TLTC Blogs

CEHS Curriculum - EDST Course Codes

EDST 1001 Introduction to Education

|Year/ |Course |Learning Objectives |Required Assessments |Standards Alignment |

|Major | | | | |


| | |Develop an understanding of the history of education in|1. Choosing Education as a | |

|Fall Freshman | |the United States |Career/Philosophy of Education | |

| | |Develop an understanding of the history of special |Paper | |

| | |education policies and special education laws in the |2. Passionate Teacher reflection| |

| | |United States |paper | |

| | |Develop a knowledge base of the philosophical |3. Lesson Plan # 1 | |

| | |traditions that have influenced education in the United|4. Lesson Plan #2 - Bullying | |

| | |States |5. Midterm Examination | |

| | |Structure the beginnings of a personal educational |6. Final Examination | |

| | |philosophy |7. Participation & Attendance | |

| | |Identify, trace and explain major trends and | | |

| | |innovations employed in education today | | |

| | |Identify key educational issues and policies affecting |SYLLABUS B | |

| | |American education today |Quick Writes | |

| | |Build an understanding of the school as a social |Brain Assignments | |

| | |system |Lesson Plan Rewrite | |

| | |Explore the multi-cultural nature of schooling and its |Bullying Lesson Plan | |

| | |implications for the education of an increasingly |Passionate Teacher Reflection | |

| | |diverse student population |Paper | |

| | |Identify and analyze major curricular trends and |3 Quizzes | |

| | |changes as they impact upon general and special |The Portrait of a Teacher | |

| | |education students | | |

| | |Evaluate the nature and extent of government | | |

| | |involvement in schooling throughout the history of the | | |

| | |United States | | |

| | |Recognize the significance of the planned unit of | | |

| | |social studies instruction | | |

| | |Examine brain theory/how the brain works to assist in | | |

| | |understanding how brain research influences teaching | | |

| | |and learning. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |SYLLABUS B | | |

| | |Examine cultural diversity issues as they relate to | | |

| | |educational equity and the role of the culturally | | |

| | |responsive teacher through the analysis of a book talk | | |

| | |and creating a portrait of a teacher. | | |

| | |Practice formal and informal writing as a tool for | | |

| | |critical thinking and a way to actively engage in the | | |

| | |learning process by keeping journals of readings and | | |

| | |class discussions. | | |

| | |Become increasingly familiar with the diverse | | |

| | |abilities, needs and interest of children of different | | |

| | |ages by examining the theory of multiple intelligences | | |

| | |and developmentally appropriate practices. | | |

| | |Engage in pedagogical discourse by facilitating a small| | |

| | |group discussion on the professional responsibilities | | |

| | |of the elementary school teacher. | | |

| | |Know, understand, and use formal and informal | | |

| | |assessment strategies to plan, evaluate and strengthen | | |

| | |instruction by creating their own assessment activities| | |

| | |and using rubrics to rate class presentations. | | |

| | |Compare and contrast goals and objectives. | | |

| | |Create a three part lesson plan that engages the | | |

| | |learner through the multiple. | | |

| | |Compare and contrast a district curriculum guide, the | | |

| | |NJ Core Curriculum Standards and an elementary | | |

| | |textbook. | | |

| | |Write a direct lesson and an indirect lesson using the | | |

| | |three part lesson plan. | | |

| | |Differentiate between direct and indirect instruction. | | |

| | |Define cooperative learning and create a cooperative | | |

| | |learning activity. | | |

| | |Analyze the NJ CC standards and NJ standardized tests | | |

| | |and connect them to a quality school curriculum. | | |

| | |Identify diversity in today’s schools and develop a | | |

| | |plan for meeting the needs of all learners, including | | |

| | |ESL, boys/girls. | | |

| | |Research and explain the elementary school curriculum | | |

| | |demonstrating the generalist nature of the role of | | |

| | |elementary teachers. Teacher candidates will | | |

| | |understand the essential elements and strategies in | | |

| | |language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, | | |

| | |health, physical education and the visual and | | |

| | |performing arts by participating in teaching and | | |

| | |learning episodes. Candidates will summarize the key | | |

| | |findings. | | |

| | |Examine brain research theories and how information | | |

| | |processing influences teaching decisions. | | |

EDST 1501 Education in the US, Past and Present

|Year/ |Course |Learning Objectives |Required Assessments |Standards Alignment |

|Major | | | | |

|SCED |EDST 1501 |Students will be able to compare and contrast competing|Personal Learning Biography | |

| | |historical and philosophical bases for American |Compare and Contrast Philosophies| |

|Fall Freshman | |education. |Education in the News | |

| | |Students will be able to summarize their stance on why |Issue Analysis Presentation | |

