|Level |What Readers Process |What They Read & Learn |Skills & Strategies |Reading Characteristics |
|L |Easy chapter books |Chapters have multiple episodes related to a single|Process complex sentences w/embedded clauses & |Silently in independent reading |
| | |plot |figurative language | |
| |Some series books w/sophisticated plots & few | | |In oral reading, demonstrate all aspects of|
| |illustrations |Some new content through reading |Solve a large number of words – plurals, |smooth, fluent processing |
| | | |contractions, possessives, multi-syllable, | |
| |Shorter informational & fiction books |Required to bring more prior knowledge to the |content-specific & some technical words | |
| |Adjust their reading to process a range of genres |process | | |
| | | | | |
| | |Content usually accessible through text & | | |
| | |illustrations | | |
| | |Beginning to recognize themes across texts | | |
| | | | | |
| | |Multiple perspectives of characters | | |
|M |Know the characteristics of a range of genres |Fictional narratives are straightforward |Process sentences that are complex, contain |Silently in independent reading |
| | |w/elaborate plots & multiple characters that |propositional phrases, introductory clauses, lists | |
| |Many fiction texts are chapter books |develop & show some change over time |of nouns, verbs or adjectives |In oral reading, demonstrate all aspects of|
| | | | |smooth, fluent processing |
| |Becoming interested in special forms (i.e. series | |Word solving is smooth & automatic in silent & oral| |
| |books, mysteries) |Read shorter nonfiction texts, mostly on single |reading | |
| | |topics | | |
| | | |Read & understand descriptive words, some complex | |
| | |Able to identify & use underlying structures |content-specific words & some technical words | |
| | |(compare/contrast, description, temporal sequence, | | |
| | |problem/solution, cause/effect) | | |
|N |Full range of genres, short fiction stories, |Fictional narratives are straightforward |Process sentences that are complex, contain |Read silently at a good rate |
| |chapter books & shorter informational texts |w/elaborate plots & multiple characters that |propositional phrases, introductory clauses, lists | |
| | |develop & show some change over time |of nouns, verbs or adjectives |Automatically use a wide range of |
| |Also read special forms (i.e. mysteries, series | | |word-solving strategies while focusing on |
| |books) |Nonfiction texts on several related topics |Word solving is smooth & automatic in silent & oral|meaning |
| | | |reading | |
| | |Able to identify & use underlying structures | |In oral reading, continue to read |
| | |(compare/contrast, description, temporal sequence, |Read & understand descriptive words, some complex |w/phrasing, fluency & appropriate word |
| | |problem/solution, cause/effect) |content-specific words & some technical words |stress to reflect meaning |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Recognizes punctuation |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Will slow down to problem solve or search |
| | | | |for information & resume normal reading |
| | | | |pace |
|Level |What Readers Process |What They Read & Learn |Skills & Strategies |Reading Characteristics |
|O |Full range of genres, short fiction stories, |Fictional narratives are straightforward |Process sentences that are complex, contain |Read silently w/little overt |
| |chapter books & informational texts |w/elaborate plots & multiple characters that |propositional phrases, introductory clauses, lists |problem-solving |
| | |develop & show some change over time |of nouns, verbs or adjectives | |
| |Also read mysteries, series books, sequels, short | | |In oral reading, demonstrate all aspects of|
| |stories |Nonfiction texts on several related topics |Solve new vocabulary words – some defined in text &|smooth, fluent processing |
| | | |others unexplained | |
| | |Able to identify & use underlying structures | | |
| | |(compare/contrast, description, temporal sequence, |Word solving is smooth & automatic in silent & oral| |
| | |problem/solution, cause/effect) |reading | |
| | | | | |
| | | |Read & understand descriptive words, some complex | |
| | | |content-specific words & some technical words | |
|P |Full range of genres, including biographies on less|Fictional narratives are straightforward |Process sentences that are complex, contain |Read silently w/little overt |
| |well-known subjects & hybrid genres |w/elaborate plots & multiple characters that |propositional phrases, introductory clauses, lists |problem-solving |
| | |develop & show some change over time |of nouns, verbs or adjectives | |
| |Read both chapter books, shorter informational | | |In oral reading, demonstrate all aspects of|
| |texts, mysteries, series books, sequels, short |Able to understand abstract & mature themes as well|Solve new vocabulary words – some defined in text &|smooth, fluent processing |
| |stories |as diverse perspectives & issues related to race, |others unexplained | |
| | |language & culture | |Little overt problem solving |
| | | |Word solving is smooth & automatic in silent & oral| |
| | |Nonfiction texts provide information in categories |reading | |
