Organism - University of Kentucky

Drug |Class |Use |Side Effects |Interactions |Other | |

|Somatriptan |Recombinant Human |Dwarfism/GH Deficiency |Headaches, Vomiting, Intracranial HT | |Effective in children & adults |

|(Somatropin) |Growth Hormone | |Edema, Myalgia, Arthralgia | | |

|Metyrapone | |Cushing’s Syndrome | | | |

| | |(Cortisol Excess) | | | |

|Vasopressin |Natural Hormone |Diabetes Insipidus |Excess H2O retention/ Intoxication | |V1 = s. muscle contraction; V2 = Renal Conservation |

| |Binds V1 & V2 Receptors |(Inadequate ADH Release) |Intestinal cramping, vasoconstriction | | |

| | | |Not for CAD or Renal Failure | | |

|p-Aminosalicylic Acid |Tuberculocidal? |Hyperthyroidism | | |Concurrent use with anions exacerbates Hypothyroidism |

|(PAS) | |(Not Currently Used) | | | |

|Progesterone |Natural Hormone |IM | | |Rapidly absorbed & metabolized to pregnanediol |

|Hydroxy-Progesterone |Synthetic Progesterone |Hormone Replacement Therapy | | |Longer t1/2 |

|(Norplant) | |IM, Oral & Depot | | | |

|Medroxy-Progesterone |Synthetic Progesterone | | | |Longer t1/2 |

|(Depro-Provera) | | | | | |

|Levonorgestrel |Synthetic Progesterone | |Androgenic | |Most potent; Longer t1/2 |

| | | |↓HDL:LDL, Impaired Glucose Tolerance | | |

| | | |Spotting, weight gain, acne, hirsutism | | |

|Norethindrone |Synthetic Progesterone | |Androgenic | |Potent; Longer t1/2 |

| | | |↓HDL:LDL, Impaired Glucose Tolerance | | |

| | | |Spotting, weight gain, acne, hirsutism | | |

|Desogestrel |Synthetic Progesterone | |↓HDL:LDL, Impaired Glucose Tolerance | | |

| | | |Spotting, weight gain, acne, hirsutism | | |

|Norgestimate |Synthetic Progesterone | |↓HDL:LDL, Impaired Glucose Tolerance | | |

| | | |Spotting, weight gain, acne, hirsutism | | |

|Mifepristone |Synthetic Progesterone |Abortion | | |Can only be used up to 7 weeks of pregnancy |

|RU-486 |Glucocorticoid Receptor Blocker |Cushing’s Disease | | |Used in Cushing’s if etiology unknown |

|Loestrin 21 |Monophasic Oral Contraceptive |Contraception |Not for smoking, Hx of thrombosis | |.02 Ethinyl Estradiol; 1.0 Norethindrone |

| | |(Suppress FSH & LH) |Breast Cancer, Stroke ↑BP or MI | | |

| | | |Headaches, Imobilization, Pregnancy | | |

|Ovcon 50 |Monophasic Oral Contraceptive |Contraception |Not for smoking, Hx of thrombosis | |.05 Ethinyl Estradiol; 1.0 Norethindrone |

| | |(Suppress FSH & LH) |Breast Cancer, Stroke ↑BP or MI | | |

| | | |Headaches, Imobilization, Pregnancy | | |

|Ortho-Novum |Biphasic Oral Contraceptive |Contraception |Not for smoking, Hx of thrombosis | |.035 Ethinyl Estrdiol; 0.5,1.0 Norethindrone |

| | |(Suppress FSH & LH) |Breast Cancer, Stroke ↑BP or MI | | |

| | | |Headaches, Imobilization, Pregnancy | | |

|Triphasil |Triphasic Oral Contraceptive |Contraception |Not for smoking, Hx of thrombosis | |.03 Ethinyl Estrdiol; 0.05, 0.75, 0.125 Norethindrone |

