

F.R. Scott Professor of Constitutional

and Public Law

Faculty of Law, McGill University


(English Version)

Faculty of Law, McGill University

3644 Peel Street,

Montreal, Quebec


Telephone: (514) 398-8914

FAX: (514) 398-3233

E-mail: roderick.macdonald@mcgill.ca

Updated March 1, 2012













University of Toronto, Faculty of Law LL.M.1974-75

Thesis: Prolegomenon to a Theory of Legal Relevance

(John Swan, supervisor)

Awards: University of Toronto Graduate Fellowship


University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law (Civil Law Section) LL.L.1972-74

Prize: Highest standing in Civil Law courses

York University (Osgoode Hall Law School) LL.B.1969-72

York University (Vanier College) B.A.1966-69


Bar of Quebec 1983-

Law Society of Upper Canada (academic call) 1977-



McGill University, Faculty of Law

F.R. Scott Professor of Constitutional and Public Law 1995-*

McGill University, Faculty of Law

Professor 1984-95**

McGill University, Faculty of Law

Associate Professor 1979-84

University of Windsor, Faculty of Law

Associate Professor 1977-79

University of Windsor, Faculty of Law

Assistant Professor 1975-77

* Off budget on full-time leave between July 1, 1997 and July 1, 2000

** Off budget on partial leave between July 1, 1989 and July 1, 1995


Government of Canada, Privy Council Office

President, Law Commission of Canada 1997-2000

Canadian Institute for Advanced Research

Director, Law in Society Programme 1989-94

McGill University, Faculty of Law

Dean of Law 1984-89

McGill University, Faculty of Law

Associate Dean (Academic) of Law 1981-83

University of Windsor, Faculty of Law

Co-Director, Community Law Programme 1977-79



2004 - Commentaries on the Law of Ukraine on Securing Creditors' Claims and Encumbrances on Moveables (Kiev: World Bank Office Ukraine, Belarus and Moldava, 2004) viii, 606 pages typescript (re-printed in Ukrainian, 2007).

2002 - Lessons of Everyday Law (Montreal: McGill-Queen's Press for the School of Policy Studies, Queen's University and the Law Commission of Canada, 2002) xiv, 283 pages.

1993 - Quebec Civil Law (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 1993) lviii, 728 pages (with J.E.C. Brierley and others).


2000 -Recognizing and Supporting Close Personal Relationships Between Adults (Ottawa: Law Commission of Canada, 2000) v, 59 pages (with Nathalie Des Rosiers).

2000 - Restoring Dignity: Responding to Child Abuse in Canadian Institutions (Ottawa: Law Commission of Canada, 2000) xvi, 455 pages (with S. Zimmerman, and others).

1995 - Prospects for Civil Justice (Toronto: Ontario Law Reform Commission, 1995) iii, 186 pages.


2011 -- Challenging Genetic Determinism: New Perspectives on the Gene in Its Multiple Environments (Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2011) xx, 319 pages (co-editor with L. Maheu).

2001 - Speaking Truth to Power: A Treaty Forum (Ottawa: Law Commission of Canada and B.C. Treaty Commission, 2001) i, 193 pages (co-editor with B. Bonneville).

2000 - Perspectives on Legislation: Essays From the 1999 Legal Dimensions Initiative (Ottawa: Law Commission of Canada, 2000) iii, 256 pages (co-editor with N. Kasirer).

1999 -Setting Judicial Compensation: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (Ottawa: Law Commission of Canada, 1999) iv, 127 pages.

1998 - Théories et émergence du droit: pluralisme, surdétermination, effectivité (Montreal: Éditions Thémis, 1998) x, 266 pages (co-editor with A. Lajoie, Richard Janda and Guy Rocher).

1997 - Mélanges Paul-André Crépeau (Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, 1997) xxxix, 721 pages (co-editor with J.E.C. Brierley, Daniel Jutras, Nicholas Kasirer and Yves-Marie Morissette).


1980 - Abintestate Succession and Liberalities in the Civil Law of Quebec (Montreal: McGill University Faculty of Law, 1980) vii, 558 pages (a translation and update of two student manuals by Germain Brière).


2007 - Les Poursuites stratégiques contre la mobilisation publique (SLAPP) : Rapport du Comité au Ministre de la Justice (Quebec : Ministère de la justice du Québec, 2007) v, 98 pages (with Pierre Noreau and Daniel Jutras).

1991 - Jalons pour une plus grande accessibilité à la justice [:] Rapport du Groupe de travail sur l'accessabilité à la justice (Quebec: Ministère de la justice du Québec, 1991) iii, 531 pages (with Pierre-E. Audet).


2010 – Parametres of Politics in Judicial Appointments, Bastarache Commission on Judicial Appointments (81 pages typescript)

2003 - Access to Justice in 2003 -- Scope, Scale, Ambitions, Law Society of Upper Canada, (305 pages typescript)

2002 - The Governance of Human Agency, Senate Committee on Illegal Drugs (112 pages typescript)

1996 - Constitutional Implications of the Civil Code of Quebec, Department of Justice, Canada (236 pages typescript).

1991 - Evaluating the Provisions of Bill 125 Relating to Preferences and Hypothecs, Board of Notaries of Quebec (225 pages typescript) (with David P. Stevens).

1983 - Remedies for Wrongful Interference with Corporeal Moveables in the Civil Law of Quebec, Ontario Law Reform Commission (212 pages typescript)


2011- An Analysis of the Forms and Functions of Independent Commissions of Inquiry (Royal Commissions) in Canada (Report to the Independent Commissions of Inquiry Project sponsored by the “Rule of Law and Economic Development in Russia” initiative of the Faculty of Law, McGill University) (42 pages typescript)

2004 -Principles for Implementation of Legislation reforming the Law of secured transactions, UNCITRAL Working Group VI -- Security Interests (15 pages typescript).

2004 - Core Principles of the Law of Ukraine on Encumbrances and the Registration of Encumbrances, World Bank Office for Ukraine, Belarus and Moldava (20 pages typescript).

2003 - A Schematic for the Reform of Secured Transactions Law in Ukraine: problems, policies, principles, World Bank Office for Ukraine, Belarus and Moldava (45 pages typescript).

2002 - Core Principles of a Modern Law of Security on Moveable Property, UNCITRAL Working Group VI -- Security Interests (10 pages typescript).


2010 - Principal editorial re-drafter, Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions, UNCITRAL Working Group VI – Security Interests (New York: United Nations Publication, 2010) x, 554 pages (with Richard Kohn and Spiros Bazinas).


2012 – “Everyday Lessons of Law Teaching; Le quotidien de l’enseignement juridique” (2012) 3 Canadian Legal Education Annual Review 3-37.

2011 – “Custom Made: For a Non-chirographic Critical Legal Pluralism” (2011) 26 Canadian Journal of Law and Society 301-327.

2011 – “Who’s Afraid of the Cyber-Law-Journal?” (2011) 36 Queen’s Law Journal 345-391

2010 -- “Was Duplessis Right?” (2010) McGill Law Journal 401-436.

2010 – “A Model Law on Secured Transactions. A Representation of Structure? An Object of Idealized Imitation? A Type, Template or Design?” (2010) Revue du droit uniforme 419-446.

2009 – “Transnational Secured Transactions Reform” (2009) Zeitschrift fur Europaisches Privatrecht 745-782.

2009 – “Response to the consultation paper of the Task Force on the Canadian Common Law Degree of the Federation of Law Societies of Canada” (2009) Canadian Legal Education Review 151-168 (with Richard Devlin, Hester Lessard, Annie Rochette, Diana Majury)

2009 – “Canada’s Third National Policy: the epiphenomenal or the real Constitution?” (2009) 59 University of Toronto Law Journal 469-523 (with Robert Wolfe)

2009 – “Grotius, Gandhi and Governance: Views from a former president of the Law Commission of Canada” (2009) 3 Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law 47-54

2009 - “Three Metaphors of Norm Migration in International Context” (2009) 34 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 603-653.

2008 - « Fruit Salad » (2008) 38 Revue générale de droit 405-452

2008 - “The Political Economy of the Federal Spending Power” (2008) 34 Queen’s Law Journal 249-304.

2007 - “Jamais deux sans trois …Once Commission, Twice Reform, Thrice Law » (2007) 22 Canadian Journal of Law and Society 117-143.

2007 – “Wedding a Critical Legal Pluralism to the Laws of Close Personal Adult Relationships” (2007) 1 European Journal of Legal Studies (electronic publication) (with Thomas McMorrow).

2007 – “Unitary Law Re-form, Pluralistic Law Re-substance: Illuminating Legal Change” (2007) 67 Louisiana Law Review 1114-1160.

2007 – "On Letters of Reference as Frames of Reference" (2006) 29 Dalhousie Law Journal 159-198 (with Alexandra Law).

2007 – “In Praise of the Hypothecary Charge” (2007) deCITA 287-308.

2007 – “Against Nomopolies” (2006) 57 Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 610-633 (with David Sandomierski)

2006 - “Article 9 Norm Entrepreneurship” (2006) 43 Canadian Business Law Journal 240-291.

2006 - “Patchwork Law Reform” (2006) 44 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 11-52 (with Hoi Kong)

2006 - “No Toilets in Park” (2005) 50 McGill Law Journal 721-787 (with Jason MacLean).

2006 - “Rendering Unto Caesar –“ (2005) 40:4 Ecumenism 22-28.

2006 - “Office Politics (again)!” (2005) 20 Canadian Journal of Law and Society 1-26 (with Jonathan Widell).

2005 - "Constitutional Hockey: canadiens and habitants in the imaginaire of Quebec" (2005) 38 University of British Columbia Law Review 451-492 (with Steven Szilagyi).

2005 - "Call Centre Government: For the Rule of Law, Press #" (2005) 55 University of Toronto Law Journal 449-495.

2004 - "European Private Law and the Challenge of Plural Legal Subjectivities" (2004) 9:1 The European Legacy 55-66.

2004 -"Federalismo caleidoscopico" (2003) XXX: 3 Sociologia del diritto 47-72 (translated by Andrea Brighenti).

2003 -"Still 'Law' and Still 'Learning' / Quel 'droit' et quel 'savoir'?" (2003) 18 Canadian Journal of Law and Society 5-32.

2002 -"L'hypothèse du pluralisme dans les sociétés démocratiques avancées" (2002) 33 Revue de droit de l'Université de Sherbrooke 133-152.

2002 -"The Fridge-Door Statute» (2002) 47 McGill Law Journal 13-38.

2001 -"Epistles to Apostles» (2001) 39 Alberta Law Review 668-677.

2001 -"Access to Justice and Law Reform #2» (2001) 19 Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 317-326.

2001 -"Let Our Future Not Be Behind Us: The Legal Profession in Changing Times" (2001) 64 Saskatchewan Law Review 1-27.

2000 -"Entre l'efficience de Justinien et la justice de Locke" (2000) 41 Cahiers de droit 171-184.

2000 -"Regards sur les rapports juridiques informels entre langues et droit" (2000) 3 Revue de la common law en français 137-151.

2000 -"Law Reform and Its Agencies" (2000) 79 Canadian Bar Review 99-118.

1999 -"Law and Social Policy: What's so special about the turn of the century?" (1999) 48 University of New Brunswick Law Review 1-18.

1999 - "Formalism, Functionalism, and Understanding the Law of Secured Transactions" (1999) 44 McGill Law Journal 567-663 (with M.G. Bridge, R.L. Simmonds and C. Walsh)

1999 -"Pluralisme juridique à Kahnawake" (1998) 38 Cahiers de droit 681-720 (with H. Quillinan, A. Lajoie, G. Rocher).

1999 -"Auctioneers, Fence-viewers, Popes -- and Judges" (1998) 9 Constitutional Forum 95-104 (with Andrée Lajoie)

1998 -"Tales of Wows and Woes From the Masters and the Muddled: Navigating Small Claims Court Narratives" (1998) 16 Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 48-89 (with Seana C. McGuire)

1998 -"Metaphors of Multiplicity: Civil Society, Regimes and Legal Pluralism" (1998) 15 Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law 69-91.

1998 -"What is a Critical Legal Pluralism?" (1997) 12 Canadian Journal of Law and Society 25-46 (with Martha-Marie Kleinhans)

1997 - "ReCommissioning Law Reform" (1997) 35 Alberta Law Review 831-880.

1997 - "Legal Bilingualism" (1997) 42 McGill Law Journal 119-167.

1997 - "F.R. Scott's Constitution" (1997) 42 McGill Law Journal 11-28.

1997 -"Small Claims Courts Cant" (1996) 34 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 509-551 (with Seana C. McGuire).

1996 -"Three Centuries of Constitution-Making in Canada: Will There Be a Fourth?" (1996) 30 University of British Columbia Law Review 211-234.

1996 -"How Far is Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code Exportable? A Return to Sources" (1996) 27 Canadian Business Law Journal 249-277 (with Martin Boodman)

1996 -"Judicial Scripts in the Dramaturgy of Montreal's Small Claims Court" (1996) 11 Canadian Journal of Law of Society 63-98 (with Seana C. McGuire)

1996 -"Les exigences de la charge de travail des professeurs de droit: réflexions sous forme épistolaire" (1995) 26 Revue générale de droit 339-346.

1995 -"L'image du Code civil et l'imagination du notaire: II" (1995) 74 Revue du Barreau canadien 330-365 (revised and updated version of the study published in [1994] Cours de perfectionnement du Notariat 1-75).

1995 -"L'image du Code civil et l'imagination du notaire: I" (1995) 74 Revue du Barreau canadien 97-119 (revised and updated version of the study published in [1994] 1 Cours de perfectionnement du Notariat 1-75).

1994 -"Reconceiving the Symbols of Property" (1994) 39 McGill Law Journal 761-812

1994 -"Images du notariat et imagination du notaire" [1994] 1 Cours de perfectionnement du Notariat 1-75.

1993 -"Socio-Legal Perspectives on Institutional Renovation: Critical Legal Pluralism" (1993) 42 University of New Brunswick Law Journal 391-395.

1993 -"Change of Terminology? Change of Law?" (1992) 23 Revue générale de droit 357-372.

1993 -"Theses on Access to Justice" (1992) 7 Canadian Journal of Law and Society 23-45.

1992 -"Academic Questions" (1992) 3 Legal Education Review 61-74.

1992 -"Accessibilité pour qui: Selon quelles conceptions de la justice" (1992) 33 Cahiers de droit 457-484.

1992 -"The New Quebec Civil Code and Recent Federal Law Reform Proposals: Rehabilitating Commercial Law in Quebec" (1992) 20 Canadian Business Law Journal 380-405 (with Rosalie Jukier).

1992 -"Provincial Law and Federal Commercial Law: Is Atomic Slipper A New Beginning?" (1992) 7 Banking and Finance Law Review 437-452.

1991 -"Meech Lake to the Contrary Notwithstanding: Part II" (1991) 29 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 483-570.

1991 -"Canadian Administrative Law on the Threshold of the 1990s" (1991) 16 Queen's Law Journal 31-76 (with Alison Harvison Young).

1991 -"The Counter-Reformation of Secured Transactions Law in Quebec" (1991) 19 Canadian Business Law Journal 239-295.

1991 -"Exiting From Meech Lake: Are There Lessons for Australia?" (1991) 1 Public Law Review 299-308.

1991 -"Meech Lake to the Contrary Notwithstanding: Part I" (1991) 29 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 253-328.

1991 -"Access to Justice and Law Reform" (1990) 10 Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 287-337.

1990- "Reasons for Decision in Administrative Law" (1990) 3 Canadian Journal of Administrative Law and Practice 123-172 (with David Lametti).

1990 - "Office Politics" (1990) 40 University of Toronto Law Journal 419-476.

1990 -"The National Law Programme at McGill: Origins, Evolution, Prospects" (1990) 13 Dalhousie Law Journal 211-363.

1989 -"La toxicomanie des constitutions écrites" (1989) 13 Cahiers de recherche sociologique 93-101.

1988 - "Reflexions on the Report of the Quebec Working Group on Administrative Tribunals" (1988) 1 Canadian Journal of Administrative Law and Practice 337-355.

