
Name: ____________________________________________________Period: _________Choices: Truman, Hirohito, and the Atomic BombDirections: Read the background information about Truman’s choices, and answer the following questions.Who were the two scientists who urged President Roosevelt to develop an atomic bomb?Who were the members of Truman’s Interim Committee?Besides recommending that Truman use the atomic bomb to end the war with Japan, what other three things did Truman’s Interim Committee recommend about using the bomb?If Truman made the decision to invade Japan rather than use the atomic bomb, how many casualties did his military advisors project?What did Joseph Stalin promise Truman the Soviet Union would do after Germany’s defeat? What had the previously agreed to with Japan?What news did Truman receive while he was at the Potsdam Conference?Why were Hiroshima and Nagasaki chosen as locations for the atomic bombs to be dropped?Why did a group of scientists oppose the use of the atomic bomb? What was ironic about the group of scientists?What proclamation did the Allies deliver to Japan at the end of the Potsdam Conference? What would be the consequence if Japan refused?What had Truman and his advisors learned about Japan after breaking their secret code?Why do you think so many Japanese were willing to die rather than surrender?What was Japanese Prime Minister Suzuki’s goal when he took office in April, 1945? What did some members of Japan’s government want to do rather than surrender? What did Emperor Hirohito want? What decision did he finally make when he was asked to break the deadlock?What was the one thing Japan insisted on as a condition of their surrender? Why do you think they wanted this one thing?__________________________________________________________________________________________________Philosophical ChairsDirections: As you participate in the discussions/debates about President Truman’s options, use the space below to take notes about the pros and cons shared for each option.OptionsProsConsContinue conventional bombings and a blockadeDemonstrate the Atomic BombWait for the Russians to join the warNegotiate PeaceUse the atomic bomb ................

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