Progress Monitoring

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Supporting School Success One Step at a Time

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Progress Monitoring

First Sound Fluency Scoring Booklet

50 40 30 20 10


Month ________ ____________ Week 1 ________ ____________ Week 2 ________ ____________ Week 3 ________ ____________ Week 4 ________ ____________

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Revised 12/30/10

DIBELS? First Sound Fluency ? Directions

Make sure you have reviewed the directions in the DIBELS Assessment Manual and have them available. Say these specific directions to the student:

Practice item #1) Listen to me say this word, "man." The first sound that you hear in the word "man" is /mmm/. Listen. /mmm/. "Man." What is the first sound you hear in the word "man"?

Correct response

/mmm/ or /ma/

Good. /mmm/ is the first sound in "man."

(Present practice item #2.)

Incorrect response

Student does not respond within 3 seconds or responds incorrectly

/mmm/ is the first sound you hear in the word "man." Listen. /mmm/. "Man." Say it with me. /mmm/. Let's try it again. What is the first sound you hear in the word "man"?

Correct response


(Present practice item #2.)


Incorrect response

Say /mmm/.


Correct Good. practice

item #2.)

Incorrect Okay.

(Present practice item #2.)

Practice item #2) Listen to me say another word, "moon." What is the first sound you hear in the word "moon"?

Correct response

/mmm/ or /moo/

Good. /mmm/ is the first sound in "moon."

(Present practice item #3.)

Incorrect response

Student does not respond within 3 seconds or responds incorrectly

/mmm/ is the first sound you hear in the word "moon." Listen. /mmm/. "Moon." Say it with me. /mmm/. Let's try it again. What is the first sound you hear in the word "moon"?

Go to the next page.

Correct response


(Present practice item #3.)


Incorrect response

Say /mmm/.


Correct Good. practice

item #3.)

Incorrect Okay.

(Present practice item #3.)

Page 2

? 2011 All rights reserved

20 DIBELS? First Sound FluenPrcoybe 23 Progress MDonIBitEoLrSin7gth20Edition Draft First Sound Fluency

Test Items

1. math 2. dock 3. grin 4. blow 5. rate 6. sneak 7. hard 8. trunk 9. pool 10. climbed 11. frog 12. make 13. crowd 14. fill 15. play 16. cars 17. graph 18. crumbs 19. meal 20. barn 21. ground 22. brook 23. purse 24. light 25. crafts 26. hot 27. bran 28. robe 29. dark 30. flop

Correct/2 points

/m/ /d/ /g/ /b/ /r/ /s/ /h/ /t/ /p/ /k/ /f/ /m/ /k/ /f/ /p/ /k/ /g/ /k/ /m/ /b/ /g/ /b/ /p/ /l/ /k/ /h/ /b/ /r/ /d/ /f/

/ma/ /do/ /gr/ /bl/ /rai/ /sn/ /har/ /tr/ /poo/ /kl/ /fr/ /mai/ /kr/ /fi/ /pl/ /kar/ /gr/ /kr/ /mea/ /bar/ /gr/ /br/ /per/ /lie/ /kr/ /ho/ /br/ /roa/ /dar/ /fl/

Correct/1 point


/snea/ /tru/ /klie/ /fro/ /krow/

/gra/ /kru/

/grow/ /bruu/

/kra/ /bra/



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2-pt responses: _____

x 2: _____ + 1-pt responses: _____ = Total: _______

P?a2g01e1 2Al3l rights reserved

? 2009 Dynamic Measurement GroPuapg, eIn2c3.

19 DIBELS? First Sound FluenPcroybe 22 Progress MoDnIBitEoLriSng7t1h9Edition Draft First Sound Fluency

Test Items

1. look 2. chop 3. blush 4. stall 5. meet 6. star 7. can 8. string 9. hand 10. stage 11. clown 12. rat 13. gray 14. fell 15. clipped 16. bear 17. spray 18. block 19. neck 20. bat 21. through 22. dream 23. board 24. ship 25. gross 26. bike 27. bridge 28. raft 29. wash 30. three

Correct/2 points

/l/ /ch/ /b/ /s/ /m/ /s/ /k/ /s/ /h/ /s/ /k/ /r/ /g/ /f/ /k/ /b/ /s/ /b/ /n/ /b/ /th/ /d/ /b/ /sh/ /g/ /b/ /b/ /r/ /w/ /th/