1988 - "On the Administration of Statutes" (1987) 12 Queen's Law Journal 488-512.

1987 - "Enforcing Rights in Corporeal Moveables: Revendication and Its Surrogates: II (1987) 32 McGill Law Journal 1-95.

1987 -"Procedural Due Process in Canadian Constitutional Law: Natural Justice and Fundamental Justice" (1987) 39 University of Florida Law Review 218-267.

1987 -"Understanding Civil Law Scholarship in Quebec" (1985) 23 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 573-608.

1986 -"Pour la reconnaissance d'une normativité juridique implicite et «inférentielle»" (1986) 18 Sociologie et Sociétés 47-57.

1986 -"Enforcing Rights in Corporeal Moveables: Revendication and its Surrogates: I" (1986) 31 McGill Law Journal 573-655.

1985 -"Le rôle de la doctrine" (1985) 26 Cahiers de droit 1071-1081.

1985 -"Modernization of Personal Property Security: A Quebec Perspective" (1985) 10 Canadian Business Law Journal 182-197.

1985 -"Jurisdiction, Illegality and Fault: An Unholy Trinity" (1985) 16 Revue générale de droit 69-100.

1985 -"The Proposed Section 96B: An Ill-Conceived Reform Destined to Failure" (1985) 26 Cahiers de droit 251-282.

1984 -"Recent Developments in Canadian Administrative Law" (1984) 16 Ottawa Law Review 597-664 (with Richard Janda).

1984 -"Exploiting the Pledge as a Security Device" (1984) 15 Revue de droit de l'Université de Sherbrooke 551-639.

1984 -"Inventory Financing in Quebec After Bill 97" (1984) 9 Canadian Business Law Journal 153-179.

1983 -"Security Under Section 178 of the Bank Act: A Civil Law Analysis" (1983) 43 Revue du barreau 1009-1107.

1983 -"Absence of Jurisdiction: A Perspective" (1983) 43 Revue du barreau 307-351.

1982 -"Curricular Development in the 1980s: A Perspective" (1982) 32 Journal of Legal Education 569-590 (a revised and updated version of the article published in (1979), 43 Saskatchewan Law Review 39-62).

1982 -"Postscript and Prelude: The Jurisprudence of the Charter - Eight Theses" (1982) 4 Supreme Court Law Review 321-350.

1982 -"Equity Among Secured Creditors: Article 2049(2) C.C. Re-examined" (1982), 27 McGill Law Journal 721-754.

1982 -"Annual Survey of Administrative Law" (1982) 13 Ottawa Law Review 671-821 (with Mindy Paskell-Mede).

1982 -"The Financing of Moveables: Law Reform in Quebec and Ontario" [1981] Meredith Memorial Lectures 246-313 (with Ralph Simmonds; a revised and updated version of the article published in (1980) 11 Revue de droit de l'Université de Sherbrooke 45-126).

1981 -"The Commission of Inquiry in the Perspective of Administrative Law" (1981) 18 Alberta Law Review 366-395.

1981 -"Federal Judicial Review Jurisdiction under the Federal Court Act: when is a "Federal board, commission or other tribunal" not a "Federal board, commission or tribunal"? (1981) 6 Dalhousie Law Journal 449-470.

1981 -"A Theory of Procedural Fairness" (1981) 1 Windsor Year Book of Access to Justice 3-34.

1981 -"Recent Developments in Judicial Hypothecs" (1981) 19 Real Property Reports 102-136.

1981 -"The Financing of Moveables: Law Reform in Quebec and Ontario" (1980) 11 Revue de droit de l'Université de Sherbrooke 45-126 (with Ralph Simmonds).

1980 -"Judicial Review and Procedural Fairness in Administrative Law: II" (1980) 26 McGill Law Journal 1-44.

1980 -"Quebec's New Draft Civil Code in Perspective" (1980) 58 Canadian Bar Review 185-205.

1980 -"Judicial Review and Procedural Fairness in Administrative Law: I" (1980) 25 McGill Law Journal 520-564.

1980 -"Federal Judicial Review Jurisdiction under Section 2(g) of the Federal Court Act: The Position of Section 96 Judges" (1979) 11 Ottawa Law Review 689-711.

1979 -"Legal Education on the Threshold of the 1980s" (1979) 43 Saskatchewan Law Review 39-62.

1979 - "Law Schools and Public Legal Education" (1979) 5 Dalhousie Law Journal 779-790.

1978 -"Speedy Justice for the Litigant; Sound Jurisprudence for the Province" (1978) 16 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 603-624.

1978 -"Law teachers and their jurisdiction" (1978) 56 Canadian Bar Review 710-723 (with Edward Veitch).

1977 -"Social and Economic Control Through Law" (1977) 25 Chitty's Law Journal 7-18.


2013 – “Is Citizen Federalism Canada’s Third National Policy?” in Matthew Mendelsohn, Joshua Hjartarson and James Pearce, eds., Shifting Power: the New Ontario and What it Means for Canada (Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2013) 165-184.

2013 – « Autonomie économique des Autochtones au Québec : considérations d’ordre juridique » in Alain Beaulieu, Stéphan Gervais et Martin Papillon, dirs., Les Autochtones et le Québec.  Des premiers contacts au Plan Nord, (Montreal : Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2012) 255-280.

2012 – « De l’intensité des droits hypothécaires : esquisse d’une nouvelle taxinomie des hypothèques » in B. Lefebvre et A. Leduc, eds., Mélanges Pierre Ciotola (Montreal : Thémis, 2012) 263-308.

2012 – “Pluralistic Human Rights; Universal Human Wrongs” in R. Provost and C. Sheppard, eds., Dialogues on Human Rights and legal Pluralism (Geneva: Springer, 2012) 15-36

2012 – Judicial Independence as a Constitutional Virtue” in A. Sajo and M. Rosenfeld, eds. Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010) at 831-858 (with Hoi Kong).

2012 – “The Political Economy of the Federal Spending Power” in J. Allan, T. Courchene, M-A. Adam and H. Kong, eds., Open Federalism and the Spending Power (Kingston: Institute of intergovernmental Relations, 2012) 41-85, reprint with minor updating and corrections of “The Political Economy of the Federal Spending Power” (2008) 34 Queen’s Law Journal 249-304.

2011 – “Three Centuries of Constitutional Making in Canada: Will there be a fourth?” reprinted with a new introduction from (1996) 30 University of British Columbia Law Review 211-34 in C. Leuprecht and P. Russell, Essential readings in Canadian Constitutional Politics (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011) 429-443.

2011 – « Planimétrie et topographie en droit des sûretés » in N. Martial-Braz, J-F Riffard and M. Behar-Touchais, dirs, Les Mutations de la norme (Paris : Economica, 2011) 117-140 (with Isabelle Deschamps)

2011 – “Introduction” in L. Maheu and R.A. Macdonald, Challenging Genetic Determinism: New Perspectives on the Gene in Its Multiple Environments in (Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2011) xiii-xx, (with L. Maheu).

2011 – “Genes and Social Environment in Perspective” in L. Maheu and R.A. Macdonald, Challenging Genetic Determinism: New Perspectives on the Gene in Its Multiple Environments in (Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2011) 1-47, (with L. Maheu).

2011 – “Conclusion” in L. Maheu and R.A. Macdonald, Challenging Genetic Determinism: New Perspectives on the Gene in Its Multiple Environments in (Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2011) 287-307 (with L. Maheu).

2010 -- « Access to Civil Justice » in P. Cane & H. Kritzer, eds. Oxford Handbook of Empirical Legal Research (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010) at 492-521.

2010 – « Rabbits, Ravens, Snakes, Turtles: Analyzing the Political Economy of Aboriginal Communities from the Inside Out » in P. Noreau, ed., Gouvernance Autochtone: reconfiguration d’un avenir collectif (Montreal: Thémis, 2010) 211-235 (with Thomas McMorrow)

2010 – “L’accès à la justice et le consommateur: une “marque maison”? in P-C. Lafond, dir., L’accès des consommateurs à la justice (Montreal : Yvon Blais, 2010) 1-21.

2009 - “A Lamentation for Law Reform” in A. Dodek and D. Jutras, eds., The Sacred Fire: The Legacy of Antonio Lamer (Toronto: LexisNexis, 2009) 447-481.

2009 - “Exercising Judgement / La faculté de discernement” in Quel juge pour quelle société: Actes du Congrès de la magistrature 2008 (Quebec: Conseil de la magistrature 2009) 53-71.

2009 - “Myths of Miscegenation” in B. Iancu, ed. The Law-Politics Divide in Contemporary Public Law Adjudication (Utrecht: Eleven International Publishing, 2009) at 89-113 (with Thomas McMorrow)

2008 - “Living Together, Living Law” in L. Lalonde, et al. ed, Mélanges Georges Légault (Sherbrooke: Éditions de l’Université de Sherbrooke, 2008) at 145-170 (with Josh Wilner)

2008 -- « Nommer, élire, tirer au sort, vendre au plus offrant? … à propos le choix des juges » in P. Noreau, ed. Mélanges Andrée Lajoie (Montreal : Thémis 2008) 731-806.

2008 -- « Relational Ownership » in P. Forget, ed, Colloque du trentenaire du CRDPCQ: Regards croisés sur le droit privé (Montreal: Yvon Blais, 2008) 167-202.

2007 – « L’identité en deux temps: le républicanisme et le pluralisme, deux points de vue juridiques sur la diversité » in S. Vibert, ed., Pluralisme et démocratie : entre culture, droit et politique ( Montréal : Éditions Québec-Amérique, 2007) 273-308.

2007 – « Le catéchisme de l’islamophobie » in M. Jezequel, ed, La justice à l’épreuve de la diversité culturelle (Montreal : Éditions Yvon Blais, 2007) at 19-61 (with Alexandra Popovici).

2007 - "Here, There … and Everywhere: Theorizing Legal Pluralism; Theorizing Jacques Vanderlinden” in N. Kasirer, ed., Étudier et enseigner le droit: hier, aujourd’hui et demain – Études offertes à Jacques Vanderlinden (Montreal: Éditions Yvon Blais, 2006) at 381- 413.

2007 – « Propriété, Identité, Gouvernance : Vers une conception d’un cadre juridique pour la modernité économique autochtone » in A. Lajoie, ed, Gouvernance Autochtone : aspects juridiques, économiques et sociaux  (Montreal : Thémis, 2007) 124-150.

2006 - "Une phénoménologie des modes alternatifs de résolution des conflits – résultat, processus et symbolisme » in C. Eberhard et G. Vernicos, dir. La quête anthropologique du droit (Paris : Éditions Karthala, 2006) at 275-296 (with Pierre-Olivier Savoie)

2006 - “Credo, credere, credidi, creditum: Essai de phénoménologie des sûretés réelles” in S. Normand, ed., Mélanges offerts au Professeur François Frenette (Ste Foy : Presses de l’Université Laval, 2006) at 309-360 (with Jean-Frédérick Ménard)

2005 - “Continuity, Discontinuity, Stasis and Innovation” in B. Opeskin et al., eds., The Promise of Law Reform (Sydney: The Federation Press, 2005) at 87-101.

2005 - “Legal Republicanism and Legal Pluralism: Two Takes on Identity and Diversity” in M. Bussani and M. Graziadei, eds. Human Diversity and the Law (Brussels: Bruylant, 2005) at 43-70.

2005 - "Le juge et le citoyen: une conversation continue" in A. Riendeau, dir, Dire le droit: pour qui et à quel prix (Montreal: Wilson and Lafleur, 2005) at 3-22 (with Alexandra Law).

2005 - "Kaleidoscopic Federalism" in J-F Gaudreault-DesBiens and F. Gélinas, eds., The States and Moods of Federalism: Governance, Identity and Methodology (Montreal: Blais, 2005) 261-283.

2005 - "L'accès à la justice aujourd'hui au Canada -- étendue, envergure et ambitions" in J. Bass, et al, dirs. L'acces à la Justice pour le nouveau siècle: Les voies du progrès (Toronto: Le Barreau du Haut-Canada, 2005) 23-136.

2005 - "Orchestrating Legal Multilingualism: 12 Études" in J.-C. Gémar and N. Kasirer, dirs. Jurilinguistique: entre langues et droits (Montreal: Thémis, 2005) at 377 (with Clarisse Kehler Siebert).

2005 - "Access to Justice in Canada Today -- Scope, Scale, Ambitions" in J. Bass, et al., eds. Access to Justice for a New Century: the Way Forward (Toronto: Law Society of Upper Canada, 2004) 19-112.

2004 - "The Swiss Army Knife of Governance" in P. Eliadis, et al. eds., Designing Government: From Instruments to Governance (Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2005) 203-241 (with Eric Reiter).

2004 - "The Acoustics of Accountability: Towards Well-Tempered Tribunals" in A. Sajo, ed. Judicial Integrity (Boston: Nijhoff, 2004) 141-181.

2004 - "Triangulating Social Law Reform" in Y. Gendreau, ed. Dessiner la société par le droit (Montreal: Les Éditions Thémis, 2004) 119-152.

2003 -"The Legal Mediation of Social Diversity" in A. Gagnon, et al. eds. The Conditions of Diversity in Multinational Democracies (Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy, 2003) 85-111.

2003 -"Interrogating Inquiries" in D. Mullan and A. Manson, eds., Commissions of Inquiry: Praise or Reappraise, (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2003) 473-488.

2003 -"Globalisation and Law Reform in Canada" in L. Perret et al., eds., Évolution des systèmes juridiques, bijuridisme et commerece international (Montreal: Wilson and Lafleur, 2002) 125-135.

2003 -"The Governance of Human Agency Through Federal Security Interests" in H. Knopf, ed. Security Interests in Intellectual Property (Toronto: Carswell, 2003) 577-628.

2002 -"Normativité, pluralisme et sociétés démocratiques avancées: l'hypothèse du pluralisme pour penser le droit" in C. Younès and E LeRoy, eds., Médiation et divsersité culturelle: Pour quelle société? (Paris: Éditions Karthala, 2002) 21-38.

2002 -"Fondements théoriques de la justice privée -- Synthèse" in N. Kasirer and P. Noreau, eds., Sources et instruments de justice en droit privé (Montreal: Éditions Thémis, 2002) 71-81.

2001 -"By Any Other Name..." in R. Macdonald and B. Bonneville, eds., Speaking Truth to Power: A Treaty Forum (Ottawa: Law Commission of Canada and B.C. Treaty Commission, 2001) 73-94.

2000 -"Transdisciplinarity in the Education Sector" in M. Somerville and D. Rapport, eds., Transdisciplinarity: Recreating Integrated Knowledge (Oxford, EOLSS Publishers, 2000) 241-244 (with Julie Klein).

2000 -"What is Transdisciplinarity?" in M. Somerville and D. Rapport, eds., Transdisciplinarity: Recreating Integrated Knowledge (Oxford, EOLSS Publishers, 2000) 15-218 (with Julie Thompson Klein).

2000 -"Transdisciplinarity and Trust" in M. Somerville and D. Rapport, eds., Transdisciplinarity: Recreating Integrated Knowledge (Oxford, EOLSS Publishers, 2000) 61-76.

2000 -"Quelle modernité? Quels enjeux?" in C. Thomasset, J. Vanderlinden and Ph. Jestaz, François Gény, Mythe et réalités (Montréal: Yvon Blais, 2000) 351-362.

2000 -"La réforme du droit et ses organismes" in Actes de la XIVe Conférence des juristes de l'État (Cowansville: Yvon Blais, 2000) 377-399.

2000 -"Introduction: Law as a Normative Enterprise" in R.A. Macdonald, ed., Perspectives on Legislation: Essays From the 1999 Legal Dimensions Initiative (Ottawa: Law Commission of Canada, 2000) 1-9.

1999 -"Natural Justice" in C. Gray, ed., The Philosophy of Law [:] An Encyclopaedia (New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1999) 573-575.

1999 -"Why Bother With Theory?" in M. Pilkington, et al, eds., The Administration of Justice in Commercial Disputes (Montreal: Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, 1999) at 101-120.