| | |(Suppress FSH & LH) |Breast Cancer, Stroke ↑BP or MI | | |

| | | |Headaches, Imobilization, Pregnancy | | |

|Ortho-Tri-Cyclen |Triphasic Oral Contraceptive |Contraception |Not for smoking, Hx of thrombosis | |.03 Ethinyl Estrdiol; 0.18, 0.215, 0.25 Norgestimate |

| | |(Suppress FSH & LH) |Breast Cancer, Stroke ↑BP or MI | | |

| | | |Headaches, Imobilization, Pregnancy | | |

|Mircette |Newer COC |Contraception |Not for smoking, Hx of thrombosis | |0.02 Ethinyl Estradiol; 0.15 Desogestrel |

| |(Monophasic?) |(Suppress FSH & LH) |Breast Cancer, Stroke ↑BP or MI | |(Low dose of E2 for off days) |

| | |PMS |Headaches, Imobilization, Pregnancy | | |

|Micronor |Progesterone Only Pill |Contraception |High failure rate | |0.35 Norethindrone |

| | | |High menstrual disturbance rate | |For lactating women, smokers or prothrombotic |

|Drug |Class |Use |Side Effects |Interactions |Other |

|Yasmin |Combination Oral Contraceptive |Contraception |Hyperkalemia | |New progestin (drospirenone-like to spirinalactone) |

| | | |Not for liver, kidney or adrenal problems | |No problems with Na+ retention |

|Ortho Evra | | | | |Higher compliance |

| | | | | |Worn continuously for 7 days |

|Preven Kit |Oral Contraceptive |Emergency Contraception | | |2 pills per dose |

| | | | | |0.5 mg levonorgestrel & 0.1 mg of ethinyl estradiol |

|Conjugated |Hormone Replacement Therapy |Hormone Replacement | | |.625 mg CE/2.5 mg Medroxyprogesterone |

|Estrogen/Medroxy-progestero| | | | | |

|ne acetate | | | | | |

|Conjugated Estrogen |Hormone Replacement Therapy |Hormone Replacement | | | |

|(Premarin) | | | | | |

|Transdermal Estradiol |Hormone Replacement Therapy |Hormone Replacement | | |No first pass effect |

|(Estraderm) | | | | |No thrombotic effect |

|Micronized Estradiol |Hormone Replacement Therapy |Hormone Replacement | | |No first pass effect |

|(Estrace) | |(Oral) | | | |

|Leuprolide |GnRH Agonist |Androgen Inhibitor | | |Stops pulses of GnRH – ↑ LH & FSH release |

| | |Prostate Cancer, Precocious Puberty | | |Long term = Shuts down release of LH & FSH |

| | |Uterine Leiomyoma & Endometriosis | | |Also for: BPH, Breast Cancer & PMS |

|Gonadorelin |GnRH Agonist | | | | |

|Ketoconazole |Imidazole |Prostate Cancer (not FDA approved) | | |Inhibits Steroidogenic P450 enzymes |

| |(Blocks all steroidogenesis) |Adrenal carcinomas | | |Stops aldosterone, cortisol & testosterone synthesis |

| | |Hirsutism & Breast Cancer | | | |

|Liarazole | | | | |Inhibits testosterone production |

|Flutamide |Non-steroidal anti-androgen |Metastatic Prostate Cancer | | |Blocks action of testosterone at receptor |

| |(Androgen Receptor Blocker) |BPH (not FDA approved) | | |Most effective when combined with Leuprolide |

|Cyproterone |Androgen Receptor Blocker | | | | |

|Spironolactone |Androgen Receptor Blocker |Mineralocorticoid Excess |Blocks androgen receptor at high | |↓ synthesis of Na+ channels & Na+/K+ ATPase |

| |Mineralocorticoid Receptor Blocker | |concentrations | | |

| | | |Hyperkalemia & Hyperchloremic acidosis | | |

|Finasteride |4-aza testosterone analog |Prostate Cancer | | |Competetively Inhibits Type II 5α Reductase |

