UC Psych


Philip A. Cowan

Curriculum Vitae

Office Address: Home Address:

Institute of Human Development 140 Highland Blvd.

University of California Kensington, CA 94708

Rm 3224

2121 Berkeley Way West 510-526-2586

Berkeley, CA 94720 pcowan@berkeley.edu

FAX 510-526-5745

1937 Born July 3

1959 Married Carolyn Pape.

We have three children, Joanna, Dena, and Jonathan,

married with children of their own

1959 B.A. (Psychology), University of Toronto, Canada

1960 M.A. (Psychology), University of Toronto, Canada

1963 Ph.D. (Psychology), University of Toronto, Canada

Positions held

1959 Psychology Intern, Toronto Psychiatric Hospital, Canada

1960-63 Intern & Clinical Psychologist, Thistletown Hospital, Ontario

1962-63 Lecturer, York University, Toronto, Canada

1963-69 Assistant Professor, University of California, Berkeley

1969-72 Associate Professor, University of California, Berkeley

1978- 05 Professor, University of California, Berkeley

2005- Professor Emeritus, and Professor of the Graduate School, University of California, Berkeley

1972-84 Head Psychology Clinic and Director of Clinical Training

1987-88 Acting Head, Psychology Clinic, and Acting Director of

Clinical Training

1998, 2003 (Spring) Visiting Scholar, Tavistock Marital Studies Institute, London

1998-2003 Director, Institute of Human Development, UC Berkeley

2005- Professor of Psychology, Emeritus

Professor of the Graduate School


Clinical and developmental psychology

1) Couple relationships and family development

2) Cognitive and social development in children

3) Child and family psychopathology

4) Community psychology; preventive intervention with families

Professional Activities

1965-70 Consultant, Berkeley and Emeryville Unified School District

1966-76 Member of the editorial board of Child Development

1988-92 Member of Editorial Board Journal of Family Psychology

1986-99 Member of Editorial Board of Developmental Psychology

1990-95 Member of Editorial Board Applied Developmental Psychology

1996-04 Member of Editorial Board Family Process

1997-02 Member of Editorial Board Journal of Family Psychology

1997-02 Contributing Editor, Child Magazine

2008- Member of the Editorial Board Attachment and Human Development

1976- Occasional reviewer for Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Psychological

Bulletin, Journal of Personality, Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, Child Development,

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Family Issues, Family

Relations, American Psychologist, Journal of Marriage and the Family, Family

Psychology, Public Policy and Law

1981-87 Member of Joint Governing Board, Health & Medical Sciences,

an experimental medical program, U.C. Berkeley - U.C. San Francisco

1982-84 -- Co-chair, Joint Governing Board.

1985-89 Member of Berkeley Committee on Teaching

1987-89 -- Chair Committee on Teaching

1992- Member of Berkeley Graduate Council

1993-95 --Vice-chair, Graduate Council

1995-97 --Chair, Graduate Council

1982 Member, APA task force on children, youth and families

1982- Occasional consultant to NIMH grant review and research policy groups

1982-90 Member, NIMH Family Research Consortium

1984-91 Chair, Berkeley Faculty Study Group on the Family

1991-95 Member, Child and Adolescent Prevention

Research Review Committee, NIMH

1997-06 Board Member: Council on Contemporary Families

2009-13 Board Member: Council on Contemporary Famili

1997-00 Co-chair, annual conference: Council on

Contemporary Families

1998- Fellow, American Psychological Society

2000. Co-chair, Berkeley Family Forum

2008- Consultant to MDRC on their federally funded contract to conduct couples group interventions for low-income married couples

2013- Consultant to Tavistock Centre for Couple Relationships on their

government-funded contract to conduct a trial of our Supporting Father

Involvement Project in England

2015- Outside evaluator of two federally-funded grants in Oklahoma:

Family Expectations (to Public Strategies) and

True Dads (to It’s My Community Incorporated)

Honors and Awards

1959-60 Woodrow Wilson Fellow, University of Toronto, Canada

1960-61 Queen Elizabeth II Ontario Scholarship, University of Toronto, Canada

1961-62 Sidney Smith Fellowship, University of Toronto, Canada

66. NIMH grant for $3,000 to study the relations among various measures

of cognitive development

1972-84 NIMH Clinical Training Grant, UC Berkeley, Program Director

05. Continuous funding of NIMH Research Grant (R01 MH-31109) Couple

relationships in Family Formation, (New title: Enhancing family

relationships: Child and Teen Outcomes Principal Investigator, (Co-PI

with Carolyn Pape Cowan)

1984. Distinguished Teaching Award, University of California, Berkeley

1999. (with Carolyn Cowan) Distinguished Contribution to Family Systems

Research, from the American Family Therapy Academy (AFTA)

2000. MacArthur Foundation small grant (449490) How unmarried parents

negotiate (with Nancy Cohen)

2003-2012 Contract with the California Department of Social Services, Office of

Child Abuse Prevention, for the design, implementation, and evaluation

of Supporting Father Involvement, a randomized clinical trial of

interventions designed to promote low income fathers’ positive

involvement with their children

Distinguished Service Award from Letters and Sciences, UCB

2005 The Berkeley Citation

6. Sackler Lecturer, Sackler Institute of Advanced Studies,

Tel Aviv University, Israel

2018 Tavistock Relationships’ ‘Parents as Partners’ Programme

National Award (Britain) for Helping Children and Families

(The award is for our intervention: Supporting Father Involvement)


Books, Monographs, Special Issues

Cowan, P.A. (1978). Piaget: With feeling. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

Cowan, P.A., & Hetherington, E.M. (Eds.) (1991). Family transitions. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Cowan, C.P., & Cowan, P.A. (1992). When partners become parents: The big life change for couples. New York: Basic Books.

Paperback edition: 1993;

Translations: German: Piper Press, Munich, 1993.

Spanish: Javier Vergara Editore, Argentina, Buenos Aires, 1993.

Chinese: Yuan-Liou Publishing, Taiwan, 1994.

French: J’ai Lu, Paris, 1994.

Italian: Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milan, 1997.

Republished in 2000 with a new forward by John M. Gottman and a new

Afterword by the authors. Mattwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Cowan, P.A., Field, D., Hansen, D., Skolnick, A., & Swanson, G.E. (Eds.) (1993)

Nannis, E., & Cowan, P.A. (Eds.) (1988). New Directions in Development: Developmental psychopathology and its treatment. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

McHale, J. P., & Cowan, P. A. (Eds.) (1996) Understanding how family-level dynamics affect children’s development: Studies of two-parent families. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass

Family, self, and society: Toward a new agenda for family research. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Cowan, P. A., Cowan, C. P., Ablow, J., Johnson, V., & Measelle, J. (Eds.). (2005). The family context of parenting in children's adaptation to school. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (published as a book and as part of Parenting: Science and Practice Monographs in a series edited by Marc Bornstein)

Cowan, P. A. and Cowan C. P. (Eds.) (2009). Special Issue of Attachment and Human Development. Couple Relationships: A missing link between adult attachment and children’s outcomes.

Papers in Journals and Chapters in Books

Abbey, D. S. & Cowan, P. A. (1960). Incomplete visual feedback and performance on the Toronto Complex Coordinator. Perceptual Motor Skills, 11, 43-45.

Alderton, H. R., Cowan, P. A., Hoddinott, B. A. & Ward, T. F. (1962). A report on techniques of assessing behavior and changes in behavior in children at Thistletown Hospital. Ontario Psychological Association Quarterly, 15, 39-96.

Mandler, G. & Cowan, P. A. (1962). Learning of simple structures. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64, 177-183.