1999 -"Legislation and Governance" in W. Witteveen and V. van der Burg, eds., Rediscovering Fuller: Essays on Implicit Law and Institutional Design (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 1999) at 279-311.

1999 -"The Integrity of Institutions: Role and Relationship in Constitutional Design" in R. Macdonald, ed., Setting Judicial Compensation: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (Ottawa: Law Commission of Canada, 1999) at 7-23.

1998 -"The Security Trust: Principles and Prospects" in Meredith Memorial Lectures [:] Contemporary Utilization of Non-Corporate Vehicles of Commerce (Montreal: McGill University Faculty of Law, 1998) at 155-313.

1998 -"Critical Legal Pluralism as a Construction of Normativity and the Emergence of Law" in A. Lajoie, et al, eds., Théories et émergence du droit: pluralisme, surdétermination, effectivité (Montreal: Éditions Thémis, 1998) at 12-23.

1997 -"Le traitement des créanciers dans la Loi sur la faillite et l'insolvabilité et les mécanismes de garantie dans le droit civil du Québec" in The Harmonization of Federal Legislation with Quebec Civil Law and Canadian Bijuralism (Ottawa: Department of Justice, Canada, 1997) at 911-989 (with Jacques Auger and Albert Bohémier).

1997 -"Encoding Canadian Civil Law" in The Harmonization of Federal Legislation with Quebec Civil Law and Canadian Bijuralism (Ottawa: Department of Justice, Canada, 1997) at 135-212 (a revised and updated version of the study published in J.E.C. Brierley, et al., eds., Mélanges Paul-André Crépeau (Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, 1997) at 579-640).

1997 -"Harmonizing the Concepts and Vocabulary of Federal and Provincial Law: The Unique Situation of Quebec" in The Harmonization of Federal Legislation with Quebec Civil Law and Canadian Bijuralism (Ottawa: Department of Justice, Canada, 1997) at 29-69.

1997 -"Pluralism in Law and Regime Theory" in R. Wolfe, ed., Transatlantic Identity [:] Proceedings of the 1996 Canada-U.K. Colloquium (Kingston: Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, 1997) at 37-51.

1997 -"Encoding Canadian Civil Law" in J.E.C. Brierley, et al., eds., Mélanges Paul-André Crépeau (Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, 1997) at 579-640.

1997 -"Justice, Immigration and Legal Pluralism" in P. Kelly, ed., Colloque dans le domaine de la justice et de l'immigration (Ottawa: Metropolis Project, 1997) at 94-101.

1996 -"Les Vieilles Gardes. Hypothèses sur l'émergence des normes, l'internormativité et le désordre à travers une typologie des institutions normatives" in J.G. Belley, ed., Le droit soluble [:] Contributions québécoises à l'étude l'internormativité (Paris: Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence, 1996) at 233-272.

1996 -"Should Judges Be Legal Pluralists" in Aspects of Equality: Rendering Justice (Ottawa: Canadian Judicial Council, 1996) at 229-234.

1996 -"The Design of Constitutions to Accommodate Linguistic, Cultural and Ethnic Diversity" in K. Kulcsar and D. Szabo, eds., Dual Images [:] Multiculturalism on Two Sides of the Atlantic (Budapest: Royal Society of Canada - Hungarian Academy of the Sciences, 1996) at 52-84.

1994 -"Problèmes de participation aux services de la protection juridique" in S. Langlois, et al., eds., Traité des problèmes sociaux (Quebec: Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture, 1979, 1994) at 907-922.

1993 -"The New Zealand Bill of Rights Act: How Far Does It or Should It Stretch?" in Proceedings of the 1993 New Zealand Law Conference (Wellington: New Zealand Law Society, 1993) at 94-193.

1993 -"Faut-il s'assurer qu'on appelle un chat un chat? Observations sur la méthodologie législative à travers l'énumération limitative des sûretés, «la présomption d'hypothèque» et le principe de «l'essence de l'opération»" in E. Caparros, ed., Mélanges Germain Brière (Montréal: Éditions Wilson et Lafleur, 1993) at 527-594.

1993 -"Recognizing and Legitimating Aboriginal Justice: Implications for a Reconstruction of Non-Aboriginal Legal Systems in Canada" in Aboriginal Peoples and the Justice System (Ottawa: Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, 1993) at 232-274.

1993 -"Dreaming the Impossible Dream: Max Cohen and McGill's National Law Programme" in W. Kaplan, ed., Law, Policy and International Justice (Montreal: McGill-Queen's Press, 1993) at 409-430.

1992 -"Le droit des sûretés mobilières et sa réforme: principes juridiques et politiques législatives" in P. Legrand, jr., ed., Common Law: d'un siècle l'autre (Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, 1992) at 423-448.

1991 -"Authors, Arbiters, Oracles, Performers" in Appointing Judges: Philosophy, Politics and Practice (Toronto: Ontario Law Reform Commission, 1991) at 233-240.

1991 -"A Canadian Perspective on the U.N. Children's Convention" in P. Alston and G. Brennan, eds., The U.N. Children's Convention and Australia (Canberra: Centre for International and Public Law, 1991) at 75-80.

1991 -"Hyperlexis and Hypertension: The Contribution of Law Schools to Continuing Education" in R.L. Simmonds, ed., Occasional Papers, 1990 (Murdoch: Murdoch University, 1991), at 25-38.

1990 -"Living and Partly Living" in J. Whyte and N. Kendall, eds, The Death and Life of Constitutional Reform in Canada (Kingston: Institute of Intergovernmental Affairs, 1990) at 1-13

1989 -"Tears Are Not Enough" in J. Whyte and I. Peach, eds., Reforming Canada (Kingston: Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, 1989) at 9-14.

1989 -"La connaissance institutionnelle à la lumière des Chartes" in R. Forest, ed., Tribunaux administratifs à la lumière des Chartes (Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, 1989) at 163-203.

1988 -"Of Canoes and Constitutions: Paddling on Meech Lake" in J. Raffan and B. Horwood, eds., Canexus: The Canoe in Canadian Culture (Toronto: Betelgeuse Books, 1988) at 161-170.

1988 -"History and Sources of the Quebec Civil Code" in B. Dickson, ed, 1987 Canadian American Legal Exchange (Ottawa, 1988) at 120-129.

1988 -"Canadian Legal Education: A Quebec Viewpoint" in A.K. Pye, ed., Occasional Papers of the Section Of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar, No. 3 (Chicago: American Bar Association, 1988) at 51-57.

1987 -"Préface" in P. Mackay and R. Bureau, eds., Le droit dans tous ses états (Montreal: Éditions Yvon Blais, 1987) at xi-xii.

1986 -"Understanding Regulation By Regulations" in I. Bernier and A. Lajoie, eds., Regulations, Crown Corporations and Administrative Tribunals (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1985) at 81-154.

1986 -"Typical Security Taken By Banks" in New Developments in Banking Law (C.B.A. Continuing Education Seminar, August 15, 1986) at II-1 to II-55.

1986 -"Law in the Liberal Arts Curriculum" in Proceedings of the National Conference on Law and Learning (Ottawa: SSHRC, 1986) at 84-88.

1985 -"The Quebec Law of Privileges and Other Preferences upon Moveable Property: Its Impact on the Rights and Recourses of Execution Creditors" in M. Springman and E. Gertner eds., Debtor-Creditor Law: Practice and Doctrine (Toronto: Butterworths, 1985) at 255-363.

1982 -"Are Law Schools Relevant? A Polemic" in L. Trakman, ed., Professional Competence and the Law (Halifax: Continuing Education Society, 1982) at 99-109.

1981 -"The Role of the Community" in F. Sussman and B. Morse, eds., Law and the Citizen [:] Looking to the '80s (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1981) at 3-15.

1980 -"Big Government and Its Control: Legislative Initiatives of the Past Decade" in J. Menezes, ed., Decade of Adjustment (Toronto: Butterworths, 1980) at 57-77.


2012 – “Does law have a place in the Modern University? Or Every Great University Needs a Legal Studies Programme” (2012) 4 LSE Law, Society and Economy Working Papers.

2010 – « Une société vivante exige un droit vivant » (2010) 3 :1 Découvrir 60.

2010 – “Human rights and Identity – Human Identities and Rights” (2009) 3 Canadian Issues 60-64.

2008 – “The real constitutional question: Canada’s 21st century National Policy” (2008) 30:1 Policy Options 68-77 (with Robert Wolfe).

2007 – “Post Charter Legal Education: Does Anybody Teach Law Anymore?” (2007) 28:2 Policy Options 75-83

2004 - "No Writ of State" (2004) 49 McGill Law Journal 501

2002 -"Preface" (2002) 47 McGill Law Journal 1-8 (with N. Kasirer, N. Desrosiers and K. MacLeod)

2001 -"Justice is a Noun, but Access isn't a Verb" in Expanding Horizons: Rethinking Access to Justice -- Proceedings of a National Symposium (Ottawa: Department of Justice of Canada, 2001) at 45-47.

2000 - "All in the family" (2000) 30:2 Transitions 3-6.

1996 - "Civil Code" in The Canadian Encyclopaedia 4th ed. (1997)

1994 -"Impact of New Economic Realities on the Evolution of the Law and the Justice System" in Legal Trends Conference (Ottawa: Department of Justice of Canada, 1994) at 1-20.

1989 -Law and Social Change (Ottawa: Council of Canadian Law Deans, 1989), at 1-15.

1988 - "Bilingualism or Dualism?" (1988) 25 Language and Society 40-41

1987 -"Comment on Monahan, Judicial Review and Democracy" (1986) 21 University of British Columbia Law Review 188-191; 200-202.

1987 -"Teaching Administrative Law" (1987) 11 Dalhousie Law Journal 288-90.

1986 -"L'enseignement du droit et la pédagogie au banc des accusés (1985) 10 Revue générale de droit 684-690.

1985 - "Civil Code" in The Canadian Encyclopaedia 1st ed. (1985).

1981 -"Les conséquences des conditions d'admission sur la formation juridique dans les facultés de Common Law au Canada" (1980) 11 Revue générale de droit 387-392.

1979 -"A Bibliography of Legislation Relating to Administrative Law in Canadian Jurisdictions" (1979) 27 Chitty's Law Journal 83-91.

1979 -"La faculté de droit et sa responsabilité en matière d'éducation juridique populaire" (1979) 3 Canadian Community Law Journal 26-32.

1978 -"The Community Law Caravan" (1978) 12 Law Society of Upper Canada Gazette 78-89.

1976 -"The Community Law Program at Windsor - an Interim Report" (1976) 10 Law Society of Upper Canada Gazette 344-351.


1989 -"Atomic Slipper v. Banque Nationale: Commercial Practice Meets Constitutional Law" (1989) 73 Canadian Bankruptcy Reports 1-23.

1983 -"Constitutional Law - Validity of Legislation - Privative Clause Ousting Judicial Review: Crevier v. A.-G. Quebec" (1983) 17 University of British Columbia Law Review 111-142.

1982 -"A.G. Canada v. Inuit Tapirisat of Canada -- The Limits of Procedural Fairness: Executive Action by the Governor-in-Council" (1981-82) 46 Saskatchewan Law Review 187-197.

1980 -"L'habeas corpus avec certiorari auxiliaire: le contrôle judiciaire des tribunaux créés sous l'empire de l'article 101 de l'AANB, la notion d'équité administrative -- Re Pereira and M.M.I. " (1980) 29 University of New Brunswick Law Review 228-248.

1979 -"Reconsiderations, Reopenings and Rehearings in Administrative Law -- Re Lornex Mining Corporation and Bukwa" (1979) 17 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 207-225.

1978 -"How to do things with statutes: Re Clark and A.G. Canada" (1978) 10 Ottawa Law Review 456-463.

1977 -"Delanoy v. Public Service Commission Appeal Board" (1977) 3 Dalhousie Law Journal 849-860.


2011 – “Review of John Mark Keyes, Executive Legislation (Markham: Lexis-Nexis, 2010)” (2011) 57 McGill Law Journal 377-381.

2009 – “Review of W. Twining, General Jurisprudence: Understanding Law from a Global Perspective (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009)” (2009) 36 Journal of Law and Society 592-598.

2002 -"Judging Judges (a review of A. Alschuler, The Life, Work and Legacy of Justice Holmes, and A. Amsterdam, et al, Minding the Law)" (2001) 16 Canadian Journal of Law and Society 207-211.

1992 -"Whose Access? Which Justice? (a review of A. Hutchinson, ed. Access to Civil Justice)" (1992) 7 Canadian Journal of Law and Society 175-184.

1992 -"Why Lawyers? Evaluating the Empirical Evidence (a review of R. Abel and P. Lewis, eds., Lawyers in Society [:] Vol. 2, The Civil Law World [;] Vol. 3, Comparative Theories) (1992) 11 Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 206-216.

1987 -"Réorientation de la recherche en droit administratif canadien (a review of R. Dussault and L. Borgeat, Traité de droit administratif t. II, 2nd ed.)" (1987) 30 Canadian Public Administration 489-497.

1984 -"La doctrine: Source de droit administratif québécois? (a review of P. Garant, Droit administratif; D. Lemieux, Le contrôle judiciaire de l'action gouvernementale; and G. Pépin and Y. Ouellette Principes de contentieux administratif, 2nd ed.)" (1984) 29 McGill Law Journal 341-359.

1981 -"Review of F.P. Walton, Scope and Interpretation of the Civil Code of Lower Canada (M. Tancelin, ed.)" (1981) 59 Canadian Bar Review 214-221.

1981 -"Review of S.M. Waddams, Introduction to the Study of Law" (1981) 31 University of Toronto Law Journal 436-450.

1979 -"Review of J. Vining, Legal Identity" (1979) 25 McGill Law Journal 275-283.

1979 -"On Reading and Evaluating the Legal Textbook (a review of H. Wade, Administrative Law; R. Reid, Administrative Law and Practice; and J. Kavanagh, A Guide to Judicial Review)" (1979) 28 University of New Brunswick Law Journal 234-252 (with Christopher Wydrzynski).

1977 -"Review of W. Twining and D. Myers, How To Do Things With Rules" (1977) 27 University of Toronto Law Journal 119-130.


2009 - “Review of M. Friedland, My Life in Crime and Other Academic Adventures, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008, 514 pages (2009) 78 University of Toronto Quarterly 449-451.

2007 - “Review of W. Waluchow, A Common Law Theory of Judicial Review: The Living Tree, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007, 283p. (2007) 22 Canadian Journal of Law and Society 141-143.

2007 - “Review of G. Huscroft and M. Taggert, eds., Inside and Outside Canadian Administrative Law: Essays in Honour of David Mullan, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006, xii, 495p.” (2007) 52 McGill Law Journal 206-208.

2007 - « Review of Sylvio Normand, Le droit comme discipline universitaire: une histoire de la Faculté de droit de l’Université Laval, Québec, Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2005, 265p. » (2007) 48 :1 Recherches Sociographiques 156-158.

2005 -"Review of E. Jensen and T. Heller, eds., Beyond Common Knowledge: Empirical Approaches to the Rule of Law" (2004) 20 Canadian Journal of Law and Society 211-213.

2003 -"Review of Lester Salamon, ed., The Tools of Government" (2003) 6:1 Horizons 33-35.

2002 -"Review of Louis Payette, Les sûretés dans le Code civil du Québec (2ième)" (2002) 47 McGill Law Journal 463-467.

2000 -"Review of Davina Cooper, Governing Out of Order" (2000) 15:1 Canadian Journal of Law and Society 250-252.

1999 -"Review of P. Thomas, Whistling Past the Graveyard" (1999) 5 Review of Constitutional Studies 104-106.

1991 -"Review of R. Dussault and L. Borgeat, Traité de droit administratif, t. III, 2nd ed." (1990) 33 Canadian Public Administration 224-228.

1988 -"Why Lawyers? (a review of R. Abel and P. Lewis, eds., Lawyers in Society [:] Vol. 1, The Common Law World" (1988) 8 Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 376-380.

1985 -"Review of R. Dussault and L. Borgeat, Traité de droit administratif, t. I, 2nd ed." (1985) 28 Canadian Public Administration 178-181.

