about the paragraphs

V. Be able to write a 3-4 sentence description of yourself in Spanish using likes/dislikes and the correct form of ser with describing adjectives that they give you on the test


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