| | |on several related topics, many well beyond | | |
| | |readers’ typical experience |Read & understand descriptive words, some complex | |
| | | |content-specific words & some technical words | |
| | |Can identify & use underlying structures | | |
| | |(compare/contrast, description, temporal sequence, | | |
| | |problem/solution, cause/effect) | | |
|Level |What Readers Process |What They Read & Learn |Skills & Strategies |Reading Characteristics |
|Q |Full range of genres, including biographies on less|Fictional narratives are straightforward |Process sentences that are complex, contain |Most reading is silent & fluency & phrasing|
| |well-known subjects & hybrid genres |w/elaborate plots & multiple characters that |propositional phrases, introductory clauses, lists |in oral reading are well established |
| | |develop & show some change over time |of nouns, verbs or adjectives | |
| |Read both chapter books, shorter informational | | |Challenged by many longer descriptive words|
| |texts, mysteries, series books, sequels, short |Able to understand abstract & mature themes as well|Solve new vocabulary words – some defined in text &|& by content-specific & technical words – |
| |stories |as diverse perspectives & issues related to race, |others unexplained |require using embedded definitions, |
| | |language & culture | |background knowledge & tools (i.e. |
| | | |Word solving is smooth & automatic in silent & oral|glossaries) |
| | |Nonfiction texts provide information in categories |reading | |
| | |on several related topics, many well beyond | |Can take apart multi-syllable words & use a|
| | |readers’ typical experience |Read & understand descriptive words, some complex |full range of word-solving skills |
| | | |content-specific words & some technical words | |
| | |Can identify & use underlying structures | |Read & understand texts in a variety of |
| | |(compare/contrast, description, temporal sequence, | |layouts as well as fonts & print |
| | |problem/solution, cause/effect) | |characteristics |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Consistently search for information in |
| | | | |illustrations & increasingly complex |
| | | | |graphics |
|R & S |Full range of genres, including biographies on less|Fictional narratives are straightforward |Process sentences (some w/more than 15 words) that |Most reading is silent & fluency & phrasing|
| |well-known subjects & hybrid genres |w/elaborate plots & multiple characters that |are complex, contain propositional phrases, |in oral reading are well established |
| | |develop & show some change over time |introductory clauses, lists of nouns, verbs or | |
| |Read both chapter books, shorter informational | |adjectives |Challenged by many longer descriptive words|
| |texts, mysteries, series books, sequels, short |Understand perspectives different from their own as| |& by content-specific & technical words – |
| |stories, diaries & logs |well as settings & people far distant in time & |Solve new vocabulary words – some defined in text &|require using embedded definitions, |
| | |space |others unexplained |background knowledge & tools (i.e. |
| | | | |glossaries) |
| | | |Word solving is smooth & automatic in silent & oral| |
| | | |reading |Can take apart multi-syllable words & use a|
| | | | |full range of word-solving skills |
| | | |Read & understand descriptive words, some complex | |
| | | |content-specific words & some technical words |Read & understand texts in a variety of |
| | | | |layouts as well as fonts & print |
| | | | |characteristics |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Consistently search for information in |
| | | | |illustrations & increasingly complex |
| | | | |graphics |
|Level |What Readers Process |What They Read & Learn |Skills & Strategies |Reading Characteristics |
|T & U |Process full range of genres |Complex fantasy, myths & legends offer added |Process sentences (some w/more than 15 words) that |Most reading is silent & fluency & phrasing|
| | |challenge & an increased use of symbolism |are complex, contain propositional phrases, |in oral reading are well established |
| |Texts will be longer w/many lines of print on each | |introductory clauses, lists of nouns, verbs or | |
| |page, requiring readers to remember information & |Understand perspectives different from their own as|adjectives |Challenged by many longer descriptive words|
| |connect ideas over a long period of time |well as settings & people far distant in time & | |& by content-specific & technical words – |
| | |space |Solve new vocabulary words – some defined in text &|require using embedded definitions, |
| | | |others unexplained |background knowledge & tools (i.e. |
| | | | |glossaries) |
| | | |Word solving is smooth & automatic in silent & oral| |
| | | |reading |Can take apart multi-syllable words & use a|
| | | | |full range of word-solving skills |
| | | |Read & understand descriptive words, some complex | |
| | | |content-specific words & some technical words |Read & understand texts in a variety of |
| | | | |layouts as well as fonts & print |
| | | | |characteristics |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Consistently search for information in |