| | |education matters to American society. |Reading Blog Entries | |

| | |Students will be able to support their own stance about|Twitter Replies | |

| | |what teachers can do to promote equal educational | | |

| | |opportunity for all students. | | |

| | |Students will evaluate the complexity of current issues| | |

| | |in American education | | |

| | |Students will synthesize ideas about how current issues| | |

| | |in American education can be approached by teachers. | | |

EDST 4000 Child Curriculum and Development

|Year/ |Course |Learning Objectives |Required Assessments |Standards Alignment |

|Major | | | | |

|ESED/DVSL |EDST 4000 |List, describe, and organize the major concepts, |Graphic Conceptual Map using | |

| | |principles, theories, and research related to |Inspiration Software and | |

|Freshman Spring | |development of children and adolescents to construct |explanatory paper | |

| | |learning opportunities that support individual |Developmental Theory in | |

| | |students’ intellectual, social, emotional, moral and |Literature | |

| | |personal development, acquisition of knowledge, and |Math curriculum comparison | |

| | |motivation. |project | |

| | | |Weekly written assignments from | |

| | |Use knowledge of how children differ during |text | |

| | |developmental stages and to support the development and|Observation report from field | |

| | |learning of individual children. |visit | |

| | | |Quizzes x 3 | |

| | |Use COMMON CORE Curriculum Standards and textbooks to | | |

| | |study how concepts in a subject area are developed | | |

| | |through the grade levels. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Address real-life interactions between parents, | | |

| | |teachers, and children that affect child development | | |

| | |and learning, through written and verbal responses to | | |

| | |issues and questions in select readings. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Create, evaluate, and select developmentally | | |

| | |appropriate materials, curriculum, and environments for| | |

| | |students. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Discuss the development of physically and | | |

| | |psychologically safe and healthy learning environments | | |

| | |for children. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Demonstrate understanding of the conditions that affect| | |

| | |children’s development and learning, including risk | | |

| | |factors, bullying, developmental variations, and | | |

| | |developmental patterns of specific disabilities. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Use observations of children in early learning | | |

| | |classrooms to demonstrate knowledge of Developmentally | | |

| | |Appropriate Practice. | | |

EDST 3510 – Culture, Community and Schools

|Year/ |Course |Learning Objectives |Required Assessments |Standards Alignment |

|Major | | | | |

|SCED |EDST 3510 |Students will analyze their own cultural backgrounds |- Book Club Wiki | |

| | |and how it has impacted their own educational |- Reading Blogs | |

|Freshman Spring | |experience. |- Twitter Replies | |

| | |Students will understand how diverse students’ |- Community ELL Study | |

| | |identities influence their school experiences. |- Family Tree/ | |

| | |Students will analyze how cultural incompatibility |Ethnography | |

| | |between teachers and students impact upon student | | |

| | |learning. | | |

| | |Students will define and discuss key terms and concepts| | |

| | |related to multicultural curricula. | | |

| | |Students will research and report findings that provide| | |

| | |evidence of the influence of community factors on | | |

| | |public schools. | | |

| | |Students will research and report findings regarding | | |

| | |appropriate accommodations for English Language | | |

| | |Learners in subject matter classrooms. | | |

| | |Students will describe several approaches toward | | |

| | |multicultural education with the ability to articulate | | |

| | |rationales for each. | | |

| | |Students will cooperatively function as members of the | | |

| | |whole class and in smaller groups and contribute to | | |

| | |development of required course projects. | | |

| | |Students will identify and summarize trends that | | |

| | |potentially increase external influences on the | | |

| | |structure, mission and working of public schools. | | |

BMIE 1001 – Real World Technologies

|Year/ |Course |Learning Objectives |Required Assessments |Standards Alignment |

|Major | | | | |

|SCED |BMIE 1001 |Demonstrate with capability and comfort personal |Mini Reflective Paper Project | |

| | |computing skills via the use of electronic |Word Informational Paper Project | |

|Freshman, | |communications, search tools, application software |Homework Assignments | |

|Floating | |(word processing, presentation graphics, spreadsheets, |Publisher Project | |

| | |etc.), and Windows operating environment. |Training Plan/Teaching Lesson | |

| | |  |Plan, Computer-based Learning | |

| | |Describe the advantages, disadvantages, limitations and|Activity, and Assessment as a | |

| | |ethical considerations of computer technology and the |Smartboard Project | |

| | |effect computers continue to have in our society. |Web 2.0 Assignments | |

| | | |Readings/Class Participation | |

| | |Develop instructional and presentation software | | |

| | |materials in applying computing skills to academic | | |

| | |projects. Competently use Excel, Word, PowerPoint, | | |

| | |Publisher, other software and the Internet at the | | |

| | |beginner and intermediate level. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Enhance computer and communication skills necessary for| | |