| | |BPH | | | |

| | |Alopecia | | | |

|Drug |Class |Use |Side Effects |Interactions |Other |

|Testosterone |Natural Hormone |Hypogonadalism | | |Schedule C-III |

|(Androgel) | |Renal Failure Anemia (not approved) | | |Delivered as gel |

|(Testim) | |AIDS Wasting & Gender Change | | | |

|Hydrocortisone |Natural Hormone |1) Topical |Osteoporosis, Glucose Intolerance, | |Low potency |

| | |2) Replacement Therapy |Cataracts, Myopathy, Manic/Depression | |Equally effective on GR & MR |

| | | |↑BP, Ulcers, Body Fat, ↓ Growth | | |

|Fludrocortisone |Mineralocorticoid Agonist |Mineralocorticoid Deficiency |Hypertension | |10X higher affinity for MR than GR |

| | | |Hypokalemia | |Monitor plasma BP & renin |

| | | | | |Alternate day therapy |

|Aminoglutethimide |Steroid Synthesis Blocker |Adrenocorticol cancer | | |Inhibits initial/rate limiting step of steroid |

| | | | | |synthesis |

|Mitotane | | | | | |

|Metyrapone |Selective P-450c11 Inhibitor |Diagnostic Test of Adrenal Function | | |Selectively inhibits cortisol production |

| |(Inhibits 11β-Hydroxylase) | | | | |

|ZK 216348 |Glucocorticoid Receptor Agonist | |Few Side Effects | |No thinning of skin or high glucose |

| | | |Represses ACTH | | |

|Prednisone |Glucocorticoid Receptor Agonist |Acute Eczema (oral) |Osteoporosis, Glucose Intolerance, | | |

| | |Graft Rejection, Neoplasms |Cataracts, Myopathy, Manic/Depression | | |

| | |Multiple Sclerosis |↑BP, Ulcers, Body Fat, ↓ Growth | | |

|Prednisolone |Glucocorticoid Receptor Agonist |Rheumatic Diseases |Osteoporosis, Glucose Intolerance, | | |

| | | |Cataracts, Myopathy, Manic/Depression | | |

| | | |↑BP, Ulcers, Body Fat, ↓ Growth | | |

|Methylprednisolone |Glucocorticoid Receptor Agonist |Graft Rejection |Osteoporosis, Glucose Intolerance, | | |

| | |Multiple Sclerosis |Cataracts, Myopathy, Manic/Depression | | |

| | |Neoplasms |↑BP, Ulcers, Body Fat, ↓ Growth | | |

|Triamcinolone |Glucocorticoid Receptor Agonist |Asthma (Inhaled) |Osteoporosis, Glucose Intolerance, | |Medium Potency, Little effect on MR |

|acetonide | |Periarticular Inhection (Long duration)|Cataracts, Myopathy, Manic/Depression | |Highly metabolized |

| | |Intralesional & Joint Injections |↑BP, Ulcers, Body Fat, ↓ Growth | | |

|Dexamethasone |Glucocorticoid Receptor Agonist |Neoplasms |Osteoporosis, Glucose Intolerance, | |High Potency, Little effect on MR |

| | | |Cataracts, Myopathy, Manic/Depression | |Better than prednisone for treating ALL |

| | | |↑BP, Ulcers, Body Fat, ↓ Growth | | |

|Betamethasone |Glucocorticoid Receptor Agonist | |Osteoporosis, Glucose Intolerance, | |High Potency, Little effect on MR |

| | | |Cataracts, Myopathy, Manic/Depression | | |

| | | |↑BP, Ulcers, Body Fat, ↓ Growth | | |

|Fluticasone |Glucocorticoid Receptor Agonist |Asthma (Inhaled) | | |Rapid first pass elimination, Most lipophilic |

