
Mariano Marcos State UniversityMARIANO MARCOS STATE UNIVERSITY-LABORATORY HIGH SCHOOLBatac CityA DETAILED LESSON PLAN ONLITERATUREGrade 9-Einstein Submitted by: Kadek Yeyen Meyasa Student Teacher Submitted to: Mr. Ariston A. Lorenzo Teacher Training InstructorFebruary 2019Detailed Lesson Plan English Grade 9I. ObjectivesAt the end of the lesson, the student should have:Defined a short story;Identified the elements of short story;Unlocked the difficult words in the story The Happy Prince; Discussed the significance of elements in piece;Appreciated literature as an art from inspired and influenced by culture; Analyzed a short story; andMade an alternative ending suitable to the story.II. Subject MatterTopicThe short story and its elementsLiterature piece: “The Happy Prince” by Wilde, OscarReferencesMSA Comprehensive EnglishLearning Instructional MaterialsPowerPoint SlidesLCD ProjectorLaptopIII. Learning ProcedureTeacher’s ActivityStudent’s ActivityRoutineGood morning, Class!How are you?I am teacher Yeyen. I will be your teacher for today’s lesson. First of all please check the surrounding. If you see any rubbish please take it and put it in trash can. Okay, thank you. The classroom is already clean now and before we start the lesson let’s pray for a moment. Who is the secretary in this class? Is there anyone absent today? Very good everyone for the prefect attendance.MotivationHave you ever read a short story?What story have you read?Can you tell me about that story?PresentationToday we are going to learn about short story and its elements within particular short story.Lesson ProperTask1. Short story definitionNow we start by defining a short story. What do you know about short story?Yes. Ali?Good point from Ali. 5 points for you.What about other students?Yes. Nia? Very good, Nia. Keep it up.So here is the short story. Please read on the slide everybody.Task3. Elements of short storyAfter understanding the definition of short story. Now we move to the elements of the short story. We will play a game here. I want you to sit with your group. The name of this game is card-matching. The rules of this game are:Students have to work in group;Each group will be given 2 turns to go forward and match between the term and definition within the card;Each group will send 2 representatives to match between the term and definition within the card in 3 minutes;After 3 minutes, those students will go back to their group and discuss about the example of the terms that have been found within the cards.You’ve got the point?Ok. The game is over now. Who wants to share their finding? The first group are you ready?Very good! Thanks for the first group! How about the third group?And now the second group. Show us your finding result.The last group is the forth group. The time is yours. Good job students. You have done a great work. Let us talk deeply about the elements of short story that will be flashed on the power point slide. So, there are seven elements of short story, as follows:Character and characterizationSettingPlot Point of viewThemeTone Style Character is the person involved in the story meanwhile characterization is the act of introducing and developing character to make them real and believable. There are three type of characterization. Please read students.Static characterization is divided into three different types. Who wants to give example of characterization based on your previous read? What about the character and characterization in the short story entitled My Father Goes To Court. It seems that you are familiar with that story. The second element of short story is setting. Setting is the time and place in which the action of the story occurs. For example in My Father Goes To Court short story. The story is set in Philippines especially in a small town on the island of Luzon. The setting of the story is very Filipino, people in the barrio, helping each other. The events occurred in their neighbourhood, and the trial was held in a court in their locality.The next is plot of the story. Plot is the action of the story. It is usually a series of related incidents which build and grow as the story develops. Here I have a pyramid named Freytag’s pyramid. Who wants to describe this pyramid?Yes. Andi?Very good, Andi.Plot is divided into five dimensions. Please read students.Task4 Analyzing the plot of short storyBased on that explanation who wants to analyze the plot of My Father Goes To Court story? Here I have the Freytag’s Pyramid. You have to choose the best scenario for each element of the plot. The first dimension is exposition. You, Please. The next dimension is rising action (complication). Who wants to be the volunteer to share their opinion about this part?Ya. Ani? The third is conflict. You, pleaseWhat about the climax. Yes, Bob?Next is falling action. Ok, Jack?The last is resolution. Ok, Mira?The fourth element of short story is point of view. It refers to the method of narration. The vantage point from which the story is told. There are four different types of point of view. Please read everybody.So which point of view that is suitable for My Father Goes To Court? 