| | |the future profession and apply computing skills to | | |

| | |academic projects Use technological applications such | | |

| | |as electronic mail, social network and other Internet | | |

| | |applications for research. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Research and develop a training plan or teaching lesson| | |

| | |plan with a computer-based activity and assessment. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Define and use basic computer concepts and | | |

| | |technological services available such as email and the | | |

| | |Internet to perform online database searches for | | |

| | |relevant information. | | |

EDST 2001 – Life in Inclusive Classrooms

|Year/ |Course |Learning Objectives |Required Assessments |Standards Alignment |

|Major | | | | |

|ELED/DVSL |EDST |Syllabus A |Syllabus A | |

| |2001 |Identify orally and in writing the categories of skills|Philosophy of Education/Stance | |

|Sophomore Fall | |and responsibilities teachers need as effective |statement | |

| | |teachers. Understand the nature of teaching as a |Unit Plan | |

| | |decision making model by describing the thought |Classroom Management Plan | |

| | |processing phases of instruction. Describe the |Quick Responses/ Quizzes | |

| | |importance of self-reflection in becoming a competent |Family Letter | |

| | |teacher. |Microteaching lesson and | |

| | |Identify orally and in writing major components of a |reflection paper | |

| | |written daily lesson plan and explain the cyclic nature|FINAL EXAM | |

| | |of lesson planning. | | |

| | |Work with a partner/s to create an engaging unit | | |

| | |infusing NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards and |Syllabus B | |

| | |reflective of the interests of their students. Pre and |Classroom participation and | |

| | |post assessments of identified objectives is required. |homework assignments | |

| | |Reflection on this lesson will also address the issue | | |

| | |of co-teaching and effective ways to integrate various |Philosophy of Education/Stance | |

| | |models into the presentation of information. |statement | |

| | |Plan and teach a lesson through a microteaching | | |

| | |episode. |Integrated Unit Plan | |

| | |Develop a written personal definition of quality | | |

| | |learning and teaching and learn how to put this |Classroom Management/ Discipline | |

| | |definition into practice by writing a personal |Plan | |

| | |philosophy of education and revisiting this philosophy | | |

| | |towards completion of this course. |Microteaching lesson and | |

| | |Describe the characteristics of a well managed |reflection paper | |

| | |classroom environment. Establish a positive and healthy| | |

| | |learning environment through the completion of portions| | |

| | |of a management plan written for a specific grade | | |

| | |level. Prepare a visual representation of classroom and| | |

| | |a written management plan. | | |

| | |Recognize the common elements of discipline by | | |

| | |designing a discipline plan that includes a working | | |

| | |philosophy, rules and procedures, and consequences for | | |

| | |the first week of school to ensure a supportive | | |

| | |environment in which students can flourish. | | |

| | |Use formal and informal assessment strategies to plan, | | |

| | |evaluate and strengthen instruction by creating their | | |

| | |own assessment activities in class and within their | | |

| | |units and by creating rubrics to rate students and peer| | |

| | |performance. | | |

| | |Communicate in writing philosophies and classroom | | |

| | |expectations with parents, students and other | | |

| | |professionals. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Syllabus B | | |