| | | | | |Combined with β-2 agonists, Longest t1/2 |

| | | | | |↓Growth, Catacts & Bone not risks in children |

|Beclomethasone | |Asthma (Inhaled) | | |Combined with β-2 agonists |

|Diproprionate | | | | |↓Growth, Catacts & Bone not risks in children |

|Drug |Class |Use |Side Effects |Interactions |Other |

|Butesonide | |Crohn’s Disease (DOC) | | |11% bioavailability |

| | |(oral) | | |Dissolves in ileum & ascending colon due to pH |

|Amiloride |Diuretics |Mineralocorticoid Excess |↑ K+ | |Block epithelial Na+ channel in distal tubule |

| |Potassium Sparing | |Use with caution in diabetics | |Mild diuretic effect – often combined w/ 2nd diuretic |

|Triamterene |Diuretics |Mineralocorticoid Excess |↑ K+ | |Block epithelial Na+ channel in distal tubule |

| |Potassium Sparing | |Use with caution in diabetics | |Mild diuretic effect – often combined w/ 2nd diuretic |

|Dimercaprol |Chelator |Arsenic & Acute Mercury |Painful Injection, Tachycardia, ↑ BP | |Unstable & Toxic |

| | | |N&V, ↑ Prothrombin time | |Low Therapeutic efficacy |

| | | |Avoid with Cadmium & Iron (renal failure) | | |

|Succimer |Chelator |DOC for Lead |GI Distress, CNS effects, skin rash | |More water soluble than Dimercaprol |

| | |Also good for arsenic and mercury |Liver enzyme elevation | |High therapeutic index |

| | | | | |Well absorbed from GI Tract |

|Calcium Disodium EDTA |Chelator |DOC for Lead > 45 υg/dL |Nephrotoxic (RT necrosis) | |1º therapy for lead poisoning (follow w/ succimer) |

| | |Iron & Zinc | | |↓ toxicity by adequate hydration & treat < 5 days |

| | |(IV) | | | |

|Penicillamine |Chelator |Copper |Nephrotoxicity | |Well absorbed in GI (1º advantage) |

| | |Adjunct for gold, lead, arsenic |Autoimmune (SLE & hemolytic anemia) | | |

|Deferoxamine |Chelator |Acute Iron Poisoning |Skin reactions | |Poorly absorbed from GI |

| | |(Parenteral) |Neuro, hepato & renal toxicity | | |

| | | |Histamine & Hypotensive shock | | |

|Carbon Monoxide |Air Pollutant | |Tissue Hypoxia (brain & Heart) | |Combines with hemoglobin, ↓ O2 capacity of RBC |

| | | |Mild CNS effects at 30-50% | |Hallmark is pink-cherry red skin |

| | | |↓pulse & respiration at 60-70% | |Rx = Relieve ischemia & Pure O2 (Hyperbaric) |

|Sulfur Dioxide |Air Pollutant | |↑ # mucous cells, secretion | |Forms sulfurous acid on contact w/ membranes |

| |(Fossil Fuels) | |Bronchoconstriction | |Rx = Remove from exposure, provide relief |

|Nitrogen Oxide |Air Pollutant | |Deep irritation & pulmonary edema | |Rx = Reduce irritation & edema |

| |(Fires, Silage, kerosene) | |Irritation to eyes, nose & throat | | |

|Ozone |Air Pollutant | |Shallow rapid breathing, Cough | |Rx = Reduce inflammation & edema |

| |(UV Light) | |Decrease in pulmonary compliance, pulmonary | | |

| | | |edema, bronchitis | | |

|Arsenic |Heavy Metal | |Acute = Death, corrosive to GI, bleeding | |Colorless and tasteless |

| |(Environment or Industry) | |Rice water stool; Chronic = skin changes, BM| |Interacts with sulfhidryl groups |

