Grant GUIDELINES I. GRANT PROGRAM OVERVIEWThe mission of Travel Oregon is: “A better life for Oregonians through strong, sustainable local economies.” Travel Oregon has established a program to make grant awards “to eligible applicants for projects that contribute to the development and improvement of communities throughout this state by means of the enhancement, expansion and promotion of the visitor industry.” The 2014/2015 grant cycle has $120,000 available to be awarded in grants of not less than $2,500 or more than $20,000, subject to matching and other requirements described herein. This document outlines the process for applying and the criteria Travel Oregon will use in deciding to award grants. All applicants will be required to contact their DMO and RDMO with their grant project ideas, submit a grant project idea worksheet to Travel Oregon and then complete their grant application via a fillable Word document which can be emailed or mailed with supporting documents to Travel Oregon by the deadline. Instructions for completing the 4-step application are provided in Section III, Applications. The schedule for the Matching Grants Program, from the February announcement of the availability of the grants through completion of any grant contracts that are awarded pursuant to this announcement, is provided in Attachment A, Grant Timelines. This document consists of two parts: The Grant Guidelines and Grant Application Form. Travel Oregon Matching Grant Program InitiativesGrant applicants will need to describe how their grant project complements Travel Oregon Matching Grant Program Initiatives. It is not required that your grant project meet all of these initiatives. More information on Travel Oregon’s programs can be found at . Maximize the economic return on public and private investments in OregonDrive year-round destination-oriented travel from Oregon’s key domestic and international markets by aligning and optimizing local opportunitiesDevelop destination-based products that are in concert with Oregon’s natural environment and that support the stewardship of the state’s resourcesProvide strategic industry professional development and training opportunitiesRealize strategic statewide integration of technologyB. Regional Cooperative Marketing Program, Regional Destination Marketing Organization and Destination Marketing OrganizationOTC has identified seven (7) regions in the state through the Regional Cooperative Marketing Program (RCMP). The application requires that you specify the region which is applicable to your grant project. Choose the “state-wide” region on the application, only if your grant project involves statewide partners or impacts the whole state. A map of the regions can be found at . The RCMP program distributes a portion of the statewide Oregon 1% lodging tax revenues back to each Oregon region to fund the approved strategic marketing plan for that region. More information on the RCMP program, including the marketing plans for each region, can be found at . You are required to contact your Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) and Regional Destination Marketing Organization (RDMO) about your grant project to get their input and suggestions before completing the application. You will also need to find out how your project fits into your community and/or region’s current strategic/marketing plan as this is a question you will need to answer on the Grant Application. You will be required to submit a letter (or email copy of your conversation) from both your DMO and RDMO stating that you have discussed your project idea with them (including their input would be helpful for the reviewers to see too if you are able). If you are a DMO or RDMO applying for this grant you can skip the letter or email from your own organization. See Attachment B, Description of DMOs and RDMOs, for information about DMOs and RDMOs. A list of DMOs can be found at . If you have questions about who your DMO is please ask your RDMO. II. ELIGIBILITYA.Funding Availability; Matching FundsTravel Oregon has $120,000 for investment in the Matching Grants Program during the 2014/2015 cycle. An applicant may apply for one grant per cycle in amounts of not less than $2,500 or more than $20,000. Applicant must match the amount of the awarded grant dollar-for-dollar. Up to 50% of your match may be in-kind. (Example: An applicant that is awarded a $10,000 grant must provide $10,000 in matching funds. Of the $10,000 in matching funds, up to $5,000 may be in-kind services such as donated professional services or materials relevant to the grant project. Regional Cooperative Marketing Program funds (distributed through Travel Oregon – see I. B. above) may not be used as matching funds. Matching funds/in-kind matches must be used only for Eligible Activities and cannot be used for