Cowan, P. A., & Walters, R. H. (1963). Studies in the reinforcement of aggression: I. Effects of scheduling. Child Development, 34, 543-553.

Mandler, G., Cowan, P. A., & Gold, C. (1964). Concept learning and probability matching. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67, 514-522.

Cowan, P. A., Hoddinott, B. A., & Wright, B. A. (1965). Compliance and resistance in the conditioning of autistic children: An exploratory study. Child Development, 36, 913-923.

Marshall, H., & Cowan, P. A. (1965). Note on disinhibition. Psychological Reports, 17, 667-670.

Cowan, P. A. (1967). New approaches to psychology in the schools. Ontario Psychological Association Quarterly, 19, 90-96.

Cowan, P. A., Weber, J., Hoddinott, B. A., & Klein, J. (1967). Mean length of spoken responses as a function of stimulus, experimenter and subject. Child Development, 38, 191-203. Reprinted as the only article in a section on method, in a book edited by R. Johnson, & G. Medinnus, (1970), Child and adolescent psychology: A book of readings, New York: Wiley & Sons.

Cowan, P. A., Langer, J., Heavenrich, J., & Nathanson, J. (1969). Social learning and Piaget's theory of cognitive development. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 11, 261-274.

Cowan, P. A. (1970). The nature of psychological-educational diagnosis. In D. B. Carter (Ed.), Interdisciplinary approaches to learning disorders, Philadelphia: Chilton Book Co.

Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. (1972). Six weeks in May: An academic reconstitution project and its significance for the psychology curriculum. In D. Adelson (Ed.), Man as the measure: The crossroads. New York: Behavioral Press.

Hollos, M., & Cowan, P. A. (1973). Social isolation and cognitive development: Logical operations and role-taking abilities in three Norwegian social settings. Child Development, 44, 630-641.

Bernstein, A., & Cowan, P. A. (1975). Children's concepts of how people get babies. Child Development, 46, 77-91.

Goldman, R. K., & Cowan, P. A. (1976). Teacher cognitive characteristics, social system variables, and the use of consultation. American Journal of Community Psychology, 4, 85-98.

Finley, G. E., Solla, J., & Cowan, P. A. (1976). Field dependence- independence, egocentrism, and conservation in young children. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 86, 342-348.

Cowan, C. P., Cowan, P. A., Coie, L., & Coie, J. (1978). Becoming a family: The impact of a first child's birth on the couple's relationship. In W. Miller & Newman (Eds.). The first child and family formation. Chapel Hill: Carolina Population Center.

Dyckman, J. M., & Cowan, P. A. (1978). Imaging vividness and the outcome of in vivo and imagined scene desensitization. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 46, 1155-1156.

Bernstein, A. C., & Cowan, P. A. (1981). Children's conceptions of birth and sexuality. In R. Bibace and M. Walsh (Ed.), New directions for child development: Children's conceptions of health, illness, and bodily functions, no. 14. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Korchin, S., & Cowan, P. A. (1982). Ethical perspectives in clinical research. In P. C. Kendall & J. N. Butcher (Eds.)., Handbook of research methods in clinical psychology. New York: Wiley.

Cowan, P. A. (1982). The relationship between emotional and cognitive development. In D. Cicchetti (Ed.), New directions for child development: Emotional development. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Breslow, L., & Cowan, P. A. (1984). Structural and functional perspectives on classification and seriation in normal and psychotic children. Child Development, 55, 226-235.

Cowan, C.P., Cowan, P.A., Heming, G., Garrett, E.T., Coysh, W.S., Curtis- Boles, H., & Boles, A.J. (1985). Transitions to parenthood: His, hers, and theirs. Journal of Family Issues, (Special issue on transition to Parenthood, 6, 451-481.

Cowan, C.P., & Cowan, P.A. (1987). A preventive intervention for couples becoming parents. In C.F.Z. Boukydis (Ed.), Research on support for parents and infants in the postnatal period (pp. 225-251). New Jersey: Ablex Pub. Co.

Cowan, C.P., & Cowan, P.A. (1987). Men's involvement in parenthood: Identifying the antecedents and understanding the barriers. In P. Berman & F. Pedersen (Eds.), Men's transitions to parenthood: Longitudinal studies of early family experience. (pp. 145-174). New York: Wiley.

Cowan, P.A. (1987). The need for theoretical and methodological integrations in family research. Family Psychology, 1, 48-50.

Nannis, E.N., & Cowan, P.A. (1987). A developmental study of emotional understanding: A matter of age, dimension, and point of view Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 8, 289-304.

Abernethy, A.D., Cowan, P.A., Gurza, R., Huang, K.H., Kim, M.A.Y., King, N.F., & Lum. J. (1988). Psychology tomorrow: a unified ethnic psychology course. In P. Bronstein & K. Quina (Eds.), Teaching the psychology of people: Resources for gender and sociocultural awareness. Washington. D.C.: American Psychological Association.

Cowan, C.P., & Cowan, P.A. (1988). Who does what when partners become parents: Implications for men, women, and marriage. Marriage and Family Review, 12, 105-131.

Cowan, P.A. (1988). Becoming a father: A time of change, an opportunity for development. In P. Bronstein and C.P. Cowan (Eds.), Fatherhood today: Men's changing role in the family (pp. 13-35). New York: Wiley.

Cowan, P.A. (1988). Theories of normal development, psychopathology, and intervention: A nine-cell map of the territory. In E. Nannis & P. Cowan (Eds). New Directions in Development: Developmental psychopathology and its treatment (Number 39) (pp. 5-30). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Cowan, P.A., & Cowan, C.P. (1988). Changes in marriage during the transition to parenthood: Must we blame the baby? In G.Y. Michaels & W.A. Goldberg (Eds.), Transition to parenthood: Current theory and research (pp. 114-154). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kline, M., & Cowan, P.A. (1988). Re-thinking the connections among "work and family" and well-being: A model for investigating employment and family work contexts. In E.B. Goldsmith (Ed.), Work and family: theory research,and applications. A special issue of the Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 3, 61-90. Reprinted, 1989 by Sage Publications, Los Angeles, CA.

Pratt, M.W., Kerig, P.K., Cowan, P.A., & Cowan. C.P. (1988). Mothers and fathers teaching three year-olds: Authoritative parenting and adults' use of the zone of proximal development. Developmental Psychology, 24, 832- 839.

Reprinted in: P. Llyod & C. Fernyhough, (Eds.) (1999) Lev Vygotsky: Critical assessments: The zone of proximal development, Vol. III. p. 143-162. NY: Routledge.

Guisinger, S., Cowan, P.A., & Schuldberg, D. (1989). Changing parent and spouse relations in the first years of remarriage of divorced fathers. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 51, 445-456.

Cowan, P.A., & Cowan C.P. (1989) (Translated into Russian). Couple relationships, parenting styles, and the child's development at 3. Questions of psychology, 4, 110-118.

Cowan, P.A., & Cowan, C.P. (1990). Becoming a family: Research and intervention. In I. Sigel & G. Brody (Eds.), Methods of family research, Vol. I (pp. 1-51). Hillsdale, N.J.:Erlbaum.

Cowan, P.A. (1991). Individual and family life transitions: a proposal for a new definition. In P.A. Cowan & E.M. Hetherington (Eds)., Family transitions: Advances in family research (Vol. 2) (pp. 3-30). Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Cowan, C.P., Cowan, P.A., Heming, G., & Miller, N.B. (1991). Becoming a family: marriage, parenting, and child development. In P.A. Cowan & E.M. Hetherington (Eds)., Family transitions: Advances in family research. (Vol. 2) (pp. 79-109). Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Kline, M., Cowan, P.A., & Cowan, C.P. (1991) The origins of parenting stress during the transition to parenthood: A new family model. Early education and development, 2, 287-305.

