Matt Luxton, Health and Fitness Coach

Launceston Personal TrainerHow They Did It... Success Leaves CluesrightcenterHi there! This is Matt Luxton here. I was going to bring you this presentation on “How They Did It.” I called it “How They Did It – Success Leaves Clues” because basically what we have been doing over the recent months is trying out some of the theories and the scientific learning that I have undertaken and applying it already to our clients. And, we have been getting fantastic results and I just wanted to share that information with you. So, without further ado, I was going to move forward into the next slide.So, if you are watching this seminar and you don’t know who I am, my name is Matt Luxton. I am just like you. That’s what I am going to say. I am, really, nothing extraordinary. I already loved fitness from a very young age. I have also – just a little bit about my fitness history – been a gym instructor. I did inductions at a local leisure centre. I then studied a degree in Sport and PE and the YMCA Fitness Qualifications – the ones you need to really to do what we are here to do today. After that, I went to Gold’s Gym in Venice Beach, one of the world’s most famous gyms if you like. Not the Muscle Beach on the beach, but the Gold’s Gym where Arnold Schwarzenegger and a lot of other stars trained. I started really studying after I went there. I sort of found that I didn’t actually know an awful lot.So, I really started to study after my degree, searching for mentorships and courses to really take me on to the next level. Fortunately, I did manage to go on a course just down south in a place called Irvine and met some of the world’s leading fitness professionals at the World Functional Training Summit. So, I was very, very lucky there. I got to meet those people, to see what it was, what it would take to get great results and to help people. So, that was really what I wanted to do.So, I then came home, took my business to an in-home personal training business and I was really getting good results with just body weight and band training – simple as that! What I wanted to do was to take it to another level. So, I managed to start out with a training studio with a local sports shop, Launceston Sports. They were very, very good to me –helped me to get started, gave me a room, and I basically made it my own. Once I was there, I studied, then went back over to Florida and took a week-long mentorship with a top strength and conditioning coach.So, you probably want to know what I have done so far. I have worked in the world’s famous gyms, studied with the world’s best people in terms of nutrition and personal training, and also at the Institute of Human Performance in Florida, as I mentioned. I actually became the UK’s Most Innovative Fitness Entrepreneur 2012. Sounds really grand and it was fantastic, but this was just basically an acknowledgement of the people I have worked with, really, enabling me to get the results that I wanted to and help them. So, this was really just a great accolade to them really in allowing me to go up there and collect my award, but, really, it was all about them. Because, you know, without them doing what I asked them to do, I wouldn’t get the results that I did.I am also the owner of the FA Fitness Personal Training. We offer a bespoke one-to-one training programs for our clients. I also created the Blast Fitness Camps, a group training and nutrition programme.I do pride myself on my education; so, no shame in saying that I do spend roughly ?5000 a year. If I can, I will try to spend as much as I can on my education every year.That is just a picture of me and my mentor, Dax Moy, one of the world’s leading personal trainers. In fact, to be a client of his for a week – cost ?17000 – in Thailand. He was my mentor last year, helping me do to create an ebook, The Equestrian Athlete Plan and he invited me to help co-author the book below . And only today, this has been released on Amazon. This is my first hard copy book. So, this is something I am very, very pleased with and I should be getting copies of it very, very soon – which I am excited about. My Commitments to Learning4827270367030Basically, in 2011, I went to Thailand and I masterminded with a group of fitness specialists and we came up with some awesome content for our clients.I have also gone on courses for back pain with some leading people: Austin Lawrence – who is really very, very good on back pain. We did a course with him.Some performance coaching.Diet coaching - elimination diet. So, we were looking at how to detox with Dax again.Training For Warriors with Martin Rooney, who is a strength and conditioning coach from America who had worked with Olympic Athletes, gold medallists, NFL players, also top hockey players, and NBA as well (basketball).Private mentoring with Dax, like I said, one-to-one last year.This year, I am mentoring with a gentleman called Paul Mort who is one of the leading experts, if you like, in group exercise and basically getting people results. That’s what it boils down to – helping people to get results. Again, he has worked with some of the top professional footballers and the likes. He is very, very, very good in what he does in terms of fat loss.Masterminding in Spain. I actually went over to Spain in May 2012 with my mentoring group and we masterminded and that has been phenomenal. That’s really where things started to kick on. Meeting all those people, great fitness professionals. Doing that with them, helped me to move forward and learn the things I did which are helping me in getting the results that I am getting now – which is awesome!It is not stopping there. In October, I am off to London for an Endocrinology course. So, studying hormones, which I am fascinated by, and I am going to talk about a little bit – just a little bit – about it tonight.4408170153670But, you know, all that said and done, okay, I am just like you. I love my training, I love my nutrition and lifestyle, I love it all... but, I do have this sweet tooth and there is my weakness right there.It is lemon meringue pieJust a Few RulesYou are just going to save the questions till the end. What I am going to tell you tonight, I am not preaching about. Okay, I am just lecturing to tell you what we do.Make sure your mobiles are turned off.Keep an open mind. Perhaps you won’t agree with everything we do and I am more than willing to take questions at the end. But, just keep an open mind as to what we are talking about.Just to let you