Ineligible Project and Activities, as described below.B.Eligible ApplicantsCities, counties, port districts, federally recognized Tribes and non-profit entities in Oregon and involved with tourism promotion and development are eligible for grants from the Matching Grants Program. All applications must be signed by an official authorized to legally bind the Applicant to perform the Project. Upon request by Travel Oregon, an Applicant must comply with a request to supply Travel Oregon with a copy of the resolution or other documents demonstrating the Applicant’s authority to undertake the Project and authorizing the official to sign on behalf of the Applicant. C.Eligible Projects Eligible projects include those that provide for the improvement or expansion of the tourism economy in Oregon. Projects should target the development of tourism infrastructure or strategic collaborative marketing initiatives that align with the Travel Oregon brand that enhance the visitor experience in Oregon and increase the likelihood of visitation from outside the local area. Partnerships with local, regional and statewide tourism organizations, economic development and/or government organizations and tourism-related businesses are looked upon favorably. Though it is not a requirement, ideally, your project will lead to an increase of room nights to local lodging facilities. Preference will be given to projects that enhance your community, region or Travel Oregon’s existing tourism development efforts or marketing initiatives. Preference will also be given to projects focused on at least one of the three niches of Travel Oregon’s tourism development priorities: Nature-based outdoor recreationCycling tourismCulinary & Agri-tourism developmentEligible project examples range from tourism-infrastructure development such as new trail development or implementation of a visitor way-finding signage plan (NOTE: See information on applying for signage projects in Section III, Applications) to implementing technology to capture visitor feedback to developing new tangible agri-tourism experiences. Projects in communities that have participated in Travel Oregon’s Rural Tourism Studio or Bicycle Tourism Studio will also be of particular interest. Funding will only be awarded to projects that can be COMPLETED within the allowable 12 month timeframe. Project activities may include, but are not limited to, any of the following to execute NEW efforts, initiatives or offerings, domestically and/or internationally (not in any particular order):Strategic planning for community-based tourism developmentProfessional assistance for building local capacity for tourism development Educational activities to grow local capacity and leadership such as attendance to conferences, educational seminars or professional meetings to further leaders’ understanding and involvement with the travel and tourism industry Niche market tourism development activities such as: organizing specialized trainings or workshops to support the continued development or growth of a target niche market, conducting local familiarization tours, or regional study toursDevelopment of new local and regional maps intended for niche market development or tourism promotion Trail concept or trail development plans to foster greater visitor access to nature-based outdoor recreation; Activities necessary to carry out the implementation of an existing planVisitor way-finding signage plans or the implementation of an existing plan for signage production and/or installation (NOTE: See information on applying for signage projects in Section III, Applications)Event creation or promotion that is positioned to attract a high volume of new visitors to an area during the off-season or shoulder seasonDevelopment or implementation of visitor service training or related projects such as implementing an Oregon Q Care Customer Service or We Speak related training programBusiness or workforce development programming targeted to tourism-related businessesStrategic collaborative marketing initiatives that build off the Travel Oregon brand and are executed in conjunction with established local, regional and state Destination Marketing OrganizationsDevelopment of tourism content for an area to be used in conjunction with on-going/existing local, regional and state marketing initiatives D.Ineligible Projects and ActivitiesProjects that include the following activities are not eligible for grants under the Matching Grants Program:1.Projects that involve modifications of eligible historic structures or items.2.Activities that are not NEW efforts, initiatives or offerings. Examples of activities that are not new efforts, initiatives or offerings include, but are not limited to, the following:Reprints or second editions of any kindUpdates to websites including structural changes and/or design changes3.Grant funds cannot be used to cover the costs of staff or consultant salaries, mileage or associated fees that are already budgeted to execute a particular area of work within an organization. Budget line items will however be considered to provide capacity for project coordination and/or project management when necessary in order for an organization to undertake an eligible project. 