Leventhal-Belfer, L., Cowan, P.A., & Cowan, C.P. (1992). Satisfaction with child care arrangements: Effects on adaptation to parenthood. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 62, 165-177.

Pratt, M., Kerig, P., Cowan, P.A., & Cowan, C.P. (1992). Family worlds: couple satisfaction, parenting style, and mothers' and fathers' speech to young children. Merril-Palmer Quarterly, 38, 245-262.

Cohn, D.A., Cowan, P.A., Cowan, C.P., & Pearson, J. (1992). Mothers' and fathers' working models of childhood attachment relationships, parenting styles, and child behavior. Development and Psychopathology, 4, 417-431.

Cohn, D.A., Silver, D.H., Cowan, C.P., Cowan, P.A., & Pearson, W. (1992). Working models of childhood attachment and couple relationships. Journal of Family Issues, 13, 432-449.

Cowan, P.A., Cowan, C.P., & Kerig, P. (1993). Mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters: Gender differences in family formation and parenting style. In Cowan, P.A., Field, D., Hansen, D., Skolnick, A., & Swanson, G.E. (Eds.) Family, self, and society: Toward a new agenda for family research. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Pp. 165-196.

Cowan, P.A., Hansen, D.A., Swanson, G.E., Field, D., & Skolnick, A. (1993) Issues in defining a research agenda. In Cowan, P.A., Field, D., Hansen, D., Skolnick, A., & Swanson, G.E. (Eds.) Family, self, and society: Toward a new agenda for family research. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Pp. 465-482.

Miller, N.B., Cowan, P.A., Cowan, C.P., Hetherington, E.M., & Clingempeel, G. (1993). Externalizing in preschoolers and early adolescents: A cross-study replication of a family model. Developmental Psychology, 29, 3-18.

Reprinted in: J.S Deloache, S. Mangelsdorf, E. Pomeranz (Eds.) (1998) Current Readings in Child Development, New York: Allyn & Bacon

Cowan, P.A. (1993). The sky is falling, but Popenoe's response won't help us to do anything about it: A response to David Popenoe. Invited by the editor. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 55, 548 -553.

Kerig, P.K., Cowan, P.A., & Cowan, C.P. (1993). Marital quality and gender differences in parent-child interaction. Developmental Psychology, 29, 931-939.

Pearson, J.L., Cowan, P.A., Cowan, C.P., & Cohn, D.A. (1993) Adult attachment and adult child-older parent relationships. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 63, 606-613.

Cowan, P.A., Cowan, C.P., Schulz, M., & Heming, G. (1994) Prebirth to preschool family factors predicting children's adaptation to kindergarten. In R. D. Parke & S. Kellam, (Eds.), Exploring family relationships with other social contexts: Advances in Family Research Vol. 4. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum. Pp. 75-114.

Pearson, J.L., Cohn, D.A., Cowan, P.A., & Cowan, C.P. (1994). Earned and continuous security in adult attachment: Relation to depression and parenting style. Development and Psychopathology, 6, 359-373.

Laupa, M., Turiel, E., & Cowan, P.A. (1995). Obedience to authority. In M. Killen & D. Hart (Eds.), Morality in everyday life: Developmental perspectives Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press. Pp 131-165.

Ball, F.L.J., Cowan, P.A., & Cowan, C.P. (1995). Who's got the power? Gender differences in partners' perceptions of influence and conflict during marital problem-solving discussions. Family Process, 34, 303-321.

Cowan, C. P., & Cowan, P.A. (1995) Interventions to ease the transition to parenthood: Why they are needed and what they can do. Family Relations, 44, 412-424.

Cowan, P.A., Cohn, D., Cowan, C.P., & Pearson J.L. (1996). Parents' attachment histories and children's internalizing and externalizing behavior: Exploring family systems models of linkage. Special Section: Attachment and psychopathology, Part I. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 64, 53-63.

Reprinted as Le storie di attacamento gei genitori e I comportatmenti esternalizzati e internalizatti dei figli. In l. Carli (Ed.), (1999). Dalla diade alla famiglia: I legami di attaccamento nell rete familiare. Milano. Pp 243-273.

Cowan, P. A. (1996). Meta-thoughts on the role of meta-emotion in children’s development. Comment on Gottman et al. Journal of Family Psychology, 10, 277-283.

Cowan, P. A., Cowan, C. P., & Schulz, M. (1996). Thinking about risk and resilience in families. In E. M. Hetherington and E. A. Blechman (Eds.), Stress, coping, and resiliency in children and families. Family research consortium: advances in family research. Vol. 5 (pp. 1-38) Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Cowan, P. A., & McHale, J. P. (1996) Coparenting in a family context: Emerging achievements, current dilemmas, and future directions. In J. P. McHale & P. A. Cowan (Eds.) Understanding how family-level dynamics affect children’s development: Studies of two-parent families. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Pp. 93-106.

Cowan, C.P., & Cowan, P.A. (1997). Working with couples during stressful transitions. In S. Dreman (Ed.), The family on the threshhold of the 21st. century. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Pp. 17-48.

Cowan, P. A. (1997). Beyond meta-analysis: A plea for a family systems view of attachment. Child Development, 68, 601-603.

Reprinted as: Olter la meta-analisi: A sostegno di una conezione sistemico familiare dell’attaccemento. In l. Carli (Ed.), (1999). Dalla diade alla famiglia: I legami di attaccamento nell rete familiare. Milano. Pp 315-319.

Cowan, P.A., Powell, D., & Cowan, C.P. (1998). Parenting interventions: A family systems perspective. In I. E. Sigel & K. A. Renninger (Eds.), Handbook of child psychology (5th ed.) Vol 4: Child psychology in practice (pp. 3-72). New York: Wiley.

Cowan, P.A., & Cowan, C.P. (1998). New families: Modern couples as new pioneers. In M.A. Mason, A. Skolnik, & S. Sugarman (Eds.), The evolving American family: New Policies for new families. Oxford University Press. (revised version in 2nd ed. 2002).

Measelle, J. R., Ablow, J. C., Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P. (1998). Assessing young children’s views of their academic, social, and emotional lives: An evaluation of the self-perception scales of the Berkeley Puppet Interview. Child Development, 69, 1556-1576.

Cowan, C. P., & Cowan, P. A. (1999). Becoming a parent. In A. S. Skolnick & J. H. Skolnick (Eds.), Family in transition (10th ed.). New York: Addison, Wesley, Longman. Pp 189-201.

Cowan, C. P., & Cowan, P. A. (1999). Eltern und Partner – Die Arbeit mit Paargruppen. In W. Fthenakis, M. Eckert, & M. von Block (Eds.), Handbuch Elternbildung. Band 1: Wenn aus Partnern Eltern Werden. Opladen, Germany: Leske + Budrich. Pp. 125-136.

Cowan, C. P., & Cowan, P.A. (1999). Eltern werden: Was geschach mit mir? In W. Fthenakis, M. Eckert, & M. von Block (Eds.), Handbuch Elternbildung. Band 1: Wenn aus Partnern Eltern Werden. Opladen, Germany: Leske + Budrich. Pp. 287-298.

Cowan, P. A. (1999). What we talk about when we talk about families. Commentary appearing in B. H. Fiese, A. J. Sameroff, H. D. Grotevant, F. S. Wamboldt, S. Dickstein, and D. L. Fravel (Eds). The stories that families tell: Narrative coherence, narrative interaction, and relationship beliefs. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 64. Serial No. 257. Pp. 163-176.

