AVImark for Windows - Fused Creations

AVImark for Windows

2001 Enhancement Log

Date, Version Description of change

12-11-00, 137 You can now restrict use of inventory items to either one or two species, in the same manner that you can restrict treatments to certain species.

You can now protect changing Inventory Used amounts that are attached to specific medical history entries. This protection becomes important when considering that the controlled substance report obtains its quantity amounts from the Inventory Used window. If a person changes a quantity in the Inventory Used window, the Controlled Substance report will also be changed.

12-15-00 You can now use Information Search to locate patients that are currently participating in Discount Plans. In the Patients tab, look for the “Plan code” and “Plan expires” fields. The Plan code field pertains, of course, to the Treatment Code of the defining treatment for a particular discount plan. The “Plan expires” field pertains to the expiration date of the plan in question. For example, you could search for all Canines that are currently on a particular plan that will expire before a certain date.

Obsolete items will now show in Gray color on the list of items in the Inventory Maintenance window.

There is a new action code for Inventory items that indicates that the an item is “Not for Resale”. Attempting to enter such an item in a patient’s medical history results in a warning message.

You now have the option of qualifying the Inventory Report by Report Code as well as by Action Code.

There is now a place in the Change Vendor window to record the vendor’s Internet address (e.g. “”) as well as your hospital’s Account number for that vendor.

12-18-00 AVImark now provides the capability of copying “canned” estimates (from Work with, Estimates) into the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Plan pages of the S.O.A.P (i.e. Medical Condition) window. Use Right-click, Choose estimate from the Diagnostic or Therapeutic Plan page to do this. The details of the selected estimate will be copied into the Therapeutic page of the Plan folder.

We have added the capability in AVImark to control the number of refills that are permitted when writing prescriptions. In addition, you can limit the maximum length of time during which refills are allowed, as well as the minimum interval between refills. For example, you might write a prescription, allowing 4 refills over the next six months, with an interval of at least 4 weeks between refills.

You specify the number of refills that are allowed on the Drug Label window in the field called “Allow ___ refills”. The maximum refill period and minimum interval between refills is specified for the item being prescribed on the Change Item window in Inventory Maintenance. Look for the “Refill for ______ mo.” value and the “Minimum interval between refills _____ days” value. When the item in question is refilled, these parameters are verified and the user is warned of they are exceeded. The restrictions can be overridden by writing a new prescription for the item. In addition, there is a new Action Code for inventory items that indicates that you wish to control refills on this item. This action code is the left parenthesis character, “(“, and can be found at the end of the Action Code selection box, called “Control refills”. Be sure to set this action code on all items you wish to control refills on.

There is one final value that adds flexibility to prescription refills. It too is specified for the item being prescribed in the Change Item window in Inventory Maintenance. It is referred to as “or if ________ performed” in the Change Item window. If you enter a Treatment code for this value, this indicates that, for a particular prescription written, the maximum refills allowed and the maximum refill period will be extended from the date the treatment was performed. For example, if you prescribed a particular drug in March and allowed 1 refill after 3 months, you could specify that if a certain blood test was performed on the patient before September (6 mo. after the original prescription was written) that the item could be refilled an additional time after the blood test were performed. As long as the required blood tests were performed periodically, the item could continue to be refilled. If the blood test came back positive, the refills allowed for the item could be cancelled (i.e. set to zero).

The animal hospital’s Account number for a particular vendor will be printed on Purchase Orders written to that vendor.

Block-offs on the appointment calendar can now be marked to act as an alert. When changing or adding a block-off for a specific day, you may check mark ‘Block-off is an alert’ so that whenever the block-off is displayed on the calendar, notes for that block-off are displayed in a window to alert your staff.

You can now select the Unit of Measure for Inventory items from a drop-down list in the Change Item window, rather than having to manually type this value in. Entries in the “Measure” drop-down list on the Change Item window are obtained from a new System Table that you must add (in Work with, System Tables, on the left side of the AVImark System Tables window).

When you add this new table, be sure to use a Table Code value of “MEASURE”. The Description of the new table is up to you, for example “Unit of Measure table”. Once this new table has been added, simply add entries to the table (on the right hand side of the AVImark System Tables window) for each unit of measure that you wish to use for your inventory items. For each entry, use a Code value that will be the actual unit of measure you want. Enter a descriptive name for the unit of measure in the Description field (e.g. You might use a Code value of “Ea” and a Description value of “Each”). Note that AVImark currently does not use this Description value, but may do so in the future).

