Unit 8: Developmental Psychology (7–9%)Chapter 5 and part of Chapter 4Developmental psychology deals with the behavior of organisms from conception to death and examines the processes that contribute to behavioral change throughout the life span. The major areas of emphasis in the course are prenatal development, motor development, socialization, cognitive development, adolescence, and adulthood.AP students in psychology should be able to do the following:? Discuss the interaction of nature and nurture (including cultural variations) in the determination of behavior.? Explain the process of conception and gestation, including factors that influence successful fetal development (e.g., nutrition, illness, substance abuse).? Discuss maturation of motor skills.? Describe the influence of temperament and other social factors on attachment and appropriate socialization.? Explain the maturation of cognitive abilities (e.g., Piaget’s stages, information processing).? Compare and contrast models of moral development (e.g., Kohlberg, Gilligan).? Discuss maturational challenges in adolescence, including related family conflicts.? Characterize the development of decisions related to intimacy as people mature.? Predict the physical and cognitive changes that emerge as people age, including steps that can be taken to maximize function.? Describe how sex and gender influence socialization and other aspects of development.? Identify key contributors in developmental psychology (e.g., Mary Ainsworth, Albert Bandura, Diana Baumrind, Erik Erikson, Sigmund Freud, Carol Gilligan, Harry Harlow, Lawrence Kohlberg, Konrad Lorenz, Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky).Important DatesMonday, 1/7- Learning Curve 5a) Developmental Issues, Prenatal Development, and the NewbornTuesday, 1/8- Vocab quiz: Developmental Issues, Prenatal Development, and the NewbornThursday, 1/10- Learning Curve 5b) Infancy and ChildhoodFriday, 1/11- Vocab Quiz: Infancy and ChildhoodMonday, 1/14- Learning Curve 4b) Culture, Gender, and Other Environmental InfluencesTuesday, 1/15- Vocab Quiz: Culture, Gender, and Other Environmental InfluencesWednesday, 1/16- CHILD DAY!Friday, 1/18- Learning Curve 5c) Adolescence Tuesday, 1/22- Vocab Quiz: AdolescenceTuesday, 1/22- Learning Curve 5d) AdulthoodWednesday, 1/23- FRQThursday, 1/24- Optional Project dueFriday, 1/25- Unit 8 TestReading CalendarMonday, 1/7- Developmental Issues, Prenatal Development, and the Newborn p.166-172Tuesday, 1/8- Physical and Cognitive Development of Infancy and Childhood p.172-182Wednesday, 1/9- Social Development of Infancy and Childhood p.183-191Friday, 1/11- Culture, Gender, and Other Environmental Influences p.143-164Thursday, 1/17- Adolescence p.192-201Tuesday, 1/22- Adulthood p.201-212VocabularyDevelopmental psychologistsNature vs. NurtureContinuity vs. StagesStability vs. ChangeZygoteEmbryoFetusTeratogensFetal Alcohol SyndromeReflexes: Rooting, Moro, Babinski, Sucking, Grasping MaturationSchemaAssimilationAccommodationSensorimotor stageObject permanencePreoperational stageConservationEgocentrismTheory of mindConcrete operational stageFormal operational stageScaffold Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)Stanger anxietyAttachmentCritical periodImprintingSelf-concept Strange situation Secure attachmentInsecure attachment Temperament Basic trustAuthoritarian parentingPermissive parentingAuthoritative parentingNorm IndividualismCollectivismSexGender X chromosomeY chromosomeTestosteroneAdolescence PubertyPrimary sex characteristicsSecondary sex characteristics SpermarcheMenarcheIntersexGender role Gender identityGender-typingTransgender Social learning theoryIdentity Social identity Trust vs. mistrustAutonomy vs. shame and doubtInitiative vs. guiltCompetence vs. inferiorityIdentity vs. role confusionIntimacy vs. isolationGenerativity vs. stagnationIntegrity vs. despairMenopause Alzheimer’s diseaseSocial clockPreconventional moralityConventional moralityPostconventional moralityMenopause Alzheimer’s diseaseCross-sectional studiesLongitudinal studiesCrystallized intelligenceFluid intelligence Social clockStage of Grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, AcceptanceKnow these people: Harry Harlow, Konrad Lorenz, Mary Ainsworth, Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, Lawrence Kohlberg, Erik Erikson, Carol Gilligan, Elizabeth Kubler Ross ................

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