know, I have brought backup. So, if any of you get too feisty then we are going to bring in Mr. T and he is going to square you up.What Results Do I GetOkay, so I have told you all about that. I don’t really want to talk much about myself, because that is really boring. But, what I want to do is, I just want to show you some of the results we have been getting recently. So here you go:1710690131191010 inches of body fat in 28 days Considerable difference there around the waist – phenomenal!12573085090This guy has lost 10 inches off his waist in eight weeks. You can see him wearing his old jeans there.26098505914390This lady here 4 – that was 19 days.left153670That was 28 days – that was two dress sizes and 7 pounds. That is a normal fall of weight if you think about the fact that she lost two dress sizes, but phenomenal body shape change, which is what we are looking at.32194502485390Yep, another example, about 4-1/2 inches off the waist there, I believe, in 19 days.190503810Here is Rich.I worked with Rich for just about over a year. He had lost a little bit of weight before he came to see me, but still needed to shift that stubborn fat. I am delighted to say we helped him and he was actually buzzing by the time he was finished. So, he is doing really very well.80010245110Here is the latest one. Again, nearly 3-1/2 to 4 inches off the waist, I believe. Phenomenal results around the hips that you can see just by tweaking the exercise and nutrition.33337502828290Then, a couple of guys here: fantastic results here:top right and bottom left.19050224155This is on the At Home program that we do and also in the Live Camp we do as well. So, yet again the results all over the show. But, we haven’t got a lot of time. So, we are just going to move on.I am going to talk to you about a few things. Okay, this is what I want you to take away.I am going to tell you why exercising less than you are is probably going to help you shed the fat.I am also going to help you to eat to shed the muffin tops and how we are going to do that, because, you know, these are troublesome areas.I am also going to tell you how you can spot reduce. Okay, now I have said previously you can’t, but there is a way that you can spot reduce and it is not the way that you probably think. Okay, but it is spot reducing from the arms and legs, because we have just been doing it.Types of exercises that you are going to get the best results from – how you are going to basically get ready for any challenge. I am going to help you to know what sort of exercises you should be doing.I am also going to help you to improve the way in which fat burning hormones relate to each other.Last but not the least, I am definitely going to talk to you about sleep, because it is really very important, not only for the way you look, but the way you feel as well. Sleep is probably one of the most underestimated aspects of any fat loss program or any health and wellbeing program on the face of it, but it is so, so important. So, helping you to improve that is something I want to do.The Two Biggest Weight Loss MistakesFirst, I just want to run through with you the two biggest weight loss mistakes I see in our society.The first one really is there is too much focus on losing weight. So, we are just fixated on this number. There is too much focus on that.The second thing really is the fad diets and counting calories.These are the two things that I think are the biggest mistakes when people come to try to lose weight.Now, when it comes to weight loss, most people really are, in my opinion, flogging a dead horse. There is too much focus on the scales and not on really what makes them happy. So, what I want you to do before we go any further is just write down 10 things that make you happy. If you are watching this on video, I want you to pause this right now and then you can go through it.38214303498850I saw this sign the other day and I thought that it is actually brilliant.I am massive on happiness. I think that if you are doing something that doesn’t make you happy, and you have got a choice, then why are you doing it at the end of the day? Happiness is not so much just where you end up. It should be the way of life. You should be doing things everyday that makes you happy. I think that is one of the reasons I love going to work every day, because I love seeing the happiness I am able to help people achieve, you know, through just empowerment of themselves – helping their families, helping themselves, helping the people around them – I just love that.Happiness is something that I like to try and make sure is in every single one of my days. I am really, really clear about what makes me happy.Too much focus on losing weight – so that is not going to make you happy. Losing weight is completely different to losing body fat. If you are concerned with losing weight, you are never really going to get the body you deserve and you will lose sight of what really makes you happy. Because, all you are really going to be thinking about are the scales and the scales aren’t really what makes you happy. What makes you happy is when you look up in the mirror and you see that person in the morning that looks well, feels well, and performs well, in my opinion. So, look, feel, and performing is really where you are at. It is not about what we do when we look at the scales.Let us just have a look at the evidence:This lady here lost two dress sizes but only actually lost 6 pounds. You can actually see there is a clear difference between the way she looks from along the top to along the bottom, which was our second photo, alright. You mustn’t really let weight loss get in the way of your success, because if you get fixated on these numbers, unfortunately, you will end in disappointment.With that in mind, which one of these do you reckon weighs more? It is 5 pounds of fat and 5 pounds of muscle. Whoa! It is pretty obvious, really. They are both five pounds. But what you see there is muscle is much denser than the body fat, so it takes up less room in the body. Hence, you see these massive changes in shape that we are getting.Neither! Muscle is three times denser and fat, therefore, takes three times more room. So, muscle is three times heavier per square centimetre. What we need to try and do is start chasing fat loss and not weight loss. This is, unfortunately, a culture that we have evolved into due to, well, clever marketing really on the part of these slimming clubs that are just obsessed by weight and not about the