| | |Identify the professional standards, performance | | |

| | |skills, and dispositions needed by a highly qualified | | |

| | |inclusive and responsive teacher. You will be able to | | |

| | |understand the nature of teaching as a decision making | | |

| | |model by describing the thought processing phases of | | |

| | |instruction and the importance of self-reflection in | | |

| | |becoming a competent , socially conscious and | | |

| | |reflective teacher. | | |

| | |Develop a personal definition of quality learning and | | |

| | |teaching and learn how to put this definition into | | |

| | |practice by writing a personal philosophy of education | | |

| | |and explaining how philosophy will affect learners and | | |

| | |teaching practice. | | |

| | |Identify major components of the planning and | | |

| | |preparation process and explain the relationship | | |

| | |of each to learning theory, human development, cultural| | |

| | |diversity, and individual differences . | | |

| | |Plan and organize a unit of study with a colleague that| | |

| | |draws upon the Common Core State Standards, CCSS | | |

| | |(Curriculum) in ELA, and best literacy practices for a | | |

| | |select group of learners based on a specific student | | |

| | |profile. A unit is a set of related lessons that | | |

| | |addresses a single topic, theme, or skill. The mini | | |

| | |Teacher Work sample includes: a brief description of | | |

| | |the learners and context, goals and objectives, | | |

| | |purpose and rationale , pre-post assessments, lesson | | |

| | |plans with modifications for three specific learners. | | |

| | |After completing the project partners will participate | | |

| | |in a gallery walk showcasing their units. A unit plan | | |

| | |rubric will be designed in class to be used to assess| | |

| | |project . | | |

| | |Plan and teach a mini lesson in microteaching episode | | |

| | |that uses a variety of instructional strategies | | |

| | |(ADVICE) to encourage learners to develop understanding| | |

| | |of content in meaningful ways. You will be expected to | | |

| | |give and receive feedback for professional growth . | | |

| | |Describe and construct a management plan for a | | |

| | |well-managed learning environment that supports both | | |

| | |individual and collaborative learning, social | | |

| | |interactions, active engagement in learning and self | | |

| | |motivation. | | |

| | |Design a discipline plan that shows how a teacher | | |

| | |establishes and monitors a safe and productive learning| | |

| | |environment including, expectations and norms for | | |

| | |behavior by designing a discipline plan that includes a| | |

| | |working philosophy, rules and procedures, and | | |

| | |consequences for the first week of school to ensure a | | |

| | |supportive environment in which students can flourish. | | |

| | |Know and understand how to design assessments that | | |

| | |match learning objectives. Know how to balance the use| | |

| | |of formative and summative assessments to support and | | |

| | |document student learning. | | |

| | |Communicate your teacher philosophy and classroom | | |

| | |management plans to families in role playing situation.| | |

EDST 2004 – Early Literacy

|Year/ |Course |Learning Objectives |Required Assessments |Standards Alignment |

|Major | | | | |

|ESED/DVSL |EDST 2004 |To demonstrate knowledge and application of the |Class Participation and | |

| | |research on literacy education and apply the learning |Attendance | |

|Sophomore Fall | |theories, and philosophies to your decision making |Lessons and Reflections | |

| | |process as you plan lessons, instruct students and |Lessons Demonstrations for the | |

| | |prepare assessments. |Class | |

| | |To become familiarized with the New Jersey Common Core |Midterm | |

| | |Standards and indicators and how to use a standards |Journals from the Field | |

| | |approach to teaching students by designing lessons that|Running Record Assessment | |

| | |reflect the content, instruction and assessment |Final Project | |

| | |protocols. | | |

| | |To examine and explain each one of the components of a | | |

| | |balanced literacy approach: phonemic awareness, | | |

| | |phonics, fluency, vocabulary learning, comprehension | | |

| | |skills and strategies, writing, and spelling through | | |

| | |class discussions, classroom surveys, reflections, and | | |

| | |midterm exam. | | |

| | |To recognize the diversity of learners in today’s | | |

| | |classrooms and make adaptations for instruction by | | |

| | |identifying strategies to address the challenges of | | |

| | |diversity in linguistic backgrounds, prior experiences | | |

| | |and background knowledge, reading proficiency, gifted | | |

| | |learners, and special needs students. To design | | |

| | |lessons using students’ interests, abilities and | | |

| | |backgrounds and to understand the role of the teacher | | |

| | |in motivating students to be lifelong readers. ( ELL | | |

| | |students) | | |

| | |To demonstrate understanding of the methods of | | |

| | |instruction that reflect a balanced literacy approach | | |

| | |to the teaching of reading and writing: reading aloud, | | |

| | |shared reading, guided reading and writing, interactive| | |

| | |reading and writing, and independent reading and | | |

| | |writing by planning and teaching lessons in your field | | |

| | |experience or in class that reflect components of each| | |

| | |approach. | | |

| | |To use a variety of assessment tools and practices to | | |

| | |plan and evaluate early literacy instruction. You will| | |

| | |be asked to conduct a running record and explain in | | |

| | |writing how you will use the instrument to diagnose and| | |

| | |plan reading instruction. | | |

| | |To apply the skills needed for understanding that | | |

| | |reading and writing are a process requiring a before, | | |

| | |during, after approach by planning lessons and showing | | |

| | |the three components. | | |

| | |To examine a literate environment and critique whether | | |

| | |the environment fosters reading and writing through the| | |

| | |use of instructional practices, approaches and methods,| | |

| | |curriculum materials and appropriate assessments. | | |

| | |To understand and explain internal factors that relate | | |

| | |to motivation and identify concrete approaches to | | |

| | |motivating students by applying motivational strategies| | |

| | |to case situations and lesson plans. | | |

| | |To grasp the importance of the family’s role or lack of| | |

| | |role in early language arts literacy development and | | |

| | |explore strategies for how teachers can foster the | | |

| | |home-school connection by contributing to the whole | | |

| | |class poster project. | | |

| | |To show how teachers can use technology based practices| | |

| | |to meet the different stages of development and | | |

| | |cultural and linguistic needs of their students as well| | |

| | |as using technology for personal growth and | | |

| | |development. | | |

| | |To continue to pursue professional development by | | |

| | |working with peers to observe, evaluate and provide | | |

| | |feedback on each other’s practice during the clinical| | |

| | |practice experience. | | |

EDST 1301 – Educational Psychology

|Year/ |Course |Learning Objectives |Required Assessments |Standards Alignment |

|Major | | | | |

|SCED | |-the student will be able to define and provide |lesson plan: focus on motivation,| |