/luu/ /cho/ /bl/ /st/ /mea/ /st/ /ka/ /st/ /ha/ /st/ /kl/ /ra/ /gr/ /fe/ /kl/ /be/ /sp/ /bl/ /ne/ /ba/ /thr/ /dr/ /bor/ /shi/ /gr/ /bie/ /br/ /ra/ /wo/ /thr/

Correct/1 point

/blu/ /sto/



/stai/ /klow/


/spr/ /blo/


/groa/ /bri/


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2-pt responses: _____

x 2: _____ + 1-pt responses: _____ = Total: _______

?Pa2g0e0922Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc.

? 2011 All righPtsargeseer2ve2d

DIBELS? First Sound Fluency ? Directions continued

Practice item #3) Let's try another word, "sun." (Wait up to 3 seconds for student to respond.) If the student does not respond, ask, What is the first sound you hear in the word "sun"?

Correct response

/sss/ or /su/

Good. /sss/ is the first sound in "sun."

(Begin testing.)

Incorrect response

Student does not respond within 3 seconds or responds incorrectly

/sss/ is the first sound you hear in the word "sun." Listen. /sss/. "Sun." Say it with me. /sss/. Let's try it again. What is the first sound you hear in the word "sun"?

Correct response


(Begin testing.)


Incorrect response

Say /sss/.



(Begin testing.)

Incorrect Okay.

(Begin testing.)

Begin testing. Now I am going to say more words. You tell me the first sound you hear in the word. Say the first word from the list in the scoring booklet.

Timing 1 minute. Start your stopwatch after saying the first test item.

Wait If the student does not respond within 3 seconds on a word, mark a slash ( ) through the zero and say the next word.

Discontinue If no sounds are correct in the first five words, discontinue and record a score of 0.


If you think the student may have forgotten the task, say Remember to tell me the first sound that you hear in the word. Immediately say the next word. (Repeat as often as needed.)

If the student says the name of the letter, say Remember to tell me the first sound in the word, not the letter name. Immediately say the next word. (Allowed one time.)

? 2011 All rights reserved

Page 3

1DIBELS? First Sound Fluency Probe 4 Progress MonitoDrIBinEgL1S 7th Edition Draft First Sound Fluency

Test Items

1. knob 2. jam 3. throat 4. slow 5. shelves 6. slice 7. time 8. sports 9. chance 10. plot 11. skate 12. sand 13. dropped 14. loud 15. storm 16. peak 17. smash 18. tree 19. fair 20. dad 21. smooth 22. clean 23. cheer 24. nine 25. space 26. dirt 27. creek 28. zoom 29. call 30. scarf

Correct/2 points

/n/ /j/ /th/ /s/ /sh/ /s/ /t/ /s/ /ch/ /p/ /s/ /s/ /d/ /l/ /s/ /p/ /s/ /t/ /f/ /d/ /s/ /k/ /ch/ /n/ /s/ /d/ /k/ /z/ /k/ /s/

/no/ /ja/ /thr/ /sl/ /she/ /sl/ /tie/ /sp/ /cha/ /pl/ /sk/ /sa/ /dr/ /low/ /st/ /pea/ /sm/ /tr/ /fe/ /da/ /sm/ /kl/ /chi/ /nie/ /sp/ /der/ /kr/ /zoo/ /ko/ /sk/

Correct/1 point


/slie/ /spor/ /plo/ /skai/ /dro/ /stor/ /sma/

/smoo/ /klea/

/spai/ /krea/



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2-pt responses: _____

x 2: _____ + 1-pt responses: _____ = Total: _______

?Pa2g0e094 Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc.