person, not about their health.So, a Few Home TruthsA muscle is the only tissue in the body that really can burn body fat. Muscle dictates the speed of your metabolism and also fat level along with your thyroid. The thyroid is obviously the governor, so that’s the fat controller, if you like. But the muscle mass that you have will largely dictate the speed of your metabolism. So, one extra pound of muscle burns 50 extra calories of fat per day at rest.Scales Obsessed?4354830412750Which one do people really see?19050953770Do they see that?Or do they see that?So, when you go out for dinner or when you go out with your friends, or when you go to the beach or a holiday, no one sees what your scales are saying at home. They see the person that is wearing the dress, wearing the suit, looks smart in there – in a swim wear or whatever... that’s the person they see.Just a quick look: I just want you to guess, if you can, which one of these ladies is the heaviest? It is going to take you a little bit of time, pause it if you want to have a little think if you are watching this on a video and then you can stroll on through.You may be surprised to learn that none of them – they are all the same weight. But really, who cares? Who cares who is the heaviest? Sorry to flick back and forwards, but who cares out of those ladies who is the heaviest? Which one of those feels the happiest wearing the body, she is okay. They are all different dress sizes. They are all different heights, but they all weigh the same amount. But, really, who is the happiest?190503175Now, this lady here, a recent member of the fitness camp, actually lost seven pounds.But if I said to you that she lost two dress sizes and you would have to again guess how much she lost, you would probably say more than seven pounds.Now, because she actually burnt body fat and that was taking up a lot of room, and she managed to maintain her muscle mass, so she didn’t lose an awful lot of weight.7-1/2 inches, which is great, and a lot of which, she told me, was around the waist from her measurements. So you can see, like I said, a clear difference there in body shape, which is absolutely phenomenal – brilliant! 28 days, two dress sizes – awesome!Okay, so weight really isn’t relevant. People will not consider it. They will only get to see the body you are wearing. Two people, like we saw earlier, can look completely different and weigh exactly the same. Really, you need to stop worrying about how much you weigh and start focusing on the shape and how you feel and creating a clean body with less toxins and more strength.347091043815Oh, just whilst we mentioned it, here is an example of a product – I just want you to guess – with all those nasty little ingredients. Where do you think this came from?Okay. You will probably be shocked to know that that’s actually a Weight Watchers’ bar. I will say no more.Fad Diets – Counting CaloriesWhen people choose diets that base themselves on how much you eat and not what you eat, I think we have got a problem. I think this is where the problem lies, with these sorts of slimming clubs that don’t really care too much what you eat in terms of the quality; they are just interested in how much you eat. As we know, calories don’t really matter when the quality is high. When the quantity is low and you eat loads of rubbish, the whole calorie thing goes right out of the window.What you eat reigns supreme. Unfortunately, all calories are not equal. So, we have got 74 grams of chips = 200 calories 740 grams of broccoli = 200 calories.Now, I am pretty sure, without too much guessing, you can tell which one is better, which one has more nutrients, which one is more calorie-dense as you can see. It is just a bit of a no-brainer, really. But, that’s what we are up against, in terms of you know, “Okay, I had 200 calories.” “Oh, so did I, but I had my 200 from that.” This product here, this broccoli, really, really helps to burn off body fat around the middle because it contains fat burning chemicals. Whereas, the chips contain trans-fat, which fill up our arteries.190501270So, you’ve got different foods, different effects. Things like pasta, bread, and potatoes are generally very, very high in the glycemic index – that’s the rate at which sugar is broken down in the blood, released into the blood and used as energy. So, high glycemic foods can cause massive insulin spikes. Insulin is like a fat storage hormone. If you really have high blood sugar levels, the insulin comes out and takes the sugar out and leads to fat storage, particularly in around here, because this is where we have lots of receptors, which pick up the signals from insulin that causes all, which is another hormone which indicates stress in the blood.The Role of InsulinJust like I mentioned it, insulin is a hormone and its job is to help take the glucose which we have eaten. It needs to take it out of the blood and get it into the cells; because in the blood, in excess, it is dangerous. Too high levels of blood sugar can cause diabetes and all the other related diseases. Glucose in the blood is taken out by insulin. When it wants to read the receptor, the cell opens up the glucose channel, allowing the glucose into the cell.Now, when the cell is full, this glucose remains in the blood and that is how we have a problem. The glucose is not able to enter into the cell; just remains in the blood and circulates. Then, we get the peripheral artery disease, at a time before you get any diabetes, at the peripheral capillaries in the feet or in the eyes. This is where the problem really, really comes about. There are lots of others, but just a couple of examples. That’s what we are up with – glucose and basically a little brief bit about insulin and how that kind of works.What Happens on Fad DietsHere’s what happens on the fad diets:You lose some weight, but it is not healthy. You lose weight because you just restricted the number of calories you have eaten. There is no denying that, but you lose a lot of muscle tissue as well. So, what you don’t get is you don’t get strong. You don’t feel energized; your metabolism isn’t picked up, if you like. It isn’t ignited – that’s probably a good way to put it, by the fact that you got this extra muscle. You feel like crap. You crave really sugary things. You are not really supplying your body with nutrient-dense foods. You have given your body basically calorie-dense foods, which are dead energy – they tend to get stored as fat.You are on this diet, as it is put. You are still