| | |examples of concepts and variables |diversity, language, technology | |

|Sophomore | | |Online Quizzes | |

|Fall | |-the student will be able to distinguish between |Electronic assignments and | |

| | |correlation and causation |international activities | |

| | | |(including focus group evaluation| |

| | |-using information from the text and other sources the |of process) | |

| | |student will describe advantages and disadvantages of |Structured online discussion of | |

| | |stating objectives in behavioral terms |hate sites-examine audience, | |

| | | |visual and text messages, and the| |

| | |-the student will be able to describe orally and in |use of language to convey | |

| | |writing strengths and weakness of intelligence tests as|socio-political ideologies | |

| | |well as controversies surrounding their use in schools | | |

| | | | | |

| | |-the student will be able to describe and cite evidence| | |

| | |about the influences on teaching and learning of: | | |

| | | | | |

| | |linguistic differences | | |

| | |cultural differences | | |

| | |gender | | |

| | |race | | |

| | |disability | | |

| | | | | |

| | |-the student will be able to describe and cite examples| | |

| | |of developmental stage theories presented in the text | | |

| | | | | |

| | |-the student will be able to design lessons using | | |

| | |research findings on motivation / lecture / group and | | |

| | |cooperative learning | | |

| | |-the student will be able to describe and cite examples| | |

| | |of current controversies involving the nature and | | |

| | |evidence of intelligence | | |

| | | | | |

| | |-the student will be able to use and describe | | |

| | |approaches to dealing with controversies in the | | |

| | |classroom, specifically structured academic | | |

| | |controversies (using a Deliberating in a Democracy | | |

| | |framework) | | |

| | | | | |

| | |-the student will be able to demonstrate the ability to| | |

| | |use technology in planning and presenting class work | | |

| | | | | |

| | |-if efforts at collaboration are successful, the | | |

| | |student will demonstrate an understanding of similar | | |

| | |and different approaches to teacher training | | |

| | |(specifically using knowledge from psychology) in the | | |

| | |U.S. and Ukraine (and possibly other countries) through| | |

| | |various electronic tools). | | |

| | | | | |

| | |-the student will demonstrate a commitment to | | |

| | |professional responsibility by completing all | | |

| | |assignments on time, and in the prescribed manner. | | |

| | |While this largely meets institutional needs, lower | | |

| | |grades for late work can be expected. | | |

EDST 2005 – Teaching Math in Diverse Classrooms

|Year/ |Course |Learning Objectives |Required Assessments |Standards Alignment |

|Major | | | | |

|ESED/DVSL |EDST 2005 |Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the content |Journal Entries | |

| | |and process standards as outlined in the NCTM and New |Content Quizzes | |

|Sophomore Spring | |Jersey Core Curriculum Standards through open-ended |Place Value Activity & Interview | |

