
Prof. Patricia G. KAMERI-MBOTE

PO Box 2394-00202, Nairobi, Kenya

Email: pkameri-mbote@


Telephone: 254-20-3752689 (Office)


Nationality: Kenyan

Marital Status: Married with Children

Personal Mission Statement

Patricia Kameri-Mbote’s mission is to live, learn and leave an enduring legacy in life, research and other intellectually creative enterprises

Statements She Aspires to Live By

‘Paths are made by walking’

‘You are not here merely to make a living. You are here to enrich the world’

-Woodrow Wilson

Career Objectives

• To excel as a career academic engaged in cutting edge teaching and research

• To build, nurture and contribute to the development of legal academic centres of excellence nationally, regionally and internationally

• To build, nurture and mentor the next generation of legal academics in Kenya, Africa and the world

• To contribute to innovative local, national, regional and global law and policy initiatives

• To participate in national, regional and international knowledge-generating and information disseminating networks

• Biographical Summary

Patricia is a Professor of Law at the School of Law, University of Nairobi. She is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya and was conferred the rank of Senior Counsel in 2012. She is the Dean of the School of Law, University of Nairobi. She has served as Chair of the Department of Private Law and Acting Dean at the School of Law, University of Nairobi. She has also served as the Director of Research and Policy Outreach and Acting Executive Director at the African Centre for Technology Studies, Nairobi. She was a member of the Committee of Eminent Persons appointed by His Excellency the President of Kenya in February 2006 to advise the government on the way forward for the stalled constitution review process. She has also been identified as a renowned thinker in the global environment and sustainable development field by the World Conservation Union (IUCN); as a renowned and innovative thinker and researcher by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) on land rights and served as a Policy scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

Prof. Kameri-Mbote earned her doctorate from Stanford University in 1999 specializing in property rights and environmental law. She had earlier studied law in Nairobi, Warwick and Zimbabwe. She currently teaches Women, Access to Resources and the Law at the Southern and Eastern Africa Research Centre on Women’s Law (SEARCWL) and has most recently taught Natural Resources Law, Research Methodology and Property Theory at the School of Law; Biotechnology Law at the Centre for Biotechnology and Bioinformatics at the College of Physical and Biological Sciences of the University of Nairobi; and Environment Conflict Management at the Institute for Diplomacy and International Studies, University of Nairobi.

She has also taught international environmental law at the University of Kansas; Trade, Environment & Law at the University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa; and serves as external examiner to the Faculties of Law at the Universities of London, Makerere and Dar es Salaam.

Kameri-Mbote is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya and was conferred the rank of Senior Counsel in 2012. She in the current Dean of the School of Law, University of Nairobi and served as the Chair of the Department of Private Law at the School from 2002 to 2008. She was a member of the Committee of Eminent Persons appointed by His Excellency the President of Kenya in February 2006 to advise the government on the way forward for the stalled constitution review process and also served as a Policy scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. She also serves on various boards such as: the Global Council of the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP); the International Development Law Organization (IDLO); the Water Services Regulatory Board (WASREB); Lewa Wildlife Conservancy; Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE-Uganda); and the Kenya Land Conservation Trust. She is the Chair of the Advisory Board of Strathmore Law School (Strathmore University, Nairobi) whose preparation, planning, initiation and launch she executed between 2009 and March 2012. She has served on the following boards: the Kenya Copyright Board; the Pell Centre for International Relations, Salve Regina University, Rhode Island; the Arts & Humanities Research Board (AHRB) Research Centre for Law, Gender & Sexuality, University of Kent; and the Seeds and Plant Varieties Tribunal.

Kameri-Mbote is a member of the Kenya National Academy of Sciences; the International Commission on Environmental Law (ICEL); and the UNEP Expert Group on Environment & Security. She also serves on the editorial boards of the following journals:, Journal of Law, Environment and Development (LEAD); the Global Environmental Politics (GEP); Journal of Human Rights and the Environment; and the East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. She has also taught international environmental law at the University of Kansas; Trade, Environment and Law at the University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa; and teaches Women, Access to Resources and the Law at the University of Zimbabwe. She serves as an external examiner to the Faculties of Law at the following Universities: London; Makerere; Witwatersrand; Dar es Salaam; Australian National University and Westminster.

She has consulted for many international and national agencies including the UK Department for International Development, the World Bank, the United States Agency for International Development, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) and the Government of Kenya. She has published widely in the areas of international law, environmental law, women’s rights and property rights and participated in international, regional, national and local conferences. Patricia also chaired the Kenya Nile Discourse Forum from 2003 to 2005.

Her research interests include environment and natural resources law and policy, human rights, women’s rights, land rights, intellectual property rights, biotechnology policy and law and economic law.

Current Position

Professor of Law, University of Nairobi


Dean, Chair, School of Law, University of Nairobi (2012-2014)

Association of Environmental Law Lecturers in African Universities (ASSSELAU)

Director, Africa Programme, International Environmental Law Research Centre

Editor, Journal of Law, Environment and Development (LEAD)

Peer reviewed journal edited by the School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London, United Kingdom and the International Environmental Law Research Centre and published by Butterworth’s, India

Member, Editorial Board, Global Environmental Politics (GEP)

Peer reviewed Journal published by the MIT Press, Cambridge Massachusetts, USA.

Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Human Rights and the Environment,

Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, United Kingdom

Member, International Advisory Board, East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights

Makerere University Human rights and Peace Centre

Member, International Advisory Board,

University of Malawi Journal of Law and Social Justice

Teaching and Research Interests

International & comparative environmental law and policy; Law of Property in Land; Intellectual property rights; Law and development; Environmental Sources of Conflict; Law, Science and Technology; Research Methodology; and Gender and Law

Courses Teaching & Taught in Last Ten Years

1. Master of Laws Programme

• Research Methodology

• Natural Resources Law

• Biotechnology & the Law

• International Environmental Law

• Law & development

• Environment Conflict Management

• Feminist Jurisprudence

• Medical Law

2. Bachelor of Laws Programme

• Property Theory

• Law, Science & Technology

3. Masters Degree in Women’s Law at the Southern & Eastern African Research Centre on Women’s Law, University of Zimbabwe

• Women & Access to Resources

(Taught once every two years and organizing it as the Course Leader)

4. Nairobi International Law Institute, an American Bar Association accredited Summer Programme carried out in collaboration with Widener University, USA bringing students from across the US to study Law at the School of Law, University of Nairobi

• International Intellectual Property Law (2006)

• International Intellectual Property Law (2005)

• International Trade and Environmental Law (2005)

• Comparative Family Law (2004)


Doctor of the Science of Law (J.S.D.) (1999)

Stanford University, Stanford Law School

Juridical Sciences Master (J.S.M.) (1996)

Stanford University, Stanford Law School

Diploma in Women's Law (DWL) (1995)

University of Zimbabwe

Master of Laws (LLM) in Law in Development (1989)

University of Warwick

Diploma in Legal Education (1988)

Kenya School of Law

Bachelor of Laws (LLB) (1987)

University of Nairobi


Distinguished Visiting Research Scientist

Awarded fellowship by the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science under the Programme for Advanced Research Institutions, to visit the Institute of Natural Medicine at the University of Toyama and participate in an international discussion forum on Innovative Ideas in Natural Medicine Research; give a lecture at Waseda University Tokyo and meet Japanese scholars, February 2010

Response to Keynote speaker at IDRC 40th Anniversary Symposium

Made a Presentation on ‘Future of Development in Africa’ in response to remarks by Prof. Beno Ndulu, Governor of the Central Bank of Tanzania on the same subject on 16th September 2010 at the Hotel Intercontinental, Nairobi

Keynote speaker

Delivered a keynote speech on Gender, Rights to Land/Environmental Resources & Development: An East African Perspective at the Norwegian Research Council Meeting at the end of a ten year Research Period dubbed Development Paths in the South, Oslo, 10-11 March, 2008

Keynote speaker, Land Conference

Delivered a keynote speech on Dialectics of Humanizing Land Rights at the International Land Commission Assembly titled Land, Dignity and Development: Putting a Pro-Poor Land Agenda into Practice, Entebbe Uganda 24-27 April 2007

Keynote speaker, South Africa Land Conference

Delivered a keynote address at the Conference on Land, Memory, Reconstruction and Justice: Perspectives on Land Restitution in South Africa held in September 2006

Committee of Eminent Persons

15 person committee appointed to advise the government on the way forward in the stalled Constitution Review Process (February-May, 2006)

IUCN (The World Conservation Union) Renowned Thinkers

Identified as one of 15 members globally to a unique gathering of persons recognized as leaders in the global environment and sustainable development field to discuss new directions in the global environmental movement (January 2006)

Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars

Awarded Open Society Institute Africa Policy Scholar Fellowship (2005-2006)