1981 -"Review of G. Pépin and Y. Ouellette, Principes de contentieux administratif" (1981) 26 McGill Law Journal 649-653.

1981 -"Review of G. Kane, Consumers and the Regulators" (1981) 27 McGill Law Journal 118-122.

1980 -"Review of J. MacPherson and W. Neilson, The Legislative Process in Canada (1980) 58 Canadian Bar Review 249-252.

1980 -"Review of M. Cantin Cumyn, Les droits des bénéficiaires d'un usufruit, d'une substitution et d'une fiducie" (1980) 26 McGill Law Journal 126-128.

1979 -"Review of A. Kiralfy, The English Legal System" (1979) 57 Canadian Bar Review 403-408.

1979 -"Review of D. Mullan, The Federal Court Act" (1979) 57 Canadian Bar Review 155-162.

1979 -"Review of P. Emond, Environmental Assessment Law" (1979) 22 Canadian Public Administration 484-486.

1978 -"Review of P. Martineau, La Prescription" (1978) 56 Canadian Bar Review 166-169.

1978 -"Review of P. Fitzgerald, This Law of Ours" (1978) 2 Canadian Community Law Journal 18-22.

1978 -"Review of G. Pépin and Y. Ouellette, Précis de contentieux administratif" (1978) 13 Revue Juridique Themis 220-223.

1977 -"Review of J. Clarence-Smith, Mediaeval Law Teachers and Writers" (1977) 55 Canadian Bar Review 621-624.

1977 -"Review of K. Davis, ed., Discretionary Justice in Europe and America (1977) 55 Canadian Bar Review 220-226.

1977 -"Review of M. Armani, In Pursuit of Justice and F. Sussman, The Law in Canada" (1977) 1 Canadian Community Law Journal 31-33.

15. PAMPHLETS (for the lay-person)

1977 -Notre héritage juridique, a pamphlet/comic book for elementary school students produced by the Community Law Program, Faculty of Law, University of Windsor.

1976 -Courts and Trials, a pamphlet on judicial jurisdiction in layman's language for the Law and the Lay-Person series of the Community Law Program, Faculty of Law, University of Windsor.


2011 – “Enquête ou inquisition” Le Devoir, October 2011, page A-

2010 – “If we find coherence in diversity, our society will be better for it” The Montreal Gazette April 30, 2011, page E-7

2007 – “Teaching the Charter (and not much else)” National Post (Toronto) February 16, 2007, page A-19

2007 – “Community Based Socio-Legal Services” (2007) 2:2 Focus Justice 31-35 (magazine of the McGill Legal Information Clinic).

17. FEATURE COLUMNS (for the lay-person; published on the web-site of the Law Commission of Canada; English and French)

1999 -I was rolling on the floor and it fell in!

1999 -Who do you think you are anyway?

1999 -Measure for Measure

1999 -Heads I win

1999 -What you see depends on where you stand

1999 -Legal Fictions -- law's little white lies

1999 -Is law about issuing orders or making rules?

1999 -Let's just stick to the rules

1999 -If it goes without saying, does it always go better when you say it?

1999 -It's not fair, he hit me first

1998 -Law and chocolate bunnies

1998 -Law and logos

1998 -Beyond the boundaries in law reform

1998 -Skateboarding, Street-Hockey and Living Law

1998 -Sometimes it's better just to fix the dock ... or is it

1998 -50th anniversaries and families

1998 -It's just a legal technicality

1998 -But everyone else is allowed to ...

18. CASE ANNOTATIONS (English and French)

1983 -Montreal Trust v. Roadrunner Jeans (1983) 27 Real Property Reports 217-225.

1982 -Placements Assise Ltée v. Spinner "In Trust" (1982) 20 Real Property Reports 280-284.

1982 -St. Martin & Michaud Construction Inc. v. Campeau Corp. (1982) 24 Real Property Reports 122-125.

1981 -Caisse Populaire Ste Madeleine de Sophie v. Caisse Populaire Ste Cécile de Montréal (1981) 17 Real Property Reports 62-65.

1981 -Girard v. Véronneau (1981) 17 Real Property Reports 103-110.

1981 -Armor Ascenseur v. Caisse de dépôt et placement (1981) 17 Real Property Reports 139-143.

1981 -Goldenhar v. Comcap Factors (1981) 14 Real Property Reports 196-197.

1981 -Loebenberg v. National Trust Company (1981) 14 Real Property Reports 124-125.

1981 -Simard v. Procureur Général du Québec (1981) 14 Real Property Reports 136-137.

1980 -Cie Montréal Trust v. Jori Investments Ltd. (1980) 13 Real Property Reports 117-118.

1980 -Concordia Concrete Floors v. Louis LaFlamme Construction (1980) 13 Real Property Reports 16-17.

1980 -Simcard Ltée v. Planchers Modernes Chartier (1980) 13 Real Property Reports 254-257.

1980 -Raynault v. Lapierre (1980) 9 Real Property Reports 81-82.

1980 -Heath Manufacturing v. Gelber (1980) 9 Real Property Reports 96.

19. CASE HEADNOTES (English and French)

(1983) 30 Real Property Reports

Boralie Construction Ltée v. Merleau

(1983) 29 Real Property Reports

Barclay's Bank S.A. v. 106-176 Canada Ltée

La Banque d'Épargne de la Cité et du District de Montréal v. Deschamps

(1983) 26 Real Property Reports

Martel v. Residences Revlac Ltée

Ville de Montréal v. Les Immeubles Francana Ltd.

(1982) 25 Real Property Reports

La Laurentienne v. Compagnie 93692 Canada

(1982) 23 Real Property Reports

Canadian Elevator Co. Ltd. v. Habitat Val Orford

V.G. Realties Ltd. v. Province Construction Inc.

(1982) 22 Real Property Reports

Collard v. Dubé

(1981) 21 Real Property Reports

Heller-Natofin Ltd. v. J.L. Lessard Inc.

(1981) 20 Real Property Reports

Placements Assise Ltd. v. Spinner "In Trust"

(1981) 17 Real Property Reports

Armor Ascenseur v. Caisse de Dépôt

Caisse Populaire Ste-Madeleine de Sophie v. Caisse Populaire Ste-Cécile de Montréal

Girard v. Veronneau

(1981) 14 Real Property Reports

Goldenhar v. Comcap Factors

Loebenberg v. National Trust Co.

Simard v. Procureur Général du Québec

(1980) 13 Real Property Reports

Cie Montreal Trust v. Jori Invts.

Concordia Concrete Floors v. Louis Laflamme Const.

Simard Ltée v. Planchers Modernes Chartier Inc.

(1980) 10 Real Property Reports

Constantineau v. Simoneau et al

Gildac v. Struc Metal Inc

Hamel v. Poulin et al

90033 Canada Ltée v. Touchette et al

Preus & Resorts Bouchard Inc. v. St. Pierre Inc.

(1980) 9 Real Property Reports

Senecal v. Mont Bon Plaisir

Raynault v. Lapierre

Heath Mfg. v. Gelber

(1979) 8 Real Property Reports

Loiselle v. Poulin et al

20. STUDENT TEXTS (entirely new doctrinal material)

2006 -The Law of Secured Transactions: Principles, Policies, Practices (Montreal: McGill University Faculty of Law, 2006) 900 pages.

2001 -Documents pédagogiques sur les sûretés réelles (1st. ed.) (Montreal: McGill University Faculty of Law, 2002) 200 pages.

2001 -Teaching/Learning Materials on Secured Transactions (2nd. ed.) (Montreal: McGill University Faculty of Law, 2001) 740 pages (with Catherine Walsh).

2000 -Teaching/Learning Materials on Secured Transactions (1st. ed.) (Montreal: McGill University Faculty of Law, 2001) 611 pages.

1999 -Teaching/Learning Materials on the Law of Security on Property (6th. ed. 691 pages).

1998 -Teaching/Learning Materials on the Law of Security on Property (5th. ed. 668 pages).

1997 -Teaching/Learning Materials on the Law of Security on Property (4th. ed. 607 pages).

1996 -Teaching/Learning Materials on the Law of Security on Property (3rd. ed. 553 pages).

1995 -Teaching/Learning Materials on the Law of Security on Property (2nd. ed. 500 pages).

1994 -The Law of Real Security (tentative edition) (Montreal: McGill University, Faculty of Law, 1994) xvii, 851 pages.

21. PRIMARY TEACHING MATERIALS (Case, statute and doctrinal collections) (for courses at McGill University unless otherwise indicated)

2010 – Materials for the course The Administrative Process (5th ed) (514 pages)

2009 – Materials for the Legal Education Seminar (2nd ed) (508 pages)

2006 - Materials for the Legal Education Seminar (526 pages) (with Alexandra Law)

2006 - Materials for the course The Administrative Process (4th ed) (500 pages)

2005 - Materials for the Legal Education Seminar (578 pages) (with Claire Ezzeddin and Laura Stone)

2005 - Teaching Resources for the Legal Education Seminar (185 pages) (with Claire Ezzeddin and Laura Stone)

2004 - Materials for the Research Seminar Legal Education (488 pages) (with Alexandra Law)

2004 - Materials for the course Foundations of Canadian Law (746 pages) (with Naomi Kikoler, Clarisse Kehler Siebert and Jason MacLean)

2003 - Materials for the tutorial programme Foundations of Canadian Law (110 pages).

2003 - Materials for the Research Seminar Legal Education (200 pages).

2003 - Materials for the course Foundations of Canadian Law (486 pages) (with Pierre-Olivier Savoie and Rebecca McLeod).

2002 - Materials for the course The Administrative Process (3d ed.) (550 pages) (with Hoi Kong).

2002 - Materials for the course Policies, Politics and the Legislative Process (2d ed.) (with Hoi Kong and Simon Chamberland) (400 pages).

2002- Materials for the course Nationalism, Centralisation, Decentralisation and Identity (International Institute for the Sociology of Law Masters Programme, Onati) (400 pages).

2001 - Materials for the course The Administrative Process (550 pages) (with Richard Janda)

2001 - Materials for the course Policies, Politics and the Legislative Process (with Hoi Kong) (950 pages).

1996 - Materials for the course Introduction to Civil Law (University of British Columbia) (417 pages).

1996 - Materials for the course Law, Society and the State (University of British Columbia) (386 pages).

1994 - Materials for the course Foundations of Canadian Law (4th. ed.) (350 pages).

1992 - Materials for the course Security on Immoveable Property (381 pages).

1991 - Materials for the course Comparative Law (University of Toronto) (379 pages).

1990 - Materials for the course Civil Law (Osgoode Hall Law School) (465 pages).

1987 -Cases and Materials for the course Foundations of Canadian Law (3rd. ed.) (520 pages).

1986 -Cases and Materials for the course Foundations of Canadian Law (2nd. ed.) (480 pages).

1985 -Cases and Materials for the course Foundations of Canadian Law (1st. ed.) (500 pages) (with J.E.C. Brierley).

1980 -Cases and Statutes on the Quebec Law of Security on Property (252 pages).

1980 -Articles and Doctrine on the Quebec Law of Security on Property (201 pages).

1979 -Cases and Materials for the course Quebec Law of Security on Property (485 pages) (with A. Mass).

1979 -Materials on Administrative Law (2nd ed.) (451 pages) (with W.E. Conklin) (University of Windsor).

1978 -Cases and Notes for the course Judicial Review of Administrative Action (567 pages) (University of Windsor).

1978 - Materials on Administrative Law (465 pages) (University of Windsor).

1978 - Selected Federal and Ontario Statutes and Regulations on Administrative Law (103 pages) (University of Windsor).

1977 - Cases and Materials on the Legal Process (2nd ed.) (560 pages) (with C.J. Wydrzynski) (University of Windsor).

1976 - Cases and Materials on the Legal Process (535 pages) (with C.J. Wydrzynski) (University of Windsor).

22. SUPPLEMENTARY TEACHING MATERIALS (Case, statute and doctrinal collections) (for courses at McGill University unless otherwise indicated)

1995 – Supplementary Materials for the course Theoretical Approaches to Law (180 pages).

1994 - Supplementary Materials for the course Social Diversity and the Law (225 pages).

1993 - Supplementary Materials for the course Security on Immoveable Property (87 pages).

1985 - Supplementary Materials for the course Comparative Commercial Financing (150 pages).

1983 - Supplementary Materials for the course Wills and Estates (85 pages).

1982 - Supplementary Materials for the course Administration of Estates (162 pages).

1982 - Supplementary Materials for the course Foundations of Canadian Law (160 pages).

1981 - Supplementary Materials for the course Foundations of Canadian Law (135 pages).

1980 - Supplementary Materials for the course Administrative Law (83 pages).

1979 - Supplementary Materials for the course Administrative Law (55 pages).

1978 - Supplementary Materials for the course Advanced Administrative Law (165 pages) (University of Windsor).

1978 - Supplementary Materials for the course Introduction to the Civil Law of Quebec (250 pages) (University of Windsor).

1977 - Supplementary Materials for the course Administrative Law (195 pages) (University of Windsor).

1975 - Supplementary Materials for the course Comparative Law (150 pages) (University of Windsor).

23. ELECTRONIC WEB-BASED COURSE MATERIALS (Case, statute, articles, problems, notes, hot-links, discussion fora, etc.)

2011 – Legal Education Seminar (7th ed.)

2011 – Administrative Process (6th ed)

2010 – Secured Transactions (4th ed.)

2009 – Legal Education Seminar (6th ed.)

2008 – Legal Education Seminar (5th ed).

2007 – Administrative Process (5th ed.)

2007 – Secured Transactions (3rd ed.)

2006 – Legal Education Seminar (4th ed.)

2006 - Administrative Process (4th ed.)

2006 - Legal Education Seminar (3rd ed.)

2004 - Legal Education Research Seminar (2nd ed.)

2004 - Foundations of Canadian Law (2nd ed.)

2003 - Legal Education Research Seminar

2003 - Foundations of Canadian Law / Fondements du droit canadien

2003 - The Administrative Process (3d ed.)

2002 - Policies, Politics and the Legislative Process (2d ed.)

2002 - Sûretés réelles (2d ed.)

2002 - The Administrative Process (2d ed.)

2001 - Policies, Politics and the Legislative Process

2001 - Sûretés réelles

2001 - The Administrative Process

2000 – Secured Transactions

24. LEGISLATION (statutes, regulations and other legislative texts)

2003 - Law of Ukraine: On the Securing of Creditors' Claims and the Registration of Charges

1982 - General Regulation of the Faculty of Law, McGill University


2007 – “Human Rights and Social Justice” (25 pages typescript) Trudeau Foundation Symposium, May 28, 2007

2004 - “Networks, communication, identity" (15 pages typescript) Trudeau Foundation Conference, October 19, 2004 (with Alexandra Law).


“All law reform is local: Is meaningful law reform possible after NIMBY–DINKS (a.k.a. “special interest groups”) have had their say? (15 pages typescript) (Ontario Law Commission Conference, May 13, 2009).

"Questioning Law or Questioning Legislation" (15 pages typescript) (Australian Bar Conference - July 5, 2000)

"Implicit Justice, Explicit Access: Is There Any Point to Redesigning Institutions" (20 pages typescript) (Australian Law Reform Commission Conference, May 20, 2000)

"Role and Relationship in the Constitutional Design -- Whither Parliament and Courts?" in A. Maoz and I. Cotler, eds, Litigating the Values of a Nation, Tel-Aviv University Press (35 pages typescript – May 1999)

"Implicit Civil Codes", in D. Guth, ed., Essays in Canadian Legal History, Legal Research Institute (35 pages – June 1998)

"La réforme de la justice administratif en question et en questions", CRDP and Barreau du Québec (25 pages – March 1995))




“Is Law a Zoo?” in J. Webber, ed., Teaching Aboriginal Legal Systems Transsystemically (forthcoming 2011)

“Gerald Eric LeDain and Legal Education: A Tale of Two Cities” in G.B. Baker, ed. Mélanges G.E. LeDain (forthcoming Osgoode Society, 2011)

“Do aboriginal nations really need ‘an Article 9 for dummies’” (with Shauna Troniak) (forthcoming in R.A. Macdonald and V. Fortin, eds. Economic Dimensions of Aboriginal Sovereignty (forthcoming June 2012).