| | | |Depression & cancer | |Interferes with Pyruvate Dehydrogenase/TCA Cycle |

|Cadmium |Heavy Metal | |Inhaled = Pulmonary Edema, emphysema, | |Inhibits sulfhidryl groups (α-1-antitrypsin) |

| |(Manufacturing & Fossil Fuels) | |nephrotoxicity; Oral = osteomalacia | |Only 5% GI absorption |

| | | | | |Rx = Chelators ineffective, Give Vitamin D |

|Lead |Heavy Metal | |Acute = (rare) Colic & CNS changes | |Binds Sulfhidryl (ALA Dehydratase); Replaces Ca2+ |

| |(Paint) | |Chronic = neuropathy, anorexia, anemia, | |Rx: >45 = chelation, Et Glycol>EtOH>IPA |

| | | | | |↑ Anion gap |

| | | | | |Rx = avoid stimulants, correct electrolytes/sugar |

|Methanol |Alcohol | |Metabolic acidosis & Blindness (Formate) | |Rx = emesis/lavage, NaBicarbonate, EtOH or Fomepizole |

| |(Industrial, Sterno, Moonshine) | | | | |

|Fomepizole |Alcohol Dehydrogenase Inhibitor | | | | |

|Ethylene Glycol |Alcohol | |Calcium Oxalate damge to kidneys | |Metabolites more toxic than parent |

| |(Antifreeze) | |Pulmonary edema, CHF, Tachycardia | |Inhibits oxidative phosphorylation |

| | | |Renal Failure, N/V | |Rx = NaBicarb, ethanol or fomepizole |

|Hydrocarbons |Hydrocarbons | |Pulmonary(worst): Pneumonitis, Hemorrhagic | |Halogenated Hydrocarbons sensitize heart to |

| | | |bronchopneumonia, CNS, GI, Hepatic & Heart | |catecholamines & arrythmias |

| | | | | |Rx: prevent aspiration, emesis, support |

|17β-Estrogen |Hormone |Osteoporosis | | |Decreases osteoblas production of IL-6 |

|Raloxifene |Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator |Osteoporosis | | |No evidence of breast/endometrial cancer |

| | | | | |Avoids effects of 17β |

|Etidronate |Bisphosphonate |Osteoporosis |Induce osteomalacia (stop mineralization) | |Inhibit resorption – bind hydroxyapatite |

| | |Paget’s Disease | | | |

|Regular Insulin |Hormone |Diabetes & Ketoacidosis |Hypoglycemia & Weight Gain |Heart Medicines |Treat Ketoacidosis with low dose infusion |

| |(Short Acting Insulin) |(IV or SubQ) |Insulin Allergy; Lipo-atrophy/hypertrophy |Ethanol |Treat with IV before surgery or childbirth |

| | | |Insulin Edema |Salicylates | |

| | | | |Pentamidine | |

| | | | |Hormones | |

|Insulin Lispro |Recombinant Hormone |Diabetes |Hypoglycemia & Weight Gain |Heart Medicines |2 aa’s switched in β chain; less hypoglycemia |

|(Humalog) |(Ultra-Short Acting Insulin) |(SubQ) |Insulin Allergy; Lipo-atrophy/hypertrophy |Ethanol |mimic’s normal response, dose right before meal |

| | | |Insulin Edema |Salicylates | |

| | | | |Pentamidine | |

| | | | |Hormones | |

|Asparte Insulin |Hormone |Diabetes |Hypoglycemia & Weight Gain |Heart Medicines | |

| |(Short Acting Insulin) |(SubQ) |Insulin Allergy; Lipo-atrophy/hypertrophy |Ethanol | |

| | | |Insulin Edema |Salicylates | |

| | | | |Pentamidine | |

| | | | |Hormones | |

|NPH |Hormone |Diabetes |Hypoglycemia & Weight Gain |Heart Medicines | |

|(Insulin Isophane) |(Intermediate Acting Insulin) |(SubQ) |Insulin Allergy; Lipo-atrophy/hypertrophy |Ethanol | |