Rockefeller Foundation

Fellowship to participate in a team residency to complete manuscript on Biotechnology Law and Policy in Africa at the Foundation’s Study and Conference Center in Bellagio, Italy (July, 2005)

Fulbright Scholar

Doctoral Study Fellowship (1995-1999)

Stanford Program in International Legal Studies

Visiting Fellowship (1995-1996)

Norwegian Agency for International Development

Study Fellowship (1994-1995)

Overseas Development Authority Shared Scholarship (ODASS)

Study Fellowship (1988-1989)


Kikuyu: Native speaker English: Excellent

Kiswahili: Excellent French: Fair

Work experience

Strathmore University (2009-April 2012 – On unpaid leave from the University of Nairobi)

Professor of Law, to plan, initiate, launch and implement Strathmore Law School

• Preparation of Law Curriculum in line with the University Vision, Mission & Teaching Philosophy, isolating goals, learning outcomes, pedagogical approaches and teaching resources for the Strathmore Law School

• Subjecting the Curriculum to broad stakeholder interrogation nationally, regionally and internationally

• Securing accreditation by the Commission for Higher Education and the Council for Legal Education

• Mentoring upcoming legal scholars to implement the Strathmore Law School

• Developing a Business Plan for the Strathmore Law School

• Initiating links with Universities in Africa, America and Europe

• Facilitating conclusion and signing of memoranda of understanding with University of Nairobi, University of Zimbabwe and University of Oslo

• Catalysing legal research through grant writing - Raised about USD 500,000 for Research and Training

• Mounting law training courses under the Strathmore Executive Legal Education Programme as the fore runner to the Strathmore Law School

University of Nairobi (2005-2011)

Associate Professor of Law, School of Law – Teaching, supervision and research

University of Nairobi (November 2002-May 2008)

Chair, Department of Private Law, School of Law – Overseeing departmental matters; Member of Senate, College Academic Board and Faculty/School Management Committee.

University of Nairobi (2002- 2005)

Senior Lecturer, Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law – Teaching, supervision and research

University of Nairobi (Nov. 2003- April 2004)

Acting Dean, Faculty of Law – Overseeing Faculty of Law matters during a delicate transition when Prof. J.B. Ojwang left to join the High Court of Kenya as a Judge

University of Nairobi (2002- 2008)

Editor-in-Chief, East Africa Law Journal, a Faculty/School of Law peer reviewed journal

Co-Director, Nairobi International Law Institute (2004-2006)

Administering, organising and managing on behalf of the Dean of the faculty of Law a Joint Summer Law Programme of the Faculty of Law University of Nairobi and Widener University Law School, Delaware United States of America (includes Albany University, New York from this year) teaching law courses for credit to law students from Universities across the United States of America

IGAD Somali Reconciliation Conference (2002-2003)

Facilitating the work of Committee Three on Land and Property Rights & Gender Mainstreaming of Reconciliation Conference Documents

University of Nairobi (1992-2002)

Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Department of Private Law

University of Nairobi (1991-1992)

Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Department of Private Law

University of Nairobi (1990-1991)

Part-Time Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Department of Private Law

African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), Nairobi (2002)

Acting Executive Director

African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), Nairobi (2000 - 2003)

Director of Research & Policy Outreach, Part-Time

• Providing intellectual leadership to the development of a new strategy and programme of work for ACTS

• Leading ACTS’ researchers in formulating new research projects and raising funds for the projects

• Quality assurance for ACTS’ publications and research outputs

• Overseeing the implementation of ACTS’ projects

• Carrying out research on agricultural biotechnology in sub-Saharan Africa

• Mounting and conducting training courses on intellectual property rights and other aspects of biopolicy for policymakers in African countries

• Liaising with donors and reporting to them on research aspects of the projects

• Establishing and maintaining international links

• Organising seminars and workshops

• Representing ACTS at national, regional and international forums

University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town (July 2002)

Visiting Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Trade & Environment

United States International University-Africa (USIU-Africa), Nairobi (Winter 2000)

Guest Professor, International Relations, International Organizations

African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), Nairobi (1999 - 2000)

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Part-time

• Capacity-building in biotechnology and public policy

• Policy research on environment, biotechnology, intellectual property rights

African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), Nairobi (1990 -1999)

Research Associate

Policy research on environmental law, climate change, intellectual property rights, gender and structural adjustment programmes (SAPs)

University of Kansas (Fall 1998)

Visiting Professor, School of Law

Taught international environmental law

Legal Services to the Government of Kenya

• Land Use, Environment and Natural Resources Taskforce to align existing laws with the Constitution of Kenya 2010

• Legal Thematic Working Group, Agricultural Sector Coordination Unit (ASCU), Chair (2009-)

• Review of the Wildlife Policy & Law, Lead Technical Person (2006-2009)

• National Land Policy Formulation Process, resource Person & Member of Drafting Team (2005-2009)

• Task Force formulating National Biotechnology Policy & Biosafety Law (2002-2004)

• Task Force compiling State of the Environment Report (2003)

• Constitution Review Commission, Consultant of Gender Issues (2001)

• Task Force Reviewing Laws Relating to Women, Researcher (1994-1996)

• Task Force Reviewing Criminal Laws (1994)

Women and Law in East Africa Research Project (1992-1996).

Regional and national coordinator

• Initiated, developed and co-ordinated the Women and Law in East Africa Research Project (comprising of researchers from Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania)

• Raised funds for research

• Planned, organized and participated in social science research methodology workshops for researchers in the Project

• Planned, organized and participated in national and regional workshops to discuss research findings at various stages during my tenure

• Co-ordinated and took part in field research on laws and practices affecting women in East Africa

Kenya School of Law (1989 to 1995)

Taught courses on the Law of Evidence and Property at graduate level and examined students for Admission to the Roll of Advocates

Professional Qualification

Advocate of the High Court of Kenya, since 1988


Council of Legal Education

Member, 2012 -

Government of Kenya & Regional

• Judiciary Transformation Programme Implementation Steering Committee

Member, 2011 -

• Technical Advisory Team, Ministry of Lands, Land Reform Programme,

Member, 2010 -2011

• East African Community Science, Technology and Innovation Panel

Member, 2011 –

• African Union Task Force on Land Policy

Member, 2010-

• Seeds and Plant Varieties Tribunal

Chair, 2006-2011

Strathmore University

• Ethics Conference Organising Committee

Member, 2009-2010

Strathmore Innovation & Technology Transfer Program

Member, Management Committee, 2009-2011

Commission for Higher Education

• Curriculum Review and Evaluation


University of Nairobi

• UoN Intellectual Property Rights Policy Taskforce

Member, 2005-2006

• UoN Restructuring Taskforce

Member, 2005

• Academic Programmes Committee

Member, 2000-2006

• Research & Publications Committee

Chairperson, 2000-2008

• Committee to Restructure the Legal Office

Member, 2003-2004

• Sub-Committee of the Faculty of Law investigating Sexual Harassment Claims

Member, 2002

1. Other

• Lewa Wildlife Conservancy

Board Member, 2012-

• Council of the Water and Sanitation Programme

Member, 2012-

• Kenya Land Conservation Trust, a Trust established to acquire and hold land for wildlife conservation through leases, easements and other innovative property mechanisms

Trustee, 2006-

Chair, 2010-

• Pell Centre for International Relations, Salve Regina University, Rhode Island

Board Member, 2006-2010

• Scientific Steering Committee, Global Environmental Change & Human Security Project, International Human Dimensions Programme

Member, 2005-

• Arts & Humanities Research Board (AHRB) Research Centre for Law, Gender & Sexuality, University of Kent

Board Member, 2004-

• Kenya National Academy of Sciences

Member, 2004-

• International Commission on Environmental Law (ICEL)

Member, 2005-

• UNEP Expert Group on Environment & Security (2004-)

Member, 2004-

• Southern & Eastern Africa Research Centre on Women’s Law

Chair, 2010-

Board Member, 2001-

• Fulbright Scholars Interview Selection Panel

2000, 2002, 2004

• Kenya Nile Discourse Forum

Chair, Civil Society Group working to bring people’s issues to the table on the development of the Nile, 2003-2005

• Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

Working Group on Conflict & Cooperation over Water for the Environmental Change & Security Project on navigating Peace: Forging New water Partnerships

Member, 2003-2008

• New York University Law School, Global Conflicts in Genetically Modified Organisms Regulation Funded by the Rockefeller Foundation

Member, Advisory Committee, 2003-2005

• Kenya Copyright Board

Board Member, 2003-2006

• Pan African Network on Land & Resource Rights

Member & Steering Committee Member, 2001-2005

• Advocates Coalition for Development & Environment (ACODE-Uganda)

Board Member, 2002-

• IUCN International Advisory Group for the World Summit for Sustainable Development

Member, 2001-2002

• Stanford Law School, Stanford Committee on Law and Human Rights (1996-1998)