4. Grant funds will not be awarded to large-scale projects/budgets unless there is a clear understanding of how Travel Oregon’s grant will specifically fund a new, eligible initiative. Funding will only be awarded to projects that can be COMPLETED within the allowable timeframe.5.This grant will not be awarded to a project that emphasizes private profitability and/or where the investment could be considered a regular cost of doing business.III.APPLICATIONSThe application will be completed via a fillable Word document as part of a 4-step process described in Attachment C, Grant Application Checklist. As more fully described in the Grant Application Checklist, the application process includes responding to questions. Applicants must respond to the questions in a clear, concise narrative and only include information that is relevant to the grant project. You will be able to submit up to 2 paragraphs on the narrative questions with a max of 1,440 characters per answer. All instructions must be followed. Failure to follow the instructions in their entirety may result in disqualification of the application. NOTE: Travel Oregon will not reimburse a grant recipient for any costs associated with a grant project that are incurred before a grant contract between Travel Oregon and the grant recipient has been signed by both Travel Oregon and the grant recipient (planning meetings for the project may occur prior to the grant award). Support letters are strongly encouraged to be gathered and submitted as part of your application. These can be letters of support from community leaders, local tourism industry entities, other organizations or parties involved or affected by this project. These letters are submitted in the Support Letters section (#6) of the Submitting Grant Application and Supporting Documents part of the Grant Application (separate document). If your grant project involves signage of any kind, you are required to gather and submit letters from each organization or entity involved stating that they allow your organization approval to place signage on their land/property during the timeframe of the grant. These letters will be combined with any other Support Letters (#6) as outlined in the Submitting Grant Application and Supporting Documents section of the Grant Application (separate document). IV. EVALUATION CRITERIA; AWARD OF GRANTSA. Grant applications must be complete and include the following: Authorizations from the applicant's Board Chair, Executive Director/CEO and grant project manager (or equivalent acceptable to Travel Oregon). Description of how the project meets the match requirement (50% of which may be in-kind)Description of how the project is focused on improvement or expansion of tourism marketing programs, or tourism infrastructure development or products designed to increase tourism from outside the area for greater economic impact to an area or community. Ideally, this will include an increase of room nights to local lodging facilitiesA Federal Tax ID # is required. Social security numbers will not be acceptedDemonstration that the project complements and is consistent with existing local, regional or Travel Oregon’s existing tourism development efforts or marketing initiatives [NOTE: Travel Oregon staff can, at the applicant’s request, work with the applicant to assist with introductions to local, regional or other organizations as needed for your grant project. B. REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS; DECISION TO AWARDThe Matching Grants Program Review Committee will evaluate the applications and make recommendations to Travel Oregon. See a complete list of all grant dates and deadlines in the Grant Timelines, Attachment A. Applications will be reviewed for the following: Degree to which they further Travel Oregon Matching Grant Program Initiatives (Section I.A.); Supports the goals and objectives found in the DMO, RDMO, and Travel Oregon strategic plans and degree of coordination with applicable DMOs and RDMOs; Potential for positive economic impact on community/region as a direct result of the project; Potential for project to stimulate and generate tourism economic development; Viability, integrity and long-term sustainability of the project; Financial need of applying organization; Demonstration that applicant and project meet the eligibility requirements of Section II, and that the application is complete and contains all