? 2011 All rightsPraesgeerve4d

18 DIBELS? First Sound FluenPcroybe 21 Progress MoDnIBitEoLriSng7t1h8Edition Draft First Sound Fluency

Test Items

1. zip 2. verb 3. tricked 4. strong 5. rope 6. drip 7. whale 8. snap 9. past 10. flies 11. stool 12. fork 13. gram 14. first 15. throw 16. bird 17. trail 18. bluff 19. least 20. team 21. trace 22. crunch 23. boat 24. main 25. great 26. yawn 27. place 28. feet 29. peel 30. fry

Correct/2 points

/z/ /v/ /t/ /s/ /r/ /d/ /w/ /s/ /p/ /f/ /s/ /f/ /g/ /f/ /th/ /b/ /t/ /b/ /l/ /t/ /t/ /k/ /b/ /m/ /g/ /y/ /p/ /f/ /p/ /f/

/zi/ /ver/ /tr/ /st/ /roa/ /dr/ /wai/ /sn/ /pa/ /fl/ /st/ /for/ /gr/ /fer/ /thr/ /ber/ /tr/ /bl/ /lea/ /tea/ /tr/ /kr/ /boa/ /mai/ /gr/ /yo/ /pl/ /fea/ /pea/ /fr/

Correct/1 point






/flie/ /stoo/


/trai/ /blu/

/trai/ /kru/

/grai/ /plai/


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2-pt responses: _____

x 2: _____ + 1-pt responses: _____ = Total: _______

P?a2g01e1 2Al1l rights reserved

? 2009 Dynamic Measurement GroPuapg, eIn2c1.

17 DIBELS? First Sound FluenPcroybe 20 Progress MoDnIBitEoLriSng7t1h7Edition Draft First Sound Fluency

Test Items

1. ring 2. deer 3. gleam 4. clap 5. mind 6. stack 7. yarn 8. crawl 9. den 10. sponge 11. grab 12. nerve 13. plan 14. sheep 15. brown 16. date 17. clear 18. stay 19. sit 20. corn 21. grim 22. plump 23. taste 24. mouth 25. blink 26. have 27. trim 28. shake 29. watch 30. blind

Correct/2 points

/r/ /d/ /g/ /k/ /m/ /s/ /y/ /k/ /d/ /s/ /g/ /n/ /p/ /sh/ /b/ /d/ /k/ /s/ /s/ /k/ /g/ /p/ /t/ /m/ /b/ /h/ /t/ /sh/ /w/ /b/

Correct/1 point














































0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2-pt responses: _____

x 2: _____ + 1-pt responses: _____ = Total: _______

?Pa2g0e0920Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc.

? 2011 All righPtsargeseer2ve0d

2 DIBELS? First Sound FluencyProbe 5 Progress MonitDoIrBinEgLS27th Edition Draft First Sound Fluency

Test Items

1. rain 2. cast 3. friend 4. skin 5. rule 6. tries 7. wheel 8. crib 9. join 10. glass 11. frost 12. mitt 13. clump 14. let 15. fright 16. kid 17. stuck 18. dreamed 19. rise 20. post 21. flapped 22. crash 23. toes 24. lamp 25. clutch 26. walk 27. plop 28. march 29. dear 30. smell

Correct/2 points

/r/ /k/ /f/ /s/ /r/ /t/ /w/ /k/ /j/ /g/ /f/ /m/ /k/ /l/ /f/ /k/ /s/ /d/ /r/ /p/ /f/ /k/ /t/ /l/ /k/ /w/ /p/ /m/ /d/ /s/

/rai/ /ka/ /fr/ /sk/ /roo/ /tr/ /wea/ /kr/ /joy/ /gl/ /fr/ /mi/ /kl/ /le/ /fr/ /ki/ /st/ /dr/ /rie/ /poa/ /fl/ /kr/ /toa/ /la/ /kl/ /wo/ /pl/ /mar/ /di/ /sm/

Correct/1 point

/fre/ /ski/ /trie/ /kri/ /gla/ /fro/ /klu/ /frie/ /stu/ /drea/

/fla/ /kra/

/klu/ /plo/



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2-pt responses: _____

x 2: _____ + 1-pt responses: _____ = Total: _______

P?a2g01e1 5All rights reserved

? 2009 Dynamic Measurement GrouPpa, gInec5.

