|Proud To Be | Stage 2 | English |

|Summary |Duration |

|Through studies of various texts such as national anthems, personal stories and video clips relating to cultural |Sample term |

|identity, students will be able to use descriptive language to describe their own cultural experiences. |10 weeks |

|Unit overview |Enter your own title |

|Writers use of descriptive language to create an image | |

|Outcomes |Assessment overview |

|English K-10 |Assessment Task 1: |

|EN2-1A communicates in a range of informal and formal contexts by adopting a range of roles in group, classroom, |Draw a picture of Australia from this song, which ideas created this image for you? Add descriptive words and phrases|

|school and community contexts |to your visual representation. |

|EN2-2A plans, composes and reviews a range of texts that are more demanding in terms of topic, audience and language |Assessment Task 2: |

|EN2-3A uses effective handwriting and publishes texts using digital technologies |Compare the two anthems in a Venn diagram |

|EN2-4A uses an increasing range of skills, strategies and knowledge to fluently read, view and comprehend a range of |Assessment Task 3: |

|texts on increasingly challenging topics in different media and technologies |In small groups, students: |

|EN2-7B identifies and uses language forms and features in their own writing appropriate to a range of purposes, |write lyrics for a new Australian anthem |

|audiences and contexts |create a KeyNote/PowerPoint for their lyrics, inserting pictures that are relevant to their lyrics |

|EN2-10C thinks imaginatively, creatively and interpretively about information, ideas and texts when responding to and|Groups share their PowerPoints with whole class on air server. |

|composing texts |Students evaluate their peers and discuss the descriptive language and the imagery represented in each PowerPoint. |

|EN2-11D responds to and composes a range of texts that express viewpoints of the world similar to and different from |Assessment Task 4: |

|their own |Using iPads/Laptops, students research and complete an author profile on Anh Do and email to teacher. |

| |Assessment Task 5: |

| |Students write their own description of the influences on their cultural identity using modelled example from the |

| |teacher. |

| |Students type, print and stick on a face profile of themselves. |

|Content |Teaching, learning and assessment |Resources |

|Stage 2 - Speaking and listening 1 |Lesson One: | |

|Develop and apply contextual knowledge |Ask students to list 5 descriptive words/phrases that make them who they are, |Presents a discussion about the Australian flag. An explanation of the |

|understand that social interactions influence the way people engage with ideas|thereby making them special and unique. Share lists with a friend, then a |features on the flag is given and the question is posed “Is it time to change |

|and respond to others for example when exploring and clarifying the ideas of |small group, followed by the whole class. |the design of the Australian flag?” |

|others, summarising their own views and reporting them to a larger group | | |

|(ACELA1488) [pic] [pic] | |In this program, the presenter visits a multicultural festival in Melbourne. |

|Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features | |Interviews are presented with a variety of people from varied backgrounds and |

|understand that successful cooperation with others depends on shared use of | |nationalities with reference to religion, food, music and art. Throughout the |

|social conventions, including turn-taking patterns, and forms of address that | |interviews the people share what has influenced and shaped them into the |

|vary according to the degree of formality in social situations (ACELA1476) | |people they are. |

|[pic] | |Anh Do - Weirdo 1 |

|Respond to and compose texts | | |

|use information to support and elaborate on a point of view | | |

|respond appropriately to the reading of texts to demonstrate enjoyment and | | |

|pleasure | | |

|Stage 2 - Writing and representing 1 | | |

|plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts | | |

|containing key information and supporting details for a widening range of | | |

|audiences, demonstrating increasing control over text structures and language | | |

|features (ACELY1682, ACELY1694) [pic] [pic] | | |

|discuss aspects of planning prior to writing, eg knowledge of topic, specific | | |

|vocabulary and language features | | |

|plan and organise ideas using headings, graphic organisers, questions and mind| | |

|maps | | |

|identify elements of their writing that need improvement and review using | | |

|feedback from teacher and peers | | |

|Stage 2 - Handwriting and using digital technologies | | |

|use a range of software including word processing programs to construct, edit | | |

|and publish written text, and select, edit and place visual, print and audio | | |

|elements (ACELY1685, ACELY1697) [pic] | | |

|Respond to and compose texts | | |

|Stage 2 - Reading and viewing 1 | | |

|draw on experiences, knowledge of the topic or context to work out the meaning| | |

