
503872557150The City SchoolPrep Girls North NazimabadICTech- First Term 2016-17Operating SystemQ. 1 Fill in the blanks More than 90% of world’s fastest super computers have ________________ operating system.Pressing down the Restart button while the computer is already running is called ___________ boot.The example of operating system providing Character User Interface is _________________In GUI, the user can perform an action just by a ___________________To ensure smooth and error free working of computer, __________________ is done by an operating system.When the system is ready to take the input, only then __________________ is made available to user by an operating system.CPU stands for ______________________________Balance-Input-Output-System software is saved on computer’s ________________Starting of an operating system is called ___________________The _____________________ is a free and open source operating system.The main part of Linux operating system is _________________The interface between the user and operating system in Linux is known as _________________In Linux, __________________ is the component which takes commands from the user and passes it to KernalIn Linux, _______________ controls all the hardware in the system.More than _________ percent of world fastest 500 supercomputers run on different variant of LinuxLinux was first designed by ____________________ while he was still a university student and released on ________________ In PCs, ___________________ put the computer in low power state. In Laptops, the same feature is known as Hibernation.The feature ________________closes all running programs, however the computer still runs.The option to switch the user without closing the programs is known as __________________By ____________ option, the computer can be locked for use and the work can be resumed after giving the password.The feature which shuts down the computer properly and starts it again is called __________________In Windows 7, the Shut down option can be found in _______________ menu. An operating system is a _________________ softwareThe interface between the hardware of computer and the user is _____________________Example of an operating system providing Character User Interface is _________________Pressing the power switch when the computer is switched off is called ________________The platform or environment provided by an operating system to a user is called _________The environment on operating system where user has to type the command to perform a particular action is called ___________________The device serving as a pointing device is called _______________In GUI, the user can perform an action just by a ___________________To ensure smooth and error free working of computer __________________ is done by an operating system.In Hard disk data is stored on millions of ________________ and _________________When the system is ready to take the input, only then __________________ is made available to user by an Operating system.The low-power state of computer can be obtained by using _______________ option.CPU stands for ______________________________Providing a graphical environment to user to interact is __________________ by an operating system.The special boot programs that load operating system on RAM is called ________________The _________________________ is conducted by BIOS to ensure that all the components of computer working properly.Switching off the computer with Shut down command may also harm the _____________ system.Closing all programs while computer is still running is called ________________Balance-Input-Output-System software is saved on Computer’s ________________Starting of an operating system is called ___________________After a process is completed in a computer, the CPU becomes _____________The _______________ management is to ensure maximum output from the computer system.The management of input and output devices of computer together is called ___________________The operating system needs ___________________ software to recognize devices attached to the computer.The _____________________ is a free and open source operating system.In PCs,_________________________ is the most commonly used operating system.The operating system designed to provide services to only one user at a time is called ______________There are high chances of loosing data if you switch off computer without a proper ________________ command.After completing a task, OS sends the data back to __________________ to ensure its safe and no damaged is done to the files.OS remains in the memory of the computer till the power is _____________To ensure secrecy and privacy of the tasks running on computer with closing down the computer, _______________ option may be used.A license _________________________ is required to modify, edit or upgrade Linux operating system.In year 2009, the Linux Operating system had programming codes of over __________________ megabytes.Linux is __________________ user operating system.The special interpreter program is ___________________ to run different commands on computer in Linux Operating System.An operating system is loaded on _____________________ once we switch on the computer.The __________________ is the main part of Linux operating system.Controlling all devices attached to computer in Linux operating system is the job of _______________The allocation of certain areas of RAM to the tasks running on the computer is called __________________Managing data and file system in Hard Disk of computer is celled _______________ managementAccess and authorizations of application files and data is done by operating system and called _________________ managementMS. DOS is a ______________________ user operating system.Windows operating system provides ____________________ user interface.Answer the following questionsWrite the full form of the following abbreviationsMBR ______________________OS ________________________BIOS _____________________POST _____________________GUI _____________________BR _____________________ROM _____________________RAM _____________________CUI _____________________CPU _____________________Name the system management tasks performed by an operating system?Name the four components that make a Linux operating system.Name some of the commonly used operating systems.What are the different versions of Windows Operating System?What are the popular Linux Distributions used in the world?Enlist names of some key features of Linux Operating System.Name the options present with Shut down option in Start menu.MS. Word 2007-Advanced FeaturesPoints to RememberHeader and Footer Text or graphics that usually appear at the top or bottom margin of the page. They give identification to a page.Insert Tab >>>> Header and Footer Group >>>> Header/ Footer. Select the style of header or footer. Type the Text. Click Close or press Esc KeyFootnotes and EndnotesFootnotes and Endnotes are used for adding notes, comments, citation (references) or to give any extra information about something present in that document or page.Footnotes and Endnotes have two parts. Note Reference (number or character) and corresponding Note TextKeep your cursor where you want to insert a reference and then click on References Tab >>>Footnotes Group >>>> Insert Footnote/Insert Endnote. Type the text in Footnote or Endnote.Drop Cap: A large initial capital letter dropped to few lines at the start of any paragraph.Keep your cursor where you want to insert Drop Cap. Click Insert Tab >>> Text Group >>> Drop Cap option. Select the drop cap option you want.Tab stopsTab Stops are preset text position. It enables the user to change to default distance covered by Tab Key. It is normally used to create data in columns in MS. Word.Default Tab Value is Half Inch.Click on the horizontal Ruler where you want to insert the Tab Stop.To delete Tab Stop, Select it and drag it on the document.Show/Hide ToolThe non-printing characters to display the formatting done on an MS. Word document. They do not appear on the print out of the document.Home Tab >>> Paragraph Group >>> Show/Hide icon.Format PainterFormat Painter allows the user to copy the format from one place to another.Keep your cursor from where you want to copy the formatting. Click on Home Tab >>> Clipboard Group >>>> Click Format Painter Option. Hold and Drag your mouse where you want the selected format to be copied. Or Select the paragraph whose format is needed to be copied and press Ctrl + Shift + C. Select the paragraph where the format you want to copy and press Ctrl + Shift+ VColumnsPage Layout Tab >>>> Page Setup Group >>> Columns >>> Select the number of columns and style of your choice.OrPage Layout Tab >>>> Page Setup Group >>> Columns>>>> More Columns >>>> Type the no. of columns you want >>> Specify whether you want a line between columns>>> Click OKIf you want to apply columns on already typed text then select the text and then follow the steps.Columns are just like pages. If one column would be filled only then your curser will move to other column. But you can press Enter Key or have a Column Break in order to force more to next column.IndentationThe distance between the text and the margin is called Indentation.Hanging indent in which the first line of the paragraph is not indented(more toward left side) but the subsequent lines are. To Increase the indent: Home Tab>>> Paragraph Group>>>> Increase Indent Option.To decrease the indent: Home Tab>>> Paragraph Group>>>> Decrease Indent Option.Thesaurus is a dictionary to find synonyms for a particular word. Review Tab>>>> Proofing Group>>>>> Thesaurus Option. In the Research Task pane type the word. Use the word you want. Border and ShadingYou can set the text or a particular paragraph apart from the whole document by putting border or shading over it. There is a difference border and page border. For Border: Select the paragraph >>>> Page Layout Tab >>>> Page Background Group>>> Page Border >>>> Border Tab >>> Select appropriate settings and Click Ok.To remove Border: Select the paragraph >>>> Page Layout Tab >>>> Page Background Group>>> Page Border >>>> Border Tab >>> Click None in Settings. Click OKFor Shading: Select the paragraph >>>> Page Layout Tab >>>> Page Background Group>>> Page Border >>>> Shading Tab >>>> In Fill Select the colour of your choice. You can also change the Style and its Color in Pattern section. Click OkTo remove Shading: Select the paragraph >>>> Page Layout Tab >>>> Page Background Group>>> Page Border >>>> Shading Tab >>>> Select No Color in Fill and Clear Option in Pattern Section. Click OK. For Page Border: Select the paragraph >>>> Page Layout Tab >>>> Page Background Group>>> Page Border >>>>Page Border Tab >>> Select appropriate settings, Style, Color or Art and Click Ok.To remove Page Border: Select the paragraph >>>> Page Layout Tab >>>> Page Background Group>>> Page Border >>>> Page Border Tab >>> Click None in Settings. Click OKPage Border dialog box has three Tabs. Border, Page Border and ShadingStyleA style is a set of formatted instructions. There are many different built-in Formatting Styles in MS. Word. Home Tab >>>> Style group >>> Select the appropriate style of your choice. Keyboard shortcutsCtrl + CCopyCtrl + ZUndoCtrl + XCutCtrl + YRedoCtrl + VPasteCtrl + PPrintCtrl + ASelect AllCtrl + SSaveLearn more Different Quick shortcut keyboard keys from Book page. 55 MS. Word- Using Mail Merge FeaturesMail MergeMail Merge means merging two files or documents. Mail merging is creation of multiple documents by a single template. Data Source/Address BookVariable data in rows and columns is called Data Source. These are the details of recipients of our letters or envelops. Data Sources is merged with Main Document.Main DocumentDocument having a common data or script of a letter which is to be