| | | |Insulin Edema |Salicylates | |

| | | | |Pentamidine | |

| | | | |Hormones | |

|Insulin Zinc |Hormone |Diabetes |Hypoglycemia & Weight Gain |Heart Medicines | |

|(Lente) |(Intermediate Acting Insulin with Zinc) |(SubQ) |Insulin Allergy; Lipo-atrophy/hypertrophy |Ethanol | |

| | | |Insulin Edema |Salicylates | |

| | | | |Pentamidine | |

| | | | |Hormones | |

|Drug |Class |Use |Side Effects |Interactions |Other |

|Insulin Isophane |Hormone |Diabetes |Hypoglycemia & Weight Gain |Heart Medicines | |

|(Ultralente) |(Long Acting Insulin with Zinc) |(SubQ) |Insulin Allergy; Lipo-atrophy/hypertrophy |Ethanol | |

| | | |Insulin Edema |Salicylates | |

| | | | |Pentamidine | |

| | | | |Hormones | |

|Insulin Glargine |Hormone |Diabetes |Hypoglycemia & Weight Gain |Heart Medicines |Better absorption than ultralente, 24 hr DOA |

|(Lantus) |(Long Acting Insulin) |(SubQ) |Insulin Allergy; Lipo-atrophy/hypertrophy |Ethanol |Once daily dose at bedtime |

| | | |Insulin Edema |Salicylates | |

| | | | |Pentamidine | |

| | | | |Hormones | |

|70% Insulin Isophane |Hormone |Diabetes |Hypoglycemia & Weight Gain |Heart Medicines |For big breakfast & lunch eaters |

|30% Human Insulin |(Long & Short Insulin Mix) |(SubQ) |Insulin Allergy; Lipo-atrophy/hypertrophy |Ethanol | |

| | | |Insulin Edema |Salicylates | |

| | | | |Pentamidine | |

| | | | |Hormones | |

|50% Insulin Isophane |Hormone |Diabetes |Hypoglycemia & Weight Gain |Heart Medicines |For big dinner eaters |

|50% Human Insulin |(Long & Short Insulin Mix) |(SubQ) |Insulin Allergy; Lipo-atrophy/hypertrophy |Ethanol | |

| | | |Insulin Edema |Salicylates | |

| | | | |Pentamidine | |

| | | | |Hormones | |

|Chlorpropropamide |1st Generation Sulfonylurea |Type II DM |Prolonged Hypoglycemia (>24 hrs) | |Reduce glucagons; Increase Insulin binding |

|(Diabenese) |(Blocks ATP K+ Channels) |(Oral) |Not for renal/hepatic disease | |Well absorbed from GI, bound to plasma proteins |

| | | |Not for pregnant | |Liver metabolism, renal excretion; Longest DOA |

|Acetohexamide |1st Generation Sulfonylurea |Type II DM |Hypoglycemia (mimics CVA) | |Reduce glucagons; Increase Insulin binding |

|(Dymelor) |(Blocks ATP K+ Channels) |(Oral) |Not for renal/hepatic disease | |Well absorbed from GI, bound to plasma proteins |

| | | |Not for pregnant | |Liver metabolism, renal excretion; |

|Tolazamide |1st Generation Sulfonylurea |Type II DM |Hypoglycemia (mimics CVA) | |Reduce glucagons; Increase Insulin binding |

|(Tolinase) |(Blocks ATP K+ Channels) |(Oral) |Not for renal/hepatic disease | |Well absorbed from GI, bound to plasma proteins |

| | | |Not for pregnant | |Liver metabolism, renal excretion; |

|Tolbutamide |1st Generation Sulfonylurea |Type II DM |Hypoglycemia (mimics CVA) | |Reduce glucagons; Increase Insulin binding |