| | |quizzes and field application. |Textbook Lesson & Reflection | |

| | |Demonstrate number sense by solving addition, |Math & Literature Lesson | |

| | |subtraction, multiplication, and division problems in |Final Exam | |

| | |many different ways other than the standard algorithm | | |

| | |and explain strategies and impacts on student learning | | |

| | |through reflective sessions. | | |

| | |Demonstrate the use of problem solving skills by | | |

| | |participating in problem solving experiences and | | |

| | |explaining the strategies used. | | |

| | |Create a two day lesson sequence based on assessments | | |

| | |given after the first lesson. | | |

| | |Adapt a lesson found in an elementary textbook to | | |

| | |reflect the NCTM standards and meet the needs of | | |

| | |diverse learners. | | |

| | |Use knowledge of math topics through the development | | |

| | |and teaching of an interactive math lesson that | | |

| | |corresponds with the field experience math curriculum | | |

| | |and meets the diverse needs of all students. | | |

| | |Adapt a math lesson found on the Internet or in a | | |

| | |textbook for diverse students to meet a specific | | |

| | |characteristic of diversity. . | | |

| | |Design a cooperative learning activity using a selected| | |

| | |format and identify the importance of cooperative | | |

| | |learning and the key elements and values involved. | | |

| | |Show an understanding of alternative assessment by | | |

| | |creating their own authentic assessment activity to | | |

| | |accompany a lesson plan, such as, a journal entry, an | | |

| | |open-ended performance task, student self-assessment, | | |

| | |student portfolio entries and designing a rubric to | | |

| | |evaluate student understanding. | | |

| | |Use the Internet to find lesson plans, activities, math| | |

| | |resources, and mathematics organizations to enhance | | |

| | |their teaching and demonstrate this by created an | | |

| | |annotated bibliography of mathematics related | | |

| | |web-sites. | | |

| | |Assess students understanding and reasoning after | | |

| | |viewing a video-taped lesson. | | |

| | |Reflect on their practice by writing a reflection paper| | |

| | |after teaching lessons in class and during field | | |

| | |placement by keeping a log of reflective sessions. | | |

| | |Use math manipulative materials and calculators to | | |

| | |create their own understanding of math concepts and | | |

| | |design mathematics lessons that utilize these | | |

| | |manipulative materials. | | |

EDST 3005 – Literacy Across the Curriculum

|Year/ |Course |Learning Objectives |Required Assessments |Standards Alignment |

|Major | | | | |

|ESED/DVSL |EDST 3005 |Syllabus A |Syllabus A | |

| | |Explore different approaches to the teaching of the |- Participation, Attendance and | |

|Sophomore, | |language arts |Reading Log | |

|Spring | | |- Double entry journals x 3 | |

| | |Develop knowledge of the specific skills involved in |- Research Report | |

| | |reading and writing during the upper |- Lesson Plans and Reflections | |

| | |elementary years. |(x2) | |

| | | |- Persuasive Writing | |

| | |Acquire a repertoire of techniques and strategies for |- Midterm | |

| | |teaching the language arts in the upper elementary |- Literature Circle Participation| |

| | |grades. |- Final Reflections | |

| | | | | |

| | |Develop lesson plans for reading and writing |Syllabus B | |

| | |instruction. | | |

| | | |- Class Participation, | |

| | |Discuss how literature units can be used to teach the |Attendance, HW assignments and | |

| | |language arts in an integrated fashion. |Literacy notebook. | |

| | | | | |

| | |Value and model positive attitudes and a love of |- Three Double Entry Journal | |

| | |literature through multiple literature teaching and | | |

| | |learning experiences |- Research paper | |

| | | | | |

| | |Create and evaluate different assessment strategies for|- Reading Lesson Cycle and | |

| | |reading and writing performance. |Writing Lesson Cycle | |

| | | | | |

| | |Make modifications to lessons for diverse learners |- Three Mini Exams | |

| | | | | |

| | |Syllabus B | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Show understanding of the major theories and empirical | | |

| | |research associated with the cognitive, linguistic, | | |

| | |motivational, and sociocultural foundations supporting | | |

| | |your decision making and professional judgment. You | | |

| | |will be asked to support your decision making with | | |

| | |evidence. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Acknowledge the diversity that exists in your classroom| | |

| | |by selecting materials, instructional strategies and | | |

| | |text that ensure that all children- struggling readers | | |

| | |and writers, gifted students, English Language | | |

| | |Learners, ELL, and culturally diverse students reach | | |

| | |the expected goals. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Know your children by Identify and integrating their | | |