information required by these Grant Guidelines, including without limitation as stated in Attachment C and Section IV.A. Travel Oregon reserves the right to award grants in amounts totaling less than all funds that are available under the Matching Grants Program, to waive minor irregularities in grant applications, to award a different amount than is provided in a grant application (subject to the overall limitation that grants be for at least $2,500 and not more than $20,000), to make changes to the Grant Guidelines or to cancel the Matching Grants Program in its entirety if it is determined by Travel Oregon , in its sole discretion, that it is its best interest to do so. V. GRANT CONTRACTSApplicants who are awarded a grant by Travel Oregon shall enter into a grant contract between Travel Oregon and the highest elected official of the county or city, the executive director of the port district, the tribe’s chief executive or the chairperson of the non-profit entity, or such other person acceptable to Travel Oregon who is authorized to enter into binding contracts on the applicant’s behalf. The grant contract will include, among other things, the following: Monitoring; TimelinesProjects will be monitored by Travel Oregon, and grant recipients shall maintain records sufficient for monitoring and use provided report templates for submission of all information required. The grant contract shall include all timelines and report templates that must be observed by the grant recipient.B. Travel Oregon Recognition Grant recipients shall conspicuously display on all finished grant projects that the project is being funded through a grant from Travel Oregon. In many areas of Oregon, a regional style guide has been developed for use by tourism businesses and destination marketers. We encourage grant recipients to adopt these guidelines to align with the other communications going out from a region.? Travel Oregon is available to consult on the specific design needs of each grant recipient. Travel Oregon’s logo must be utilized on publications, websites and other significantly visible project activities. A consultation with Travel Oregon’s Director of Brand Strategy may be required (will be stated in your grant agreement if this is the case) before work can begin on your grant project. Regional style guides can be found at . If there is no regional style guide for your area, Travel Oregon has a style guide that can be found at Please contact Kendra Perry, Kendra@ to obtain a copy of the most recent Travel Oregon logo. C. Grant Reports Mid-Project Report Use form provided by Travel Oregon. A Mid-Project Report and an updated grant project budget must be submitted at this time (Note: Travel Oregon needs to approve any budget changes). Due to Travel Oregon by March 13, 2015 Grant Project to be Completed/Accomplishment Report & Expense Report Use forms provided by Travel Oregon for both of these reports. Grant project must be completed and your Accomplishment Report sent to Travel Oregon along with two copies of proof of your completed grant project (pictures, electronic files, pdf, hard copy if it is a tangible item, etc.). An expense report with copies of project receipts not already submitted clearly marked with what budget line item expense it reflects needs to be submitted with the Accomplishment Report. An updated grant budget must also be submitted at this time if Travel Oregon has approved any changes. No further reimbursement will be provided after submission of the Accomplishment Report & Expense Report. Due to Travel Oregon by September 30, 2015.Final Measurement of Success Grant Report Use form provided by Travel Oregon. A final report on your grant project and its measure of success is due 12 months following the grant completion due date. Due to Travel Oregon by September 30, 2016NOTE: You may submit reports earlier than these dates if your project timeline allows. Failure to timely submit reports may result in ineligibility for any future grant programs offered by Travel Oregon. D. Grant Funds Disbursement Any grant funds not used as approved shall be returned to Travel Oregon pursuant to the grant contract. Projects must be completed within the grant period stated at the time of the grant’s contract. Travel Oregon will not reimburse a grant recipient for any costs associated with a grant project that are incurred before a grant contract between Travel Oregon and the grant recipient has been signed by both Travel Oregon and the grant recipient (planning meetings for the project may occur prior to the Grant Award though). An initial disbursement of 50% of the project grant funds will be sent to grant recipient with fully-executed contract. The signed contracts are due to Travel Oregon by August 29, 2014 and will be returned to grant recipient on or before September 12, 2014. The