Character Sketch Rubric - Ms Hodgson's Weebly

Character Sketch Rubric

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Category |Amazing! |Well Done! |Satisfactory |Needs Improvement |

| |The main character is named |The main character is named |The main character is named.|It is hard to tell who the |

| |and clearly described in |and described. Most readers |The reader knows very little|main character is. |

|Character Description |text as well as pictures. |would have some idea of what|about the character. | |

| |Most readers could describe |the character looked and | | |

|X2 |the characters accurately. |acted like. | | |

| |Information clearly relates |Information clearly relates |Information clearly relates |Information has little or |

|Supporting Evidence |to the main topic. It |to the main topic. It |to the main topic. Very few |nothing to do with the main |

| |includes several supporting |provides some supporting |details and/or examples are |topic and/or there are too |

|(Quotations from the story) |details and/or examples. |details and/or examples. |given. |few details and/or examples.|

| | | | | |

|X2 | | | | |

| |No grammatical, |Almost no grammatical, |A few grammatical, |Many grammatical, |

|COPS |capitalization spelling or |capitalization spelling or |capitalization spelling, or |capitalization spelling, or |

| |punctuation errors. |punctuation errors |punctuation errors. |punctuation errors. |

| |The poster is exceptionally |The poster is attractive in |The poster is acceptably |The poster is distractingly |

|Presentation |attractive in terms of |terms of design, layout and |attractive though it may be |messy or very poorly |

| |design, layout, and |neatness. |a bit messy. |designed. It is not |

| |neatness. | | |attractive. |

Text Study: /16

Text Creation: /8

TOTAL: /24


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