
• What factors should be considered when developing policies related to the workkplace? family? community?

• How can leadership skills be integrated into the family? career? community? What factors will affect trends in the workplace? community?

• How should we evaluate criteria used for developing a life plan based on how it reflects family, career, learning, leisure, and the community?


• How can families and individuals address the impact of trends in the workplace?

• What criteria should be used to help decide policies related to critical issues in the family? How can the workplace be respectful of the family, individuals, and community?

• What would be the consequences if a person chose not to design a life plan that reflects family, career, learning, leisure, and community goals?


• What leadership techniques do we need to know to develop workplace strategies?

• How can community develop leadership skills? What can we do to develop strategies that address the needs of individuals and families in the workkplace?

• How will continuous evaluation and improvement of a life plan support the vision of well-being for individual, family, career, and community?


• How do family, workplace, and community issues impact trends in the family?

• How can a manager evaluate employee reaction to the development of policies related to critical issues in the workplace? What criteria should be used to address the level of impact that a workplace issue has on the family and community?

• How do we decide the best way to develop a life plan that reflects family, career, learning, leisure, and community goals?



• How do we identify reliable information about employability skills?

• What would be the consequence to the individual of using or not using transferable employability skills?

• How can we develop employability skills that support our vision for the well-being of individual, family, career, and community (synthesize)?


• What communication skills are needed for a job search? keeping a job?

• What cues should we look for to tell if an employer is pleased with our work?

• What effect does work ethic have on the well-being of an individual? family? community? career?


• What skills are needed for employability?

• How can role playing help demonstrate transferable employability skills?

• What might happen if we chose to begin an apprenticeship program at our place of employment?


• How can we develop a plan for acquiring transferable employability skills?

• How can examining different perspectives on employability help form personal criteria for developing employability skills?

• How can implementing transferable employability skills impact individual goals? family goals? community goals? career goals?



• What activities do families have related to community involvement?

• What environmental factors help determine our community involvement?

• Who benefits from families being involved in the community?


• What skills are needed when addressing community issues?

• How can we encourage others to become involved in the community?

• What would happen to a community working together to achieve the group's goals if families did not cooperate with each other?


• What skills do we need to be able to work with community leaders?

• How might a variety of viewpoints affect the outcome of a community project?

• What would happen if a community worked together to achieve the group's goals?


• What are possible consequences if families did not become involved in the community?

• What criteria should be used to determine community activities to involve families and individuals?

• How does individual and family participation affect the outcome of commmunity activities?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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