trying to find nutrients in the processed foods, which don’t tend to have very much nutritional value at all. You are still trying to find those vitamins and minerals. You just keep going... Your body just keeps hunting them. It is looking for magnesium and zinc and all those great nutrients that it needs for growth, repair, sleep, and relaxation. But it can’t find them because you are not giving it the foods that it needs to get that.Nutrition is King1943100213360194310063500So, really, this is where I am at: Nutrition is king when it comes to body transformation, when it comes to performance; looking, feeling, and, like I said, performing better.You have got to really forget the processed crap, starving yourself, and counting calories. You have got to remove stress before you add it. So, that is what I am going to say – I mean, take out some of the rubbish that you have been eating before you start adding anything extra to your diet. That can happen very simultaneously, but the point is just adding good stuff to something that is already bad.You need to start looking at nutrient-dense foods versus calorie-dense and the role the nutrient dense foods play in not only just the pure fact of eating them, but the way in which your body uses them to repair and for performance as well. Nutrients tend to come in whole natural foods, not in cereal bars or things like that – the bar that we saw earlier. What you will do is, you will lose fat optimally through great health and you will be able to sustain it long term if you did it the right way. You won’t get this huge rebound effect, which we often see.5033010-120650My Top 4 Success SecretsMy top four secrets, really, in terms of not only losing body fat, but health and, ultimately, performance:The first thing you really need to do is to detox the liver through appropriate nutrition and lifestyle habits. Just avoid any of the pollutants that you come into contact with as much as you can. Living down here, we are very, very lucky in Devon, Cornwall.We also need to engage in some sort of rapid fat loss training and metabolic conditioning. So, exercise is geared up to improving your performance and improving the rate at which you burn body fat at rest.We also need to get a grip of our sex hormones. We are going to get to it in a bit, but we are going to get into how eating certain foods and avoiding other foods, we can actually start to regain that balance between the sex hormones.Sleep. You have got to get some sleep. We are going to talk about how human growth hormone, which you may have heard in relation to sport, but is actually a natural substance our body produces. What we are looking to do is to optimize that through sleep; so there is production of human growth hormone, improving your mental and physical repair.4667250229870Our Toxic DietAs it stands, unfortunately, E numbers, additive, preservatives, emulsifiers, colourings, flavourings, MSGs (which hide under a lot of names, by the way), alcohol, certain sugars (you would have seen the TV programmes, probably, on high fructose corn syrup), also the anti-nutrients (which can be found in crop sprays), the atmospheric pollutants, emissions, etc.The Three Phases to DetoxificationTo reduce exposure. That’s really eliminating toxic products from your diet. So, the ones that we just mentioned, i.e., processed foods, alcohol, things with monosodium gluconate in them - things like Chinese takeaways are really bad for that. That’s why you feel full and then about 20 minutes later, you don’t, because of the chemicals that are associated with those foods.We need to actively seek to remove the chemicals that have accumulated in our bodies. We need to do something. Yes, we need to reduce the exposure. But then we have got to get rid of the stuff that’s already in there. That is easily done through proper hydration and eating clean proper foods. A little bit of supplementation as well will always help with that. But, when we are talking about supplementation, we are not talking about chemically made. We are just talking about natural supplements.The last thing we really would like to do is to support the detoxification - the organs that are involved in elimination. Just for example, I recommend milk thistle for the liver – a very, very, very powerful supplement for regenerating liver and helping it to do its job. Its job is essentially to bring about effective fat digestion. Also, we are going into how it sort of cleans up your blood, in a bit, as well. Looking after those areas: kidneys, lungs, liver, the lymphatic system and the skin. The skin, remember is the last part of the detoxification pathway. So, that is really important – that we don’t keep covering our skin with different products, which affect and essentially block that last pathway.The Three Roles the Liver PlaysThe first one really is that it cleans the blood of toxins.Aids the digestion of fats.It actually produces sex hormone-binding globulin – which I will talk to you about in a second.What Happens When We Get Toxic?The liver can’t filter all the toxins. We get too much concentration of toxins in our body, and our liver can’t deal with it. Then what happens is that it actually leaks it back into the gut. So, we end up with toxic products leaking back into the blood system, resulting in too much acidity in the cells – that’s basically the first part of getting ill. This also results in syndromes like leaky gut syndrome, which is caused by other toxins that leak back into the system, causing damage to the tissues. These toxins are then dumped in the fat stores with more fat and water laid down to protect them.So, what happens is, if you think about it like we have become polluted... so if you think about rye beaner... Rye beaner, in a very small quantity is very toxic. So, what it does is, it dilutes it with water. So, we end up storing more and more fat and water to try and protect the rest of the organs and tissues, because these toxins are running around in our body. There’s more too.As I mentioned earlier, the liver produces sex hormone binding globulin, which mops up the excess estrogen. Too much estrogen, the estrogen-sensitive tissues are now going to receive an overload of estrogen hormones and this encourages fat storage around these areas. These are typically sighted around the hips and the back of the arms for ladies; on the chest and around the midriff for guys. So these are where those alpha cells tend to lie, particularly in the legs as well. So, what you find is we get