created multiple times.Form Letters/Merged DocumentThe final product which will be obtained after merging Data Source and Main DocumentAdvantages/Features/Uses of Mail MergeBy using Mail Merge, we can createSet envelops or labels where sender address remains same but the receiver address changesSet of letters, email and faxes where basic content of letter and sender’s address remain same but personal details of receiver changes. Set of numbered coupons where coupons are identical except their unique serial numbers. Just like currency notes or prize bonds.Steps to Perform Mail MergeGo to Mailing tab and click on Start Mail Merge drop down menu. Click on Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard.Mail Merge Task pane will openSelect the document Type i.e. Letter, Email etc. Click NextSelect the Starting document i.e. Current, Existing document etc. Click NextSelect recipient and browse or create Data Source. Click NextWrite your letter and insert Merge Fields. Click NextPreview your letters. Click plete the merge. Print or edit letters individuallyAnswer the following question.Write the names of types of margins in Page Setup dialog box.Name the options present in Page Setup dialog box for setting multiple pages in a document.Name the two types of Orientations.Name the types of Tab available in Ms. Word Name the three uses of Mail Merge.Enlist at least six Ms. Word features that are applied to this document.Fill in the BlanksCitation of sources given at the end of document is called ____________Setting the page faces in a document such as books can be done by option _______________In MS. Word, ____________________ is a set of formatting instructions.MS. Word provides us ____________________ to search synonyms of a particular word. Text or graphics, appear on the top margin of every page is called _______The space between the text and margin is known as ______________To copy the format of a text from one place to another ____________________ tool is used. There are ____________ levels of indentations in Ms. Word.The border and shading of a paragraph can be added on a paragraph by ___________ option.To add extra notes or comments about something written in the document, ________________ and ______________ can be inserted.Blank space we leave near the edges of the page or paper is called _____The non-printing characters in a document can be displayed on screen by ______________________ option.The text which appears at the bottom margin of a page is called ______Preset text position is called ____________Drop Cap option can be found in ___________ tab in __________ group.Another name of data source is _____________Main document is also called ____________________After performing Mail merge, the newly created document is called ________________ or ________________Header and Footer option can be found in ________ tab in ___________ group.A new tab ____________ appears on ribbon toolbar after inserting header or footer.The _____________ tool displays formatting of a word document.Footnotes and endnotes can be inserted and formatted from __________ tab and __________ group.A large initial capital letter dropped to few lines in a paragraph is called _______________The keyboard key to move curser half inch forward is ____________Tab stops can be put by clicking over _________________In Ms. Word, Format Painter can be used from Home Tab, ____________ group Show/Hide tool is present on ____________ tab in ____________ group.Cut, copy and paste options are present on ribbon toolbar on Home tab in ______________ group.Columns are treated as _______________To force start and jump from one column to next column, _______________ is used.In MS. Word, columns can be inserted from __________ tab and ___________ group.In a paragraph, ________________ indent is the way in which the whole paragraph is indented except the first line.Increase and decrease Indent options are present on __________ group of Home tab.Decrease indent option’s arrow points toward _____________ hand.Thesaurus option can be used by right click or by _______________ tab and ______________ group. ______________ is a line or pattern surrounding a page or piece of text.Border, page border and shading dialog box can be opened from Page background group of _______________ tab.The space, other than the margin, which is left at the corner of the page for binding is called ____________Margins and Orientations can be changed from ________________ group of Page Layout tab.The two types of orientations are ____________ and ____________Built-in styles of text can be taken from ___________ tabKeyboard shortcut to copy format is ____________In Page Setup dialog box, ____________ margin is for setting the facing pages in a document such as books. You can click ________________ to remove all built in styles from Ms. Word document.______________ means merging two files and documents.The document having tabular data arranged in the form of row or column is known as ___________The option ___________________ determines that in how many lines of the paragraph, a drop cap will be dropped.Advanced PowerPoint-2007Points to RememberTemplateA design or pattern of slide or group of slides. They contain layouts, theme colors, fonts, effects, background styles and even content.Steps to create a presentation using TemplateClick on office buttonClick NewIn New Presentation dialog box, Click on Installed TemplatesChoose the template of your choice and click on CreateThemeA theme is a set of formatting styles that includes background, fonts, lines, fill effects, etc to enable the user to make a quick and professional looking presentation.Steps to create a presentation using ThemeClick on office buttonClick NewIn New Presentation dialog box, Click on Installed ThemesChoose the theme of your choice and click on CreatePhoto AlbumA PowerPoint presentation containing photographs to be displayed.Click Inset tab >>>> Illustration Group>>> Photo Album>>> Click on File/Desk button. >>>> Browse and Select the pictures and Click on CreateSlide MasterIt defines how all the slides in a presentation are formatted. It is used to change the look of all slides in a presentation. It ensures every slide in the presentation has similar formatting. For Master Slide: Click View Tab >>>> Presentation Views Group >>> Slide Master OptionNotesNotes are the speaker’s notes for each slide. They are not the part of presentation and not to be displayed to the audience during the presentation. Notes Master: the Master formatting of all notes in the presentationFor Notes Master: Click View Tab >>>> Presentation Views>>> Notes MasterHandoutsHandouts are the printed material given to the audience during the presentation.Handout Master is to change the formatting of header and footer in the handout.For Handout Master: Click View Tab >>>> Presentation Views>>> Handout MasterCustom AnimationThe special effects that are added to text or objects in the presentation are called custom animation.Steps to apply custom animationClick on Animation Tab>>> Animation Group>>> Click Custom AnimationCustom animation task pane appearsClick Add effects button and select the appropriate effectsSpecify Time, Direction and Speed of the animationChartsCharts are the pictorial or graphical display of data. To insert Charts or graphs: Click Insert Tab >>> Illustration Group>>> Charts Option.Select the type of chart or graph.Write or change the chart data values in Excel Data Sheet and close the data sheet.When you insert a Chart, a new Charts Tool appears on the Ribbon Toolbar having three more tabs i.e. Design, Layout and FormatTablesTables are made to organize your data in rows and columnsTo insert a Table:Click on Insert Tab>>> Table Group>>> Table Option.Specify the number of rows and columns or click in Insert Table. Write number of rows and columns. Click ok. When you insert a Table, a new Charts Tool appears on the Ribbon Toolbar having two more tabs i.e. Design and Layout HyperlinkHyperlinking is to connect or link your document or presentation with any other document or webpage.To insert a hyperlink: (CTRL + K)Select the word or sentence you want to hyperlink.Click on Insert Tab>>> Link Group >>> Hyperlink Option.Write the web address in Address Box or browse the file in computer with you want to hyperlink. Click OK. ORRight click on the word which you want to hyperlink. Click HyperlinkWrite the web address in address box or browse the file in computer with you want to hyperlink. Click OK.To remove Hyperlink, right click on the word and click on Remove Hyperlink.You can also hyperlink a word or sentence with any slide present in the same document by clicking over “Place in This Document” in Insert Hyperlink dialog box and selecting the slide of your choice.Reusing SlidesTo reuse a slide from an already saved presentationHome Tab >>> Slides Group >>> New Slide drop down list. Click on Reuse SlidesBrowse the presentation file in your computerThe desired presentation will open on right side of the windowClick on the slide you want to use. Answer the following questionsDesign or pattern of slides or group of slides is called ________________An installed ______________ is a set of formatting styles.A blank presentation with formatting styles is called ______________A PowerPoint presentation containing photographs is called ______________Tables can be inserted by ______________ tabChart option is present in Insert tab in _______________ group._________________ are graphical representation of data.Photo album can be created by Insert tab, _____________ groupThe look of all the slides in the presentation can be modified and changed by _______________In PowerPoint, ________________ acts just like a templates and defines __________________ creates a link to a slide, a webpage, email or any program to another.Data of chart can be modified by the option _____________how slides are formattedMaster slide ensures at all slides in a presentation contains ____________ and ______________A new tab _________________ appears on the screen by opening Slide Master.Master Views for slides, notes or handouts can be opened by ________________ tab and ___________ group_________________ are not part of the audience and not displayed to the audience.The printed form of presentation given to the audience is called___________We can change look of all the notes by _________________Handout master makes changes in the ________________ of presentation.Special effects added to text or objects are termed as _______________Table settings can be made by two new tabs __________ and _________Effects applied before each slide and after the previous slide are known as ____________________Effects that shows how a text or object will appear on screen are known as _______________ effectsThe three new tabs that are opened after creating the charts are __________ , ____________ and ________________________________ effects are applied to the existing text or object on screen______________ defines kind of effects which make selected object or text move in a specified path.Effects which define how a text or object will leave screen are known as ________________ effects.The start time of an animation can be changed by _______________ on Custom Animation task pane.The direction and speed of the effects can be modified _______________ task pane._______________ can be used to show data in pictorial formData can be organized in the form of rows and columns with the help of _______________PowerPoint automatically converts the colour of hyperlinked text to __________ colourHyperlinks can be inserted by right click or by going to __________ group of Insert Tab.Slides from the previously made presentation can be reused by Home Tab, Slides group, _____________ drop-down menu ................

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