Executive Director and Chair of the Conference: "Access to justice and Environmental Protection: International and Domestic Perspectives" Stanford Law School, 1996-1998

• Professional Memberships

Law Society of Kenya; International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) Kenya Chapter; African Association of Women on Research and Development (AAWORD); IUCN Commission on Environmental Law

• Field Research Experience

South Africa (2000, 2001); Zimbabwe (1991, 1994- 1995, 2000); Eastern Africa (1990-1996; 1999- ); Lesotho (2004-2005); Ghana (2005-2007); Rwanda (2009-2010)

• External Examination

Makerere University, Faculty of Law, 2001-2005; 2006-; University of Dar es Salaam, Faculty of Law, 2001-2005; 2008-2009; University of London, 2000-2007


Articles & Papers

1. ‘Kenyan Courts and Politics of the Rule of Law in the Post-Authoritarian State’, East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights, Journal of the Human Rights and Peace Centre (HURIPEC), Faculty of Law, Makerere University, (2012) (With Migai Akech)

2. ‘Challenges to Sustainability in Africa’, Development, Volume 54, Number 2 (February 2011) pp.243-246

3. ‘Land Tenure, Land Use and Sustainability in Kenya: Towards Innovative Use of Property Rights in Conservation of Biodiversity’, Waseda Proceedings of Comparative Law, Volume 13 (2010) pp. 158-183

4. ‘Courts as Champions of Sustainable Development: Lessons from East Africa’, 10/1 Sustainable Development Law & Policy 30-8, 83-4 (2009) (With Collins Odote) pp. 31-38

5. ‘What would it take to Realise the Promises? Protecting Women’s Rights in the Kenya National Land Policy of 2009’,  Standpoint, Land, Labour and Gendered Livelihoods, Feminist Africa Issue 12 (2009). pp. 87-94

6. ‘Trouble in Eden: How and Why Unresolved Land Issues Landed “Peaceful Kenya” in Trouble in 2008’, Forum for Development Studies, Oslo, Norway, Volume 1, 2008 (January, 2009) (With Kithure Kindiki) pp. 167-193

7. ‘Gender, Rights and Development: An East African Perspective’, Forum for Development Studies, Oslo, Norway, Volume 1, 2008 (August 2008) pp. 91-100

8. ‘Righting Wrongs: Confronting Land Dispossession in Post-colonial Contexts’, East African Law Review, University of Dar es Salaam (2009). Pp. 103-124

9. ‘Separating the Baby from the Bath Water: Women’s Rights and the Politics of Constitution-Making in Kenya’, East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights, Journal of the Human Rights and Peace Centre (HURIPEC), Faculty of Law, Makerere University, Volume 14 Issue 1(2008) (With Nkatha Kabira) pp. 1-43

10. ‘Achieving the Millenium Development Goals in the Drylands: Gender Considerations’ Annals of Arid Zones, Vol 46 (2007)

11. ‘Use of the Public Trust Doctrine in Environmental Law’, Law, Environment and Development Journal Vol. 3, Number 2 (2007)

12. ‘Women, Land Rights and the Environment: The Kenyan experience’, Development, Volume 49, Number 3 (September 2006) pp. 43-48

13. ‘Towards Greater Access to Justice in Environmental Disputes in Kenya: Opportunities for Intervention’, Law Society Digest (July, 2005)

14. ‘Sustainable Management of Wildlife Resources in East Africa: A Critical Analysis of the Legal, Policy and Institutional Frameworks’, East African Law Review (2004).

15. ‘Towards a Liability and Redress System under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety: A Review of the Kenya National Legal System’, East African Law Journal, (2004).

16. ‘The Coverage of Gender Issues in the Draft Bill of the Constitution of Kenya, 2002: Have the Hens Finally Come Home to Roost for Kenyan Women?’, University of Nairobi Law Journal (2004)

17. ‘Community, farmers’ and Breeders’ Rights in Africa: Towards a Legal Framework for sui generis Legislation’ reprinted in The ICFAI Journal of Intellectual Property Rights (Volume II Number 4 November, 2003).

18. ‘Globalisation and the International Governance of Modern Biotechnology in Kenya: Implications for Food Security’, IDS Working Paper 199, Biotechnology Policy Series 20, Brighton, United Kingdom, IDS (September 2003).

19. ‘Plant Genetic Resources in Africa’s Renewal: Policy, Legal & Programmatic Issues under the New Partnership for Africa’s Development’, IPGRI, Nairobi 2003. (With Kent Nnadozie, Dan Kiambi, John Mugabe & Kwesi Attah-Krah).

20. ‘Gender Considerations in Constitution-Making: Engendering Women’s Rights in the Legal Process’, in University of Nairobi Law Journal (2003).

21. ‘Community, farmers’ and Breeders’ Rights in Africa: Towards a Legal Framework for sui generis Legislation’ in University of Nairobi Law Journal (2003).

22. Gender Dimensions of Law, Colonialism and Inheritance in East Africa: Kenyan Women’s Experiences, (VRÜ-Verfassung und Recht in Übersee – Law and Politics in Africa, Asia and Latin America 2002).

23. Innovation and Policy Process: Case of Transgenic Sweet Potato in Kenya, 37/26 Economic & Political Weekly, (6 July 2002) p. 2770 (with H. Odame & D. Wafula)

24. The development of Biosafety regulation in Africa in the context of the Cartagena Protocol: Legal and Administrative issues (11.1 Review of European Community & International Environmental Law 2002) p. 62.

25. Biological Diversity Management in Africa: Legal and Policy Perspectives in the run-up to WSSD (11.1 Review of European Community & International Environmental Law 2002) p. 38. (With Philippe Cullet)

26. ‘Improving Tools and Techniques for Crisis Management: The Ecological Sources of Conflict: Experiences from Eastern Africa’ Romanian Journal of Political Science, Volume 1 No. 2, 2001) (with Jeremy Lind).

27. ‘Agro-biodiversity and International Law - A Conceptual Framework’, Journal of Environmental Law (1999) (with Philippe Cullet).

28. ‘Joint Implementation and Forestry Projects - Conceptual and Operational Fallacies’, 74 International Affairs (1998), p. 393(with Philippe Cullet).

29. ‘The Management of Genetic Resources: Developments in the 1997 Sessions of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture’, Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law & Policy 1997 Yearbook (1998), p. 78. (With Philippe Cullet)

30. ‘Law, Colonialism and Environmental Management in Africa’, 6 Review of European Community & International Environmental Law (1997), p. 23(with Philippe Cullet).

31. ‘Activities Implemented Jointly in the Forestry Sector - Conceptual and Operational Fallacies’, 10 Georgetown International Environmental Law Review (1997), p. 97(with Philippe Cullet).

32. ‘Dolphin Bycatches in Tuna Fisheries: A Smokescreen Hiding the Real Issues?’ 27 Ocean Development & International Law (1996), p. 333(with Philippe Cullet).

33. ‘Women as Victims of Crime’ in University of Nairobi Law Journal (1995).

34. ‘Intellectual Property Rights and Communication’ in Media Development Journal of the World Association for Christian Communication (London) Vol. XL, pp. 20, 21 (1993) (with Bernard Sihanya).

Book Chapters

1. “Climate Change, Law and Indigenous Peoples in Kenya”, in Abate Randall S. & Elizabeth Ann Kronk, eds., Climate Change, Indigenous Peoples and the Search for Legal Remedies, Edward Elgar, London (Forthcoming 2013)

2. “Avenues for Climate Change Litigation in Kenya”, in Brunnée Jutta et al eds., Climate Change Liability: Transnational Law and Practice, Cambridge University Press, London, (2011) (With Collins Odote) pp. 296-318

3. “Pathways to Real Access to Land-Related Resources for Women: Challenging and Overturning Dominant Legal Paradigms”, in Amy Tsanga and Julie Stewart (Eds.), Women and Law: Innovative Regional Approaches to Teaching, Researching and Analysing Women and Law, (The North-South Legal Perspective Series No. 5, Weaver Press, Harare, 2011) (With Anne Hellum & Pauline Nyamweya) pp. 333-369

4. “Gender and International Environmental Governance”, in Toula Honkonen and Ed Couzens (Eds.), University of Eastern Finland- UNEP Course Series 9, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland (2010) pp. 137-161





9. “The Role of the Judiciary in Environmental Governance in Kenya”, in Louis Kotze & Alexander Paterson, The Role of the Judiciary in Environmental Governance: Comparative Perspectives (Wolters Kluwer Law International, 2009) pp. 451-478




13. ‘The Use of Criminal Law in Enforcing Environmental Law’, in C.O. Okidi et al (eds.) Environmental Governance in Kenya: Implementing the Framework Law, East African Education Publishers, Nairobi (2008). pp. 110-125