30 points for the correct answer. Yes, Sam?30 points for you.The fifth element is theme. It is the statement about life that a particular work is trying to get across the reader. It is the author’s message. What is the theme of this story? The next element is tone. It is the attitude of the author toward his audience and characters. Tone of the story is poverty and social status.The last element is style of the story. It is how the author writes. The manner in which he uses language, his choice and arrangement of words. Task5 Reading comprehensionNow I have a short story entitled The Happy Price. I have made a copy for each student. Please distribute to your friends. I give you 10 minutes to read the story. Time is up. Task6 Scramble wordNow we will play a game. There are some boxes that contain of question for each box. Each group has five times opportunity to choose the box. A transparent precious stone, typically blue. (P-A-S-E-I-H-P-R)A migratory swift-flaying songbird with a forked tail and long pointed wings. (O-W-S-A-W-L-L)A monumental structure with a square or triangular based and sloping sides that meet in a point at the top. (I-A-M-D-Y-R-P)A person with whom one spends a lot of time. (O-O-M-C-N-N-I-P-A)A person who attends a royal court as companion or adviser to the king or queen. (U-R-O-R-C-T-I-R-E)A woman who sews, especially one who earns her living for sewing. (S-S-S-S-T-M-A-E-R-E)Decorate by sewing pattern on it with thread. (O-R-E-E-M-B-R-I-D)A person or company that makes or sells precious stone. (R-J-L-L-W-E-E-E)Thing that is burnt as fuel. (R-O-D-F-I-O-E-W)Large boat or a ship. (E-V-S-S-L-E)A piece of cardboard used to light a fire. (T-C-M-A-H)A shallow through fixed beneath the edge of a rood for carrying of water. (E-U-T-G-T-R)A woman’s garment, typically made of translucent nylon or silk, that fits closely over the foot and is hold up by suspenders or and elasticated strip. (C-G-N-K-S-O-T-I) A large wading bird with a long down curved bill, log neck, and long legs. (B-I-I-S)A cat of hairless breed. (X-S-N-H-Y-P)A deposit of small white ice crystals formed on the ground or other surfaces when the temperature falls below freezing. (O-T-F-S-R)Shine with a sparkling light. (S-N-G-I-T-E-L)A hanging, tapering piece of ice formed by freezing of dripping water, (C-E-I-I-L-C)A short knife with a pointed and edged blade, used a weapon (E-G-A-D-R-G)An enclosed structure in which material can be heated to very high temperatures. (C-R-F-N-U-E-A)Here is the summary of the short story. The statue of the Happy Prince stood high above the city. It was covered with gold, its eyes were bright jewels, and a red jewel hung from its waits. A swallow flew over the city and landed on the statue.The eyes of the Happy Prince were full of tears because he saw the unhappiness of his city.The swallow took the great ruby from the Happy Prince’s sword and brought it to the seamstress whose son was sick.The swallow took the Happy Prince’s eye that was made by rare sapphires from India to the young man.The swallow plucked another Happy Prince’s eyes to be given to the little match-girl.The swallow picked off every leaf of the fine gold from the Happy Prince and distributed to the poor citizen.The swallow died and the Happy Prince seemed terrible as all of the jewelleries were gone. They threw the Happy Prince’s broken heart and the dead swallow on a dust heap.The Happy Prince and swallow lived happily at God’s garden of Paradise.Task7 Spinning wheelThere is a spinning wheel that will be flashed on the screen. I will spin it. When you say stop, then the pointer on the spinning wheel will point a number. You have to answer that question based on the number that you have got. What were the precious gems that covered the Happy Price statue?Why did the swallow want to go to Egypt?Why was the Happy Prince sad?Where did the Happy Prince live?Why did the Happy Prince ask swallow to pluck the ruby out of his sword-hilt?What was the Happy Prince’s second order to the swallow?What was the problem that was faced by a little match-girl?What did happen after the Happy Prince had accomplished his duties?What is the moral value of the story?What statue would be built to replace the Happy Prince statue?The swallow gave bright sapphires to a steamstress.The Professor of Ornithology saw the wallows had a bath on the lake.The swallow would go to Egypt after finishing Happy Princes requests.The citizens were very happy and could survive in the winter.The angle gave reward for the Happy Prince and swallow to stay in God’s Paradise GardenPoint reduction by 20!Additional 10 point!Steal 10 point from other team!Additional 10 point!Point reduction by 20!Well this is the end for the game. Congratulation for the winner! You can take your reward!GeneralizationDo you enjoy today’s lesson class?What have you learned from the story?Very good!Well thank you for your participation for today’s class. Give a big applause for you all. See you in the next class.Good morning, Sir!Good, Sir!Yes, Sir!None sir.Yes, Sir!My Father Goes To CourtThe narrator and his poor family moved to small town after his father’s farm had been destroyed by a sudden flood. They lived together in the town with a rich man and his family as their neighbours. The rich family seldom came out their house.Short story is a story with a fully developed theme but shorter and less elaborate than a novel.Short story is a narrative prose that is shorter than a novel. It deals with a few characters and aiming at unity of effect and often concentrating on the creation of mood rather than plot.A brief, imaginative narrative which produces a single unified impression about a particular cross-section of human life. The writer of a short story creates a crisis and a series of complications to reach the climax and the resolution of the problem.Yes, Sir!Yes, Sir.Here we have matched 4 terms and its definitions. Those are:Setting the time and place in which the action of the story occurs.Point of view the method of narration. The vantage point from which the story is told.Theme the statement about the life