““Book VI of the Civil Code of Québec – Prior Claims and Hypothecs” in M. Devinat and M-F Bureau, eds. Les Livres du Code Civil (forthcoming 2012)

“Understanding Royal Commissions of Inquiry” (Russia Project CHRLP)


“The epistemology of pedagogy in secured transactions: empirical findings”

“When lenders have too much cash and borrowers have too little law”

“Le gage peu commun des créanciers – The un-common pledge of creditors”

"For Whom the Court Toils" (with Seana C. McGuire)

« Personal Pluralism and Personal internormativity in the life and letters of Guy Rocher »

“The Constitutional Position of Indigenous Property Law”

“Implicit Comparative Law”


"Professional Practice As a Source of Law -- An Empirical Investigation of the Reaction of Montreal's Commercial Bar to the Civil Code of Québec" (83 pages typescript)


Quebec Civil Law (2d) (1000 pages approx.)

Treatise on the Law of Security on Property in Quebec (1500 pages approx.)

Everyday Lessons of Law (600 pages approx..)

The Compleat Administrator (500 pages approx..)

Access to Justice, Legal Pluralism and Internormativity: An Empirical Examination of the Small Claims Court of Quebec (500 pages approx.)

Parva Carta -- Reflections on constitutional governance (800 pages approx.)

V. SELECTED UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPTS (does not include speeches and presentations later published without revision)


2012 – “Les 50 ans du CRDP” presentation to the opening ceremony celebrating the 50th anniversary of the CRDP, Montreal, March 20, 2012

2012 – “Where Virtue Ends, Canons of Ethics Begin” presentation to Faculty Seminar, McGill University, March 9, 2012

2012 – “The Quebec Construction Inquiry”, presentation to Faculty Seminar, LSE, London, England, February 13, 2012

2012 – “Every Great University Needs a Legal Studies Department”, public lecture delivered at the LSE, London, England, February 7, 2012

2012 – “SLAPP law suits five years later”, presentation to McGill Continuing Legal Education Seminar, Montreal, January 24, 2012

2011 – “To Commission or not to Commission” presentation to the visiting Russian delegation at the Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism on the role of Royal Commissions of Inquiry in Canadian constitutionalism, McGill, November 22, 2011.

2011 – “Rhyme and Reason; Metre and Method”, Introductory Presentation to the IPLAI Lecture on Law and Literature by Andrew Pyper, McGill, November 23, 2011

2011 – “Implicit Comparative Law and Transsystemic legal Pedagogy” to a Faculty Workshop at the University of Victoria, October 24, 2011.

2011 – “F.R. Scott – Lawyer and Legal Academic” to the ceremony inducting FR Scott into the pantheon at the writer’s chapel, Montreal, St James the Apostle Church, October 13, 2011

2011 – “Make your life a project” to the Pro Bono students Canada opening event, Montreal, September 6, 2011

2011 – “When I’m Gone” to the Graduate Student Lecture Series, Montreal, March 29, 2011

2011 – “Citizen Federalism: Canada’s Third National Policy”, to the Privy Council Office, Intergovernmental Affairs (Strategic Policy and Research), Ottawa, February 9, 2011.

2010 – “Rules of Dating and Rules of Law” to the High School Outreach Programme visit of LaSalle High School students, Montreal, April 9, 2010

2009 – “Legislation, Policymaking and Governance” to a visiting delegation of Russian Policy Makers and Academics, Montreal, October 23, 2009.

2009 – “Careers for Graduate Students” to the First Graduate Studies Retreat, Montreal, October 16, 2009

2009 – “Revisionist Roncarelli” to the interdisciplinary seminar of IPLAI, Montreal, September 25, 2009.

2009 – “Access to Justice and the High School Outreach Programme” to the training session for the High School Outreach Programme, McGill University, September 25, 2009

2009 – “Aboriginal Economic Modernity” to the Colloquium on Indigenous Economies, Université du Québec en Abitibi, June 11, 2009

2009 – “Canada’s Third National Policy” to the Seminar Théories du droit et gouvernance, University of Montréal, March 18, 2009

2009 – “That’s not cricket…” presentation to the Inter-Academy Panel at Trieste Italy, February 12, 2009

2009 – “When I’m gone …” presentation to LL.M. class on forms of Legal Scholarship, January 9, 2009

2008 – “International human rights and indigenous peoples” Conference sponsored by the Association of Canadian Studies”, Montreal, December 6, 2008

2008 – “Myths of Miscegenation”, Conference cycle on transborder legal issues, Faculty of Law, University of Windsor, December 3, 2008

2008 – “Le pouvoir de dépenser” at Les matinées constitutionnelles, Faculté de droit, Université de Montréal, November 14, 2008

2008 – “Finding an Academic Position”, Symposium on Academic Careers, Faculty of Law, McGill University, October 22, 2008

2008 – « L’accès à la justice et le consommateur : une marque maison ? » Conference cycle on consumer law, UQAM, Montreal, October 9, 2008

2008 – « Pro Bono » presentation to launching ceremony, McGill University, Montreal September 9, 2008

2008 – “Distinguishing ‘Interest’ from ‘Position’: Negotiating the Modernization of Secured Transactions Law in International Trade” Lecture at Institute for Law and Finance, Johann Goethe University, Frankfurt, April 30, 2008

2008 -- “I guess I’ll have to do it while I’m here!” Speech to Law Graduation Ball, Montreal, April 11, 2008

2008 – “Le statut des magistrats et avocats au Canada”, Institute européen de justice civile, Clermont-Ferrand, April 1, 2008

2008 – “Rapprocher le droit civil et la Common Law: l’exemple canadien” Public Lecture, Université de l’Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, March 28, 2008

2008 – “La convention CNUDCI sur les cessions de créances” University de l’Auvergne, Clermont Ferrand, March 26, 2008

2007 – “Kaleidoscopic Legal Research” – Presentation to the Faculty of Law, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, December 6, 2007.

2007 – “The Choice of Governing Instrument and Article III of the US Constitution” at Les matinées constitutionnelles, Faculté de droit, Université de Montréal, November 7, 2007

2007 – "Étudier, enseigner et vivre le droit, pour que le droit soit vivant" Grands conférences de l’Université de Moncton – Lancement des Mélanges Jacques Vanderlinden, Faculty of Law, University of Moncton, November 6, 2007

2007 – “Legal pluralism, multiculturalism, islamophobia” at Trudeau Foundation Conference, Toronto, October 27, 2007

2007 – “Writing a Law Reform Agency Report – when the medium really is the massage”, presentation to the Comparative Constitutional Law class, Faculty of Law, Queen’s University, October 22, 2007

2007 – “Law teaching is a way of being alive” speech to the seminar on pursuing graduate studies, Faculty of Law, McGill Unviersity, Montreal, October 17, 2007.

2007 – “Leadership and mortality” speech to the Sauvé Foundation, Montreal, September 27, 2007

2007 – “The “Swingers” case”, conference on “Religion, Sex and the City”, McGill University, Faculty of Religious Studies, September 22, 2007

2007 – “La clarté en trois actes” Barreau du Québec, Congrès annuel, Mont Tremblant, June 2, 2007

2007 – “Jamais deux sans trois … once reform, twice commission, thrice law” Annual joint meeting of the CLSA and the CALT, Saskatoon, May 31, 2007.

2007 – “Property, Identity, Governance”, Conference Autochtonie et Gouvernance, Saskatoon, May 29, 2007

2007 – Les lois anti-Slapp” Canadian Bar Association luncheon address, Montreal, April 23, 2007

2007 – “From Human Rights to Human Dignity” Trudeau Foundation Annual Conference, Banff, May 28, 2007

2007 - “L’accommodement raisonnable” Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section, University of Ottawa. April 3, 2007

2007 - “Do you take sugar in your coffee?” Faculty of Law, McGill University, March 23, 2007

2007 – “Assurer la relève” RAPSIM Conference on Itinerancy, UQAM, March 16, 2007

2006 –“Is Quebec a Nation?”, Canadian Constitutional Club, Faculty of Law, McGill University November 22, 2006

2006 – “Epidémiologie de l’itinérance” Annual Conference, Equity Access, Montreal, November 21, 2006

2006 – “Getting Hired”, Supreme Court of Canada Law Clerks, November 17, 2006

2006 – “Remembering What? Remembering Who?” Faculty of Law, McGill Unviersity November 10, 2006

2006 – “Imagining the ethical imagination”, Newman Centre, November 8, 2006

2006 – “Pluralistic Human Rights; Universal Human Wrongs” speech to the Programme on Human Rights and Legal Pluralism, McGill University, November 1, 2006

2006 - “Leadership when there are no followers” speech to the Sauvé Foundation, Montreal, October 24, 2006

2006 –“Pluralistic Legal Pluralism” to graduate students, McGill University Faculty of Law, October 19, 2006.

2006 - “The Rules of Baseball and the Rule of Law” speech to the Mini-Law series, Montreal, October 12, 2006

2006 - “Appoint, Elect, Draw Straws or Sell to the Highest Bidder …” speech to the Friends of the McGill Library, October 10, 2006

2006 - “Finding Funding: the SSHRC Process – a view from the inside”, speech to the Faculty of Law, University of Windsor, April 25, 2006

2006 - “L’accès à la justice”, speech to the colloquium of the Jeune Barreau de Montréal, April 7, 2006

2006 – “Virtue Ethics and Leadership?” speech to the Sauvé Foundation, Montreal, March 28, 2006

2006 – “What is leadership?” speech to Annual Meeting of Canadian Merit Scholarship Foundation, Toronto, March 7, 2006

2005 - “Les tribunaux religieux“, speech to the colloquium on mediating diversity, UQAM November 11, 2005

2005 – “Le catéchisme de l’islamophbie” speech to the Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa November 8, 2005

2005 - “L’accès à la justice” speech to the advisory Council of the law Commission of Canada. Ottawa, November 5, 2005

2005 - “The Rules of Dating and the Rule of Law” speech to the Mini-Law series, Montreal, October 20, 2005

2005 - "La fine pointe sur l'accès à la justice" speech to 35th annual meeting of the Pointe St-Charles/Petite Bourgogne Community Legal Clinic, Montreal, May 30, 2005

2005 - "Two Takes on Identity and Diversity" speech to the clerks of the Ontario Court of Appeal, Toronto, May 4, 2005

2004- "If it is not impossible, it is not worth doing", paper presented to the Canadian Studies Programme at Harvard University, November 23, 2004

2004- "Democratizing Debt as means of Democratizing Government", paper presented to the McGill Business Law Students Association entitled November 17

2004 - "The Police are not just another Rock and Roll Band" to the colloquium on Police and Street Youth, in Montreal, November 10

2004- "Radical Legal Pluralism" to the first year class at the University Of Toronto Faculty Of Law, November 3

2004 - "Tears (and money) are not enough" (15 pages typescript) to McGill Pro Bono, Montreal, September 1, 2004

2003 -"Characterization and Law Reform : the Case of 'Soft Drugs'" (15 pages typescript) Delivered to the Law Clerks of the Ontario Court of Appeal, Toronto, Ontario, November 5, 2003

2003 -"Charting the Charter" (12 pages) McGill Debating Union Symposium on the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Montreal, October 7, 2003

2003 -"Community Based Legal Services in the Third Millennium: Diagnosis and Prognosis" (20 pages) Keynote address for the International Colloquium on Community Clinics, sponsored by Legal Aid Ontario and the Association of Community Clinics of Ontario, Hamilton, Ontario, June 25, 2003.

2003 -"Mapping Social Law Reform" (35 pages) Series on Mapping Society through Law, University of Montreal, March 10, 2003

2003 -"Still Law, Still Learning" (20 pages) Mid-Winter Meeting, Canadian Law and Society Association, Toronto, January 30, 2003

2002 -"Kaleidoscopic Federalism" (30 pages typescript) Delivered to the International Conference on Federalism, sponsored by the Forum on Federations, Montreal, November 8, 2002

2002 -"Courting Law Reform" (15 pages typescript) Delivered to the Law Clerks of the Ontario Court of Appeal, Toronto, Ontario, November 4, 2002

2002 -"Accessibilité pour qui? Selon quelles conceptions de la justice #2" (20 pages typescript) Delivered as the keynote address to the First Colloquium on Law and Poverty of the Fondation Robert Sauvé, Montreal, October 4, 2002

2002 -"The Swiss Army Knife of Governance" (35 pages) Delivered at opening plenary of the Conference on Governance and Instrument Choice, Montreal, September 25, 2002

2002 -"Governance as A Problem of Allocating Freedom" (15 pages) World Forum on Drugs and Dependency, Montreal, September 23, 2002

2001 -"La conjugaison de la justice administrative" (16 pages) Annual Retreat of the Commission des lésions professionnel, Montreal, October 26, 2001

2001 -"Reparations for Past Injustices towards Victims of Racism" (8 pages typescript) CRARR Roundtable on Recourses to Combat Racism, Montreal, June 16, 2001

2001 -"Tort Law, Access to Justice and Institutional Child Abuse" (15 pages typescript) Address to students at the Faculty of Law, University of Alessandria, February 23, 2001

2001 -"Rethinking Close Adult Personal Relationships" (12 pages typescript) Address to La Sapienza University Master's students, Rome, February 20, 2001

2001 -"A Multicultural Constitution -- Wearing the Hijab" (15 pages typescript) Address to the Fondazione Basso, Rome, February 19, 2001

2001 -"Designing Constitutions to Protect Minority Values" (20 pages typescript) Address to Faculty of Law, Torino, February 16, 2001

2000 -"Circle of Values, Circle of Practices" (4 pages typescript) DIAND Conference on Aboriginal Governance, Ottawa, September 11, 2000

2000 -"Avatars de thémis -- Metamorphoses de soi" (28 pages typescript) Opening address to the entering class UQAM, Montreal, August 29, 2000

2000 -"After Status ..." (12 pages typescript) Interdisciplinary Seminar, Sydney University, Sydney, Australia, May 19, 2000

2000 -"How Not to Reform Legal Education" (15 pages typescript) Faculty Seminar, Murdoch University, Perth, Australia May 14, 2000

2000 -"Law Reform is Kid's Play" (16 pages typescript) Lunchtime address to Kiwanis Club, Ottawa, March 10, 2000

1999 -"Governance of Tribunals or Tribunals of Governance" (18 pages typescript) After-dinner address to the Administrative Law Section (Northern) CBA, Edmonton, Alberta, October 25, 1999

1999 -"How will A.D.R. Affect the Legal Profession and the Delivery of Legal Service?" (25 pages typescript) Opening address to the LL.M. programme in A.D.R., Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto, August 25, 1999

1999 -"Does Law Reform Depend on Lawyer Reform?" (15 pages typescript) After-dinner speech to the Administrative and Constitutional Law Section of the Canadian Bar Association, Montreal, Quebec, February 9, 1999

1998 -"In Search of Law" (40 pages typescript) Presentation to the Federal Court Seminar, St. Adele, Quebec, October 1, 1998

1998 -"La dynamique changeant du droit et de sa pratique" (20 pages typescript) Address to the Law Faculty, University of Ottawa, September 22, 1998

1998 -"Implicit Law, Tacit Lawyering" (26 pages typescript) Address to the opening session of the LL.M. Programme in ADR, Osgoode Hall Law School, August 25, 1998

1998 -"Grotius, Gandhi and Governance" (11 pages typescript) Lunchtime address to the Political Law Development Initiative, Ottawa, June 29, 1998

1998 -"Les sûretés réelles et le "Code civil européen" (15 pages typescript) Address to legislative drafters in the Ministry of Justice, Czech Republic, Prague, June 14, 1998

1998 - "The Changing Dynamics of Law Reform" (15 pages typescript) Paper presented to the conference "Law Reform 200 held in Edmonton, Alberta, March 25, 1998

1997 - "Images of Law, Imagining Lawyering" (36 pages typescript) Address to the opening session of the LL.M. Programme in ADR, Osgoode Hall Law School, August 23, 1997

1997 - "The Law Commission of Canada and the Federal Lex Mercatoria" (18 pages typescript) Speech to the 27th Annual Workshop of Commercial and Consumer Law, Vancouver, October 17, 1997

1997 - "Le bijuridisme en droit canadien - vers un modèle pour le 21ième siècle" (20 pages typescript) Lunchtime address at the Symposium "The Harmonization of Federal Legislation with Quebec Civil Law", Hotel Radisson, Montreal, November 24, 1997

1997 - "The Law Commission of Canada -- From Administrative Law to Institutions of Governance» (20 pages typescript) Address to the meeting of the Public Service Administrative Lawyers' Association, Ottawa, November 18, 1997

1997 - "Métamorphoses de Thémis" (29 pages typescript) Speech to the Careers Day at the University of Sherbrooke, November 5, 1997

1997 - "The Law Commission of Canada -- Can Law Be Commissioned?" (26 pages typescript) Presentation, Canadian Political Science Association, St. John's Newfoundland, June 2, 1997

1997 - "Just Words and Unjust Acts" (10 pages typescript) Panel presentation, CALT, St. John's Newfoundland, June 3, 1997

1997 - "Access to Justice is Not a 'Matter of State'" (15 pages typescript) Paper presented to the Canadian Association of Law Teachers, St. John's, Newfoundland, June 3, 1997

1996 - "High Resolution Dispute Resolution: Finding a Focus" (30 pages typescript) Special Lecture presented to the College of Law, Saskatoon, May 1, 1995

1996 - "What Will They Call Montreal's Hockey Team If Quebec Separates?" (40 pages typescript)

1995 - "If everything is a constitutional question, nothing is a constitutional question ..." (16 pages typescript)

1994 - "Exploiting the New Code: Drafting Creative Security Agreements" (50 pages typescript).

