ECAP 2008 – Steve Jobs at Stanford University

Steve Jobs at Stanford University

Before listening:

• What was the single most fascinating subject you took at college and was it compulsory or optional?

• What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?

• How did you choose your studies / career?

• Would you say you like or love your present studies / job?

• Are you an Apple or a Microsoft person? Or something else?

• How much do you know about Steve Jobs?

• What do you think he would have answered to the first five questions?


Fill in the story titles and answer the questions:

Story One - _________________________________

• What college did he graduate from himself?

• Why did his intended adoptive parents reject him?

• How did he get by for accommodation, money and food after dropping out?

• What subject did he stumble into that turned out to be priceless?

• What sideswipe does he take at Bill Gates?

• Why does he recommend letting yourself be led off the well-worn path?

Story Two - _________________________________

• Why was he fired?

• What slowly began to dawn on him?

• What three things did he do in the five years after starting over?

• What was the remarkable turn of events he mentions?

• What does he mean when he says “Don’t settle”?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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