a lot of fat storage there. These, like I just mentioned, are specific sites for men and women.How Do We Detox?On the scientific research that I have done and also applied as well, we found that 19-28 days of clean food and water is actually enough. We don’t need to do anything radical. We don’t need surgery or anything like that to detox. We can detox really, really well by doing this. “What can I eat?” you might ask.You can eat unlimited amounts of:Vegetables MeatFishEggsNuts and seedsFruits. Fibrous fruits are really, really good, because they actually bind the toxins in the gastrointestinal tract and help to get rid of those toxins.What we are looking to do is to get more limited amounts of: RiceQuinoaPotatoes. I am kind of moving away from white potatoes in the first 28 days. I find they are quite starchy. They are okay post training, but they are quite starchy. What we find is that they take a little bit of time to digest, hence slowing down the rest of the digestion.Gluten-free oats.What was said is this: There’s no real limitation, but we just want to keep it clean. So, we can eat freely from a whole bunch of them. We are just going to make sure that these are not excluded. By the way, these are just a little bit more limited. We are actually going to cut out some of the processed foods. But we are going to eat basically freely from these on the left and just eat limited amounts of these on the right.For 19-28 days, I am saying that what we have got to do is to eliminate toxins, allergens, and perhaps, sources of intolerance. Remember that these foods that we are talking about are not just toxic or whatever, but you can actually have intolerance to them and not realize it, and unfortunately, that’s where a lot of problems start. You simply got used to feeling that way.So, we have got:WheatGlutenSugarProcessed FoodAlcoholDairy – except really for organic eggs and occasionally whole fat Greek yoghurt. I really got into organic probiotic goat’s yoghurt recently. I find that works really, really well as an alternative for dairy.I am not saying that you can never eat dairy again, but for 28 days, you need to take it out and re-introduce it in the specific order - we give our class advice on how to do that. But you have got to take it out to realise how it really works. As for the others – alcohol, processed foods, sugar – that’s a bit of a no brainer, really, in terms of the impact of all those chemically made foods on your body – everyone knows about them. Wheat – one of the biggest intolerances in the world. Gluten – more so; it is a protein, but more so because of the products this one is associated with. Highly processed foods as well tend to contain the gluten. The ResultsSo, the results that we see – what happens is, you know, with the traditional diet and fad diet, if you like, you get the fat stored, as I said earlier, to sort of protect you from the impurities. Now, when you fad diet, yes, you lose – you become smaller. But, you actually have a higher percentage of impurities, because you haven’t got rid of them. You have just cut down the amount that you are eating. So, yes, they are less, but you have become smaller, so therefore the percentage of impurities in your body has actually gone up. The body, when you stop the fad diet, then it sort of senses an increase in the level of impurities and goes into a sort of emergency production of fat, and so it rebounds because it needs to protect itself.However, when you start a “nutritional cleansing” approach, where you are really kind of cleaning up your diet, you are eating the right things at the right times. Yes, you are detoxing , and you actually end up with impurities released from the body. So the body starts to shed the fat, because the liver can work properly. So, then we end up with better overall health, with less fat and more lean muscle.Week 4 OnwardsAfterwards, week four onwards, your liver is basically going to be in a great place to detox correctly from those “naughtier” foods, if you like, due to reduced stress. What we would like to do is we get down to 80:20. It is not that we don’t want you to carry on the initial phase, because we know that is the best option. But, what we want to do is to set you up in a position where you are not in a position to fail. We know that you will just slip off this. So, we have sort of a cheat system, if you like, whereby you can have something like a little treat on a certain night, knowing full well you are going to be back on it and you will be on it for the rest of the weeks.So, that is something that has worked really, really well for us in terms of longevity and you can see them from the results that we have got over a year and a half. That’s something that has worked really, really well for us. Like I said earlier, that said, the best results really do come from following the plan long term.Here’s another example: Rich – Fantastic!We did lots and lots of cool stuff with his nutrition and also with his training to help him get the results that he has got there – just phenomenal! Every time I look at these pictures, just brilliant!Does Your Gym Program Suck?Just a quick one now on training. We talked a lot about nutrition and that’s not for no reason. It is basically there because you cannot out train a bad diet. So, you need to make sure that you have got proper nutrition in place and I want to empower you to make some decisions based on the information I have just given you there. So, nutrition is awesome. You have got to consider your nutrition if you are going to succeed. Most people’s gym program, though, however, is lacking and it is not their fault. It is the fault of the people who are in charge of the gym. It is actually, to some extent, the fault of the media and some of the marketing that is out there.19050123190So, five minutes of this... looks great and she is in good shape. She must use a cross trainer all the time! No!257937018796018288001158240Ten minutes on this... this lady is in great shape... Perhaps, It is not a bad piece of equipment, but it depends how she uses it. She used the rowing machine, but not in the format we are talking about there – 10 minutes of this – we just do things for a very, very short period of time. So, most people sort of just go on there and row around for 10 minutes and get off without really working up much of a sweat.Fifty of these... 3737610119380And, may be one of these a week.