final disbursement of 50% of the project grant funds will be sent once your project is complete and following receipt of the Accomplishment Report and Expense Report which are due to Travel Oregon by September 30, 2015. The Expense Report must include copies of all project receipts, clearly marked with what budget line item expense it reflects and turned in using the form provided by Travel Oregon and mailed or emailed by the deadline with the Accomplishment Report to:Travel Oregon, Attn: Kendra Perry/Matching Grants Program, 250 Church Street SE, Suite 100, Salem, OR 97301 or via email at Grants@. If sent by email, a confirmation email will be sent to you within 24 hours. If you do not receive this email we have not received your email so please contact Kendra at (503) 967-1561. E. Amendments When necessary, amendments may be made to the grant agreement by mutual agreement of the grant recipient and Travel Oregon, such that:Items subject to amendment may include, but are not limited to, substantial alteration of cost, scope, location, objectives, or timeframe of the approved activities or project funded by the grant; and2. Failure by a grant recipient to gain prior approval from Travel Oregon for any substantial changes or anything over $100 in a budget line item change, may be a cause for grant recipient to return all grant funds immediately Any changes need to be submitted via form provided by Travel Oregon to: Travel Oregon, Attn: Kendra Perry/Matching Grants Program, 250 Church Street SE, Suite 100, Salem, OR 97301 or via email at Grants@. A confirmation email will be sent to you within 24 hours. If you do not receive this email we have not received your information so please contact Kendra at (503) 967-1561. Your grant amendment is not considered approved until you receive notice in writing from Travel Oregon. V. Who to Contact if You Have Questions All questions pertaining to the grant guidelines and application process (February – May 2014) should be directed to: Travel Oregon, Attn: Patti Kileen, Matching Grants Program, 250 Church Street, SE, Suite 100, Salem, OR 97301. Questions can be sent to: Grants@ or you can call Patti Kileen directly at (503) 967-1565.All questions pertaining to a grant application that has been submitted or after your grant application has been approved (May 2014 – September 2015) should be directed to: Travel Oregon, Attn: Kendra Perry, Matching Grants Program, 250 Church Street, SE, Suite 100, Salem, OR 97301. Questions can be sent to: Grants@ or you can call Kendra Perry directly at (503) 967-1561.ATTACHMENT AGRANT TIMELINES February 6, 2014Matching Grants Program information announced and application openMay 2, 2014 by 5:00 pm Deadline to contact both your DMO and RDMO May 23, 2014 by 5:00 pm Grant Project Idea Worksheet due to Travel Oregon June 12, 2014 by 5:00 pm Matching Grants Program application dueAugust 4, 2014Grant application notificationAll grant applicants will be notified in writing by this date on the status of their grant applicationAugust 15, 2014 Grant contracts sent to grant recipientsAll contracts will be sent out to grant recipients by this date. August 29, 2014 Signed contracts due to Travel Oregon Two signed copies of the grant contract need to be returned to Travel Oregon by this date. (Note: If you take longer than the August 29, 2014 due date to return your signed contracts, you will need to wait to receive the fully-executed contract before grant work can begin.)September 12, 2014 Fully-executed contract & 50% of the grant funds sent to grant recipientsA copy of a fully executed contract (both parties have signed) will be sent to grant recipient along with an initial disbursement of 50% of the grant project’s funds by this date if received at Travel Oregon by earlier deadline of August 29, 2014. Grant project work can now officially begin! March 13, 2015 Mid-Project Report Use form provided by Travel Oregon for this report. An updated grant project budget must also be submitted at this time if Travel Oregon has approved any changes. September 30, 2015 Grant project to be Completed/Accomplishment Report & Expense Report dueUse forms provided by Travel Oregon. Grant project must be completed and your Accomplishment Report sent to Travel Oregon along with proof of your project. An expense report with copies of project receipts, clearly marked with what budget line item expense it reflects needs to be submitted with the Accomplishment Report. An updated grant project budget must be submitted at this time (if Travel Oregon has approved any changes). No further reimbursement will be provided after submission of the Accomplishment Report & Expense Report.November 13, 2015Final disbursement of 50% of the grant funds sent to grant recipients by this date September 30, 2016 Final Measurement of Success Grant Report due