| | | | |illustrations & increasingly complex |
| | | | |graphics |
|V |Process full range of genres |Will encounter some abstract special forms of |Process sentences (some w/more than 15 words) that |Most reading is silent & fluency & phrasing|
| | |literature (i.e. satire) |are complex, contain propositional phrases, |in oral reading are well established |
| |Texts will be longer w/many lines of print on each | |introductory clauses, lists of nouns, verbs or | |
| |page, requiring readers to remember information & |Understand perspectives different from their own as|adjectives |Can be very expressive when they present |
| |connect ideas over a long period of time |well as settings & people far distant in time & | |poetry or readers theater |
| | |space |Solve new vocabulary words – some defined in text &| |
| | | |others unexplained |Challenged by many longer descriptive words|
| | | | |& by content-specific & technical words – |
| | | |Word solving is smooth & automatic in silent & oral|require using embedded definitions, |
| | | |reading |background knowledge & tools (i.e. |
| | | | |glossaries) |
| | | |Read & understand descriptive words, some complex | |
| | | |content-specific words & some technical words |Can take apart multi-syllable words & use a|
| | | | |full range of word-solving skills |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Read & understand texts in a variety of |
| | | | |layouts as well as fonts & print |
| | | | |characteristics |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Consistently search for information in |
| | | | |illustrations & increasingly complex |
| | | | |graphics |
|Level |What Readers Process |What They Read & Learn |Skills & Strategies |Reading Characteristics |
|W |Process full range of genres |Complex fantasy, myths & legends offer added |Process sentences (some w/more than 15 words) that |Most reading is silent & fluency & phrasing|
| | |challenge & require readers to identify classical |are complex, contain propositional phrases, |in oral reading is well established |
| |Texts will be longer w/many lines of print on each |motifs such as “the quest” |introductory clauses, lists of nouns, verbs or | |
| |page, requiring readers to remember information & | |adjectives |Can be very expressive when they present |
| |connect ideas over a long period of time |Biographies of individuals who may not be | |poetry or readers theater |
| | |previously known & may not be admirable |Solve new vocabulary words – some defined in text &| |
| | | |others unexplained |Challenged by many longer descriptive words|
| | |Will encounter mature themes that expand their | |& by content-specific & technical words – |
| | |knowledge of social issues |Word solving is smooth & automatic in silent & oral|require using embedded definitions, |
| | | |reading |background knowledge & tools (i.e. |
| | |Encounter abstract special forms of literature | |glossaries) |
| | |(i.e. satire, irony) |Read & understand descriptive words, some complex | |
| | | |content-specific words & some technical words |Can take apart multi-syllable words & use a|
| | |Themes are multidimensional & may be understood on | |full range of word-solving skills |
| | |several levels | | |
| | | | |Read & understand texts in a variety of |
| | | | |layouts as well as fonts & print |
| | | | |characteristics |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Consistently search for information in |
| | | | |illustrations & increasingly complex |
| | | | |graphics |
|X, Y, Z |Able to process & understand a wide range of texts |Complex fantasy, myths & legends offer added |Process sentences (some w/more than 15 words) that |Most reading is silent & fluency & phrasing|
| |& all genres |challenge & require readers to identify classical |are complex, contain propositional phrases, |in oral reading is well established |
| | |motifs such as “the quest” & to identify moral |introductory clauses, lists of nouns, verbs or | |
| |Many texts are long & have complex sentences & |issues |adjectives |Search for & use information in an |
| |paragraphs as well as many multi-syllable words | | |integrated way, using complex graphics & |
| | |Biographies of individuals who may not be |Solve new vocabulary words – some defined in text &|texts that present content requiring |
| |Vary greatly because readers are expected to |previously known & may not be admirable |others unexplained |background knowledge |
| |understand & respond to mature themes (i.e. | | | |
| |sexuality, abuse, poverty & war) |Will encounter mature themes that expand their |Word solving is smooth & automatic in silent & oral|Have developed knowledge of content, |
| | |knowledge of social issues |reading |including scientific information & |
| | | | |historical events |
| | |Encounter abstract special forms of literature |Read & understand descriptive words, some complex | |
| | |(i.e. satire, irony) |content-specific words & some technical words |Apply prior understanding in a critical way|
| | | | |when reading fiction & nonfiction texts |
| | |Themes are multidimensional & may be understood on | | |
| | |several levels & are developed in complex ways | | |
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