3 DIBELS? First Sound FluencyProbe 6 Progress MonitDoIrBinEgLS3 7th Edition Draft First Sound Fluency

Test Items

1. ramp 2. vote 3. black 4. trick 5. farm 6. straight 7. hole 8. slush 9. goat 10. planned 11. sled 12. name 13. glee 14. nick 15. cliff 16. chores 17. cleaned 18. cloud 19. raise 20. gold 21. stick 22. swam 23. geese 24. nurse 25. cracked 26. weed 27. tripped 28. foal 29. bowl 30. flip

Correct/2 points

/r/ /v/ /b/ /t/ /f/ /s/ /h/ /s/ /g/ /p/ /s/ /n/ /g/ /n/ /k/ /ch/ /k/ /k/ /r/ /g/ /s/ /s/ /g/ /n/ /k/ /w/ /t/ /f/ /b/ /f/

/ra/ /voa/ /bl/ /tr/ /far/ /st/ /hoa/ /sl/ /goa/ /pl/ /sl/ /nai/ /gl/ /ni/ /kl/ /chor/ /kl/ /kl/ /rai/ /goa/ /st/ /sw/ /gea/ /ner/ /kr/ /wea/ /tr/ /foa/ /boa/ /fl/

Correct/1 point

/bla/ /tri/




/pla/ /sle/

/kli/ /klea/ /klow/

/sti/ /swa/

/kra/ /tri/



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2-pt responses: _____

x 2: _____ + 1-pt responses: _____ = Total: _______

?Pa2g0e096 Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc.

? 2011 All rightsPraesgeerve6d

16 DIBELS? First Sound FluenPcroybe 19 Progress MoDnIBitEoLriSng7t1h6Edition Draft First Sound Fluency

Test Items

1. seeds 2. pad 3. swirl 4. clue 5. mood 6. fried 7. hen 8. school 9. get 10. slip 11. class 12. noon 13. crush 14. phone 15. dripped 16. pin 17. snack 18. brag 19. sharp 20. web 21. brave 22. step 23. part 24. thought 25. spill 26. don't 27. freeze 28. lock 29. hatch 30. close

Correct/2 points

/s/ /p/ /s/ /k/ /m/ /f/ /h/ /s/ /g/ /s/ /k/ /n/ /k/ /f/ /d/ /p/ /s/ /b/ /sh/ /w/ /b/ /s/ /p/ /th/ /s/ /d/ /f/ /l/ /h/ /k/

/sea/ /pa/ /sw/ /kl/ /moo/ /fr/ /he/ /sk/ /ge/ /sl/ /kl/ /noo/ /kr/ /foa/ /dr/ /pi/ /sn/ /br/ /shar/ /we/ /br/ /st/ /par/ /tho/ /sp/ /doa/ /fr/ /lo/ /ha/ /kl/

Correct/1 point


/frie/ /skoo/ /sli/ /kla/ /kru/ /dri/ /sna/ /bra/

/brai/ /ste/

/spi/ /frea/



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2-pt responses: _____

x 2: _____ + 1-pt responses: _____ = Total: _______

P?a2g01e1 1Al9l rights reserved

? 2009 Dynamic Measurement GroPuapg, eIn1c9.

15 DIBELS? First Sound FluenPcroybe 18 Progress MoDnIBitEoLriSng7t1h5Edition Draft First Sound Fluency

Test Items

1. mail 2. bit 3. drenched 4. grown 5. rake 6. group 7. chips 8. float 9. cave 10. small 11. gleamed 12. lend 13. claimed 14. loaf 15. brushed 16. big 17. brass 18. grain 19. think 20. tall 21. stripes 22. trap 23. chill 24. fact 25. drank 26. teach 27. frail 28. moss 29. goes 30. blue

Correct/2 points

/m/ /b/ /d/ /g/ /r/ /g/ /ch/ /f/ /k/ /s/ /g/ /l/ /k/ /l/ /b/ /b/ /b/ /g/ /th/ /t/ /s/ /t/ /ch/ /f/ /d/ /t/ /f/ /m/ /g/ /b/

/mai/ /bi/ /dr/ /gr/ /rai/ /gr/ /chi/ /fl/ /kai/ /sm/ /gl/ /le/ /kl/ /loa/ /br/ /bi/ /br/ /gr/ /thi/ /to/ /st/ /tr/ /chi/ /fa/ /dr/ /tea/ /fr/ /mo/ /goa/ /bl/

Correct/1 point

/dre/ /groa/



/smo/ /glea/



/bra/ /grai/




/dra/ /frai/


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2-pt responses: _____

x 2: _____ + 1-pt responses: _____ = Total: _______

?Pa2g0e0918Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc.