Use form provided by Travel Oregon. Final report on your grant project is due 12 months following the grant completion date to report on your measurements of success. ATTACHMENT BDescription of DMOs and RDMOsDMO = Destination Marketing OrganizationAn organization whose primary function is to attract visitors to its locale for the purpose of enhancing the local economy through purchase of room nights, food and beverage, retail items, transportation, visitor services, etc. In Oregon, local DMO’s work with their Regional DMO to cooperatively leverage budgets, advertising, services, and information for the benefit of all tourism entities in the region. If you have questions about who your DMO is please ask your RDMO as they know your region best. (For the purpose of this grant your DMO will be the organization in your community that promotes tourism)RDMO = Regional Destination Marketing OrganizationOregon is divided into seven tourism regions; each region has identified one DMO to act as its Regional Destination Marketing Organization. That RDMO partners with Travel Oregon for the purpose of attracting visitors to that region. Regional DMO (RDMO) contact information is listed below in the chart. Oregon CoastCounties: Clatsop, Tillamook, Lincoln, Coos, Curry; coastal portions of Lane and DouglasOregon Coast Visitors AssociationMarcus Hinz Tel:541. 264.0543Director@Greater PortlandCounties: Washington, Columbia; portions of Multnomah and ClackamasGreater PortlandGreg NewlandTel:503.275.9771 Greg@Mt. Hood/The GorgeCounties: Hood River; portions of Wasco, Multnomah and ClackamasMt. Hood Territory / Columbia River GorgeJeannine BreshearsTel: Willamette ValleyCounties: Yamhill, Polk, Benton, Marion, Linn; portions of Lane and ClackamasWillamette Valley Visitors AssociationJimmie LuchtTel:541.928.0911jlucht@Southern OregonCounties: Klamath, Lake, Jackson, Josephine; portions of DouglasTravel Southern Oregon (Southern Oregon Visitors Association)Carolyn S. HillTel:541.890.7842Carolyn@ Central OregonCounties: Jefferson, Deschutes, Crook; portions of Wasco Central Oregon Visitors AssociationAlana AudetteTel:1.800.800.8334Alana@Eastern OregonCounties: Sherman, Gilliam, Wheeler, Morrow, Union, Umatilla, Wallowa, Grant, Baker, Harney, MalheurEastern Oregon Visitors AssociationAlice TrindleTel:541.856.3356 eova@ATTACHMENT CGrant APPLICATION CHECKLIST The 2014/2015 Matching Grants Program application is to be completed via fillable Word document which can be emailed or mailed to Travel Oregon by the deadline of June 12, 2014 at 5:00 pm. Please follow the four steps of the grant application process listed below. Once you have all the information compiled from steps 1 – 3, you will be able to complete the 4th step of submitting the application via email or by mailing to our office. Application Check List (You must follow these 4 steps for a successful grant application). Review the Grant Guidelines to make sure your organization and your proposed grant project fit within the application guidelines and start gathering all the information needed for the grant application. Consult with your Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) and Regional Marketing Organization (RDMO) on your grant project idea to get their input and suggestions. You will be required to submit a letter or email from both your DMO and RDMO stating that you have discussed your project idea with them (including their input or the email conversations would be helpful). If you are a DMO or RDMO applying for this grant you can skip the letter or email from your own organization. If you have questions about who your DMO is please ask your RDMO. DMO and RDMO information can be found in Section I.B. and in Attachment B. Deadline to contact your DMO and RDMO about your project idea is May 2, 2014 by 5:00 pm. After you have received input and suggestions from both your DMO and RDMO, the next step is to submit your Grant Project Idea Worksheet via email to Travel Oregon for review. The Grant Project Idea Worksheet can be found online at . Travel Oregon will email you a confirmation when we receive your worksheet and within 7-working days you will receive feedback. Please wait to receive feedback from us before you begin work on the 2014/2015 Matching Grants Program Grant Application. Deadline to submit this form to Travel Oregon is May 23, 2014 by 5:00 pm. After you have received feedback from Travel Oregon on your Grant Project Idea Worksheet, and made any suggested revisions and/or contacts as needed, you are now ready to complete the Grant Application (separate document). You are able to submit your application and supporting documents via email or mail. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact Patti Kileen at Travel Oregon, (503) 967-1565 or Grants@. 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