Test Review CriteriaBackground Information and PsychometricsFull Name of Test: Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills Next edition Cost: Free download or available through SoprisDate of Publication: 2010 Publisher’s Address: Dynamic Measurement Group, 132 E. Broadway, Suite 636, Eugene, OR 97401, What is (are) the main purpose(s) of the test according to the authors?DIBELS are used to screen students and identify those who may be at risk for reading difficulties. The DIBELS measures were designed to be economical and efficient indicators of a student’s progress toward a general outcome measure. DIBELS are used for both benchmark assessments and progress monitoring. DIBELS benchmarks identify students who may not be on track to reach important reading outcomes. DIBELS progress monitoring provides teachers with ongoing feedback about instruction’s effectiveness. For whom is the test appropriate (what population of learners)? Children who are learning English who have vision and hearing. (Though they are currently developing a Braille version.) Ages: kindergarten through sixth grade (or older struggling readers) Gender: male and female Race: all Ethnicities: all Is the standardization sample representative of the intended population? Yes No(Check the manual to find the match of the standardization data to U.S. population; fit of standardization data to U.S. Census data should be within a few percentage points.) If not, explain:What is the date of the standardization (generally should be within 15 years)?Standardization information unavailable in DIBELS Next Assessment Manual Does the test have components or subtests? If so, name and briefly describe the subtests:DIBELS Next Measures are: First Sound Fluency: the assessor says a word and asks the child to identify the initial soundPhoneme Segmentation Fluency: the assessor says a words and asks the child to segment each of the soundsLetter Naming Fluency: students are asked to name both upper and lower case letters rapidly Nonsense Word Fluency: students are asked to read nonsense words. If they can’t read the entire word, they tell as many sounds as they know. There are two scores, Correct Letter Sounds and Whole Words Read. DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency: students are asked to read a passage for one minute and retell for one minute what they read. Subscores are words correct per minute, accuracy, retell, and retell quality. DAZE: students circle words out of three choices that best fit in the passage, a DAZE test is three minutes DIBELS Composite Score analyzes subtests to provide the best overall estimate of a child’s reading ability. Is the test reliable? Provide ranges for types of reliability (typically, use .90 as minimum for eligibility decisions, .80 for screening decisions, and .60 for research purposes): Test/retest coefficients range from .81 to .94 for DIBELS Composite Internal consistency coefficients range from .66 to .97Inter-rater reliability coefficients range from .97 to .99 Is the test valid? Provide ranges for validity coefficients (typically, good test yield construct/concurrent validity coefficients from .50 to .90 and predictive validity coefficients from .40 to .70; occasionally, coefficients are higher):Evidence of Content validity: Expert review: Yes NoOther evidence (e.g., factor structure): test security, standardized directionsConstruct validity of oral reading fluency: passage difficulty does not matter. “The number of words read correct per minute on an oral reading fluency passage correlates highly with almost any criterion measure of reading that is examined.” (Powell-Smith)Concurrent validity coefficients comparing middle and end of yearCTOPP Phonological AwarenessDIBELS Next FSF PSF .46 NWF-CLS .50.456th ed. ISF (Initial Sound Fluency) .30 .35.33Predictive validity coefficients MeasureGradeMiddleEnd FSFK.57.43LNFK.60.49LNF1.65.65NWF- CLS1.82.71NWF- CLS2.69.65NWF-WWR1.79.66NWF-WWR2.65.62DORF- WC2.85.81DORF-WC3.88.86DORF-WC4.90.86DORF-WC5.89.85DORF-WC6.87.86DORF-Accuracy 2.75.71DORF-Accuracy3.71.70DORF-Accuracy4.72.71DORF-Accuracy5.69.66DORF-Accuracy6.66.65Retell2.75.71Retell3.67.64Retell4.62.62Retell5.58.58Retell6.61.62DAZE3.79.74DAZE4.76.76DAZE5.74.69DAZE6 .78.77Test Administration and ScoringIs the test individually or group administered? All measures are individually administered, though DAZE may be individually or group administered. Is the test user friendly (why or why not)? The test is very user friendly because the directions are simple and the measures are quick. Quick data entry online will compute “need for support (risk levels).”How long does it typically take to administer the test (minutes)? Benchmarks are triads of 1 minute probes. Oral reading fluency has 1 minute read with 1 minute retell. DAZE is 3 minutes. Progress monitoring is only one probe, not three. Does the test require a standardized administration; that is, are the directions scripted? Yes. Is the format forced choice, such as true-false, multiple-choice, matching, or free response (underline those that apply)? DORF Retell is free response. DAZE is multiple choice (3 choices per). Does the test require the examinee to respond using a pencil? DAZE onlyDoes the test require the examinee to manipulate materials? No. Does the test require the examinee to orally identify or read symbols, words, sentences, paragraphs, or other text (underline all that apply)? Also letters Is the test scored by hand, by computer, or some combination of both? What type of scores does the test yield? Age equivalents, percentage correct, percentiles, standard scores, stanines, or normal curve equivalents The scores yielded are converted to a numerical “at or above benchmark,” “below benchmark,” or “well below benchmark.” If the online data system is used it will give district percentile rank. The scores are based on grade level. What type of information does the test yield? Curriculum-based, progress monitoring, peer comparisons, or intra-individual comparison? The information can be used for all of the above. Is computerized interpretation available? $1 per student Is computerized report writing available? $1 per studentDistrict and School Reports: Grade List Report, Summary of Effectiveness by School or District, Summary ReportClass Reports: Class List ReportStudent Reports: Student History, Student Progress Monitoring Graphs Are results helpful for guiding classroom instruction? Absolutely. Teachers can analyze their entire classes as well as individual students. The measures focus on the early literacy skills and break them down so instruction can be targeted. What examiner qualifications are required? Examiners must follow the scripted directions and the assessment manual. Training is recommended. DIBELS Data System Next Assessment Manual Available at DIBELS Next ORF: Achieving New Standards in Controlling Passage Readability Available at DIBELS Next Technical Adequacy Supplement Available at ................

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