12-26-00 You can now indicate in the Change User window that this user is a Full-time veterinarian, a Part-time veterinarian, or Other staff. This indication is currently used only for VetCor hospitals for corporate data collection purposes.

A new check box has been added to Hospital Setup on the Invoicing page that allows you the option of having the “Services Provided by…” notation printed on the Invoice.

12-27-00 A Calculator tool has been added to the Invoice and Accounting windows. In the Accounting window click on View, Calculator to show the calculator tool. In the invoice window, click on Tools, Calculator.

The Date of the associated Medical History entry is now shown (along with it’s description) in the Notes window.

You can now add one or more treatments, items, or diagnoses to the Medical History of multiple patients at the same time. To do this, Right click in the Patient area, then click Choose. This will display a list of all patients for this client. To select which patients to which you wish to add entries, simply hold the Ctrl key down and click once on each of those patients. Finally, use Right click, Choose and Treatments, Items, or Diagnoses to select the entries you want to add to these patients’ medical history.

We have added a new check box on the Print Inventory Report called “Fiscal Inventory Format”. When this box is checked, AVImark prints the Inventory Report double-spaced with a column just to the right of the On Hand column titled “Actual”. It is intended that you use this column to write in the actual quantity on hand counted.

1/4/01, 138 AVImark Image handling has been enhanced in that you can now rotate photos in 90-degree increments. In addition, you now have control over the contrast of your photos. Use the speed buttons on the AVImark Image Editor window for these functions.

IMPORTANT: With this update, you must install a program, named “AVIDLL.EXE”, onto each workstation in the hospital. This program is in your AVImark folder on your Server computer and will have been copied automatically to a diskette during the Version Update process.

Take the diskette to each workstation in your hospital, insert the diskette into the diskette drive, and perform the following steps.

1. Close all windows, then click on the “START” button in the lower left-hand corner of your desktop.

2. From the popup menu, click “Run”. A window will open that will allow you to type in a command for the computer to do.

3. Type in “A:AVIDLL” and press the Enter key. A “WinZip Self-Extractor” window will be displayed. In this window, click the Unzip button or simply press the Enter key. This will install the program on the workstation.

4. Click the “Close” button to make the “WinZip” window disappear. This completes the process. Be sure to perform these steps at each workstation in your hospital.

We apologize for any inconvenience this causes you. If you need help installing this update, please don’t hesitate to call us. Be aware that this new program will provide to AVImark many new image-handling features in the future, and so the effort now will pay off as time goes on.

1/15/01, 141 The AVImark Time Clock


AVImark lets you track and report hourly employment activity. As the Hospital Administrator, you will be allowed to set up and edit “time cards”, print reports, etc. As an employee, after you log into AVImark, you are given the opportunity to clock in and out of the Time Clock function.


Since the reliability and accuracy of AVImark’s Time Clock depends upon the fact that AVImark knows the date and time of day when each employee has clocked in and out, keep in mind that:

AVImark’s Security functions must be set up and The Time Clock functions protected.

The AVImark Time Clock must be set up correctly.

AVImark must know the identity of each employee who is clocking in or out.

Employees must be diligent in clocking in and out.

The Time Clock function must be correctly administered and reported.

AVImark Security

If you haven’t set up AVImark Security, you should do that to protect at least basic security functions.

As the Hospital Administrator (included in the “Hospital Administrators” User Group), you should authorize yourself to perform functions ADM01, ADM02, ADM03, as well as CLK01 and CLK02.

You should never authorize any other user group to perform these functions.

Time Clock Setup

To set up the Time Clock, you should set options regarding the rounding off of clock in and out times, when to display the employee’s time card, and synchronizing the time of day on your workstations with that on the server. To set these options:

From the CID, choose Work with...Users and Security.

From the AVImark Security Maintenance window, choose (Menu)Time Clock...Setup to open the Time Clock Options window.

Clock In and Out Rounding

If you wish AVImark to clock in your employees as of a time of day rounded back to a previous time value, set that unit of time.

For instance, let’s say that an employee clocks in after lunch at 1:03 pm. You would like to give your employees no more than 5 minutes of “grace”. In this case, you would set this value to “5”. By doing this, each time an employee clocks in, his actual time, as recorded in AVImark, would be rounded back to the nearest 5 minute value--in this example, 1:00 pm.