14. ‘Land Tenure and Sustainable Environmental Management in Kenya’, in C.O. Okidi et al (Eds.) Environmental Governance in Kenya: Implementing the Framework Law, East African Education Publishers, Nairobi (2008).pp. 260-280

15. ‘Aligning Sectoral Wildlife Law to the Framework Environmental Law’, in C.O. Okidi et al (eds.) Environmental Governance in Kenya: Implementing the Framework Law, East African Education Publishers, Nairobi (2008).pp. 281-304

16. ‘Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-Sharing in Kenya’, in C.O. Okidi et al (Eds.) Environmental Governance in Kenya: Implementing the Framework Law, East African Education Publishers, Nairobi (2008).pp. 391-412

17. ‘Kenya’s National Biosafety Framework’, in C.O. Okidi et al (eds.) Environmental Governance in Kenya: Implementing the Framework Law, East African Education Publishers, Nairobi (2008).pp. 413-439

18. ‘Water and food security in the River Nile Basin: The perspectives of governments and NGOS of upstream countries’, in Facing Global Environmental Change: Environmental, Human, Energy, Food, Health and Water Security Concept (Hans Günter Brauch, John Grin, Czeslaw Mesjasz, Navnita Chadha Behera, Béchir Chourou, Ursula Oswald Spring, P. H. Liotta, Patricia Kameri-Mbote (Eds.) (Berlin – Heidelberg – New York – Hong Kong – London – Milan – Paris – Tokyo: Springer-Verlag, Autumn 2008) (With Kithure Kindiki)pp. 651-659

19. ‘Legal Strategies for Combating Global Warming in Africa’, in Daibert, Arlindo (org.), Direito Ambiental Comparado, Belo Horizonte: Fórum, Rio de Janeiro (2008) p. 227-244 ISBN 978-85-7700-136-1

20. ‘Following God's Constitution: The Gender Dimension in the Ogiek Claim to Mau Forest Complex', in Anne Hellum et. al, Paths are Made by Walking: Human Rights Interfacing Gendered Realities and Plural Legalities, Weaver Press (2007) (With Jacinta Onyango Oduor) pp. 164-201

21. ‘Land Tenure, Land Use and Sustainability in Kenya: Towards Innovative Use of Property Rights in Wildlife Management’, in N. Chalifour et al. eds., Land Use for Sustainable Development, Cambridge University Press, New York (2007) 132-160

22. ‘Biotechnology – A Turning Point in Development or an Opportunity That Will Be Missed?’, in International Commission on Trade and Sustainable Development, Trading in Genes: Development Perspectives on Biotechnology, Trade and Sustainability, Earthscan (2005).

23. ‘Biotechnology & Food Security: Some Policy & Institutional Considerations’, in Roland Robertson & Jan Aart Scholte, Encyclopedia of Globalization, Moschovits (2005).

24. ‘Gender, Conflict and Regional Security’ in Makumi Mwagiru ed., African Regional Security in the Age of Globalisation, Heinrich Boell Foundation, Nairobi (2004)

25. ‘The Impact of International Treaties on Land and Resource Rights’, in Munyaradzi Saruchera, ed., Securing Land and Resource Rights: Pan-African Perspectives, Chapter 5, p. 48, Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies, Cape Town, South Africa (2004).

26. ‘Community, farmers’ and Breeders’ Rights in Africa: Towards a Legal Framework for sui generis Legislation’, in Cecil Machena & Gracian Banda eds., Policy and Legal Framework for Community, Farmers’ and Breeders’ Rights in Southern Africa (2002) p. 120.

27. ‘Custody and the Rights of and over Children’ in Kivutha Kibwana & Lawrence Mute eds., Law and the Quest for Gender Equality in Kenya (2000).

28. ‘Law and the Status of Women in Kenya’ in Janet K. Macharia ed., Women, Laws, Customs and Practices in East Africa: Laying the Foundation (1996) (with Victoria Mucai-Kattambo & Janet Kabeberi-Macharia).

29. ‘Joint Implementation of Global Environmental Agreements: Socio-Economic Dimensions’, in Kalipada Chatterjee ed., Activities Implemented Jointly to Mitigate Climate Change - Developing Countries Perspectives (New Delhi: Development Alternatives, 1997), p. 394(with Philippe Cullet).

30. ‘Property Rights and Biodiversity Conservation: Towards the Recognition of Women's Rights’, in Anoja Wickramasinghe ed., Development Issues Across Regions - Women, Land and Forestry (Peradeniya: CORRENSA, 1997), p. 279(with Philippe Cullet).

31. ‘Patents and Development’, in Yash Vyas et. al eds., Law and Development in the Third World (1994).

32. ‘Biotechnology in Kenya’, in Calestous Juma et. al eds., Coming to Life: Biotechnology in African Economic Recovery (1994) (with Boniface Makau).

33. ‘An Overview of the Women’s Movement in Kenya’ in Esther Njiru & Shanyisa Khasiani eds., The Women’s Movement in Kenya (1993) (with Wambui Kiai).

34. ‘Women, Law and the Democratization Process in Kenya’ in Wanjiku Kabira et. al., Democratic Change in Kenya (1992) (with Kivutha Kibwana).

35. ‘Kenya Biodiversity Study: Intellectual Property Rights and Ownership’ in UNEP/GOK, The Costs, Benefits and Unmet Needs of Biological Diversity Conservation in Kenya (1992) (with Dan Bondi Ogolla).


1. Ours by Right: Law, Politics and Realities of Community Property in Kenya, Strathmore University Legal Press (Forthcoming 2013) (With C. Odote; C. Musembi and M. Kamande).

2. Coping with Global Environmental Change, Disasters and Security – Threats, Challenges, Vulnerabilities and Risks (Hans Günter Brauch, Úrsula Oswald Spring, Czeslaw Mesjasz, John Grin, Patricia Kameri-Mbote, Béchir Chourou , Pal Dunay,Jörn Birkmann, (Eds.)), Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace, vol. 5 ( Berlin – Heidelberg – New York: Springer-Verlag, 2010).

3. Promises and Realities: Taking Stock of the 3rd UN International Women’s Conference, African Women & Child Feature Service & Ford Foundation (2009) (With Jacinta Muteshi & Sara Ruto).

4. Facing Global Environmental Change: Environmental, Human, Energy, Food, Health and Water Security Concept (Hans Günter Brauch, John Grin, Czeslaw Mesjasz, Navnita Chadha Behera, Béchir Chourou, Ursula Oswald Spring, P. H. Liotta, Patricia Kameri-Mbote (Eds.), Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace, vol. 4 (Berlin – Heidelberg – New York – Hong Kong – London – Milan – Paris – Tokyo: Springer-Verlag, 2009)

5. Environmental Governance in Kenya: Implementing the Framework Law, East African Education Publishers, Nairobi (2008) (With C.O. Okidi & Migai Akech).

6. Globalisation and Environmental Challenges: Reconceptualising Security in the 21st Century (Hans Günter Brauch, John Grin, Czeslaw Mesjasz, Navnita Chadha Behera, Béchir Chourou, Ursula Oswald Spring, P. H. Liotta, Patricia Kameri-Mbote (Eds.), Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace, vol. 3 (Berlin – Heidelberg – New York – Hong Kong – London – Milan – Paris – Tokyo: Springer-Verlag, 2007)

7. Land Use for Sustainable Development (Cambridge University Press, New York (2007) (With N. Chalifour, L.L Hye & J. Nolon,)

8. Public Involvement in Environmental Decision-making in Asia and East Africa: Law and Practice (The Legal Vice Presidency, The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank, Washington DC, 2003) (With N. Rukuba-Ngaiza, Z. Hamid, R. Nshala & G. W. Tumushabe)

9. Property Rights and Biodiversity Management in Kenya, ACTS Press, Nairobi (2002).

10. Women Inheritance Laws & Practices, WLEA, Nairobi (2002) (With Winnie Mitullah, Okech Owiti, Wambui Kiai, Njeri Karuru & Kamau Mubuu)

11. The Making of a Framework Environmental Law in Kenya, ACTS Press, Nairobi (2001). (With C.O. Okidi).

12. The Law of Succession in Kenya: Gender Perspectives in Property Control and Management (1995).

13. Coming to Life: Biotechnology in African Economic Recovery (1994) (with Calestous Juma & John Mugabe).

Occasional Publications

1. Judicial Reforms and Access to Justice in Kenya: Realizing the Promise of the New Constitution, Pact & Act! (2012)

2. Kenya: Justice Sector and the Rule of Law, A review by AfriMAP and the Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa, Open Society Foundations (2011) (With Migai Akech)

3. Legal Review of the Community Customary Land Rights Recognition (CCLRR) Model, United States Agency for International Development, USAID Project on Securing Rights to Land and Natural Resources for Biodiversity and Livelihoods in the North Coast (2011).