1994 - "The Real Estate Trust" (33 pages typescript)

1993 - "Pitfalls in Secured Financing under the New Code” (35 pages typescript)

1992 - "Entre le juste et le juridique: Thèses sur l'accessibilité à la justice" (36 pages typescript)

1992 -"Des appels universitaires: appelez-moi doyen" (19 pages typescript)

1991 -"Canada at the Crossroads: Is there life after Meech?" (15 pages typescript)

1991 -"Accessibilité à la justice et pluralisme juridique" (16 pages typescript)

1990 -"Legal Instrumentalism and Law Reform" (19 pages typescript)

1989 -"Surviving Meech Lake" (26 pages typescript)

1989 -"The Civilianisation of the Trust: Comparative Perspectives" (41 pages typescript)

1989 -"L'article 178 de la Loi sur les banques: l'envers de la médaille" (16 pages typescript)

1988 -"Francophonie, multiculturalisme, francophilie" (12 pages typescript)

1987 -"Legal Theory Meets Legal Practice: Rapporteur's Summary" (11 pages typescript)

1986 -"Courts, Commentators and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: An Interpretation" (27 pages typescript)

1985 -"How Not to Think about Inventory Financing: Who Needs another Section 178?" (18 pages typescript)

1985 -"Canadian Commercial Law: Two Solitudes or a Common Functional Purpose" (8 pages typescript)

1984 -"Judicial Review or Review of the Judiciary: Salvaging Administrative Law" (14 pages typescript)

1983 -"Le système juridique québécois: la dialectique entre le droit civil et la common law" (23 pages typescript)

1983 -"The Synthetic a priori: Understanding Lon Fuller" (27 pages typescript)


2013 – “Law Reform for Dummies (3rd edition)” presented to Colloquium honouring John McCamus, Osgoode Hall Law School, February 7, 2013.

2012 – “De l’intensité des droits hypothécaires”, presented to the Colloque Pierre Ciotola, Faculty of Law, University of Montreal, December 6, 2012

2012 – “Corruption in the Awarding of Public Contracts”, presented to the Conference of Corruption at the University of Los Andes, Bogotá, Columbia, May 5, 2012

2012 – “When lenders have too much cash and borrowers have too little law: the emergence of secured transactions Transnational Legal Orders” American Bar Foundation Seminar on Transnational Legal Orders, Montego Bay, Jamaica, February 23, 2012

2011 – “Implicit Comparative Law” at the 50th Anniversary Conference of the Quebec Association of Comparative Law, Sherbrooke, October 28, 2011.

2011 – “Everyday Lessons of Law teaching; Le quotidian de l’enseignment juridique”, Keynote Address, Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Law Teachers, Fredericton, New Brunswick, May 31, 2011

2011 – “Typologies et représentations de l’ordre public” at the Symposium, L’ordre public dans tous ses états, Montreal, March 21, 2011

2011 – « The Origins and Logic of anti-SLAPP Legislation » Table Ronde Les poursuites- bâillons et le cas Écosociété, Montreal, March 10, 2011

2010 -- “La doctrine québécoise en sûretés réelles” Annual Symposium on Secured Transactions, Montreal, December 3, 2010

2010 -- « Is law a zoo? » Annual Meeting of the Canadian Law and Society Association, Montreal, June 4, 2010

2010 – “Custom Made” Annual Meeting of the Canadian Law and Society Association, Montreal, June 2, 2010

2010 - « Do Aboriginal Collectivities Need an Article 9 for Dummies? » Colloquium on the future of Aboriginal Communities in Quebec, Montreal, May 25-26, 2010

2010 – « Toi, tais-toi – de ce qui n’est pas dit quand il va sans dire », Annual Colloquium, Quebec Comparative Law Association, Montreal, March 19, 2010

2010 -- “A trajectory of legal pluralism” Seminar on Theories of Governance, University of Montreal, March 17, 2010

2010 – “Should UNCITRAL produce a model law on secured transactions?” Second Colloquium on the reform of Secured Transactions, UNCITRAL, Vienna, March 2, 2010

2009 – “All law reform is local: Is meaningful law reform possible after NIMBY–DINKS (a.k.a. “special interest groups”) have had their say?” Conference on Law Reform, Law Commission of Ontario, April 13, 2009

2009 – “Cyberjustice c/o poste restante, Montreal”, panel on New Models of Procedural Law at the Conference Leg@l.IT, Montreal, March 20, 2009

2009 – “The Public Spaces of Law and the Humanities”, opening Symposium Round Table, the McGill Institute for the Public Life of Arts and Ideas, Montreal, April 20, 2009

2008 – “Exercising judgement” opening plenary address to the 2008 Judges Conference, Quebec City, November 6, 2008

2008 – “Three Metaphors of Internal Law Reform” opening plenary address to the Globalizing Legal Norms Conference, Brooklyn Law School, New York, October 24, 2008

2008 – “Legal Cross-Pollination”, presentation to the Assemblée générale annuelle des juges de la Cour Supérieure” Quebec, October 23, 2008

2008 – « Access to Justice for Persons with FASD » conference on FASD, Whitehorse, Yukon, September 19, 2008

2008 – “Placing Law, Les Territoires du droit”, Banquet speech, Annual Joint Meeting Law and Society Association, Canadian Law and Society Association, Montreal, June 1, 2008

2008 – “Non-chirographic legal pluralism”, Annual Joint Meeting Law and Society Association, Canadian Law and Society Association, Montreal, May 31, 2008

2008 – “Exporting Article 9”, presented to the Conference on Globalizing Secured Transactions Law, Thomas Jefferson Law School, San Diego, March 14, 2008

2008 – “Article 9 and Canadian PPSAs compared”, presented to the Conference on Globalizing Secured Transactions Law, Thomas Jefferson Law School, San Diego, March 13, 2008

2007 – “F.R. Scott – the Life, the Chair and the Charter”, speech to the MISC “Charter at 25 Conference” Montreal, February 15, 2007

2006 – “Fruit Salad, fruit cake, tutti frutti: what’s a strawberry?”, speech to the Conference on New Directions in Property Law, McGill University, September 22, 2006

2006 - “Towards Aboriginal Economic Modernity”, speech to the opening conference of the MSRI group “Autochtonie et Gouvernance”, Rama Casino, June 24, 2006

2006 - “Democratizing Debt, democratizing governance” for the First Trudeau Foundation Summer Institute, Wolfeville Nova Scotia, June 13, 2006

2006 - “Quelqu’en soit le nom” speech to an ACFAS panel on Aboriginal Treaty Making, May 18, 2006

2005 – “Have I Got a Law For You” for the Annual Workshop on Consumer and Commercial Law, Toronto, October 21, 2005

2004 - "The Hart-Devlin Debate in 2004", paper presented at the International Conference on Philosophy of Law, University of Guelph, November 13

2004 - "Constitutional Hockey" to the colloquium honouring Ken Lysyk at the Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia, November 5

2004 - "Dire le droit -- par qui, pour qui, à qui" for the Colloquium at UQAM entitled "Dire le droit", November 4

2004 - "Property, Identity, Sovereignty -- vers une modernité économique autochtone" at the conference «Autochtonie et gouvernance", Montreal, October 22

2004- "Networks, Relationships Communities" for the First Pierre Trudeau Conference, Montreal October 15

2004 - "Call Centre Governance -- for the Rule of Law, Press #" at the conference at University of Toronto on Administrative Law, September 18

2004 - "Here, There and Everywhere -- Theorizing Legal Pluralism" at the colloquium honouring Jacques Vanderlinden, Moncton, N-B, August 25

2004 - "Identité, propriété et gouvernance", ACFAS, May 13, 2004 Montreal

2004 - "Diversité et pluralisme", ACFAS, May 10, 2004 Montreal

2004 - "A quand le droit symbole" colloque sur Les Réformes, le droit, la gouvernance, CRDP Montreal, May 8, 2004.

2004 -Core Principles of the Law of Ukraine on Encumbrances and the Registration of Encumbrances, World Bank Office for Ukraine, Belarus and Moldava (20 pages typescript), April 15, 2004, Kyiv, Ukraine.

2004 -"Propriété, entreprise et propérité : concevoir un régime juridique pour la modernité économique autochtone" (43 pages typescript) delivered to the colloquium ".L'avenir du Saguenay" Chicoutimi, February 27, 2004

2004 -"Some reflections on the ticketing of Street Youth" (6 pages typescript) Delivered to the Colloquium "Difficult Conversation", Montreal, February 18, 2004

2003 -"How Far Functionalism?" (65 pages typescript) Delivered to the Annual Meeting of the Insolvency Institute of Canada, Mont Tremblant, October 3, 2003

2003 - "Human Diversity and the State" Torino, Italy, October 25, 2003

2003 -"The 9-Yards Syllabus -- A Template" (15 pages typescript) Symposium on Graduate Legal Education, McGill University, Montreal, July 3-4, 2003.

2003 -"What is Graduate Legal Education for?" (10 pages typescript) Symposium on Graduate Legal Education, McGill University, Montreal, July 3-4, 2003.

2003 -"A Schematic for the Reform of Secured Transactions Law in Ukraine: problems, policies, principles, World Bank Office for Ukraine, Belarus and Moldava (45 pages typescript) June 20, 2003.

2003 -"The Role of the Law Society in Promoting Access to Justice" (10 pages typescript) Delivered to the Symposium on Access to Justice, sponsored by the Law Society of Upper Canada, Toronto, May 29, 2003

2002 -"Kaleidoscopic Federalism" (30 pages typescript) Delivered to the International Conference on Federalism, sponsored by the Forum on Federations, Montreal, November 8, 2002

2002 -"Accessibilité pour qui? Selon quelles conceptions de la justice #2" (20 pages typescript) Delivered as the keynote address to the First Colloquium on Law and Poverty of the Fondation Robert Sauvé, Montreal, October 4, 2002

2002 -"La méthode de modification du Code civil depuis son adoption" (8 pages typescript) Annual Meeting of the Quebec Comparative Law Association, Montreal, March 15, 2002

2001 -"La justice identitaire" (17 pages) Colloque de l'Institut québécois de la déficience intellectuelle, Longueuil, November 20, 2001

2001 -"The Governance of Federal Security Interests in Intellectual Property" (60 pages) Conference on Leveraging Knowledge Assets, London, Ontario, November 16, 2001)

2001 -"The Legal Mediation of Diversity: Recognizing and Legitimating Multiple Identities" (18 pages) Conference on the Institutional Accommodation of Diversity, St-Marc-sur-Richelieu, September 21, 2001

2001 -"Law ... et société: Droit ... and society" (6 pages typescript) Annual Meeting Canadian Law and Society Association, Quebec City, May 28, 2001

2000 -"In the beginning was the word -- is there a future for legislation?" (22 pages typescript) Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice Conference for Legislative Drafters, November 17, 2000

2000 -"Multiculturalism and Legal Pluralism" (15 pages typescript) Annual Conference of the Institute for the Study of Canada, October 21, 2000

2000 -"Réactions au Rapport de la CUP sur les Programmes en droit" (8 pages) Speech to the Annual Meeting of the APDQ, Gray Rocks, Quebec, April 10, 2000

1999 -"Perspectives on Personal Relationships" 29 pages typescript) Opening address to the Conference on Domestic Partnerships, Queen's University, Kingston, October 22, 1999

1999 -"Identity (of judges) and Independence (of the judiciary)" (35 pages typescript) Keynote speech delivered to the N.J.I. colloquium "Rendre justice dans une société diversifiée", Montreal, October 20, 1999

1999 -"Global Law, Local Practices or Local Law, Global Practices" (27 pages typescript) Address to the International Conference on Best Practices in Administrative Law, Vancouver B.C., October 12, 1999

1999 -"Why Law Teachers Are Law Reformers" (14 pages typescript) -- Keynote Address to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Law Teachers, Sherbrooke Quebec, June 5, 1999

1999 -"Acts of Commission and Acts of Omission" (17 pages typescript) -- Opening address at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Statutory Human Rights Agencies, Montreal May 31, 1999

1999 -"Reforming Law and Its State" (28 pages typescript) -- Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Law & Society Association, Chicago, May 30, 1999

1999 -"Perspectives on Informal Legal Relations between Languages and Law in Canada and Europe» (12 pages typescript) Address to the Colloquium Harmonization and Dissonance: Languages and the Law in Europe and Canada, Moncton, New Brunswick, May 7, 1999

1999 -Learning to Listen -- Listening to Learn: Highlanders, Lowlanders and Multiple Truths (12 pages typescript) Introductory Remarks for the conference Building the Momentum, Toronto, April 24, 1999

1999 -"Law, Justice and Community: The Way Ahead" (19 pages typescript) Symposium "Law, Justice and the Community", Halifax, April 17, 1999

1999 -"Le droit pédagogue" (20 pages typescript) -- After Dinner speech to the Colloquium "Déjudiciarisation -- Une affaire de justice et de société" Board of Notaries and Quebec Federation of Labour, January 20, 1999

1998 -"Measure for Measure: Audits and Accountability" (25 pages typescript) Speech to the 3rd Annual Conference of the B.C. Council of Administrative Tribunals, Richmond, B.C., November 1, 1998

1998 -"The Acoustics of Accountability: Towards Well-Tempered Tribunals" (20 pages typescript) Speech to the 14th Annual Conference of the Council of Canadian Administrative Tribunals, Ottawa, May 31, 1998

1997 -"A Constructive Approach to Tribunal Design" (40 pages typescript) Presentation to the CBA Conference on the "Well functioning Tribunal", November 14, 1997

1997 -"From Administrative Law to Institutions of Governance" (15 pages typescript) Lunchtime address to the CBA Conference on the "Well Functioning Tribunal" November 14, 1997

1997 -"L'inévitable (?) singularité du discours collectif" (18 pages) Speech to the colloquium "Quel Québec voulons-nous?" held at UQAM, Montreal, October 25, 1997

1997 -"Beyond the Common Law and the Civil Law: A New Lex Mercatoria" (25 typescript) Presentation to the Panel -- "The Civil Law and the Common Law -- Not Two Solitudes" delivered at the annual meeting of the Canadian Bar Association, Ottawa, Ontario August 26, 1997

1996 -"Le Tribunal des droits de la personne et la promotion des droits de la personne - aspects institutionnels" (45 pages typescript) Presentation to the Annual Retreat of the Quebec Human Rights Tribunal, November 4, 1996

1996 -"Legal Pluralism and the Legal System: Justice in Multi-Ethnic Neighbourhoods" (15 pages typescript) Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association, Glasgow, Scotland, July 9, 1996

1995 - "Exploiting the Trust as a Security Device» (65 pages typescript)

1995 -"Inventory Financing, Accounts Receivable Financing, Vendors' Recourses and Bank Act Security» (80 pages typescript)

1994 - "The Trust and Marriage Breakdown“(40 pages typescript)

1993 -"Title Transactions, Trusts and Other Heretical Security Devices" (61 pages typescript)

1992 -"Reflexions on the Provisions of the New Civil Code of Quebec Relating to Secured Transactions" (150 pages typescript)

1988 -"Controlling Civil Appeals?" (29 pages typescript)

1988 -"Dussault, Ouellette and Macauley: Magi or Magicians?" (33 pages typescript)

1988 -"Enhancing the Quality of Performance of Provincial Administrative Tribunals: Some Thoughts for an Agenda" (27 pages typescript)

1983 -"Non-Professional Legal Education" (10 pages typescript)


2008 – “Brief to the Commission des institutions of the National Assembly on Anti-SLAPP laws” (10 pages typescript)

2000 -"Brief to the Standing House of Commons Committee on Justice and Human Rights on the Modernization of Benefits Act - Bill C-23" (12 pages typescript).