? 2011 All righPtsargeseer1ve8d

4 DIBELS? First Sound FluencyProbe 7 Progress MonitDoIrBinEgLS47th Edition Draft First Sound Fluency

Test Items

1. night 2. peg 3. flakes 4. crane 5. says 6. drain 7. jeans 8. trust 9. patch 10. prince 11. spy 12. mall 13. spoon 14. fire 15. drop 16. gap 17. swim 18. glad 19. made 20. back 21. prize 22. spin 23. pipe 24. mask 25. stone 26. tail 27. broke 28. neat 29. pet 30. pressed

Correct/2 points

/n/ /p/ /f/ /k/ /s/ /d/ /j/ /t/ /p/ /p/ /s/ /m/ /s/ /f/ /d/ /g/ /s/ /g/ /m/ /b/ /p/ /s/ /p/ /m/ /s/ /t/ /b/ /n/ /p/ /p/

/nie/ /pe/ /fl/ /kr/ /se/ /dr/ /jea/ /tr/ /pa/ /pr/ /sp/ /mo/ /sp/ /fie/ /dr/ /ga/ /sw/ /gl/ /mai/ /ba/ /pr/ /sp/ /pie/ /ma/ /st/ /tai/ /br/ /nea/ /pe/ /pr/

Correct/1 point

/flai/ /krai/ /drai/ /tru/ /pri/

/spoo/ /dro/ /swi/ /gla/

/prie/ /spi/

/stoa/ /broa/



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2-pt responses: _____

x 2: _____ + 1-pt responses: _____ = Total: _______

P?a2g01e1 7All rights reserved

? 2009 Dynamic Measurement GrouPpa, gInec7.

5 DIBELS? First Sound FluencyProbe 8 Progress MonitDoIrBinEgLS5 7th Edition Draft First Sound Fluency

Test Items

1. nap 2. pots 3. break 4. claws 5. shark 6. spend 7. pill 8. clay 9. pants 10. swing 11. switch 12. ran 13. skill 14. leash 15. train 16. pile 17. split 18. smart 19. mill 20. path 21. stung 22. tried 23. change 24. felt 25. growl 26. case 27. flew 28. fog 29. comb 30. branch

Correct/2 points

/n/ /p/ /b/ /k/ /sh/ /s/ /p/ /k/ /p/ /s/ /s/ /r/ /s/ /l/ /t/ /p/ /s/ /s/ /m/ /p/ /s/ /t/ /ch/ /f/ /g/ /k/ /f/ /f/ /k/ /b/

/na/ /po/ /br/ /kl/ /shar/ /sp/ /pi/ /kl/ /pa/ /sw/ /sw/ /ra/ /sk/ /lea/ /tr/ /pie/ /sp/ /sm/ /mi/ /pa/ /st/ /tr/ /chai/ /fe/ /gr/ /kai/ /fl/ /fo/ /koa/ /br/

Correct/1 point

/brai/ /klo/ /spe/

/swi/ /swi/






/stu/ /trie/




0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2-pt responses: _____

x 2: _____ + 1-pt responses: _____ = Total: _______

?Pa2g0e098 Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc.

? 2011 All rightsPraesgeerve8d

14 DIBELS? First Sound FluenPcroybe 17 Progress MoDnIBitEoLriSng7t1h4Edition Draft First Sound Fluency

Test Items

1. lived 2. both 3. stems 4. stretch 5. mom 6. speech 7. heat 8. drink 9. west 10. sleek 11. speak 12. zone 13. crate 14. room 15. crashed 16. jeep 17. scan 18. flash 19. rice 20. hang 21. brisk 22. draw 23. dig 24. liked 25. drapes 26. week 27. slept 28. shop 29. cheese 30. plant

Correct/2 points

/l/ /b/ /s/ /s/ /m/ /s/ /h/ /d/ /w/ /s/ /s/ /z/ /k/ /r/ /k/ /j/ /s/ /f/ /r/ /h/ /b/ /d/ /d/ /l/ /d/ /w/ /s/ /sh/ /ch/ /p/

Correct/1 point















































0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2-pt responses: _____

x 2: _____ + 1-pt responses: _____ = Total: _______

P?a2g01e1 1Al7l rights reserved

? 2009 Dynamic Measurement GroPuapg, eIn1c7.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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