-876306286517030705838190Now, none of these here do anything really to improve muscle mass and help to improve your metabolism that you are trying to get to burn body fat. What the problem is with those that we mentioned before that is that because they spend time – ignore the five minutes on the cross trainer because that is not that long, and to some extent the 10 minutes on the rowing machine, but, the principle behind that is that there is no real thought behind it. They are just on it because it is killing time . Many people think they will hit the gym and might do 5 minutes on that, 10 minutes on that, and all of sudden, I am nearly there. But, the problem with doing the other three that we just mentioned back there is that too much time doing one thing at a steady pace increases risk of cortisol rising. Cortisol is a stress hormone and when that stress hormone rises, we actually become very, very stressed and that draws sugar out of the blood and stores it as body fat. So, it is the fuel that we would normally be using and we should be using – draws out of the blood and ends up being stored in a layer of body fat, quite often in the stomach as well. So, you see people who do too much of that, they just have this little bit here, unfortunately. Obviously, the extremes, who ran marathons on this, don’t tend to have that – but not particularly healthy. We will see that in a minute.Increased levels of cortisol due to spending too much time doing one thing at the same pace. That makes us very, very efficient at storing fat. Cortisol, as I said earlier, is linked with insulin. Insulin is then sent out as a result of increased cortisol. Insulin, as we talked about earlier, is a fat storage hormone. Takes the sugar out and is stored on a layer that we have got – it runs on the top of our stomach - it is called the greater omentum. Lots and lots of receptors in there, which help us to store body fat – not what we want.Long Cardio Sucks for Fat Loss!Long cardio really, really does suck for fat loss. aerobic here... 3429073660This guy here spent hours doing marathons, ran for hours each day, clearly didn’t get into great shape! 34290250825This lady here – athlete – only really runs for 60 seconds at a time-maximum program, and most of this is a weight training program, so, using resistance.The Facts on CardioLike I said to you earlier, the only tissue that burns fat is really the muscle. Aerobic training, which means training with oxygen does nothing really maintain muscle. It certainly doesn’t encourage it. What you do get, however, are the benefits for the tendons and ligament strength. But, you get much better benefits for that by doing resistance training. Yes, you would get some benefit of spending time on your feet and bone density, but you are not going to get the same pull on the muscles as you will and the bones that you get when you do resistance training. Studies also showed that cortisol levels are raised by about 40% during aerobic training. Like I said to you, cortisol is a catabolic hormone, so it breaks down muscles.216027080645Rapid Fat Loss Training386651528511519050247015-110490-70485So, the sort of training that you need to be doing is the rapid fat loss training. I like to really think of it as metabolic resistance training, which is a combination of high intensity resistance exercises, with short bursts of cardiovascular exercise. This stimulates muscle tissue from all over the body, burns a lot of fat during exercise, and continues way after you finish, sometimes for up to 36-48 hours. This helps to speed up the metabolism.By the way, E.P.O.C. is excessive post exercise oxygen consumption. Grand phrase, but basically it means you have got to pay back the oxygen that you didn’t get while exercising whilst you were out of breath after you finish. That is basically what it means. This E.P.O.C. is a fat loss gift that basically just keeps on giving! If you focus on how much is burnt during a session, then you are going to miss the whole point. It is really about focussing on burn fat after you finish your session, eating properly, and recovering properly after you have done the proper training.How Regularly Should You Do This?You should be looking to do it three times a week, minimum. This will basically help you to continue elevate the metabolism due to the paying back of the oxygen. That will mean there are huge amounts of calories burnt each week – basically meaning that you are kind of burning calories when you are asleep, nearly every night of the week.This is a little graphical illustration:Basically, along the bottom here, we have got the time. So, this person exercises for seven minutes.This here shows whilst they are using the oxygen. This is the deficit that they created during that time, and then they levelled off here while they couldn’t any longer exercise at this sort of intensity, if you like, they levelled off.So, this area here is the oxygen they couldn’t use to do the intensity that they wanted to. Here’s the area that they are paying it back, so, you know, afterwards they are still recovering in there. So, you can kind of see the payback time, if you like, just here after they finish.How Does This Look in Real Life? So, this is just what it looks like – some body weight exercises. Doesn’t have to be anything flash (39:04) – short periods.Interval Training + DetoxInterval training is actually really, really good for aiding the detox. If you think about the lymphatic system, it is the only system in the body that doesn’t have muscles to actually help get rid of the toxins. So, by doing the interval training, you are generating lactic acid, which is a by product of exercise – it doesn’t need to be gotten rid of. But, you are also aiding that by having this muscle pump system, which is pumping the blood back to the heart, and the heart is actually the only tissue in the body that can use the lactic acid. That’s the importance of the cool down, allowing the body to get rid of the lactate. The lymphatic system – very, very important in detoxing; very, very important that we use, I think, interval training to help with that.The high intensity intervals can also help us to remove some of the trapped air that is caused by shallow breathing – it doesn’t actually get completely expelled. What we have is, we need some of this air in the lungs all the time. Otherwise, the lungs will stick together. So, we need some air in there. But, if we just spend a lot of time at one level, some of that air can just kind of get left in there for a long time.So, it is good for people to really get their lungs to