How to Develop Ideas - First Literacy

How to

Develop Ideas

in Paragraphs

An important component of a strong essay is the presence of well-developed ideas in the

essay¡¯s body paragraphs. Essays often receive poor grades because the ideas are not

developed enough.

So what does it mean to develop an idea?

You develop an idea by supporting it, discussing its significance, and showing how it

connects to the rest of your essay and thesis statement. If you can do all three of these

things consistently, you will find yourself writing strong, well-developed paragraphs and


Let¡¯s look at an example paragraph. For this example, the thesis of the overall paper is

¡°Growing up poor has made me a stronger person.¡±

Poorly developed

Because we didn¡¯t have much money, we didn¡¯t always have a lot of food. Sometimes

all we had were sandwiches. I remember being hungry a lot.

There isn¡¯t much to the above paragraph, is there? The author doesn¡¯t show the significance

of the examples or how they support the thesis of the essay.

Below is a different version of the same paragraph.

Well developed

Because we didn¡¯t have much money, we didn¡¯t always have a lot of food. Sometimes

all we had were sandwiches. I remember being hungry a lot. This made me appreciate the

value of money. Today, I always make sure to save and budget enough money for food,

because I never want to go hungry again. I have also learned to be smart about how I spend

money on food. I¡¯m always looking for good bargains and creative ways to use my leftovers

so that I do not waste anything.

This paragraph does a much better job of developing how the examples relate to the main

idea and thesis statement. It is longer because the author is making the significance of the

ideas in the paragraph clear.


To write a well-developed paragraph, follow the steps below.

1. What is the main idea of the paragraph? Write it as a complete sentence. This will

be your topic sentence.







2. Support your main idea with at least one example.









3. Explain how your examples relate to your main idea.









4. Explain how your main idea supports your thesis.










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