1996 -"Brief to Standing Joint Committee on the Scrutiny of Regulations on Bill C-25" (Ottawa -- House of Commons and Senate) (40 pages typescript)


2000 -"Reforming the Code of Civil Procedure" (85 pages typescript) Sub-committee on the Reform of the Code de procédure civile du Québec (Ferland Committee), September 21, 2000

1996 -"Financing Legal Aid" (20 pages typescript) Sub-committee on the Reform of Legal Aid in Quebec (Schabas Committee), September 1996

1996 -"The Constitutional Position of the Civil Code of Lower Canada and the Civil Code of Quebec as an Expression of Federal Suppletive Law" (294 pages typescript)

1995 -"The Civil Code of Lower Canada and Section 129 of the Constitution Act 1867" (278 pages typescript)

1995 -"Une justice administrative pour le citoyen ou une justice administrative pour le barreau?" (40 pages typescript) Sub-Committee on the Reform of Administrative Tribunals (Garant Committee)

1994 -"Law and the Emergence of a Market Economy" (20 pages typescript)

1992 -"Commentaires sur l'avenir des communautés anglophones au Québec" (15 pages typescript) Commission d’Étude du Parti québécois

1990 -"Whistle-Blowing: Is there anything Australia can learn from Canada?" (8 pages typescript) Electoral and Administrative Reform Commission, Queensland, Australia, June, 1990

1989 -"Where Law Ends: Is Corporate Capital Punishment Possible?" (13 pages typescript) Regulatory sub-group, Department of Justice, Ottawa

1987 -"The Theory of the Presumption of Hypothec" (22 pages typescript)

1986 -"Survol de certains changements proposés au droit des sûretés réelles du Code civil selon l'Avant-projet de loi de décembre 1986" (17 pages typescript)

1985 -"Le régime des sûretés réelles mobilières en droit ontarien" (26 pages typescript)





2011-2012 Legal Education Seminar

Administrative Process


Administrative Process (May-June 2011)

2009-2010 Legal Education Seminar

Secured Transactions

2008-09 Secured Transactions in the Civil Law of Quebec Legal Education Seminar

Administrative Process

2007-08 SABBATIC LEAVE (taught a part of Legal History)

2006-07 Secured Transactions

Legal Education Seminar

Administrative Process

2005-06 FALL SEMESTER - SABBATIC LEAVE (deferred from 1997) Legal Education Seminar

Secured Transactions in the Civil Law World (deferred) Administrative Process (May-June 2006)

2004-05 Foundations of Canadian Law

Special Topics in Law (Legal Education)

Group Assistants (Foundations of Canadian Law)

2003-04 Foundations of Canadian Law

Fondements du droit canadien Research Seminar (Legal Education)

Group Assistants (Foundations of Canadian Law / Fondements du droit canadien)

2002-03 Sûretés réelles

Politics, Policies and the Legislative Process The Administrative Process

2001-02 Sûretés réelles

Politics, Policies and the Legislative Process The Administrative Process

2000-01 Secured Transactions

The Administrative Process

1999-2000 (on unpaid leave) Law of Real Security (B.C.L.)

1998-99 (on unpaid leave) Law of Real Security (B.C.L.)

1997-98 (on unpaid leave) Law of Real Security (B.C.L.)

1996-97 Law of Real Security (B.C.L.)

Theoretical Approaches to Law (LL.M.)


1995-96 Law of Real Security (B.C.L.)

Theoretical Approaches to Law (LL.M.)


1994-95 Foundations of Canadian Law

Law of Real Security (B.C.L.)

1993-94 Law of Real Security (B.C.L.)

Social Diversity and the Law

1992-93 Security on Immoveable Property (B.C.L.)

1991-92 Foundations of Canadian Law

1990-91 Foundations of Canadian Law


1988-89 Foundations of Canadian Law

Law, Language and Ethics

1987-88 Foundations of Canadian Law

Obligations II (B.C.L.)

1986-87 Foundations of Canadian Law

Special Contracts (B.C.L.)

1985-86 Foundations of Canadian Law

Comparative Commercial Financing

1984-85 Comparative Commercial Financing


1982-83 Foundations of Canadian Law

Wills and Estates (LL.B.)

1981-82 Foundations of Canadian Law


Wills and Estates (LL.B.)

1980-81 Administrative Law


Security on Property (B.C.L.)

Administration of Estates (LL.B.)

1979-80 Administrative Law


Security on Property (B.C.L.)

Administration of Estates (LL.B.)


1978-79 Administrative Law

Judicial Review of Administrative Action

Le contrôle judiciaire de l'administration

Advanced Administrative Law


Introduction to the Civil Law of Quebec

1977-78 Legal Process

Administrative Law

Le contrôle judiciaire de l'administration

Judicial Review of Administrative Action

Introduction to the Civil Law of Quebec

1976-77 Legal Process

Administrative Law

Introduction to Comparative Law

Droit pénal général

1975-76 Legal Process

Administrative Law

Introduction to Comparative Law


2003 At the Onati International Institute for the Sociology of Law:

Pluralism, Multiculturalism, Identity (March 2003)

2002 At the Onati International Institute for the Sociology of Law:

Nationalism, Centralisation, Decentralisation, Identity (February-March 2002)

1996 At the University of British Columbia, Faculty of Law:

Introduction to Quebec Civil Law (January-March 1996)

Law, Society and State (January-April 1996)

1991 At the University of Toronto, Faculty of Law:

Introduction to Civil Law (January-April 1991)

1990 At the Australian National University, Faculty of Law:

Advanced Comparative Constitutional Law (February-June 1990)

1989 At Osgoode Hall Law School, York University:

Introduction to the Civil Law (September-December 1989)



2011 – Isabelle Deschamps, “Inquiry into the merits of Legal Integration for Women’s Socio- economic Freedom in Africa: A Case Study of OHADA”

2010 – Paul Fitzgerald, “Freeing ‘Open Skies’: The need for consistent and harmonized regulation“

2010 – Kate Glover, “Institutional Biographies and Legal Pluralism“ (assumed supervision in 2011)

2007 – Thomas McMorrow, “The everyday law of the high school classroom” (completed 2011)

2007 – Suzanne Bouclin, “Street law’s sites, sights, and media” (completed 2011)

2005 – Adrian Smith, “Enduring Unfreedom: Law and the State in Trinidadian Sugar Production” (completed 2011) (assumed supervision 2009)

2004 – Louise Sabourin-Hébert, "Aboriginal Labour Law" (withdrew 2008 for health reasons)

2002 – Nicolas Lambert, "The Constitutional Foundations of Administrative Law" (completed 2005)

2002 – Josef Fridman, "Rethinking Corporate Governance" (completed 2004) (Dean's Honours List)

1998 – Chris Waters, "Counsel in the Caucasus: the Fall and Rise of Georgia's Legal Professions" (completed 2002) (Dean's Honour's List)

1995 – Sébastien Lebel-Grenier, "Pour un pluralisme juridique radical" (completed 2002)

1993 – Seana McGuire, "The Somatic State: The Dialectics of Law's Morality" (completed 1999)

1992 – Desmond Manderson, "Songs Without Music: Aesthetic Dimensions of Law and Justice» completed 1997) (Governor-General's Medal for the Humanities) (co-supervised with Professor Margo Somerville)

1990 – Pierre Robert (withdrew 1997 for employment reasons)


2009 – Nelcy Lopez-Cuellar (supervisor: Evan Fox-Decent) – chair

2008 – Karen Crawley (supervisor: Desmond Manderson) - chair

2007 – Richard Lehun (supervisor: Richard Janda) - chair

2005 – Serge Rousselle (supervisor: Jane Glenn) - member

2005 – Jonathan Widell (supervisor: Mark Antaki) - member

2005 – Annie Rochette (supervisor: Desmond Manderson) - chair


2011-12 - Vokhidjon Urinov (supervisor: Rosalie Jukier)

2009-10 - Philipp Kastner (supervisor: René Provost)


2010 - Isabelle Deschamps, “Les femmes entrepreneurs devant le droit dans les pays d’OHADA” (completed 2011)

2006 - Thomas McMorrow, “L’arche as a legal system” (completed 2007; Dean’s Honours List)

2006 - Coel Kirkby, “Deep legal pluralism and post-colonialism in East Africa” (completed 2007)

2005 - Jacqui Phillips, “Native Title Law as Recognition Space?” (completed 2006; Dean’s Honours List) 

2004 - Nicole Borovan, “The Canada-U.S. Safe Third Country Agreement: A Constitutional Analysis” (completed 2006; Dean’s Honours List)

2004 - Guillaume Rousseau, “Le modèle québécois d’intégration” (completed 2005)

2003 - Niki Vokas, "The international legal ramifications of the OECD’s harmful tax competition crusade” (completed 2007)

2003 - Zhendong Sun, "Press Freedom in the People's Republic of China" (completed 2005)

2003 - Aude Delechat, "Indirect Taxes in the EU" (completed 2005)

2003 - Geneviève Bergeron, "Reconceptualisation de la responsabilité extracontractuelle de l'État au Québec" (completed 2004)

2002 - Nathan Richards, "Normative Dimensions of Cultural Identity" (completed 2004; Dean's Honours List)

2002 - Nicole O'Byrne “The Natural Resources Transfer Agreements” (completed 2005; Dean’s Honours List)

2002 - Eric Reiter, "Towards a reintegration of the human being in law" (completed 2003; Dean’s Honours List)

2001 - Noémi de Galembert, "European Community Law and Human Rights: The Antitrust Enforcement Procedure Facing Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights" (completed 2003)

2001 - Nicolas Lambert (transferred to D.C.L. -- 2002)

2000 - Patrick Forget, "Analyse des limites juridiques à la liberté de manifester pacifiquement au Canada" (completed 2003 ; Dean's Honours List)

2000 - Yaroslav Gregirchak, "Securitization in Ukraine" (completed 2001)

2000 - Kristen Rundle, "Nothing in this Act shall preclude any better ideas» (completed 2001; Dean's Honour's List)

1999 - Astrid Link, "Descriptive and Normative Aspects of the Theory of Legal Pluralism Illustrated by Problems of Media Regulation" (completed 2000)

1999 - Salvador Garza Montemayor, "Reforming Personal Property Security Law in Mexico" (completed 2000) (co-supervised with Professor David Lametti)

1998 - Naomi Sharp, "Wrongful System Rights Violations and the Potential of Court-Sponsored Structural Reform" (completed 1999; Dean's Honours List)

1995 - Eugen Crai, "The Vampires of Transylvania: Ethnic Accommodation and Legal Pluralism" (completed 1999)

1995 - Vincent Laroche, "Complémentarité de l'action charitable et étatique: l’exemple des fondations hospitalières" (completed 2001)

1995 - Judith Lifshitz, "Completion Guarantees and Film Financing in Quebec" (completed 1997)

1995 - Tarik Tabbara, "Freedom of Speech and Electronic Mass Media" (completed 1996)

1994 - Julie Paquin, "Psychological Dimensions of Access to Justice: An Empirical Study and Typology of Disputing Styles" (completed 1997; Dean's Honours List)

1993 - Marie-Hélène Lacroix, "La garantie bancaire sous le Code civil du Québec" (completed 1996 ; Dean's Honours List)

1993 - Claire MacDiarmid, "Scots Law: Can It and Should It Survive?" (completed 1995 ; Dean's Honours List)

1993 - Pierre LaRochelle, "Les recours du vendeur des choses mobilières" (completed 1995)

1993 - Carole Younès, "Le droit et la promesse du collectif: le recours collectif au Québec" (completed 1999 ; Dean's Honours List)

1992 - Siobhan Phelan, "Legal Aid -- The Master's Tool?" (completed 1994)

1992 - Seana McGuire, "Small Claims Courts and Consumerism: A Plea for a Reconsideration of our Frameworks" (completed 1994; Dean's Honours List)

1991 - Wolfgang Riering, "The Interaction of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and Environmental Protection Legislation" (completed 1992)

1990 - Lubomyr Chaburski, "Employment Equity under the Canadian Human Rights Act" (completed 1991)

1981 - Marie Deschamps, "Vers une approche renouvelée de l'indivision" (completed 1982)


2011 - Kuzivakwashe Charamba, “Do current corporate governance structures produce appropriate social outcomes?”

2009 - Laure Fouin Fortunet, « L’harmonisation du droit des sûretés : La nécessaire conservation d’une pluralité limitée de régimes »


2004 - David Grossman, “Private Law Human Rights” (with Geneviève Saumier)

2002 - Boris Savoie-Doyer, “Constitutional Federalism”


2010 -- Natai Shelsen, « The Price of the Passage: Uncovering the Gendered Experience of Law School »

2009 – Éric Bédard, “Dissonance Cognitive: un examen empirique du mythe de l’efficience du régime des sûretés au Québec »

2004 - Simon Chamberland, "Concevoir la normativité juridique à l'heure de la globalisation"

2003 - Sean Rehaag, “Legal Pluralism and Refugees”

Fred Fischer, "Groupenstance: An Idea Searching for Expression"

2002 - Eric Ward, "Beyond Tinker Toys: Recognizing and Supporting Diverse Relational Subjects"

2001 - Geneviève Bourbonnais, “Harmonizing Federal Family Law with the Civil Code of Québec”

H. UNDERGRADUATE TERM ESSAYS (over 50 between 1979 and 2000; only essays since return from Law Commission in 2000 are listed)

2011-12 -- Jean-Paul Saucier-Calderón

Laurence Ricard, « L’évolution récente de la conception de l’enfant dans le droit québécois: l’exemple de la Loi sur la protection de la jeunesse et de l’Avant-projet de loi modifiant le Code civil et d'autres dispositions législatives en matière d'adoption et d'autorité parentale »

2010-11 - Ishat Reza, “Gender and Decision-Making at the Supreme Court of Canada”

John Lennard, “Getting it in Writing: Why Form Should Matter in Quebec’s Regime on Assisted Procreation”

2009-10 - Anthony Tibbs, “Discrimination and Accommodation of Students with Disabilities”

Stephanie McKinnon, “The State is not Enough: Lessons from the Japanese Internment”

Jesse Gutman, “In Dialogue: A Public Legal Education Pedagogy for Youth”

Abbey Radis, “The Role of Participatory Democracy in Addressing Homelessness in Montreal, Quebec and Vancouver, British Columbia”

Anna Shea, “Perilous Territory: The Struggles of Non-status People in Canada”

2008-09 - Josh Wilner, “Public Service Lawyering”

Paul Klippenstein, “An analysis of client needs in the McGill Legal Clinic”

Elizabeth France, “Security Over Bank Accounts”

2007-08 - Ewa Krajewska, “A Feminist Analysis of Secured Transactions Law”