If you wish AVImark to clock out your employees as of a time of day rounded forward to a future time value, set that unit of time.

For instance, let’s say that an employee clocks out for lunch at 11:57 am. You would like to give your employees no more than 5 minutes of “grace”. In this case, you would set this value to “5”. By doing this, each time an employee clocks out, his actual time, as recorded in AVImark, would be rounded ahead to the nearest 5 minute value--in this example, 12:00 noon.

By the way, AVImark will not allow an employee to clock in as of a date and time of day that is more recent than any other time card for that period, thus “cheating the clock”.

Displaying the Time Card

Check the appropriate box to display the employee’s Time Card either for those users who are not already clocked in OR every time they logon to AVImark.

Most of the time, employees will be allowed to log out and back into AVImark while they are still “on the clock” and would not want to be bothered with the Time Card window every time. This would happen whenever the employee moves from computer to computer or on a paid break period. With the top box checked, if the employee is still clocked in, the Time Card will not be displayed when they log out and back into AVImark.

With the top option checked, AVImark will display the Time Card every time.

Synchronizing workstation times

By checking this option, each time a user clocks in or out of the Time Clock, AVImark forces the system time-of-day on all workstations to match that on the server. Understand that, for this to work, you will need to specify the server’s location on the network--the “network path”.

For instance, let’s say that your server’s name, as specified on that computer in Network Neighborhood...Properties...Identification...Computer Name is “Server” (without the quotation marks). In this example, the path name would simply be “Server”.

If you need help in determining what your server’s path is, give us a call.

Clock Out Reasons

Finally, you will need to set up a table of typical reasons for clocking out.

You will build this list in Work with...System Tables...Clock out reasons.

Hourly Staff

Of course, there are certain staff that work by the hour and those who do not. You will need to tell AVImark which personnel you wish the Time Clock function to track. Do this:

Use Work with...Users and Security to display the AVImark Security Maintenance window.

On the left side, Click on a User Group which is made up of hourly staff.

One the right side of the display, Double Click on one of these users to open the Enter User window.

Check the User clocks in box at the bottom of the window.

Click Done to close the window.

Repeat this for each staff person for whom you wish to track hourly activity.

The Employee Time Card

Whenever an employee clocks in or out, that activity is recorded on the employee’s individual Time Card.

Clocking In

Whenever an employee logs into AVImark, if they are not already clocked in, AVImark will open that person’s Time Card window.

The Clock In button will be highlighted. The Clock Out button will not.

If an employee is already logged into AVImark and they need to Clock In, use (Menu) Utilities...Time Card.

AVImark will open that person’s Time Card window. The Clock In button will be highlighted. The Clock Out button will not.

If the employee is NOT already logged into AVImark and attempts to Clock In, AVImark will minimize AVImark and open the AVImark Logon window.

The employee should log into AVImark with their password, then Clock In as is appropriate.

On the Time Card window, Click the Clock In button.

In just a few seconds, the Clock In date and time will be added to the top of the Time Card. The Clock Out button will be highlighted and the Clock In button will not.

Clocking Out

When you Clock Out, you will need to select a reason for doing so from the drop-down menu. If an employee is already logged into AVImark and they need to Clock Out, use (Menu) Utilities...Time Card.

AVImark will open that person’s Time Card window. The Clock In button will be highlighted. The Clock Out button will not.

AVImark will not allow an employee who is NOT already logged into AVImark to Clock Out.

Instead, AVImark will be minimized and the AVImark Logon window will open. The employee should log into AVImark with their password, then Clock Out as is appropriate.

Pay Period Start Date

AVImark displays the date that the Time Clock Report was printed for the last pay period. Hourly activity is reported from this date forward to the present.


Using Work with...Reports, you will be able to print your Time Clock Report for the pay period that is appropriate. AVImark records the date that this report was run and displays it on the employees’ Time Cards.

1/15/01 We have added a new Action Code for clients that causes AVImark to suppress printing of the client’s Balance Due value on the invoice. Use this new action code for clients that object to third parties (that may see their invoices) from knowing how much the client owes the animal hospital. This new action code is the letter “H”, and is included in the action code selection window as “Don’t print Balance Due on invoices”.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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