4. Climate Change and Child Rights: Voices from Kenya and implications for adaptation policy and programming, Plan International & IDS Sussex (2010) (With Elvin Nyukuri and Emily Polack)

5. Promoting the Human Rights of Women in Kenya: A Comparative Review, UNIFEM (2010) (With Celestine Nyamu Musembi, Winnie Kamau & Nancy Baraza)

6. ‘Critical Reflections on Land, Law and the Environment’, in Land Grabbing and the Rise of Social Movements AwaaZ Voices Vol. 7 Issue 1 (2010)

7. ‘Promoting the Application of the UN CONVENTION on Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses to Eastern African Countries’, WWF Eastern Africa (2008) (With Kithure Kindiki

8. African Assessment of Environmental Conflict & Cooperation in the African Great Lakes Region: A Case Study of the Virungas, UNEP-DEWA & Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (January 2008)

9. Effective Natural Resource Management for Conflict Prevention: Tethering Plural Legal Norms in Diverse Contexts in Eastern Africa, ASARECA ECAPAPA Monograph Series No. 8 (2007) (With Joel Musaasizi & Michael Waithaka)

10. “Will the Biosafety Bill ever become Law”, Sci-

11. Global Environment Outlook 4: Environment for Development, Chapter 10, (UNEP, 2007) (Contributing Author)

12. Africa Environment Outlook 2, Chapter one entitled: Setting the Context: People and Livelihoods (UNEP-ROA, 2006) (Lead Author)

13. Conflict and Cooperation: Making the Case for Environmental Pathways to Peace-building in the Great Lakes Region, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Africa Program Issue Briefing No. 2 (November 2006)

14. Human rights, Formalisation and Women's Land Rights in Southern and Eastern Africa (With Ingunn Ikdahl, Anne Hellum, Randi Kaarhhus, Tor A. Benjaminsen) Studies in Women's Law No. 57. Institute of Women's Law, University of Oslo (2005) ISSN 0809-621X

15. ‘From Conflict to Cooperation in the Management of Transboundary Waters: The Nile Experience’, in Linking Environment and Security: Conflict Prevention and Peace Making in East and Horn of Africa, Heinrich Boell Foundation, Washington DC ( 2005)

16. ‘Stakeholder Participation and Transboundary Waters: The Nile Basin Initiative’, in Understanding Environment, Conflict, and Cooperation, United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi (2004)

17. Public/Private Partnerships for Biotechnology in Africa: The Future Agenda ACTS Press, Nairobi (2001) (With Norman Clark & David Wafula).

18. The Operational Environment and Constraints for NGOs in Kenya: Strategies for Good Policy and Practice, ACODE Occasional Series Number 2, Kampala (2001).

19. Agro-biodiversity and International Law (Biopolicy No. 22, Acts Press, 1999) (with Philippe Cullet).

20. African Women as Environmental Managers, ACTS Press (1992).

Policy Briefs

1. Reaping Hard-Earned Gains: Toward Full Implementation of the Gender Equality Provisions of the 2010 Constitution, UN Women (2011) (With Celestine Nyamu Musembi)

2. Water, Conflict and Cooperation: Lessons From the Nile River Basin, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars’ Environmental Change and Security Project, , Policy Brief No. 4 (2006)

3. Legal Frameworks for Liability and Redress under the Cartagena Protocol in East Africa, IELRC (2004).

4. Plant Genetic resources in Africa’s Renewal: Strategic Policy, Legal and Programmatic Directions under the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, ACTS & IPGRI (2002).

5. Biotechnology for Food Security in Africa: From Rhetoric to Action, ACTS (2000).

Book Reviews

1. Colin Kahl, States, Scarcity & Civil Strife in the Developing World, Princeton University Press, 2006 for Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars’ Environmental Change and Security Project Report Issue 12 (2006)

2. Peter Drahos & John Braithwaite, Information Feudalism: Who owns the Knowledge Economy? London, Earthscan, 2002 for Vol. 12(2) Journal of Social & Legal Studies (2002)


1. Property Rights and Biodiversity Management in Kenya – The Case of Land Tenure Regimes and Wildlife Management (Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services, 1999).

2. Property Rights and Biodiversity Management, Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Master’s degree in Juridical Sciences (JSM), Stanford Law School, Stanford University (1996)

3. Protection of the employed women’s rights in Kenya: A Case- study of the female academic staff members at the University of Nairobi, Project paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Diploma in Women’s law (Dip.WL), Faculty of Law, University of Zimbabwe (1995).

4. Patents, Transfer of Technology & Development, Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Master’s degree in law and development (LL.M in Law and Development), School of Law, University of Warwick (1989).

5. The Inadequacies of Criminal procedure in Magistrate’s Courts, Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Bachelor’s degree in law (LL.B), Faculty of Law, University of Nairobi (1987).

Select Unpublished Papers and Reports

1. Kenyan Courts and Politics of the Rule of Law in the Post-Authoritarian State, Report prepared for the Comparative Research Project titled: From Security to Inclusive Development: The Politics of the Rule of Law in Africa’s Democratic Transition, Commissioned by the Finnish Foreign Ministry and implemented by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) of the University of Helsinki (2009) (With Migai Akech)

2. Ownership and Regulation of Land Rights in Kenya: Balancing Entitlements with the Public Trust, Paper presented at the Conference on Beyond the National Land Policy, Organised by KIPPRA at KICC, 31st July 2008 (With Dr. Migai Akech)

3. Land Tenure, Land Use & Sustainable Environmental Management in Kenya: Innovative Approaches in Using Property Rights for Wildlife Management Land Use and Sustainability in Kenya, Paper presented at the Conference & Workshop on Conservation, Wildlife & Markets, at Strathmore University (Madaraka Campus), 9-11 November 2006 4th Annual Strathmore University Ethics Conference on

4. Review of Biosecurity Related Legislation in Kenya, Norway PCA Biosecurity Project, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, Rome, 2006

5. GMO Regulation: Kenya Case Study, for New York University Law School Global Study on Conflict in GMO Regulation (October 2005)

6. ‘Intellectual Property Protection and Sustainable Development – Towards a Common African Institutional Framework and Strategy’, A Background Study Commissioned by the Science and Technology Commission of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (January, 2004)

7. ‘The Impact of Traditional/Religious Institutions on Gender Relations and Gender Discriminative Practices and Scope for Changing the Negative Trends: A Case Study of Select Pastoral Communities in Kenya’ prepared for the Netherlands Development Cooperation Organisation (SNV), looking at the Maasai, Samburu, Rendille, Borana & Gabra communities in Marsabit, Samburu & Laikipa districts ( October 2004) \

8. ‘Environment And Conflict Linkages in the Great Lakes Region’, Paper prepared for UNEP-DEWA (September 2004)

9. ‘Intellectual Property Protection in Africa: An Assessment of the Status of Laws, Research and Policy Analysis on Intellectual Property Rights in Kenya’, Paper prepared for IDRC Study on Intellectual Property Protection in Africa (August, 2004)

10. ‘Intellectual Property Protection in Africa: An Assessment of the Status of Laws, Research and Policy Analysis on Intellectual Property Rights in South Africa’, Paper prepared for IDRC Study on Intellectual Property Protection in Africa (August, 2004)

11. ‘Kenya Wildlife Sector Assessment Report, 2004’, Report prepared for USAID (With Brian Child, Wilbur Ottichilo, Simon Taiti, Kanyi Kimondo & Wachira Nderitu) (June 2004)

12. ‘Land Tenure & Conflict in Kenya’, Paper for the Pan African Programme on Land & Resource Rights, Presented at a Conference at the University of Western Cape (May, 2003).

13. ‘Technical Review of the Draft Constitution of Kenya for Gender and Human Rights Responsiveness’, Paper prepared for the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation & UNIFEM (2002) (With Maria Nzomo).

14. ‘Women and Property Rights in Kenya: A Study on Trends in Ownership, Control and Access to Land and Productive Resources in Agricultural Communities in Select Districts’, Paper documenting findings of a Study commissioned by FIDA (Kenya) as a background to a revised Matrimonial Causes Bill (2002).

15. ‘Proprietary Status of Women in Kenya: Towards Greater Recognition of Ownership Rights’, Paper prepared for the National Conference on “Women, Land and Property Rights in Kenya” to input into the Presidential Commission on Land. Held on 11-12 March 2002 at the Garden Hotel, Machakos.

16. ‘Review of the Regional Diploma Course in Women’s Law, Zimbabwe’, for the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) (September 2001).

17. ‘Biotechnology & Food Security in Africa’, in Biotechnology & Food Security, Peace Office, Mennonite Central Committee, Peace Office Publication (April-June 2001).

18. ‘Strategic Planning and Implementation of Public Involvement in Environmental Decision-Making as they relate to Environmental Impact Assessment in Kenya’, World Bank (2001).