that a particular work is trying to get across the reader. It is the author’s message.Style the manner in which he uses language, his choice and arrangements of words.We’ve got 4 terms and its definition. The first one is character and characterization. Character is the person involved in the story. Meanwhile, characterization is the act of introducing and developing to make them real and believable. The second is style. It is the manner in which he uses language, his choice and arrangements of words. Next, setting is the time and place in which the action of the story occurs. The scenes described help supply the atmosphere needed for the story. The last is Plot. It is the action of the story. It is usually a series of related incidents which build and grow as the story develops.The first is Point of View- refers to the method of narration. Next is theme. It is the statement about life that a particular work is trying to get across the reader. It is the author’s message. Style is how the author writes. The manner in which he uses language, his choice and arrangement of words.Setting is the time and place in which the action of the story occurs. Point of View- refers to the method of narration. Plot- it is the action of the story. It is usually a series of related incidents which build and grow as the story develops.Consistent a character whose actions, attitudes, feelings and decisions are what the reader has been led to believe Dynamic a character who changes or develops in the course of the story.Static a character who does not change.Protagonist the main character in the story. He triumphs and supports the good side, so the reader sympathy is with him.Antagonist contradicts the protagonist. Hi is the enemy.Confidant supports the main character Foil he is neither the hero nor a villain but one who provides contras to the hero.The characters of My Father Goes To Court are the narrator, father, wife and his children’s, the rich man, the rich man’s children, servants, policeman, the judge and lawyer. That is a Feytag’s pyramid. It shows the order of the plot. In the beginning there is exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and denouement.Exposition - introduces the time and place of the character. The opening situation.Rising Action (complication) - unfolds the problem and struggles that lead to the crisis. This is the longest section of the story.Climax - the highest point of interest.Falling Action - part of the story which works out the decision arrived at.Denouement/Resolution - the last part of the story. It shows how the conflict is solved.In the exposition, the narrator and his poor family moved to small town after his father’s farm had been destroyed by a sudden flood. They lived together in the town with a rich man and his family as their neighbours. The rich family seldom came out their house.The rising action of this story is the rich man’s family became thin and pale, while the poor family grew even more robust and full of life. The rich man would glower down at the fun and laughter to the narrator and his family.The policeman visited the poor family, stating that the rich man had filed a complaint against them. The policeman told the father the man claimed that for years the poor family had been stealing the spirit of his wealth and food.On the trial day, the father wore his old army uniform and told the judge that he does need a lawyer. The trial t hen began by the rich man’s lawyer asking questions to the father. The father requested to ask the same questions to the rich man’s children. After questioning done to the children of the rich man, who were now so thin and anemic, the father of the poor family had been somehow proven guilty and the father stated he is going to pay the crime that has been committed. The father took a straw hat began filling it with centavo pieces. He walked to the room across the hall and with the doors of both rooms open, he threw the coins into the floor. He asked the rich man if he has heard it, then the father told him “Then you are paid”. First person - (The I)- the narrator is the character of the storyThird person - the narrator is not a part of the story. He refers the characters as “he” or “she”.Omniscient - the narrator tells all, including the actions, thoughts and feelings of the character.Objective - the narrator tells the action from a neutral or unemotional point of view.First person point of view.To live a simple yet a healthy life is better than to live an abundant yet complicated life. Wealth is not a license for anyone to overpower others. There is great gap between the rich and the poor.Yes, Sir!SAPPHIERSWALLOWPYRAMIDCOMPANIONCOURTRIER SEAMSTRESSEMBROIDER JEWELLERFIREWOODVESSELMATCHGUTTERSTOCKINGIBISSPHYNX FROSTGLISTEN ICICLEDAGGERFURNACE Leaves of fine gold, eyes of two bright sapphires, and a large red rubyIt was winterThe citizens were poor and lots of sadnessPalace of Sans Souci To give it to the seamstressTo pluck the Prince’s eye and give it to the young manShe let her matches fill in the gutterHis heart was cracked and he lived happily at the God’s gardenThe Mayor StatueFFFT/FFYes, Sir!The moral lesson of "The Happy Prince" by Oscar Wilde is that the worst aspects of modern society can be overcome by love and charity, which have the unique ability to unite men and make them whole. IV. EvaluationAfter reading the story, students will write an alternative ending for the story that will be written on a piece of paper. V. AssignmentAnalyze the short story based on the elements of the short story. ................

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