open up. People that use technology, that are sat down all day, because they are clearing their lungs. They are getting fresh air in there now. That’s how interval training can also help with the detox pathway – periods of high intensity and low intensity.Controlling Sex HormonesThis is an important part of understanding how the nutrition and the exercise link with the hormones that you have.Estrogen DominanceWe do need estrogen in our body – it is a hormone that we do need and there are benefits to it. The trouble is we become too estrogen dominant through high sugar foods, poor quality, and also exposure to xenoestrogens – which are these chemically made estrogens through plastics and other products.So, legs and hips for women or man boobs for men. These artificially made estrogens, known as xenoestrogens, from plastics – the squidgier, the worse, by the way. These kinds of water balls that you get are really squidgy. They are the worst ones because they kind of leech more insulin into the water. The harder ones are slightly better. You get them mostly from pesticides, makeup, the contraceptive pills, and a few other sources as well.What we are looking to do really is the sex hormone binding globulin, which I mentioned earlier, is aimed at reducing the excess. So, that goes around and essentially is like a magnet and picks up the estrogen before it gets into the cells. Unfortunately, when the liver is stressed, this sex hormone binding globulin is deficient and the estrogen is just kind of left to roam free, and is actually sent elsewhere – normally ends up in the thighs, around the alpha receptors. As I mentioned, they are located in other areas, as well, around the body, which are different for guys and for women. But also, within genders, there are slight differences as to where we have those. But, a lot of them tend to be around the legs for ladies.NutritionWhat you must consider is you have got to reduce before you add. So, don’t ignore the role of the supportive nutrition in aiding the detox. So, take out the toxins before you add the good stuff, which is food and then also supplement as well, which helps the detox process. Magnesium, B-vitamin (6 & 12), and zinc are very, very powerful in doing this. For some, we found that probiotics, to reduce the enzyme activity in the gut, have been really, really useful – not Yakult or things like that, because they are high in sugar. Things like the organic goat yogurt, that I mentioned earlier, have actually got lots of probiotic enzymes in it. A lack of probiotics helps in this diversion of oestrogen back into the body and that’s not what we want. We need to try and aid that estrogen out of the body through proper nutrition.Testosterone and EstradiolOverload on sugars, unfortunately, results in the conversion of testosterone to estradiol. Guys who eat too much sugar, drink too much beer, end up with this increased fat storage hormone and increasing lower body fat as well, around the waist, the midriff, and around the thighs. Naturally, we can actually help this through eating cruciferous vegetables - things like broccoli, spinach, cabbage, brussel sprouts and cauliflower. If you don’t like them that much, you can blend them up making them into smoothies.There is a chemical in these foods, which is called Indole-3 Carbinol. You can use as many of these vegetables as you like – this chemical is in those, but they actually help with the estrogen balance and get rid of some of the body fat around the midriff. Very, very powerful. It binds to the estrogen and helps to get rid of it. Just a quick diagrammatic explanation, if you like, of how this works. So, we have got estrogens from estrogen receptors and fat cells here. The estrogen is attached to it and the estrogen gets taken into the cell.The job of the sex hormone binding globulin is to actually remove the estrogens from around the cell before they get in there and take them off for digestion and excretion. When you have got the liver stressed, you don’t have this around. So, these just go move freely into fat cells of the hips and around the thighs.How We Helped Nicola Lose 3 Inches Off Her ThighsWe actually helped this lady here lose three inches off her thighs just really by helping with that balance. This was in 28 days – phenomenal results – getting 9 pounds weight loss. We are not talking about losing six stone, somewhat crazy. But, what we are talking about is you know rapid changes in body and body composition around the waist and around the thighs – she told me she lost three inches off her thighs, which is phenomenal.How to Spot Reduce From the Arms & LegsWe will learn about how to spot reduce from the arms and legs.ReduceYou are going to get rid of those xenoestrogens that we talked about.IncreaseThen, you can increase your green vegetables, things like watercress – very, very powerfulCruciferous vegetables.Tulsi tea – an acquired taste, but very, very good. This comes from holy basil. Also, it is very, very good, if you like, helping with the circadian rhythm, so you will have a natural sleep-wake cycle.Flax seeds are also very, very good, containing good fats.Clean water.Importance of Sleep for Fat LossWith that said, sleep is really, really important for fat loss, because it has a lot to do with hormones.One of the things that Shippen and Fryer wrote a book about– they talked about the decreased speed of healing and brain function in the middle age due to more IGF-1 production, which is a hormone again, associated with too high sugar levels and a lack of sleep. What we are looking to do is to try and just get to sleep between 10 pm and 2 am. That’s when the highest production of human growth hormone can take place. I am going to try and do that because cortisol – the stress hormone – naturally cycles lowest with the sun. If you are staying up late, then you are not only affecting the length of time that you have elevated levels of cortisol, but you are also reducing the amount of time that you can have this repair hormone operating in your body.Sleep – De-stressDe-stressing is trying to establish a routine. I know a lot of you are parents. Routine – for parents this can be a little bit difficult, particularly for those with young children. But, you know, there are really simple things like:Just locking your door. Simple acts like that can help you sleeping and de-stressing.Reading fiction. I am actually not very good at this, but this is something that I have found works quite well with a few of my clients. Instead of