19. ‘Environmental Justice and Sustainable Development: Integrating Local Communities in Environmental Management’ (1996). (Published as an International Environmental Law Research Centre Working Paper at )

20. Patricia Kameri-Mbote & Stephen Mutimba, ‘Implementing the CDM - Opportunities for Technology Transfer for African Countries (African Centre for Technology Studies, Working Paper 1998).

21. Patricia Kameri-Mbote & Philippe Cullet, ‘Biological Diversity Management in Africa: Policy Perspectives’ for a workshop on The Handbook on Implementation of Conventions Related to Biological Diversity for the UNEP/UNDP/DUTCH Joint Project on Environmental Law and Institutions in Africa, held at UNEP on 11-14 October 1999. (Published as an International Environmental Law Research Centre Working Paper at )

22. James Otieno-Odek & Patricia Kameri-Mbote, ‘Intellectual Property Protection and Biotechnology in Eastern Africa (1999).

23. John Mugabe, Patricia Kameri-Mbote, Benson Ochieng & Christine Mathenge, ‘Technology, Trade And Intellectual Property Protection: Building Africa’s Capability to Participation in the World Trade Organization’, Paper presented at a Regional Workshop on Africa & the World Trade Order held at the African Centre for Technology Studies on December 6-7, 2000.

24. Patricia Kameri-Mbote & David Wafula, ‘Alternative Options and Policy Measures for Financing Biotechnology R and D In Africa’, Paper presented at a Regional Workshop on Building National Biotechnology Innovation Systems: New Forms of Institutional and Financial Mechanisms held on December 6-8, 2000.

25. Hannington Odame & Patricia Kameri-Mbote, ‘Agricultural Biotechnology Assessment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Country Specific Study – Kenya’, Report presented at a Regional Workshop on Building National Biotechnology Innovation Systems: New Forms of Institutional and Financial Mechanisms held on December 6-8, 2000.

26. Patricia Kameri-Mbote, ‘Violence against Women in Kenya: An Analysis of Laws, Policies and Institutions’, Report prepared for the Commonwealth Secretariat, June 2000. (Published as an International Environmental Law Research Centre Working Paper at )

27. Patricia Kameri-Mbote, ‘Recent and ongoing cases in the environmental field pursuing environmentally sound development’, Paper presented at the ELAW Meeting, Arusha, Tanzania July 29, 2000.

28. Patricia Kameri-Mbote & Josphat Ayamunda, ‘The Kaca Ruling: A Note On The Constitutionality Of Anti-Graft Bodies’, for the Institute for Policy Analysis and Research. (2001).

29. ‘A Comparative Analysis of Public Consultations in Environmental Impact Assessments for World Bank financed Projects in East Africa’, Paper presented at the Lawyers’ Forum held in Washington D. C., May 15-16, 2001.

30. John Mugabe, Patricia Kameri-Mbote & Doris Mutta, ‘Traditional Knowledge, Genetic Resources and Intellectual Property Protection: Towards an International Regime’, Background Paper prepared for the African Group in the World Intellectual Property Organization’s Committee on Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources, April 2001.

Media Articles

1. Making the Land Policy Provisions Real, The Star, December 9, 2011.

2. Assaulting the Citadel of Male Political Privilege: Political Party Lists as the Site of Contest for Gender Balanced Representation, The Star, August 27, 2011 (With Celestine Nyamu Musembi)

3. Participation of Women in Legal Education, The Star, March 8, 2011

4. Political Parties and Leaders Hostile to Women’s Enjoyment of Constitution, The Nation, February 28, 2011

5. Women have to Keep on Fighting for their Rights, The Star, February 23, 2011

6. Make Vetting of Judges Continuous and Transparent, Opinion, The East African, September 13-19, 2010 (With Migai Akech)

Select Theses Supervised, Supervising & Examined

Doctoral Completed

1. Ochieng Kamudhayi, “Negotiations in Civil Wars: A Case Study of the Somalia National Reconciliation Process, 2002-2005”, Institute for Diplomacy and International Studies, University of Nairobi (co-supervised with Makumi Mwagiru, Institute for Diplomacy and International Studies) – 2011

2. Moni Wekesa, School of Law, University of Nairobi “Legal Regulation of Doping in Sports: Implications for Kenya”, (co-supervised with Anastasia Guantai, School of Pharmacy, University of Nairobi and Migai Akech) – 2010

3. Colins Odotte, “Property Rights and the Management of Wetlands in Kenya”, School of Law, University of Nairobi (co-supervised with Charles Okidi) – 2010

4. Anita Kiamba, “The Role of Leaders in Negotiations: A Case Study of Peace Processes in the Horn of Africa”, Institute for Diplomacy and International Studies, University of Nairobi (co-supervised with Makumi Mwagiru, Institute for Diplomacy and International Studies) – 2010

5. Mr. Paul Musili Wambua, “Governance of the Forgotten Province – A Critical Appraisal of Policy, Legal and Institutional Framework for the Control and Management of Marine Resources within Kenya’s Maritime Zones”, University of Ghent (co-supervised with Eduard Somers & Frank Maes, University of Ghent, Belgium) – 2009

6. Johnson Ododa Opiyo, “ A Critical Analysis of Borders, Frontiers and Security – A Case Study of Marakwet and Pokot Districts”, Institute for Diplomacy and International Studies, University of Nairobi (co-supervised with Makumi Mwagiru,) – 2008

Doctoral Submitted

1. Kizito Sabala, “Human Security and the Control and Management of Small Arms in the IGAD Region: The Case of the Turkana”, Institute for Diplomacy and International Studies, University of Nairobi (co-supervised with Makumi Mwagiru, Institute for Diplomacy University of Nairobi and International Studies & Peter Wanyande, Department of Political Science University of Nairobi) – Submitted August 2012

Doctoral (External Examiner)

1. Rebecca Wanja Maina, ‘Imagining a Right to Health: HIV/AIDS, Subjectivities and Notions of Entitlement’, University of Westminster (2012)

2. Grace Kamugisha Kazora, “Legal and Institutional Framework for Combating the Prevalence of Counterfeit and Substandard Pharmaceuticals in Tanzania, School of Law (Formerly Faculty of Law), University of Dar es Salaam (2011)

3. “The Emergence of Biocultural Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Best Method for Protecting the Environment”, supervised by Professor Thomas Bennet, University of Cape Town (2011)

4. Saudin Jacob Mwakaje, “regulatory Framework for Intellectual Property Products: The Case of University Research and the Patent Law in Tanzania”, School of Law (Formerly Faculty of Law), University of Dar es Salaam (2011)

5. Joel Kimutai, “The right to a healthy environment and sustainable development in Kenya and South Africa”, School of Law, University of the Witwatersrand (2011)

6. Abraham Sethibe, “Impediments to the Development of Stock Markets in the Southern African Development Community”, The Australian National University (July, 2009)

7. Ritta A. Mwaipopo, “Intellectual Property Rights and the Regulation of Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing in Mainland Tanzania”, Faculty of Law, University of Dar es Salaam (July, 2008)

Doctoral (Board of Examiners)

1. Robert Mudida, “Structural Sources of Constitutional Conflicts: A Conflict Analysis of Constitution Making in Kenya 1997-2005 at the Institute for Diplomacy and International Studies, University of Nairobi (November 2008)

2. Ibrahim Farah, “Foreign Policy and Internal Conflict in Somalia 1969-1990”, at the Institute for Diplomacy and International Studies, University of Nairobi (2008)

Doctoral (Supervising)

1. Nancy Baraza, The ‘Sun Having Set on the Empire but the Empire Lives on: Homosexuals and the Failed Promise of Universal Human Rights (co-supervising with Patrick Lumumba Otieno)

2. Julius Bosire, “Media Regulation: A Focus on the New Media and Citizen Journalism in Kenya”, School of Journalism, University of Nairobi (co-supervising with Dr. George Nyabuga)

3. Annette Mudola Mbogo, “The 2007 Post-Election Violence as a Spring Board for Peace, Reconciliation and Reparation: A Case for the Participation and Involvement of Women in Mombasa, Kenya”, Southern and Eastern Africa Research Centre on Women’s Law (SEARCWL), University of Zimbabwe (co-supervising with Amy Shupikai Tsanga, SEARCWL).