Johnson, V. K., Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P. (1999). Children’s classroom behavior: the unique contribution of family organization. Journal of Family Psychology, 13, 1-17.

Donohue, K., Weinstein, R., Cowan, P. A, & Cowan, C. P. (2000). Patterns of teacher' whole-class perceptions and predictive relationships between teachers and parents' perceptions of individual child competence. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 15, 279-305.

Cowan, C. P. & Cowan, P.A. (2000). Preventive intervention: a couple perspective on the transmission of attachment patterns. In C. Clulow (Ed.) Adult attachment and couple psychotherapy: The secure base in practice and research. London: Brunner-Routledge

Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P. (2001). Parenthood and adult psychological development. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1103-11038.

Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P. (2002). What an intervention design reveals about how parents affect their children’s academic achievement and behavior problems. In J. G. Borkowski, S. Ramey, & M. Bristol-Powers, (Eds.), Parenting and the child's world: Influences on intellectual, academic, and social-emotional development (pp. 75-98). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Baumrind, D., Larzelere, R., & Cowan, P.A. (2002). Ordinary physical punishment: is it harmful? Comment on Gershoff (2002). Psychological Bulletin, 128(4), 580-589; discussion 602-511

Wood, J. J., Cowan, P. A., & Baker, B. L. (2002). Behavior problems and peer rejection in preschool boys and girls. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 163(1), 72-88.

Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P. (2002). Strengthening couples to improve family well-being. Poverty Research News, 6-8.

Mikulincer, D., Florian, V., Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P. (2002). Attachment Security in Couple Relationships – A Systemic Model and its Implications for Family Dynamics. Special issue on Attachment and Family Relations. Family Process, 41, 405-434.

Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P. (2002). Interventions as tests of family systems theories: Marital and family relationships in children's development, and psychopathology. Development and Psychopathology. Special issue on Interventions as tests of theories. 14, 731-760.

Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P. (2003). Normative family transitions, normal family processes, and healthy child development. In Froma Walsh (Ed.). Normal family processes (3rd. ed.). (pp. 424-459). New York: Guilford press.

Johnson, V., Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P. (2003) Linking changes in whole family functioning and children’s externalizing behavior across the elementary school years. Journal of Family Psychology, 17, 499-509.

Wood, J. L., Emmerson, N., & Cowan, P. A. (2004). Is early attachment security

carried forward into relationships with preschool peers? British Journal of

Developmental Psychology, 22, 245-253.

Schulz, M.S. , Cowan, P. A., Cowan, C.P, & Brennan, R. T. (2004). Coming home upset: Gender, Marital satisfaction, and the daily spillover of workday experience into couple interactions. Journal of Family Psychology, 18, 250-263.

Cowan, P. A. & Cowan, C. P. (2004). From family relationships to peer rejection to

antisocial behavior in middle childhood. In J. B. Kupersmidt and K. A. Dodge, (Eds.). Children’s peer relations: From development to intervention. (pp. 159-177). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Mattanah, J. F., Pratt, M. W., Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P. (2005). Authoritative parenting, parental scaffolding of long-division mathematics, and children's academic competence in fourth grade. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 26(1), 85-106.

Cowan, C. P., Cowan, P. A., & Heming, G. (2005). Two variations of a preventive intervention for couples: Effects on parents and children during the transition to school. In P. Cowan, C. P. Cowan, J. Ablow, V.K. Johnson and J. R. Measelle, (Eds.). The family context of parenting in children's adaptation to elementary school. (pp. 277-312). Mahwah, NJ, US: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Cowan, C. P., Cowan, P. A., Pruett, M. K., & Pruett, K. (2005). Encouraging strong

relationships between fathers and children. Working Strategies, 8 (4), 1-11.

Cowan, C. P., & Cowan, P. A. (2005). To be partners and parents: The challenge for couples with young children. In S. F. Brown (Ed.). What do mothers want? New York: Analytic Press.

Cowan, P. (2005). Reflections on “Parenting: A new field of inquiry and a Handbook

that starts it off by Marc Bornstein. (invited commentary) Infant and Child

Development, 14, 315-319.

Cowan, C. P., & Cowan, P. A. (2005). Two central roles for couple relationships:

Breaking negative intergenerational patterns and enhancing children’s

adaptation. Sexual and relationship therapy, 20, 275-288.

Measelle, J., John, O., Cowan, P.A., & Cowan, C. P. (2005). Can children

provide coherent, stable, and valid self-reports on the Big Five dimensions? A

longitudinal study from ages 5 to 7. Journal of Personality and Social

Psychology, 89, 90-106.

Alexandrov, E., Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P. (2005). Couple attachment and the quality of marital relationships: Method and concept in the validation of the new Couple Attachment Interview and coding system. Attachment & Human Development, 7, 123-152.

Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P. (2006). Developmental psychopathology from family systems and family risk factors perspectives: Implications for family research, practice, and policy. In D. Cicchetti & D. J. Cohen (Eds.), Developmental Psychopathology. Vol 1 (2nd ed.). (pp. 530-587). New York: Wiley.

Cowan, P. A., Cowan, C. P., & Mehta, N. (2006). Feeling like partners. Greater Good, 2, 16-19.

Schulz, M. S., Cowan, C. P., & Cowan, P. A. (2006). Promoting Healthy Beginnings: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Preventive Intervention to Preserve Marital Quality During the Transition to Parenthood. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 74, 20-31.

Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P. (2007). Beyond mothering: Dispelling three myths about family relationships and children's adaptation. In C. Thorpe and J. Trowell (Eds.), Re-rooted lives: Interdisciplinary work within the family justice system. (pp. 147-160). Bristol, England: Jordan Publishing.

Cowan, P. A., Cowan, C. P., Pruett, M. K., & Pruett, K. D. (2007). An approach to preventing co-parenting conflict and divorce in low-income families: Strengthening couple relationships and fostering fathers' involvement. Family Process, 46, 109-121.

Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P. (2007). Attachment theory: Seven unresolved issues and questions for further research. Research in Human Development, 4, 181-201.

Cowan, C.P., Cowan, P.A., Cohen, N., Pruett, M.K., & Pruett. K. (2008). Supporting fathers’ involvement with kids. In Jill Duerr Berrick and Neil Gilbert (Eds.). Raising Children: Emerging needs, modern risks, and social responses. (pp. 44-80). New York: Oxford University Press.

Busch, A. L., Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P. (2008). Unresolved loss in the Adult Attachment Interview: Implications for marital and parenting relationships. Development and Psychopathology(20), 717-735.

Cowan, P.A., & Cowan, C. P. (2008). Diverging family policies to promote children’s well-being in the United Kingdom and United States: Some relevant data from family research and intervention studies. Journal of Children’s Services,3, 4-16

Pruett, M. K., Cowan, C. P., Cowan, P. A., & Pruett, K. (2009). Lessons learned from the Supporting Father Involvement study: A cross-cultural preventive intervention for low-income families with young children. Journal of Social Service Research, 35(2), 163-179. DOI: 10.1080/01488370802678942

Pruett, M. K., Cowan, C. P., Cowan, P. A., & Pruett, K. (2009). A Cross-cultural preventive intervention for low-income families with young children. Journal of Social Services Research, 35, 163-169.

Cowan, P.A., Cowan, C.P., Pruett, M.K., & Pruett, K. (2009). Six barriers to father involvement and suggestions for overcoming them. National Council of Family Relations Report. Spring. F1-F4.

Cowan PA, Cowan CP. (2009). The role of parents in children’s school transition. In: Tremblay RE, Barr RG, Peters RDeV, Boivin M, eds. Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development [online]. Montreal, Quebec: Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development; 2009:1-6. Available at: .