|of unknown words | | |

|use metalanguage to describe the effects of ideas, text structures and | | |

|language features of literary texts (ACELT1604) [pic] | | |

|identify and explain language features of texts from earlier times and compare| | |

|with the vocabulary, images, layout and content of contemporary texts | | |

|(ACELY1686) [pic] | | |

|Respond to, read and view texts | | |

|read different types of texts by combining contextual, semantic, grammatical | | |

|and phonic knowledge using text processing strategies for example monitoring | | |

|meaning, cross checking and reviewing (ACELY1679, ACELY1691) [pic] | | |

|recognise how aspects of personal perspective influence responses to texts | | |

|Stage 2 - Writing and representing 2 | | |

|understand how a range of language features can shape readers' and viewers' | | |

|understanding of subject matter | | |

|understand how audience and purpose influence the choice of vocabulary | | |

|discuss how texts, including their own, are adjusted to appeal to different | | |

|audiences, how texts develop the subject matter and how they serve a wide | | |

|variety of purposes | | |

|compare and review written and visual texts for different purposes and | | |

|audiences | | |

| |Lesson Two: | |

| |Watch | |

| |After watching the video clip, students work in small groups to list the | |

| |things identified by the people interviewed that have shaped and influenced | |

| |them. Focus on descriptive words and phrases that the people used. Discuss as | |

| |whole class the type of language features that are used in the verbal | |

| |descriptions. Categorise the descriptive words used and their modality. | |

| |Lesson Three: | |

| |Establish the meaning of an ‘anthem’. Ask “What defines a good anthem?” | |

| |Students listen to several anthems and use descriptive language to state how | |

| |the anthems make them feel. | |

| |Lesson Four: | |

| |Gives students the printed lyrics to ‘Advance Australia Fair’. | |

| |Students listen to a recording of ‘Advance Australia Fair’ while reading the | |

| |printed lyrics. | |

| |In small groups, students analyse the Australian anthem identifying the | |

| |descriptive language used. | |

| |How does this song describe Australia? | |

| |Draw a picture of Australia from this song, which ideas created this image for| |

| |you? Add descriptive words and phrases to your visual representation. | |

| |(Assessment 1) | |

| |Are there any ideas that don’t give an accurate image of Australia today? | |

| |Is it a good anthem? Why? Why not? | |

| |Compare groups’ thoughts. | |

| |Lesson Five: | |

| |Brainstorm and list when anthems are played to represent a nation. | |

| |Discuss the lyrics of ‘Advance Australia Fair’ and ‘The Star Spangled Banner’.| |

| |Compare ‘Advance Australia Fair’ with ‘The Star Spangled Banner’. Students | |

| |categorise words used to describe: | |

| |- the people | |

| |- their wishes for the future | |

| |- their feelings | |

| |- the country. | |

| |Compare the two anthems in a Venn diagram. (Assessment 2) | |

| |Lesson Six: | |

| |In small groups, students write lyrics for a new Australian anthem. | |

| |Create a KeyNote/PowerPoint for their lyrics inserting pictures that are | |

| |relevant to their lyrics. | |

| |Groups share their PowerPoints with whole class on air server. | |

| |Students evaluate their peers and discuss the descriptive language and the | |

| |imagery represented in each PowerPoint. (Assessment 3) | |

| |Lesson Seven: | |

| |Revise Lesson 1 and discuss what descriptive words they used to describe | |

| |themselves. | |

| |Using iPads/Laptops children research and complete an author profile on Anh | |

| |Do. | |

| |Send to teacher via email. (Assessment 4) | |

| |Lesson 8: | |

| |Begin to read Weirdo 1 - students take notes and record the descriptive | |

| |phrases used to create the humour. | |

| |Lesson 9: | |

| |Students create a Venn diagram comparing their own descriptive language | |

| |against that of Anh Do. | |

| |Lesson 10: (Summary Lesson) | |

| |. | |

| |Watch clip over a series of sessions. | |

| |Discuss how cultural identity has been formed through religion, food, music | |

| |and art for the people interviewed in the clip. | |

| |Teacher models the structure of a description using their own cultural | |

| |identity through religion, food, music and art. | |

| |Students write their own description of the influences on their cultural | |

| |identity using modelled example from the teacher. | |

| |Students type, print and stick on a face profile of themselves. (Assessment 5)| |


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