| | |needs and strengths in lesson plans and student | | |

| | |learning experiences. | | |

| | |Create learning experiences that show the central | | |

| | |concepts and structures associated with teaching and | | |

| | |learning reading and writing in ELA and across content| | |

| | |areas by designing content specific lesson plans. | | |

| | |Create learning experiences that show learners content | | |

| | |knowledge and real world application in lesson plans. | | |

| | |Design learning experiences that show how teacher | | |

| | |engages children in critical thinking using higher | | |

| | |order task and questioning. | | |

| | |Shows understanding of the curriculum in grades 3-5 by| | |

| | |demonstrating understanding of relationships among | | |

| | |skills, strategies and content and anchor standards | | |

| | |found in CCSS. ( Lesson designs, and in class projects)| | |

| | |Show understanding of different forms of assessment ( | | |

| | |reading and Writing) and their purposes, strength and | | |

| | |limitations ( Lesson plans and Test) | | |

| | |Use knowledge of four frameworks for scaffolding | | |

| | |students’ comprehension of text frameworks to plan and | | |

| | |teach lessons. ( Lesson plans and Test) | | |

| | |Use appropriate and varied instructional strategies to | | |

| | |support reading comprehension, vocabulary development,| | |

| | |fluency, reading-writing connection. ( Lesson Plans, | | |

| | |Microteaching, and Test) | | |

| | |Use assessment( reading and Writing) information to | | |

| | |evaluate lesson and plan for future instruction in | | |

| | |reading and writing cycle lesson plans. | | |

| | |Identify learning objectives ( Reading and Writing) | | |

| | |from content standards and district curriculum and | | |

| | |align those objectives to the assessments.( Lesson | | |

| | |Cycle Designs) | | |

| | |Show competency of content specific knowledge | | |

| | |associated with the 3-5 curriculum: grammar, sentence| | |

| | |structure, punctuation, genres, text features, | | |

| | |comprehension strategies, story elements, figurative | | |

| | |language, process writing, text types etc….Test | | |

| | |Use a variety of instructional technology tools to | | |

| | |support the instructional process and learning patterns| | |

| | |of this age group. ( lesson designs, class assignments,| | |

| | |) | | |

| | |Explore the role of narrative and expository text in| | |

| | |the acquisition and refinement of language arts | | |

| | |literacy skills and cultural implications of selected | | |

| | |texts. | | |

| | |Draw a picture/vision of your literate learning | | |

| | |environment that addresses motivational theory and | | |

| | |how teachers can motivate learners as independent | | |

| | |readers. ( Readers/Writers workshop) | | |

| | |Evaluate evidence from the semesters teaching and | | |

| | |learning experiences to evaluate his/her choices, and | | |

| | |actions and how these decisions impacted on student | | |

| | |learning. l. (Reflective essay) | | |

| | |Seeks an appropriate leadership role within class or | | |

| | |field to advance profession through one of the | | |

| | |identified adult learning task. | | |

| | |Conduct a mini action research project or report. | | |

| | |Examine own personal reading and writing proficiencies| | |

| | |and use classroom content to improve proficiencies. | | |

EDST 2003 – Instructional Theory into Practice

|Year/ |Course |Learning Objectives |Required Assessments |Standards Alignment |

|Major | | | | |

|SCED |EDST 2003 |As a result of participating in this course, preservice|Attendance and Participation | |

| | |candidates will: |Reflective Paper #1 | |

|Sophomore, | | |Reflection # 2 | |

|Spring | |Evaluate teaching activities for their ability to |Short Presentation Outlines & | |

| | |promote the learning for all. |Lesson Plans | |

| | | |Blogs and minivideos | |

| | |Demonstrate ability to understand main concepts of |Lesson Plan Package | |

| | |content, organize ideas, and plan for student |ESL Classroom Assistant Program | |

| | |interaction in a variety of lessons as shown in | | |

| | |microteaching lessons and in field setting. Candidates,| | |

| | |instructor, and supervisors will assess these skills | | |

| | |with a rating scale and comments. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Examine advantages and disadvantages of different | | |

| | |models of teaching in class discussions assessed | | |

| | |through questioning. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Identify teaching behaviors that help promote and | | |

| | |hinder student learning in grades 7-12 in a variety of | | |

| | |subject fields through observations of filmed | | |

| | |selections, microteaching, practicing teachers at field| | |

| | |site, and discussion of readings. Candidate insights | | |

| | |will be assessed through questioning. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Enhance presentation and group facilitation skills, | | |

| | |demonstrating ability to convey accurate, current and | | |

| | |worthwhile information and to incorporate graphics, | | |

| | |visuals, or props with enthusiasm as shown in | | |

| | |microteaching lessons and in field settings. Candidates| | |

| | |and instructor will assess these skills with a rating | | |

| | |scale and comments. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Show a commitment to planning and teaching low | | |

| | |performing and/or limited English proficient students | | |

| | |by trying strategies to promote their learning in | | |

| | |weekly tutoring and as a classroom assistant in an ESL | | |

| | |classroom assessed in class discussion and with | | |

| | |learning logs. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Demonstrate understanding of principles of effective | | |

| | |classroom management and the range of strategies needed| | |

| | |to promote positive relationships, cooperation, and | | |

| | |purposeful learning in the classroom shown in | | |

| | |discussions assessed through questioning | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Assess uses of technological applications in | | |

| | |demonstrations and discussion | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Value adapting instruction to student responses, ideas,| | |

| | |and needs as observed in discussion and field | | |

| | |experience | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Value role of students in promoting each other’s | | |

| | |learning and recognize the importance of peer | | |

| | |relationships in establishing a climate of learning as | | |

| | |shown in responses in microteaching groups and field | | |

| | |experience | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Demonstrate thoughtful and responsive listening; | | |

| | |encourage varied ways of communication in the classroom| | |

| | |demonstrated in microteaching and in field experience | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Show appreciation for professional responsibilities and| | |