Cowan, P.A., Cowan, C. P., Pruett, M. K., & Pruett, K.D., & Wong, J. (2009). Promoting fathers’ engagement with children: Preventive interventions for low-income families. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 71, 663-679.

Hirshberger, G., Srivastava, S., Marsh, P., Cowan, C.P., & Cowan, P.A. (2009). Married with children: Attachment, marital satisfaction, and divorce during the first fifteen years of parenthood. Personal Relationships,16,401-420.

Ablow, J., Measelle, J., Cowan, P.A., & Cowan, C.P. (2009). Linking marital conflict and children’s adjustment: the role of young children’s perceptions. Journal of Family Psychology. 23, 485-499.

Pruett, M.K., Cowan, C.P., Cowan, P.A., & Pruett, K. (2009). Fathers as resources in families involved in the child welfare system. Protecting Children. 24, 52-65

Mehta, N., Cowan, P.A., & Cowan, C.P. Working models of attachment to parents and partners: Implications for emotional behavior between partners (2009). Journal of Family Psychology, 23 895-899.

Cowan, P. A., Cowan, C. P., & Mehta, N. (2009). Adult attachment, couple attachment, and children's adaptation to school: An integrated attachment template and family risk model. Attachment & Human Development, 11(1), 29-46.

Cowan, P.A. (2010). When is a correlation between facts a causal one? (pp. 15-19). In B. Risman, (Ed.). Families as they really are. New York, NY: Norton Press. (A revision to appear in the second edition, 2015)

Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P. (2010). Beyond family structure: Family Process studies help to reframe debabes about what's good for children. In B. J. Risman (Ed.), Families as they really are (pp. 252-271). New York: W.W. Norton & Company. (A revision appeared in the second edition, 2015)

Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P. (2010). How working with couples fosters children's development: From prevention science to public policy. In M. Schulz, M. Pruett, P. Kerig, and R. Parke (Eds.). Strengthening couple relationships for optimal child development. Washington, D. C.: APA Publications.

Levenson, R.W., Cowan, C. P., & Cowan, P. A. (2010). A specialty clinic model for clinical science training: Translating couples research Into practice in the Berkeley Couples Clinic. In M. Schulz, M. Pruett, P. Kerig, and R. Parke (Eds.). Strengthening couple relationships for optimal child development. Washington, D. C.: APA Publications.

Cowan, P. A., Cowan, C. P., & Knox, V. (2010). Marriage and fatherhood programs. Future of Children, 20, 205-230.

Cowan, P. A., Cowan, C. P., & Barry, J. (2011). Couples’ groups for parents of preschoolers: Ten-year outcomes of a randomized trial. Journal of Family Psychology, 25(2). doi: 10.1037/a0023003

Knox, V., Cowan, P. A., Cowan, C. P., & Bildner, E. (2011). Policies that Strengthen Fatherhood and Family Relationships: What Do We Know and What Do We Need to Know? Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 635, 216-239. doi: 10.1177/0002716210394769

Pruett, M. K., Ebling, R., & Cowan, P. A. (2011). Pathways from a US co-parenting intervention to legal outcomes. International journal of law, policy, and the family, 25(1), 24-45.

Pruett, M. K., Cowan, C. P., Cowan, P. A., & Diamond, J. (2012). Supporting father involvement in the context of separation and divorce. In K. Kuehnle & L. M. Drozd (Eds.), Parenting plan evaluations: Applied research for the family court (pp. 123-151). New York: Oxford University Press. (A revision to appear in the second edition, 2015).

Cowan, Philip A., & Cowan, Carolyn Pape. (2012). Normative family transitions, couple relationship quality, and healthy child development. In F. Walsh, (Ed). Normal family processes: Growing diversity and complexity (4th ed.). (pp. 428-451). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Cowan, C. P., & Cowan, P. A. (2012). Prevention: Intervening with couples at challenging family transition points. In A. Balfour, M. Morgan & C. Vincent (Eds.), How couple relationships shape our world: Clinical preactice, research, and policy perspectives. London: Karnac Books.

Cowan, P. A., Cowan, C. P., Pruett, M. K., Pruett, K. D., & Gillette, P. (2012). A family systems approach to supporting fathers’ involvement in the care of their children. Familiendynamiik, 37, 94-103.

Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P. (2013). Three modest proposals to repair the relationship between couple therapists and couples researchers. Couple and Family Psychoanalysis 3(2), 133-136.

Holmes, E. K., Cowan, P.C., Cowan, C.P., Hawkins, A. (2013). Marriage, fatherhood, and parenting programming (2nd ed.). In N. J. Cabrera & C. S. Tamis-LeMonda (Ed.), Handbook of father involvement: Mulitidisciplinary perspectives. (pp. 438-454). New York: Routledge.

Hawkins, A. J., Stanley, S. M., Cowan, P. A., Fincham, F., Beach, S. R. H., Cowan, C. P., Rhoades, G., Markman, H. J., & Dair, A. P. (2013). A more optimistic perspective on government-supported marriage and relationship education programs for lower income couples. American Psychologist 68 110-112. doi: DOI: 10.1037/a0031792.

Cowan, P. A., Cowan, C. P., Pruett, M. K., Pruett, K., & Gillette, P. (2014). Evaluating a couples group to enhance father Involvement in low-Income families using a benchmark comparison. Family Relations, 63(3), 356-370.

Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P. (2014). Controversies in couple relationship education (CRE): Overlooked evidence and implications for research and policy. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 20(4), 361-383. doi:

Cowan, C. P., & Cowan, P. A. (2015). Focus on the co-parenting couple: A new approach to encouraging father involvement and strengthening parent-child relationships. International Journal of Birth and Parenting Education, 2(3), 31-35.

Epstein, K., Pruett, M. K., Cowan, P., Cowan, C., Pradhan, L., Mah, E., & Pruett, K. (2015). More than One Way to Get There: Pathways of Change in Coparenting Conflict after a Preventive Intervention. Family Process, 54(4), 610-618.

Pruett, K.D., Pruett, M.K., Cowan, C.P., & Cowan, P.A. (2016) Supporting father involvement project: A value-added co-parenting program. In J. J. Ponzetti, Jr. (Ed.). Evidence-based parenting education: A global perspective. New York. Routledge.

Kline Pruett, M., Gillette, P., & Pruett, K. D. (2016). Supporting father involvement to promote co-parent, parent and child outcomes in a Canadian context. . Psychology and Psychological Research International Journal

Pruett, M. K., Cowan, C. P., Cowan, P. A., Pradhan, L., Robins, S., & Pruett, K. D. (2016). Supporting father involvement in the context of separation and divorce Parenting plan evaluations: Applied research for the family court (2nd ed.) (pp. (2016), p 2085-2700).

Pruett, M. K., Pruett, K., Cowan, C. P., & Cowan, P. A. (2017). Enhancing father involvement in low‐income families: A couples group approach to preventive intervention. Child Development, 88(2), 398-407.

Pruett, M. K., Pruett, K. D., Cowan, C. P., & Cowan, P. A. (2017). Enhancing paternal engagement in a coparenting paradigm. Child Development Perspectives, 11(4), 245-250.

Casey, P., Cowan, P. A., Cowan, C. P., Draper, L., Mwamba, N., & Hewison, D. (2017). Parents as partners: A U.K. Trial of a U.S. Couples‐based parenting intervention for at‐risk low‐income families. Family Process, 56, 598-606.

Cowan, P. A. (2017). Relationship is all: Tales of a modern day Copernicus. [Review of

the book Encounters with John Bowlby: Tales of Attachment, by A. Ezquerro].

PsycCRITIQUES, 62 (43) .

