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5219700-75247500Learning Objective We are learning how to write sentences about snow leopards that include modal verbs to show degrees of possibility.Challenge 1Complete the following sentences with an appropriate modal verb from the following list: will/won’t, would/wouldn’t, should/shouldn’t, could/couldn’t, may, can/cannot, shall/shan’t, ought/ought not, must/mustn’t, might and might not.“The snow leopard __________ be far as I can smell its pungent scent marks.” When hungry, a snow leopard ________ sometimes kill an animal that belongs to a farmer such as a sheep or a goat.All governments __________ put a ban on the sale of products that are made from snow leopard body parts.“We ___________ have to kill this snow leopard if it continues to eat our livestock,” said the angry Mongolian goat herder.Due to their powerful bodies, snow leopards ___________ scale steep slopes with ease.“You ____________ watch the related clip that features Khenrab Phuntsog tracking a snow leopard. It’s fascinating!”When resting, a snow leopard __________ wrap its long tail around its body to protect it from the cold.The film crew _____________ locate the snow leopard because its footprints were covered up by the recent snowfall.4863465173355004601525145297Word Wall0Word Wall4138225-6229900left42817Challenge 2Create your own sentences about the snow leopard featured in the film clip using some of the modal verbs, modal adverbs and descriptive words from the Word Wall.Challenge 3While leading a group of skiers through deep snow in a mountainous region of northern India, you come across a snow leopard. Starting with the following sentence, follow the slow write instructions below and write about this incredible encounter. The usually secretive cat appeared to be stalking us.Sentence 2: This sentence must include a modal verb.Sentence 3: This sentence must include a list of expanded noun phrases.Sentence 4: This sentence must include either a relative clause or a parenthesis and two descriptive words from the Word Wall.Sentence 5: This sentence must be a question that starts with a modal verb.00Challenge 2Create your own sentences about the snow leopard featured in the film clip using some of the modal verbs, modal adverbs and descriptive words from the Word Wall.Challenge 3While leading a group of skiers through deep snow in a mountainous region of northern India, you come across a snow leopard. Starting with the following sentence, follow the slow write instructions below and write about this incredible encounter. The usually secretive cat appeared to be stalking us.Sentence 2: This sentence must include a modal verb.Sentence 3: This sentence must include a list of expanded noun phrases.Sentence 4: This sentence must include either a relative clause or a parenthesis and two descriptive words from the Word Wall.Sentence 5: This sentence must be a question that starts with a modal verb.49834801417955never00never42773601417955certainly00certainly54914802825115pungent00pungent43548302812095scent00scent49571682825051urine00urineright2381314territory00territory43305132391661secretive00secretive43853103303521roamed00roamedright3288228sprayed00sprayedright1920432Himalayas00Himalayas42691641912226Snow leopard00Snow leopard55302901413510perhaps00perhapsright929319definitely00definitely4883971951487will00will5021580383225could00couldright380653might00might4301138391667won’t00won’t4272499946950must00must ................

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