| | |demonstrate ability to meet them in field placement and| | |

| | |by joining professional association related to their | | |

| | |field and grade level interest | | |

EDST 3700 - Integrating Technology in the Curriculum

|Year/ |Course |Learning Objectives |Required Assessments |Standards Alignment |

|Major | | | | |

|ESED/DVSL |EDST 3700 |Utilize and implement design principles which specify |- Assistive Technologies Brochure| |

|& SCED | |optimal conditions for learning ; analyze instructional|& Report | |

| | |tasks, content, and context, write appropriate |- Lesson Plan Project | |

|Floating | |objectives for specific content and outcome levels, |- PowerPoint Slide Show | |

| | |categorize objectives using an appropriate schema or |- Webliography | |

| | |taxonomy; compare and contrast curriculum objectives |- Inspiration Concept Map | |

| | |for their area(s) of preparation with federal, NJ |- WebQuest | |

| | |state, and/or professional content standards. |- Presentation of Projects | |

| | |Create instructional plans (micro-level design) that |- Web Page | |

| | |address the needs of all learners, including |- Journal & Participation | |

| | |appropriate accommodations for individuals with | | |

| | |exceptional learning needs, and incorporate | | |

| | |contemporary instructional technology processes in the | | |

| | |development of interactive lessons that promote student| | |

| | |learning. | | |

| | |Utilize a variety of assessment measures to determine | | |

| | |the adequacy of learning and instruction while | | |

| | |demonstrating congruency among goals/objectives, | | |

| | |instructional strategies, assessment measures, and | | |

| | |develop and apply formative and summative evaluation | | |

| | |strategies in a variety of contexts. | | |

| | |Apply principles of educational psychology, | | |

| | |communications theory, and visual literacy to the | | |

| | |selection of media for macro- and micro-level design of| | |

| | |instruction and to the development of instructional | | |

| | |messages specific to the learning task for all | | |

| | |learners. | | |

| | |Select instructional strategies appropriate for a | | |

| | |variety of learner characteristics, exceptional | | |

| | |conditions, and learning situations, and analyze their | | |

| | |selection of instructional strategies and/or models as | | |

| | |influenced by the learning situation, nature of the | | |

| | |specific content, and type of learner objective. | | |

| | |Select appropriate media to produce effective learning | | |

| | |environments using technology resources; produce | | |

| | |instructional materials which require the use of | | |

| | |multiple media; use appropriate analog and digital | | |

| | |productivity tools to develop instructional and | | |

| | |professional products, incorporate the use of the | | |

| | |Internet, online catalogs and electronic databases to | | |

| | |meet the reference and learning needs of students, and | | |

| | |combine electronic and non-electronic media to produce | | |

| | |instructional materials, presentations, and products. | | |

| | |Design and produce an instructional brochure analyzing | | |

| | |and explaining assistive technologies combining words | | |

| | |and images/graphics using desktop publishing and | | |

| | |various aspects of integrated application programs. | | |

| | |Make revisions based on formative evaluation by peers | | |

| | |using a rubric and the brochure to access information | | |

| | |on assistive technology. | | |

| | |Use the results of evaluation methods and techniques to| | |

| | |revise and update instructional and professional | | |

| | |products. | | |

| | |Use presentation application software to produce | | |

| | |presentations and supplementary materials for | | |

| | |instructional and professional purposes, apply | | |

| | |principles of visual and media literacy for the | | |

| | |development and production of instructional and | | |

| | |professional materials and products, and use a variety | | |

| | |of projection devices with appropriate technology tools| | |

| | |to facilitate presentations and instruction. | | |

| | |Design, produce, and use digital information with | | |

| | |computer-based technologies; use telecommunications | | |

| | |tools such as electronic mail and browsing tools for | | |

| | |the World Wide Web to develop instructional and | | |

| | |professional products; prepare instructional materials,| | |

| | |bibliographies, resource lists for instructional units,| | |

| | |and other materials as appropriate to support students | | |

| | |and teachers; identify and apply policies which | | |

| | |incorporate professional ethics within practice; and | | |

| | |identify and apply copyright and fair use guidelines | | |

| | |within practice. | | |

| | |Discuss and describe a variety of assistive devices and| | |

| | |software for using technology with persons with | | |

| | |exceptional learning needs. | | |

| | |Integrate information literacy skills into classroom | | |

| | |and library media center instruction. | | |

| | |Apply project management techniques, delivery system | | |

| | |management techniques, and information management | | |

| | |techniques in various learning and training contexts. | | |

| | |In a journal, candidates will reflect on their work, | | |

| | |new developments in technology, and research to improve| | |

| | |and strengthen their professional practice. | | |


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