reading something that is kind of potentially aggravates them like newspapers and stuff like that with news (that tends to sort of aggravate them), reading fiction books has helped a few people. I actually prefer not to read at all. I do struggle with fiction.Yoga – good for relaxation for those of you who like that.Meditation. Now, meditation sounds like some sort of airy-fairy thing, but it can be as simple as just spending three minutes, just concentrating on your breathing and just really engaging with it. Just that... Trying to find that time to do three minutes, hopefully once you have got the kids to bed. That will help you sleep if you spend some 2-3 minutes whether you are sitting down or lying down on your back while closing your eyes.45758101270Tulsi tea, as I mentioned earlier.Rhodiola, which is a supplement that you can take which helps to rebalance the circadian rhythm and also helps with de-stressing the body as well.Massage. Massage is awesome – have one today!Five Ways to Improve SleepThese are the sort of things I have mentioned really if you are struggling with sleep:Try not to get on any social media sites after about 9:30 at night.Try only to read fiction in bed and turn off all your mobiles and ipads. I just put mine on aeroplane mode certain times during the week. Not only then you don’t get distracted by any sort of text messages or anything coming through late at night.Lock your front door. A lot of sleep quality is about security. So, just make it sure that you are secure. I know probably most of you do this already, but it is just something worth thinking about.Taking small breaks during the day. I know a lot of you will be very, very busy. You probably feel that you are always on the go. So, may be if you sat at your desk for more than an hour, just take a break. (I am just trying to keep this under an hour, so I can go for a little break). Try to take sort of a five-minute little break every now and then. It doesn’t have to be sort of walking out of the office building, but just to get away from your desk – maybe go get a drink or whatever. Just take a little wander, go and speak to somebody else. Just let yourself switch off a little bit. When I was writing my book, for example, what I did was, I will do sort of 10 minutes on really hard, then I will take two minutes off. So, 10 on – 2 off, like when I was sitting down and doing that – really intense bit of work.When you are eating your lunch, I want you to turn off your mobile, so you can just eat naturally. Often, I sort of get caught, unfortunately, without turning my mobile off and I will be at my lunch and then get distracted. So, if you are struggling with your sleep, again try to turn off your mobile to help with that as well; because, again, it is all about this constant kind of interaction. So, we are trying it during the day to not be constantly wired; when we get to the evening, we are so tired, but we are too wired to get to sleep.How We Can Help YouHopefully, you have enjoyed that content and I am really pleased that you have taken the time to chill out and watch this, and come here tonight to view this presentation.From my experience, I think it is really unethical of me to just give you all of this information and just expect you to put it into action by yourself, because I know in the real world that doesn’t work. So, what we are going to do is, tonight is the launch of the new Mid-Morning Fitness Camp as well. So, if it is alright, we are going to give you some information about that.What’s it going to be – it is an opportunity, if you like, for you to come along for seven days and see how we do it. It is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday next week that is starting the 17th of September, 9:15 -9:55 am at Trethorne Leisure Farm.So, it is going to be basically the Tiny Tots Nursery where we are hosting this seminar tonight. Three sessions for the week and you will get access to the VIP?Members Area.You are going to get three exercise sessions and a seven-day meal planner to help you through that week. You can just come along and get a taste of how we do things on the fitness camp. If you would like to do that, all you need to do is you just take down the details at the end tonight.We are only going to allow 10 people on to this trial week. The following week, we will actually go on to the actual camp site. All the previous members are looking to come back as well. So, we have got limited spaces that we can really offer as a trial week for that.But, you are more than welcome to sign up tonight. We would love to help you if you have any questions with that.Other ServicesWe do offer 1-1 Personal Training as well – a very robust sport training program where you get a full fitness assessment. To start, we will analyze your posture and then your program is very specifically geared towards your goals.We also offer Semi Private Personal Training, where you can share, if you like, a session with a friend or it doesn’t have to be a friend. We actually paired up a couple of people recently just because we didn’t have enough space to do 1-1s and we paired them up, and they get along great and they love training together.We also have the Blast At Home Fitness Camp for those of you who can’t make the times that we already have got available – the early morning sessions, the evening session, and the midmorning, the one that we are launching next week.We also have a cookbook. We also have that available online too, which you can download, which gives you tons and tons of recipe-ideas.Alright, so, if you don’t mind, we are going to finish there, but if you do have any questions, I would love to take them for me now. So, please feel free...If you are watching this online, feel free to pop me an email.But otherwise, thank you very much for your time, and I look forward to speaking to you really, really soon. Okay, take care! Bye-Bye!Owner of?Functionally Aware Fitness Personal Training?and Director of?Blast Fitness CampsInternational Best Selling Author -?The Fad Free Fitness FormulaVoted The UK’s Most Innovative Fitness Entrepreneur 2012Author of?The Hot to Trot Cookbook?and?The Equestrian Athlete PlanTo View Matt’s Online Content Here Are Some Useful LinksMatt’s Blog- 28 Day Fat Loss Mentorship- Blast At Home Fitness Camp - Fad Free Fitness Formula- The Fad Free Fitness FormulaThe Hot to Trot Cookbook- The Hot to Trot CookbookMatt’s Clean and Lean Curry Cookbook- ................

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