Cowan, P. A., Cowan, C. P., Pruett, M. K., & Pruett, K. D. (2018). Supporting Father Involvement: A father-inclusive couples group approach to parenting interventions In H. Steele & M. Steele (Eds.), Handbook of Attachment Interventions. New York: Guilford.

Cowan, C. P. & Cowan, P. A., (2019). Enhancing parenting effectiveness, fathers’

involvement, couple relationship quality, and children’s development:

Breaking down silos in family policy-making and service-delivery.

Journal of Family Theory and Review, 11, 92-111. 10.1111/jftr.1230

Cowan, P.A. & Cowan, C.P. (2019). Commentary on Chapter 4 (pp. 84-89). In A.

Balfour, C. Clulow, & K. Thompson (Eds.). Engaging Couples: New

           Directions in Therapeutic Work with Families. (pp. 84-49). London/New York,


Kline Pruett, M., Cowan, P. A., Cowan, C. P., Gillette, P., & Pruett, K. (2019). Supporting Father Involvement: A group intervention for low-income Community and Child Welfare referred couples. Family Relations, 68(1), 51-67. doi:10.1111/fare.12352

Kline Pruett, M., Nakash, O., Welton, E. Cowan, C.P., Cowan, P.A., & Gillette, P. (2019). Using an initial clinical interview to assess the coparenting relationship: Preliminary examples from the Supporting Father Involvement Program. Smith College Studies in Social Work, Published online April 21 2019. DOI: 10.1080/00377317.2019.1576466.

Cowan, P.A. & Cowan, C. P. (2019) Bringing dads back into the family. Introduction to the Special Issue on: A family perspective on fathers and attachment. Attachment and Human Development. Edited by P. A. Cowan and C. P. Cowan. Early publication online.

Cowan, P. A., Cowan, C. P., Kline Pruett, M., & Pruett, K. (2019). Fathers’ and mothers’ attachment styles, couple conflict, parenting quality, and children’s behavior problems: an intervention test of mediation. Attachment and Human Development. .

Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P., Breaking down silos With systemically-oriented preventative interventions: Implications for family policy. (in press). In Handbook of Systemic Family Therapy. Vol. 2. L. M. McWay Associate Ed.

Articles for the public

Brand, S., Cowan, P.A., & Cowan, C.P. (1994). Preparing yourself for letting go. Parents' Press 15 No.8, 18-20.

Cowan, C. P., & Cowan, P.A. (1997, April). Before and after (having a baby). New York: Child Magazine

Cowan, C. P., & Cowan, P.A. (1998, June/July). Why your sex life isn’t what it used to be - and what you can do about it. New York: Child Magazine.

Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P. (May 12, 2002). No point in promoting bad marriages. (Invited Op-Ed) Boston Globe.

Abstracts of family measures

Cowan, C.P., & Cowan, P.A. The Pie. In J. Touliatos, B.F. Perlmutter, & M. A. Straus (Eds.), (1990). Handbook of Family Measurement techniques. Newbury Park: Sage. Pp. 278-279.

Cowan, C.P., & Cowan, P.A. The "Who Does What?" In J. Touliatos, B.F. Perlmutter, & M. A. Straus (Eds.), 1990. Handbook of Family Measurement techniques. Newbury Park: Sage. Pp. 447-448.

Heming, G., Cowan, P.A., & Cowan, C.P. Ideas about parenting. In J. Touliatos, B.F. Perlmutter, & M. A. Straus (Eds.), (1990). Handbook of Family Measurement techniques. Newbury Park: Sage. Pp. 362-363.


Cowan, P. A. (1975). Community psychology: The emperor without clothes. [Review of S. B. Sarason, The psychological sense of community: Prospects for a community psychology]. Contemporary Psychology, 20, 297-299.]

Cowan, P. A. (1983). Piaget's head on Freud's body. [Review of A. J. Malerstein and M. Ahern, A Piagetian model of character structure]. Contemporary Psychology, 28, 503-504.]

Cowan, P. A. (1983). Drawing inferences from drawings. [A review of R. C. Burns, Self-growth in families and M. Klepsch and L. Logie, Children draw and tell]. Contemporary Psychology, 28, 561-562.]

Cowan, P. A. (1984). Peers not parents, are primary. [A review of J. Youniss, Parents and peers in social development: A Sullivan-Piaget perspective].Contemporary Psychology, 29, 535-536.]

Cowan, P. A. (with C. P. Cowan) (1984). [A review of C. F. Clulow, To have and to hold: Marriage, the first baby, and preparing couples for parenthood.] Social Science and Medicine, 18, 255-257. Aberdeen University Press.]

Cowan, P.A. (1991). Coming in from the cold. [A review of S. Cath, A. Gurwitt, & L. Gunsberg (Eds.) Fathers and their families. Hillsdale, N.J. Lawrence Erlbaum.] Contemporary Psychology, 36

Cowan, P. A. (1996). After postmodern families: What next? (A review of D. Elkind. Ties that stress: the new family imbalance.] Contemporary Psychology, 41, 801-802.

Cowan, P.A. (1998). Review of: G. G. Noam & K. Fischer (Eds.). Development and vulnerability in close relationships. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. In Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 10, 77-82.

Book Prefaces

Cowan, P.A. Preface to J. Piaget (1981). Intelligence and affectivity. Palo Alto: Annual Reviews.

Cowan, P.A. Preface to Melvin L. Weiner (1985). Cognitive-experiential therapy: An integrative ego psychotherapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Cowan, P.A. Foreword to James McHale (2007). The co-parenting alliance: Washington, DC. Zero to Three Press.

Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P. Foreword to Molly Ludlum and Viveka Nyberg (2008). Couple attachments: Theoretical and clinical studies; London: Karnac Press.

Invited Conference Papers and Addresses

March,1975 NICHD Conference: First Child and Family Formation, Asilomar,


February,1981 San Francisco Health Consortium: The Baby Question, San

Francisco, CA.

May, 1983 NIMH Conference: Prevention and Measuring Healthy Families, La

Jolla, CA.

May, 1984 NIH-NICHD Conference: Men's Transitions to Parenthood,

Bethesda, MD.

June, 1987 Family Research Consortium: Second Annual Summer Institute,

Santa Fe, NM. Co-chair.

February, 1990 Featured speaker with Carolyn Pape Cowan at Child Psychiatry

Day, University of Toronto, Department of Psychiatry.

March, 1990 Invited speaker, Symposium on parenting. University of Toronto,

Department of Psychology, Scarborough Campus.

May, 1992 One of two invited lectures in the Priscilla Flawn Lecture Series in

Ecology at the University of Texas at Austin.

May, 1993 Invited address at a special evening session of the American

Orthopsychiatric Association meetings in San Francisco.

June, 1994 Keynote speakers. The Family on the threshold of the 21st Century.

Sponsored by the Ministry of Technology and Culture, Jersualem,

October, 1994 Mildred Brown Davis Lecture. Auburn University

February, 1995 Tavistock Institute, Institute of Marital Studies, London, England

October, 1995 Public Lecture. Munich, Germany.

May, 1997 Invited address: Western Psychological Association, Seattle, WA.