4. Ruth A. Aura Odhiambo, International Human Rights Law and the Protection of Women against Domestic Violence: A Comparative Study of Kenya and South Africa, University of Pretoria (co-supervising with Prof. Karin Van Marle)

5. Steve Gatembu Kairu, “Environmental Disputes: An Appraisal of the Role of African Customary and Traditional Justice Systems in Resolution of Environmental Disputes in Kenya”, School of Law, University of Nairobi (co-supervising with Makumi Mwagiru and Albert Mumma)

6. David Stower, “Reality or Pipe Dream? A Critical Examination of the Human Right Approach to Water Provision in the Constitution of Kenya 2010: Legal, Policy and Institutional Challenges(co-supervising with Makumi Mwagiru and Albert Mumma)

7. Shazia Chaudhry, “Environmental Conflicts and Climate Change”, Institute for Diplomacy and International Studies, University of Nairobi (co-supervising with Makumi Mwagiru, Ibrahim Farah and Anita Kiamba)

8. Peter Kwenjera, ”Fostering Integrity and Ethics in Kenya’s Judiciary”, University of Navarra, Spain (Co-supervising with Prof. Avila)

Masters (Completed)

1. Daniel Onsembe, “Comparative Analysis of Conservation Measures of Shared Protected Areas and their Contribution to the Integration of East African Community: A Case Study of East African Community” (Master of Arts, Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies) (2012)

1. Patricia Wanjama’s Master of Business Association thesis entitled: The Role of the Legal Manager as a member of the senior/top management Team in Kenya, Strathmore Business School (2011)

2. Nichodemus Ndalana’s Master’s thesis entitled: Refugees and National Security Strategy: A Case Study of Refugee Management in Kenya(Master of Arts, Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies) (2011)

3. Ms. Nyokabi Gitahi’s Master of Laws thesis entitled: Wildlife Easements as a Conservation Tool in Kenya (2008)

4. Mr. Albert Simiyu’s Master of Laws thesis entitled: Trade and Environment: The interface between multilateral environmental agreements and the World Trade Organization’s Agreements (2008)

5. Emmanuel Gasana, “Gender in Peace Keeping Missions: A Case Study of UNMIL”, (Master of Arts, Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies) (2007)

6. Patrick Mwiti’s Master of Laws (LL.M) Project entitled: “Human Wildlife Conflicts in Kenya: Legal and Institutional Solutions”.

7. Elizabeth Gachienga’s Master of Laws (LL.M) Project entitled: Kenya’s Biosafety Regime: An Assessment of its Adequacy and Efficacy” (2007)

8. Laurien Nkuliye, “Cooperation in the Management of Conflict over Shared Water Resources in Africa: A Case Study of the Nile Basin” (Master of Arts, Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies) (2007)

9. Maalim Mohammed, “The Role of Sub-regional organizations in Peace Processes: A Case Study of IGAD’s Role in the Somali Peace Process” (Master of Arts, Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies) (2007)

10. Anne Scola, “Finding Durable Solutions to the Refugee Problem in Africa”, (Master of Arts, Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies) (2006)

11. Elvin Nyukuri, “Land, Environment and Conflict in Kenya: The Role of Women”, (Master of Arts, Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies) (2005)

12. Anne Chege, “Domestication of Multilateral Agreements Relating to Biodiversity in Kenya”, (Master of Arts, Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies) (2005)

13. Monday Busingye’s Master of Laws (LL.M) Project entitled: “The Legal Aspects of Ecofeminism as a Vehicle for Implementing Sustainable Development in Kenya”, (2005)

14. Mr. Gichuki Njaramba’s thesis entitled: Legal issues on E-Commerce, Taxation and Intellectual Property Rights (2007)

15. Mr. Danson Mungatana’s Master of Laws thesis entitled: Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards’ Implementation in Kenya: institutional and Legal issues (2005)

16. Mr. Mark Obuya’s Master of Laws thesis entitled: Legal issues in Human Tissue Research

17. Prof. Moni Wekesa’s Master of Laws thesis entitled: Doping in Sports: Legal issues in Access to Technologies in Developing Countries. (2005)

18. Mr. Karanja Kabage’s Master of Laws thesis entitled: The Interface between Foreign Direct Investment and Corruption in Kenya: Legal and Institutional Issues (2005)

19. Ms. Elizabeth Ngucuga’s Master of Laws thesis entitled: Enhancing Kenya’s Market Access for Agricultural Products: The Role of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards (2005)

20. Mr. Collins Odote’s Master of Laws thesis entitled: International Law and Internally Displaced Persons (2003)

Masters (Examined)

1. Chemonges Mongea Sabilla, ‘The Legal Mechanisms for the Sustainable Management of Forestry Biodiversity in Uganda’ (Faculty of Law, Makerere University, February 2012)

2. . Mark Enoth Kamanzi’s thesis entitled: The Efficacy of Uganda’s Petroleum Laws for Mitigating Negative Environmental Impacts of Petroleum Exploration in Uganda, (Faculty of Law, Makerere University, February 2011)

3. Mr. Moses Mulumba’s thesis entitled: Legal Interventions in the Implementation of the Kyoto Protocol Clean Development Mechanism Projects in the Forest Sector in Uganda, (Faculty of Law, Makerere University, February 2011)

4. Ms. Vennie Kasande’s thesis entitled: International Environmental Law and the Question of Banned Chemicals: The Legal Implications of the Use of DDT in Uganda, (Faculty of Law, Makerere University, June 2009)

5. Ms. Mogeni Hellen Shiro’s dissertation entitled: Towards and Effective Legal Framework for Sustainable Management of Mt. Elgon Ecosystem, (Faculty of Law, Makerere University, June 2009)

6. Mr. Amanigaruhanga Ivan Bazaakabona entitled: The Role of the Public Trust Doctrine in the Management of Forestry Ressources in Uganda, (Faculty of Law, Makerere University, May 2009)

7. Mr. Edwin Muhereza Kosia Barugahare’s entitled: Implications of the International Biotechnology Legal Regime on the Preservation of Indigenous Knowledge(Faculty of Law, Makerere University, May 2009)

8. Ms. Deborah Byakika-Ssewakiryanga’s dissertation entitled: The TRIPS Agreement and Pharmaceuticals: An Issue of Corporate Profits over Public Health Crises? The Case of Developing Countries (Faculty of Law, Makerere University, May 2008)

9. Ms. Sitnah Chemisto Cherotich’s dissertation entitled: Women at the Crossroads –Gender and Land Rights in Kapchorwa District (Faculty of Law, Makerere University, May 2008)

10. Mr. Elijah Oluoch Asher’s Master of Laws degree thesis entitled: The Relation Between Patent Protection and Competition in Kenya and the Impact of the TRIPS Agreement (Faculty of Law, University of Nairobi)

11. Mr. Lawrence Tumwesigye’s Master of Laws (LL.M) degree thesis entitled: Environmental Impact Assessment and the Law in Uganda: The Experience since 1995 (Faculty of Law, Makerere University, June 2004)

12. Ms. Florence Ochago’s Master of Laws (LL.M) degree thesis entitled: The Challenges to Participatory Rights and Approaches in the Conservation and Management of Wetlands: A Case Study of Kasanje Sub-County in Wakiso District (Faculty of Law, Makerere University, June, 2004)

13. Mr. Javason Kamugisha’s Master of Laws (LL.M) degree thesis entitled: Legal Aspects Relating to Biotechnology Damage with Reference to Genetically Engineered Seeds/Plants: Options for Uganda (Faculty of Law, Makerere University, November 2003)

Masters (Supervising)

2. Ms. Ann Kahihia, “the Role of Public Private Partnerships in Wildlife Conservation and Management: The Case of Lake Nakuru Area (Master of Arts, Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies)

Other Teaching Assignments

• Judicial Training Institute, development of curriculum for induction and continuing legal education for judges and magistrates; training in environmental law for judges and magistrates (2008-)

• First and Second East African School on Law, Human Rights and HIV/AIDS, Human rights and Peace Centre, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda (2007- )

• National Defence College (Environmental Law) (2001-2008)

• National Intelligence Academy (Environmental Law & International Law) (2005)

• Anglican Church of Kenya, Annual Bishops’ Wives Conference (Women’s Rights) (2002-2003)

• Law Society of Kenya’s Continuing Legal Education Programme (Intellectual property Rights Law) (2005); Environmental law - 2010

Training Courses Conducted/To Conduct

2 Training Judicial Legal Researchers (June 2012)

3 Training for Judges from South Sudan (May 2012)

5 Training on Policy Aspects of Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit sharing for 40 participants from 14 Eastern African countries at Strathmore University (10-14 October 2011) funded by GIZ

7 Training Courses for magistrates on diverse aspects of Environmental Law organized by the Kenya Judiciary Training Institute (2009-2011)

9 Continuing Legal Education programme for lawyers organized by the Law Society of Kenya and the National Environment Management Authority on environmental law (2010)

11 Continuing Legal Education programmes for lawyers organized by the Law Society of Kenya covering issues of intellectual property, biosafety and environmental law (2007-2009)

13 Training Course for Kenya’s, Tanzania’s and Uganda’s Court of Appeal Judges and Uganda’s Supreme Court Judges on Environmental Law organized by the Institute for Law and Environmental Governance (2007)

14 Training Course for Kenya’s High Court Judges on Environmental Law organized by the Institute for Law and Environmental Governance (2006)

16 Training on Legal and Trade Aspects of Biosafety for Kenyan Regulators organised by the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Nairobi, November 29-December 4, 2004

18 Training Workshop & Video-conference on ‘Public Consultation and Disclosure in World Bank financed projects’, March 13, 2002.