|(Orinase) |(Blocks ATP K+ Channels) |(Oral) |Not for renal/hepatic disease | |Well absorbed from GI, bound to plasma proteins |

| | | |Not for pregnant | |Liver metabolism, renal excretion; Shortest DOA |

|Glipizide |2nd Generation Sulfonylurea |Type II DM |Hypoglycemia (mimics CVA) | |Reduce glucagons; Increase Insulin binding |

|(Glucotrol) |(Blocks ATP K+ Channels) |(Oral) |Not for renal/hepatic disease | |Well absorbed from GI, bound to plasma proteins |

| | | |Not for pregnant | |Liver metabolism, renal excretion; |

|Glyburide |2nd Generation Sulfonylurea |Type II DM |Hypoglycemia (mimics CVA) | |Reduce glucagons; Increase Insulin binding |

|(Diabeta, Micronase) |(Blocks ATP K+ Channels) |(Oral) |Not for renal/hepatic disease | |Well absorbed from GI, bound to plasma proteins |

| | | |Not for pregnant | |Liver metabolism, renal excretion; Smaller dose |

|Glimipiride |2nd Generation Sulfonylurea |Type II DM |Hypoglycemia (mimics CVA) | |Reduce glucagons; Increase Insulin binding |

|(Amaryl) |(Blocks ATP K+ Channels) |(Oral) |Not for renal/hepatic disease | |Well absorbed from GI, bound to plasma proteins |

| | | |Not for pregnant | |Liver metabolism, renal excretion; Smaller dose |

|Metformin |Biguanide |Type II DM |Diarrhea, Anorexia, ↓ B12 & Folate | |Alone or Combined; Slowly escalate dose |

|(Glucophage) |(Inhibits Gluconeogenesis) |(Oral) |Not for lactate (renal, CHF, lung, liver) | |No ↑ wt (may ↓); ↑HDL ↓LDL; Intestinal Absorption |

| | | |Don’t use with contrast dye or Creat >1.5 | |Doesn’t bind plasma proteins; short t1/2 |

|Acarbose |Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitor |Type I & II DM |Abdominal Discomfort & Cramping | |Monotherapy or Combined |

|(Precose) |(Inhibits α-glucosidase) |(Oral) |Diarrhea | | |

| |(Blocks carb/starch absorption) | | | | |

|Miglitol |Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitor |Type I & II DM | | |Better tolerated than Acarbose |

|(Glyset) |(Inhibits α-glucosidase) |(Oral) | | | |

| |(Blocks carb/starch absorption) | | | | |

|Troglitazone |Thiazolinedione (1st gen Glitazone) |Type II DM |Hepatotoxicity | |Insulin Sensitizer |

|(Rezulin) |(Increases # of Glut Transporters) |Banned | | | |

|Drug |Class |Use |Side Effects |Interactions |Other |

|Rosiglitazone |Thiazolinedione (2nd gen Glitazone) |Type II DM |URIs | |Once Daily Dosing; Monotherapy or combined |

|(Avandia) |(Increases # of Glut Transporters) |(Oral) |Headaches | |Requires liver testing; ↑HDL ↓LDL |

| | | |Weight gain | |Delayed onset of effect; No hepatotoxicity |

|Pioglitazone |Thiazolinedione (2nd gen Glitazone) |Type II DM | | | |

|(Actos) |(Increases # of Glut Transporters) |(Oral) | | | |

|Repaglinide |Meglitinide (Glitinide) |Type II DM |Hypoglycemia, Hyperinsulinemia | |More potent if glc is only moderately elevated |

|(Prandin) |(Blocks ATP K+ Channels) |(Oral) |GI (uncommon) | |Rapid onset, short DOA, taken before meals |

| | | | | |Metabolized in liver; “Dose & Eat” |

|Nateglinide |Meglitinide (Glitinide) |Type II DM | | | |

|(Starlix) |(Blocks ATP K+ Channels) |(Oral) | | | |

| | | | | | |

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