Jacques-Olivier DesRoches, “La réforme des sûretés réelles en Mexique”

2006-07 - Jane Conley, “Public Legal Education within the Forum for Civil Justice”

Claire Ezzeddin, “Whose problems? What problems? Talk about Self Represented Litigants”

Jarom Britton, “Managing Currency Risk in International Aircraft Lease Finance”

Robin Campbell, “The Challenge of Culture in Rights-Based Approaches to Human Rights”

Charlotte Beltempo, “Legal Education in Chile”

Michael Simkin, “Street Youth and the Law in Montreal: a Theatre of the Oppressed Workshop Series at Dans la rue”

2005-06 - Ivo Entchev, “Distributive Justice and Secured Transactions”

Naomi Kikoler, “The injustice of the UNTR”

Adrienne Gibson, “EI Appeals: an empirical study”

2004-05 - Alexandra Law, "Formal and Informal Norms at the McGill Legal Information Clinic"

Hugh Sandler, "An Empirical Study of Charter Decisions Made by the Supreme Court of Canada"

2003-04 - Weiguo He, "Legal Transplants in China -- an Illustration with the Example of 'Piercing the Corporate Veil'"

Jason McLean, "Reconstructing Legal Pluralism, Reenchanting Law"

Kirsten Mercer, "An Empirical Study of Merchant Attitudes to Sunday Shopping in the St. Lawrence Market"

Heather McReady, "Montreal's Tam-Tams: Uncovering Layers of Social and Legal Normativity"

Florence Dagicour, "Analysis of Transsystemic Legal Education"

2002-03 - Etienne Daignault, “Controlling Corporate Malfeasance”

Mariam Pal, “Standard Form Contracts and Consumer Protection”

Audrey Boctor, "Access to Justice and Unauthorized Practice Law Society Rules"

Liz Gomery, "I'm Telling Mom: Why ADR isn't That Different from Adjudication After All"

Charmaine de los Reyes, «Human Rights in Sri Lanka » 

Will Amos, "Non-Profit Governance and the Santropol roulant"

Jerome Lussier, "Reports Cards with Teeth: Governance Contracts, Tax Incentives and Public Information"

Jameela Jeeroburkan, "Recasting the Culture or Human Rights Debate"

2001-02 - Jeff Feiner, «Enhancing Public Participation in Law Reform» 

Pierre-Olivier Savoie, "Access to Justice"

Robert Leckey, "Family Law's Identities"

Shahina Mapara, "Section 427 Security and Security on Receivables"

Hoi Kong, "Codal Reform as Law Reform"

René Robert, "Reconciliation and the Alberta Eugenics Program"

Monique Higham, "Placing Culture on the Negotiating Table: Reconciling Canada's Cultural Policy and International Trade Commitments"

I. UNDERGRADUATE ONE-CREDIT PAPERS (only papers since 2000)

2009-10 -- Joyce Tam – “Where is legal education going?”

2006-07 – Patrick Murdoch, “Human Rights as Cultural Versus Human Rights as a Foundation: Richard Rorty’s Critique Against the “Rhetoric of Rights”

Richard Lehun, “Sustainable Development as an Emancipatory Justice Claim: Course Assessment”

2004-05 - Alexandra Law, "A Critical Evaluation of Alternatives in Legal Education"

2003-04 - Etienne Daignault, "Of Fragile Things…"

Finn Makela, "Six Theses on Labour Law"

2002-03 - Duncan Reid, "My Day in Garbage Court"

2001-02 - Alana Klein, "Coda to Through the Key-Hole"


2003-05 - Evan Fox-Decent (SSHRC supported)

1995-96 - Brian Walker (SSHRC supported)


2008 - Finn Makela (supervisor Pierre Noreau, University of Montreal)


2009-10 Mentor, Sauvé Foundation (mentee Eloge Butera)

2006 -07 Mentor, Sauvé Foundation (mentee Maria Lisitsyna)

2005 -08 Mentor, Canadian Merit Scholarship Foundation (mentee Graham Smith)


1. TO THE FACULTY AND UNIVERSITY (after 1989 only)

2011 Chair , Faculty of Law Recruitment Committee

2011 Member of the Committee on the Future of the Programme d’études sur le Québec

2008-9 Chair, Law Library Committee and Member of Law Librarian Selection Committee

2007-8 Member interdisciplinary committee to establish a programme in the Humanities (Paul Yachnin, Chair)

2007-8 Member interdisciplinary committee to establish a Public Policy Centre (Wendy Thompson, Chair)

2007 Chair Arts-Law initiative exploratory committee

2007 Presenter at seminar on Grantsmanship, McGill University, Research Grants Office

2006 -7 Member, Programme Committee, McGill Institute for the Study of Canada

2005 -6 Member, Dean of Arts Selection Committee

2004 Chair, Wainwright Committee

2003-6 Member, University Recruitment with Tenure Committee

2003 Chair, Faculty Recruitment Committee

2002 Member, Committee to Select a Dean of Arts

2002 Chair, Faculty Recruitment Committee

2002 Chair, Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Committee, Faculty of Law

2001-03 Member, Programme Committee, McGill Institute for the Study of Canada

2001 Chair, Ad Hoc Committee on Graduate Programmes

2000 Report on Career Progression and Remuneration in the Faculty of Law

1999-2000 Chair, Ad Hoc Committee on the Future of the Institute of Air and Space Law

1998-99 Chair, Selection Committee for Sir William Macdonald Professor of Law

1996-97 Chair, Cyclical Review of the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada

1996 Chair, Private Law Curriculum Working Group

1995-96 Chair, Task Force on the Principal's Document "Towards a New McGill"

1995 Member, Cyclical Review Committee for the Department of Educational Psychology and Counselling

1995 Member, Selection Committee for the Dean of Students

1995 Chair, Dean's Ad Hoc Planning Committee, Faculty of Law

1994 Member, Cyclical Review Committee for the Department of Classics

1993 Chair, Vice-Principal's Ad Hoc Committee on Student Customer Services

1992 Member, Selection Committee, Vice-Principal (Academic)

1989 Chair, Principal's Ad Hoc Committee on Staff Benefits


2013 Organized Annual Conference on Sûretés réelles – November 15, 2013

2012 Organized Annual Conference on Sûretés réelles – November 30, 2012

2012 Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Uniform Law Review

2011 Organized Annual Conference on Sûretés réelles – December 2, 2011

2011 CALT Annual Meeting (Fredericton, May 31, 2011 – Keynote Address)

2010 Organized Annual Conference on Sûretés réelles – December 3, 2010

2010 Committee to review the reappointment of the Dean of Political Science and Law, UQAM

2009 Organized Annual Conference on Sûretés réelles – November 13, 2009

2008 Chair, Joint Canadian Association of Law Teachers – Canadian Law and Society Association Task Force in Response to the Proposal of the Federation of Law Societies to Reform the Accreditation of Law Faculties

2008 CALT Annual Meeting (Montreal, May 2008 – Flying Scholar)

2008 Distinguished Visiting Scholar – Faculty of Law, Clermont-Ferrand (March 2008)

2008 Joint LSA-CLSA meeting (Montreal 2008 – local arrangements coordinator)

2007 Distinguished Visiting Mentor – Faculty of Law, Australian National University (December 2007)

2007 External Reviewer – Proposal to establish a Faculty of Law at Lakehead University

2006 Panel Organiser – ACFAS

2006 External Reviewer, University of Moncton Faculty of Law

2005-07 Secretary, Academy II, Royal Society of Canada

2005 Member, International Review Committee, University of Melbourne Faculty of Law

2004 -07 Member, Selection Committee, Legal Dimensions Competition

2004 - Member, Board of Advisers, Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice

2004-05 Chair, Adjudication Panel #23 (Law, Law and Society, Criminology -- SSHRC)

2004 Member, FQRSC Adjudication Panel

2003 - Member, Editorial Board, Sociology of Law Series, International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Onati, Spain

2003 Nominator, Pierre Trudeau Foundation

2003 - Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Griffiths Law Review

2003-08 Member, Aid to Publications Committee, Federation of Humanities and Social Sciences

2003-04 Member, Nomination Committee for Academy II, Royal Society of Canada

2002 Consultant to the Ontario Council of Graduate Studies in respect of the LL.M. and S.J.D. programmes at the University of Toronto

2001 Consultant to the Ontario Council of Graduate Studies in respect of the M.A. (Law) programme at Carleton University

2001 Consultant to the Maritime Council of Higher Education in respect of the proposed LL.M. programme at the École de droit de l'Université de Moncton

2001 Consultant to the Ontario Council of Graduate Studies in respect of the LL.M. and D.Jur. programmes at Osgoode Hall Law School of York University

2000 Organizer-Facilitator of first Joint CALT-CLSA-CCLD-LCC Law Forum Project

2000 Retreat Facilitator, Faculty of Law (Common Law), University of Ottawa

1999 Member, External Review Committee -- Département des sciences juridiques, Université du Québec à Montréal

1996 Member, External Review Committee -- Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia

1996-97 Member, Adjudication Committee #11, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

1995-97 Editor-in-Chief, Canadian Journal of Law and Society

1994-99 Member of Permanent Panel of Grievance Arbitrators (Université du Québec à Montréal)

1993-94 Editorial Board, Canadian Journal of Law and Society

1989-94 Director, Law in Society Programme, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research

1988-89 Associate in the Law and Society Programme of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research

1987-89 Board of Directors, International Institute of Comparative Linguistic Law

1987 Member, External Review Committee, Faculty of Law, Queen's University

1985 Elected President of the Canadian Council of Law Deans


2008 Member, Quebec Bar Association Committee on Bill 47, The Uniform Securities Transfer Act

2007 Consultant to Lakehead University on the Establishment of a Faculty of Law

2006-7 Chair, Advisory Committee for the Quebec Ministry of Justice on Anti-Slapp Suits

2005-9 Member of the Board, Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice

2003- Consultant to the World Bank on the Reform of Secured Transactions Law in Ukraine

2003 Consultant to Legal Aid Ontario on Access to Justice

2002 Consultant to the Senate Committee on Illegal Drugs

2001- Consultant to the UNCITRAL Project to prepare a legislative guide for a Secured Transactions Law

1998-2003 Member, Commercial Law Strategy Working Group, Uniform Law Conference of Canada

1994-95 Consultant, Ontario Law Reform Commission, Civil Justice Review Project

1993-96 Consultant, Federal Department of Justice, Harmonization of Laws Project

1991-93 Scholar-in-residence, Ontario Law Reform Commission

1991-92 Consultant, Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples

1989-91 Président, Groupe de travail sur l'accessibilité à la justice (Ministère de la Justice du Québec)

1986-87 Member, Comité d'étude sur la réforme des sûretés réelles et la publicité des droits (Barreau du Québec)

1984-86 Member, Comité d'étude sur la réforme des sûretés réelles (Ministère de la Justice du Québec)

4. TO THE COMMUNITY AT LARGE (after 2004 only)

2011 -- Member, Commission of Inquiry into Corruption in the Construction Industry

2007- Member, Board of Directors, CSSS de la montagne

2007 -08 Member, Advisory Council to the Bouchard-Taylor Commission on “Reasonable Accommodation”

2007 Chair, Westmount Public Consultation on Athletic Fields

2004 -6 Chair, Board of Directors, Westmount Youth Orchestra


2013 Awarded Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal.

2013 Appointed Officer, Order of Canada

2012 Paul-André Crépeau Award for Excellence in Comparative Law Scholarship, Canadian Bar Association, Quebec Branch

2012 Faculty of Law, McGill University, John W. Durnford Prize for Teaching Excellence

2011 McGill University Lifetime Achievement Award for Leadership in Learning

2011 LL.D. (Honoris causa) Osgoode Hall Law School (York University)

2010 LL.D. (Honoris causa) Université de Montréal

2010 Ramon Hnatyshyn Medal, Canadian Bar Association

2009 Elected President, Royal Society of Canada

2007 Ordre du mérite, Faculty of Civil Law, University of Ottawa

2007 Sir William Dawson Medal for the Social Sciences, Royal Society of Canada

2007 Killam Prize for the Social Sciences, Canada Council

2006 Elected Secretary, Academy II, Royal Society of Canada

2004 Elected Associate Member, International Academy of Comparative Law

2004 Elected Member, Insolvency Institute of Canada

2004-07 Appointed Fellow, Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation

2002 First Robert Sauvé Annual Lecture on Access to Justice

2000 Saskatchewan Law Review Annual Lecture

2000 Conférence inaugurale de l'année scolaire, Département des sciences juridiques, Université du Québec à Montréal

1996 Elected Fellow, Royal Society of Canada

1996 Douglas McK. Brown Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia

1995 Weir Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta

1991 Professeur invité, Faculté de droit, Université d'Aix-Marseille

1990 Lansdowne Visitor, Faculty of Law, University of Victoria

1990 Invited Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, Australian National University

1989 Bora Laskin Visiting Professor of Law, Osgoode Hall Law School

1984 Sabbatical Leave Fellowship (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada)

1983 Prix littéraire de la Fondation du Barreau du Québec



2010 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (three-year team grant) $87,000 (with Pierre Noreau, Richard Janda, Shauna Van Praagh and Violaine Lemay)

2008 Wainwright Trust ($8000)

2007-2010 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (three-year team grant - $83,000) (with Catherine Walsh)

2006-2011 Major Collaborative Research Initiative Grant (with Pierre Noreau and 30 other scholars) ($2,500,000)

2004-2007 Fonds FQRSC (with Andrée Lajoie, Pierre Noreau, Guy Rocher, Shauna Van Praagh, and Richard Janda) ($68,000)

2002-2005 Valorisation Recherche Québec-- Gouvernance et Autochtonie (with 12 other scholars) ($1,600,000)

2001 Wainwright Trust ($4000)

2000-03 Fonds Formation des chercheurs et aide à la recherche (three-year team grant -$180,000) (with Andrée Lajoie, Guy Rocher, Pierre Noreau, Shauna Van Praagh, and Richard Janda)

1998 Wainwright Trust ($4000)

1996 Wainwright Trust ($2200)

1995-98 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (three-year team grant - $159,000) (with Jeremy Webber, Richard Janda and Shauna Van Praagh)

1995-98 Fonds Formation des chercheurs et aide à la recherche (three-year team grant -$144,000) (with Andrée Lajoie, Guy Rocher and Richard Janda)

1995 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Conference Grant on Théories du droit et émergence des normes -- $10,000)

1994 Wainwright Trust ($2100)

1993 Wainwright Trust ($2200)

1992-95 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (three-year team grant - $182,000) (with Jeremy Webber and Richard Janda)

1992-95 Fonds Formation des chercheurs et aide à la recherche (three-year team grant -$177,000) (with Andrée Lajoie, Guy Rocher and Richard Janda)

1992 Wainwright Trust ($800)

1991-93 Fondation du Barreau du Québec ($10,000)

1991 Ministère de la Justice du Québec ($5,000)


2010 Commission sur les pratiques de nomination des juges (Bastarache Commission) ($5,500)

2009 Government of Quebec – Report on SLAPP lawsuits ($3000)

2007 UNCITRAL Secured Transactions Guide Project ($20,000)

2004 CIDA Project on the Execution of Judgement in Vietnam ($19,000)

2004 World Bank - Ukraine ($25,000)

2003 CIDA Exploratory Project for civil justice reform in Vietnam ($10,500)

2003 World Bank - Ukraine ($30,000)

2003 University of Detroit-Mercy ($7,500)

2003 Law Society of Upper Canada ($8,000)

2002 Senate of Canada ($5,000)

2001 UNCITRAL Project on Secured Transactions ($4,000)

2001 Law Commission of Canada ($4,500)

2000 Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development ($5,000)

1997 Federal Department of Justice ($15,000)

1996 Federal Department of Justice ($25,000)

1995 Federal Department of Justice ($20,000)

1994 Ontario Law Reform Commission ($6,000)

1993 Board of Notaries of Quebec ($2,500)

1993 Federal Department of Justice ($2,500)

1992 Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples ($5,000)

1985 Royal Commission on Canada’s Economic Prospects ($5000)

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