February, 1998 Tavistock Institute, Scientific Meeting, London, England

October, 1998 Keynote address for the opening of the Pelig-Bilig Center for Family

Well-Being, Bar Ilan University, Israel

May, 1998 Featured speaker and commentators for a government-sponsored

conference to report on a German study replicating our Becoming a

Family intervention, Bonn, Germany

June, 1998 One plus one (a family research institute), London, England

June, 1998 The International Network on Attachment, London, England

July, 1998 Fiftieth year celebration of the Tavistock Marital Studies Institute

February, 1999 Participant in Ford Foundation Conference on Family and Work,

Tarrytown, NY

March, 2000 One of five invited presenting participants in Mavis Hetherington's

retirement celebration

April, 2000 Keynote speaker, Parenting 2000, London (a 3-day conference for

the profession and the public)

May, 2000 Presenter at John Coie's Festschrift, Duke University

May, 2000 Visiting scholar, Harris Center, Institute of Child Development,

University of Minnesota

May, 2001 Presentation to MacArthur Network on Families and Adult

Development, Frank Furstenburg, Chair, New York City

Sept, 2001 Presentation to MacArthur Network on The Family and the Economy

Nancy Folbre, Chair, Jackson Hole, Wyoming

February, 2002 Presentation to NICHD Family and Child Well-being Research

Network, Jacquelyn Eccles, Chair, Bethesda, MD

April, 2002 Presentation to MacArthur Network on Families and Health

Lisa Berkman, chair, Palo Alto CA.

May, 2002 Edwards Lecture, Psychology Department, University of Washington,


June, 2002 Presentation to California Department of Social Services Mangers

Meeting, Sacramento, CA

July, 2002 Featured speakers in Tavistock Marital Studies Institute Summer

Conference: Attachment Patterns in Couple Relationships and their

Implications for Parenting, London, England

July, 2002 Presentation to the International Attachment Network, London,


Oct. 2002 To be partners and parents: The challenge for couples who are

Parents: Invited Plenary speakers at a Conference: What do

motherswant? Contemporary Perspectives in Psychoanalysis and

Related Disciplines. William Allanson White Institute. New York

February, 2003 Featured speakers at daylong workshop sponsored by the Southern

California Consortium on Families and Social Development

March, 2003 Organized an invited 3-day working conference on The Future of

Longitudinal Studies, Radisson Hotel, Berkeley. Proceeds are being

prepared for a book

February, 2004 Spring conference. Tavistock Marital Studies Institute, London, UK

February, 2004 Day-long workshop, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

March, 2004 Keynote speaker. Conference on attachment and couples therapy.

Beilin, Holland

March, 2004 Pathways to change, Tavistock Centre

June, 2004 Parenting 2004. Plenary speakers. London, UK

July, 2004 Summer conference, Tavistock Marital Studies Institute

Sept. 2004 Keynote Speaker. European Congress on Family Relations


October, 2004 Keynote Speaker. Research conference. American Family Therapy

Academy, Santa Fe, NM.

January, 2005 Presentation to the Family Change and Variation group (NICHD), Los

Angeles, CA

May, 2006 Sackler Lectures, Tel Aviv University

May, 2007 Workshop at the Institute for Systemic Therapy, Vienna

May, 2007 Keynote presentation at conference on Prevention for Psychological

Health, sponsored by KinderSeelenhelfe , Salzburg

July, 2007 Presentation to the International Attachment Conference, Portugal

July, 2007 Presentation to Department for Children, Schools

and Families (UK Government), London

December, 2007 Workshop for the Family and Parenting Institute, London.

December, 2007 Keynote. Center for Social Policy. Warren Group, Dartington, Devon

February, 2008 Presenters for one day of two-day conference:

Bridging the Gap Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah

February, 2008 Keynote Address. Child Abuse Summit, Sacramento

March, 2008 Department of Social Services, Sacramento, Inservice Training

June, 2008 Two-day training of group leaders for a new transition to parenthood

intervention study. Salzburg, Austria

November, 2008 Keynote address, National Council of Family Relations, Little Rock


December, 2008 Featured presenters at 2-day conference on family policy in the UK

and the US, Dartington, England

January, 2009 San Diego International Conference on Child and Family


June, 2009 National Healthy Marriage Research Conference, Atlanta, GA.

September, 2009 Invited address to Members of Parliament and couples relationship

service providers, House of Commons, London

September, 2009 Tavistock Center for Couple Relationships, London

October, 2009 Plenary Address, International Conference on Attachment Research,

Barcelona, Spain

February, 2010 Plenary address, Conference on Couple Relationships and Children’s

Development, Otago University, New Zealand

November, 2010 Plenary Address, International Conference on Sexuality and

Attachment, Munich, Germany

January 2011 Keynote address. Minnesota Summit on Fatherhood, St. Cloud


Sept. 2012 Tavistock Center for Couple Relationships, London

June 2013 Keynote Address Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

Conference, London

June 2012 Keynote address, International Conference on Child and Family

Relationships, London

May 2012 Research Roundtable for British Government staff. Tavistock Centre

for Couple Relationships, London

June 2012 Keynote presentation. Society for Prevention Research Conference,

Washington, DC.

June 2013 Talk to All Party Parliamentary Group on Sustainable Relationships,

Andrew Selous, Chair, House of Commons

March 2014 Beyond Motherhood; a presentation to a conference on the Parents as

Partners intervention, Manchester, U. K.

May 2014 Presentation to the Jacobs Foundation conference on Fatherhood,

Marbach Castle, Germany

2014-17 Annual presentations at Tavistock Relations conferences, London

Feb 2017 Presentation to Government staff concerned with families. Ted-X talk

Feb 2017 Keynote presentation to the International Conference on Couples and

Families, Malta

Selected colloquia

With Carolyn Pape Cowan: Reports of the Becoming a Family Project and

Schoolchildren and their Families Project

University of Stirling, Scotland (October, 1984)

London School of Economics and Political Science (October, 1984)

Tavistock Institute of Marital Studies, London (October, 1984)

University of Illinois (March, 1985)

Duke University (April, 1985)

University of California, Davis (December, 1985)

Stanford University Medical School (December, 1986)

Tavistock Institute, Research Series (January, 1987)

Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario (October, 1987)

University of Virginia (October, 1987)

UC Santa Cruz (February, 1990)

UC San Francisco (March, 1991)

Stanford University Psychology Department (May 1991)

University of Washington (April, 1993)

Department of Family and Child Development, Auburn University (October,


Department of Psychology, University of Munich (October, 1994)

UC Berkeley, Institute of Personality and Social Research (October, 1996)

University College, London (March, 1998)

UC Riverside (March, 1999)

Stanford University (May, 1999). Jing Lyman Lecture Series.

Council on Contempory Families, May 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001

Alan Guttmacher Institute, New York, (May, 2001)

UC Davis (December, 2005)

Cornell University, Institute of Social Sciences

Tel Aviv University (May 2006) Presentations and workshops: Departments of

Psychology and Social Welfare, Tel Aviv University

Oxford University (June 2006)

Tavistock Centre for Couple Relationships

(June 2006, Sept 2009, Feb 2014, Feb 2015)

Oregon Social Learning Institute (July 2009)

University of Miami (October, 2010)

Cambridge University (October, 2014)

Stanford University (May, 2015)

Papers at Professional Meetings (since 1987)

Cowan, P.A. & Cowan, C.P. (1987, April). Couple relationships, parenting styles, and the child's development at three. Presented at a Society for Research in Child Development symposium on Transition to Parenthood, Baltimore, MD.

Cowan, C.P. & Cowan, P.A. (1988, April). Invited address. Western Psychological Association. San Francisco, CA.

Chavez, D., Corkery, L., Epperson, B., Gordon, D., Kline, M., McHale, J., Soule, C., Sullivan, C., Weinberg, G., Cowan, C.P., & Cowan, P.A. (1988, April). Parents and Partners: A preventive intervention for parents of preschoolers. Workshop sponsored by Prevention Section of American Orthopsychiatric Association, San Francisco, CA.

Cowan, C.P., Cowan, P.A., & Heming, G. (1988, November). Adult children of alcoholics: What happens when they form new families? Paper presented to the National Council on Family Relations, Philadelphia, PA.