1. Executive Course on ‘Genomics and Public Health Policy’, co-hosted by the African Centre for Technology Studies and the University of Toronto’s Joint Centre for Bioethics, 4-8 March 2002.

4 Training Course on ‘Science and Technology for Africa: Policies and Institutions to Maximise Benefits from Biotechnology’, hosted by the African Centre for Technology Studies, July-November 2001.

2. Training course on Building National Biotechnology Innovation Systems: New Forms of Institutional Arrangements and Financial Mechanisms, organized by the African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) and the East African Regional Programme and Research Network for Biotechnology, Biosafety and Biotechnology Policy Development (BIO-EARN), 9-14 December 2000, Nairobi, Kenya.

3. Training course on Enlarging Public-Private Partnerships for Biotechnology Research and Development organized by the African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) and the East African Regional Programme and Research Network for Biotechnology, Biosafety and Biotechnology Policy Development (BIO-EARN), 19-25 September 2000, Nairobi, Kenya.

4. Training course on Biotechnology and Public Policy organized by the African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) and the East African Regional Programme and Research Network for Biotechnology, Biosafety and Biotechnology Policy Development (BIO-EARN), September 30 - October 29, 1999, Nairobi, Kenya.

Select Consultancies

1. Preparation of Curriculum for the Judicial Training Institute ( April 2012- )

2. Review of the use of Legal Instruments as Project implementation mechanisms in UNEP’s Division of Environment Policy Implementation (February 2012 - )

3. Review of Judicial Performance Improvement Project for the Judiciary (Dec. 2011-May 2012)

4. Quality Assurance as Legal specialist supporting the design of harmonization of current water sector institutional arrangements and financing mechanisms with the Constitution of Kenya 2010, World Bank 2010-2011)

5. Evaluating the Impact of Integrating Legal Support and Health Care, OSIEA-LAHI ( April 2009-2011)

6. Developing a Biodiversity Policy and Law for Rwanda, Rwanda Environment Management Authority (2008-2010)

7. Danida Sector Gender Analysis and Developing A Gender Mainstreaming Strategy For Kenya’s Environmental Sector (Feb 2009)

8. UNIFEM Study on Promoting The Human Rights of Women in Kenya: Review of Property, Environment, Natural Resources and Health Laws, (December 2008-March 2009)

9. Decentralization and Empowerment of Women: Impacts on Reproductive Health and Family Planning Outcomes in Kenya, Constella Futures (December 2008-March 2009)

10. Reviewing the judiciary training needs assessments and developing a curriculum for the Kenya Judicial Training Institute, International Development Law Organisation (Nov-Dec. 2008)

11. From security to inclusive development: The politics of the Rule of Law in Africa’s Democratic Transition, a project funded by the Foreign Ministry of Finland and carried out in collaboration with Institute of Development Studies, University of Helsinki (2008)

12. Assessment of the Justice Sector and the Rule for Law in Kenya for the Open Society Institute’s Africa Governance Monitoring and Advocacy Project (AfriMAP) for OSIEA’s AFRIMAP (2008)

13. Evaluation of the Genetic Resources Policy Initiative of Bioversity (2008)

14. Africa assessment for UNEP-DEWA’s Initiative on Environment and Conflict Prevention (2007)

15. Reviewing African Model Law on Biosafety for the Africa Union (January-February 2007)

16. Advancing and consolidating a policy framework for the conservation, sustainable use, and fair benefit-sharing of biodiversity resources for Ghana (May-September 2006)

17. Team Leader of External Evaluation of the UNEP Project for the Development of Environmental Law and Institutions in Africa (PADELIA) covering thirteen (13) African countries (November 2005-January 2006)

18. Environmental coordination consulting services in the Environment Impact assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment for the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) regarding the Biosciences Research Facility (“BECA”) (January-February, 2005)

19. Legal Risk Assessment for the International Livestock Research Institute towards the Establishment of the Biosciences East & Central Africa, a centre of excellence for biological research( April, 2004)

20. Preparation of a Background Paper for the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) Ministerial Conference on Science and Technology towards establishing a regional, inclusive and consultative process to examine the impact of intellectual property protection on technological innovation and sustainable development in Africa, and to develop a clear strategy to strengthen the continent’s capacity to manage intellectual property (January, 2004)

21. Exploring the Impact of Traditional/Religious Institutions on Gender Relations and Gender Discriminative Practices and Identifying the Scope for Changing the Negative Trends among the Masan, Samberg, Renville, Bomana & Garb communities in Mars bit, Samberg & Laikipia districts Prepared for the Netherlands Development Cooperation Organisation (SNV) ( October 2004)

22. Supporting the UNEP-DEWA Initiative on environment and conflict prevention in the Great Lakes Region (August-November 2004)

23. Identifying opportunities for increasing access to justice in environmental matters in Kenya for DFID (July 2004)

24. Review of the Lesotho Justice Sector Development Programme for DFID (November, 2004)

25. Review of the Programme of the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Nairobi (December 2004)

Work in Progress

1. Guest Editor for a Special Issue of Nomadic Peoples Journal – focusing on Land and Pastoralism in East Africa– to be published in October and funded by the Ford Foundation

2. Preparing for publication an article entitled Streams in the Desert: Rekindling Belief in Rule of Law through Constitutional Reforms, draft presented at a conference on African Constitutionalism: Present Challenges and Prospects for the Future’ held on 1st to 4th August 2011 at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. (With Peter Kwenjera, doctoral candidate at the University of Navarra, Spain)

3. Finalising book entitled: Unlocking Africa’s Future: Biotechnology & Law (With Professor Idah Sithole-Niang - Professor of Biochemistry, University of Zimbabwe & Godber Tumushabe – doctoral Candidate Stanford University)

4. Book on Women and Law in Kenya (With Celestine Nyamu Musembi) funded by the Norwegian Agency for International Development.

5. Research on Access to Land and Land based Resources for women in forest dwelling and pastoralist communities in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania(With Celestine Nyamu Musembi, Winnie Kamau, Kamau Mubuu all of University of Nairobi and Abby Ssebina Zziwa of the Makerere Institute for Social Research )

6. Research on Human Rights and Gender Dimensions of Water Governance in Africa: Actors, Norms and Institutions (With Celestine Nyamu Musembi and Migai Akech)


I have attended very many conferences, workshops and seminars locally, nationally, regionally and internationally.

Research and Training Grants

Course Director, German Technical Cooperation (GIZ), EUR 100,000 for a one week training course to build African Capacity in Access and Benefit Sharing at Strathmore University in October 2011 (In partnership with the ABS Capacity Development Initiative and the Environmental Evaluation Unit, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Project Leader, Ford Foundation, USD 100,000 Research grant at Strathmore University to carry out research on Giving Meaning to Community Rights in Kenya (2010-2012) (Including a post-doctoral fellowship for a Lecturer at CASELAP).

Project Leader, Research Council of Norway NOK 505,000 grant at Strathmore University to carry out research on Human Rights and Gender Dimensions of Water Governance in Africa: Actors, Norms and Institutions (2010-2013) (Including a doctoral research fellowship for a PhD candidate at the University of Western Sydney).

Link Manager, Norwegian Agency for International Development (NORAD) USD 40,000 to Strathmore University to develop materials for teaching gender and law courses and publication of a book on Women and Law in Kenya (2009-2012)

Project Leader, International Development Research Centre, CAD 450,000 Research grant at the Centre for Advanced Studies in Environmental Law and Policy (CASELAP), University of Nairobi to carry out research on Access to Land and Land based Resources for women in forest dwelling and pastoralist communities in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania (2009-2012) (Including a doctoral fellowship for a Tutorial Fellow at CASELAP).

Project Leader, Open Society for Eastern Africa (OSIEA)

USD 100,000 to carry out research on the justice Sector and the Rule of Law in Kenya (2009-2011)

International Development Research Centre, USD 50,000 Research grant to the African Centre for Technology Studies to carry out research on trends in intellectual property rights research and laws in Africa (2003-2004)

Rockefeller Foundation – USD 500,000 to the African Centre for Technology Studies to carry out Agricultural Biotechnology Research in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, South Africa and Egypt (2001-2003)

Stanford Institute of International Studies, O'Bie Schultz Research Grants, USD 25,000 to carry out field research for my doctoral dissertation (1996-97, 98-99)

Computer Skills

Proficient in Microsoft Word for Windows and Macintosh; Excel; Outlook; Powerpoint; Internet Explorer and Programme Manager

Community Engagement

1. Member, Strategic Team, Nairobi Chapel

2. Member, Phoenix Trust - a Trust that seeks to educate children from needy families and thus enable them to be change agents in their communities

3. Guest of Honour at Prize giving days at high schools – motivating the youth to seek higher education


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