Cowan, P.A., Cowan, C.P., & Heming, G. (1989, April). From parent adaptation in pregnancy to child adaptation in kindergarten. Paper in a symposium chaired by J. Osofsky, Society for Research in Child Development, Kansas City, MO.

Cowan, P.A., & Cowan, C.P. (1989, October). Workshop on the transition to marriage and the transition to parenthood. American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, San Francisco, CA.

Cohn, D., Silver, D., Cowan, P.A., Cowan, C.P., Pearson, J. (April, 1991). Working models of attachment and marital relationships. Paper in a symposium on working models of attachment and couple reationships chaired by D. Cohn, Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA.

Pratt, M.W., Roth, D., Cohn, D., Cowan, P.A., & Cowan, C.P. (April, 1991) Connecting the generations: Adults' complexity of reasoning about family of origin, attachment security, and quality of parenting. Paper in a symposium on intergenerational transmission of relationships and family process chaired by B. Fiese, Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA.

Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P. (August, 1991). Family transitions: Family research and preventive interventions as mutually enhancing. Paper presented in a symposium, Relating research and practicve in family psychology: A dialogue. Ronald Levant, Chair. at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Laupa, M., Turiel, E., & Cowan, P.A. (May, 1992). Children's concepts of parental authority and family rule systems. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Montreal, Canada.

Cohn, D., & Cowan, P.A. (April, 1993). Links between parents' attachment histories, parenting quality, and their children's school difficulties. Paper presented in a symposium on Marriages under stress: The emotional context of children's transition to elementary school, at the meetings of the Society for Research in Child Development, New Orleans, LA.

Cowan, P.A. (April, 1995) Invited discussant of a symposium: Adolescent-parent relationships in the transition to University. At the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Child development, Indianapolis, IN.

Cowan, C.P., Heming, G., & Boxer, C. (1995, March). Preventive interventions with parents of preschoolers: Effects on marriage, parenting, and children’s adaptation to school. Paper presented to the Society for Research in Child Development, Indianapolis, IN.

Cowan, C.P., & Cowan, P.A. (1996, May). Preventive interventions during normative family life transitions. Paper presented to the Fifth Annual NIMH Preventive Intervention conference. McLean, VA.

Cowan, C.P., & Cowan, P.A. (1996, Aug.). Effects on parents of their children’s transition to elementary school. Paper presented to the International Congress of Psychology, Montreal, CAN.

Cowan, P.A., & Heming, G. (1997, April). Family factors in children’s adaptation to school: The development of a “megamodel.” Paper presented to the Society for Research in Child Development, Washington, D.C.

Cowan, P.A. (1997, April) Discussant at a symposium on attachment and family functioning chaired by Joseph Allen and Stuart Hauser at the Society for Research in Child Development, Washington, D.C.

Cowan, P.A. (1997, August) Discussant at a symposium on Personality development and life transitions chaired by Ravenna Helson at the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Bricker, J. B., Sarason, I. G., Sarason, B. R., & Cowan, P. A. (1998, August). Leaving home: A prospective study of social support’s effect on college adjustment. Poster presented at APA, San Francisco, CA.

Cowan, P.A. (1998, August). Discussant at a symposium on a preventive intervention for job loss, chaired by George Howe at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Cowan, P. A. (1999, June). Discussant at a symposium on Emotion Regulation Across the Lifespan, co-chaired by Calvin Izzard and Robert Levenson, American Psychological Society, Denver, CO.

Cowan, P. A. (2001, April). Discussant at a symposium Forks in the Road: Using "thick data sets" to understand surprising findings, chaired by Judith Crowell and Joseph Allen, Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, MN.

Cowan, P. A. (2001, April) Discussant at a symposium on Developmental Psychopathology, chaired by Marc Cummings. Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, MN.

Cowan, P. A. (2002, July) Discussant at a symposium on Co-parenting in the Family System, chaired by James McHale, World Association of Infant Mental Health, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Cowan, P. A. (2003, November). Discussant of a symposium on Strengthening Marriages, Couple, and Co-parenting Relationships During the Transition to Parenthood. National Council of Family Relations, Vancouver, Canada

Cowan, P.A. (2005, April). Co-chair of symposium and co-presenter of: Cowan, C. P.

and Cowan, P. A. A family systems view of adult attachment and couple

attachment in predicting children’s adaptation to school. Society for Research in

Child development, Atlanta, GA.

Cowan, P.A. (2005, April) Discussant of a symposium on Significance of parental relationships in the development of adolescent close relationships. Society for Research in Child development, Atlanta, GA.

Cowan, P.A., Cowan, C.P., Measelle, J., & Schulz, M. (April, 2006). Group Interventions for parents of preschoolers: 10-year impact on family functioning and teen’s adaptation. In P. Cowan (Chair). From Preschool to high school: Individual and family risk and protective factors predicting teens’ academic and social adaptation.

Cowan, P.A. & Cowan, C. P., Pruett, M, & Pruett, K. (Aug. 2006). Supporting Father Involvement Through Intervention with Caucasian and Hispanic Parents, Symposium presented at the meetings of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.

Cowan, C.P. , Cowan, P.A. , (November, 2006). Presenters in Symposium on preventive intervention for families with young children. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, Chicago, Ill.

Cowan, P.A. (March, 2007). Fathers involvement, couple relationship quality, and children’s adaptation in middle-income primarily European-American, and low-income primarily Mexican-American families. In C. Cowan, (Chair) Successful preventive Interventions for middle-Income and low-income parents of young children: focus on the couple. Symposium conducted at the meetings of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, MA.

Cowan, P. A. (March, 2007) Discussant. Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, MA.

Cowan, P. A. (March, 2007) Results from the Supporting Father Involvement Project. In P. Cowan (Chair), Positive Involvement of low-Income fathers: A preventive Intervention with fathers' or couples' groups. Symposium conducted at the meetings of the 16th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect. Portland, Oregon.

Cowan, C. P., & Cowan, P.A. (June, 2007). Supporting father involvement in low-income families: Interventions for fathers and couples. In B. Goldman, (Chair). Supporting healthy marriage and encouraging father involvement: Lessons from two studies. Symposium conducted at the Tenth Annual ACF/OPRE Welfare Research and Evaluation Conference, Washington, DC.

Cowan, C. P. & Cowan, P. A. (May, 2008). Interventions to strengthen couple relationships and fathers’ involvement; What do we know so far. Paper presented in a symposium at the annual meeting of the Council on Contemporary Families, Chicago, Ill.

Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P. (October, 2008). A successful intervention supporting father involvement. Fatherhood Involvement Research Alliance. Toronto, Canada.

Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P. (April, 2009). Symposium on couples interventions, Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.

Cowan, P.A. & Cowan, C.P. (June 2010) Paper presented at the Washington Research and Evaluation Conference, Washington, DC.

Cowan, P.A.& Cowan, C.P. (April, 2011). Paper presented at the Biennial Attachment Meetings at the Society for Research in Child Development Meetings, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Cowan, P.A. & Cowan, C.P. (April, 2011) Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Meetings, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Cowan, P.A., & Cowan, C.P. (June, 2011) Paper presented at the Washington Research and Evaluation Conference, Washington, DC.

Cowan, P.A., & Cowan, C.P. (June, 2011) Roundtable Discussion Leaders, Washington Research and Evaluation Conference, Washington, DC.

Cowan, C. P. & Cowan, P.A. (April, 2013). Supporting Father Involvement: Fathers and Couples Groups Enhance Family Well-Being. Society for Research in Child Development. Seattle, WA.

Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P. (April 2013, 15, 17) Presentations: Including fathers in attachment research. Attachment preconferences at SRCD


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