
Meaning/FunctionTransition Signals & Introductory PhrasesCoordinatingConjunctionFANBOYSSubordinatingConjunctionOther PhrasesTo show time orderFirst (of all),Second,Third,Next,ThenFinally,Lastly,After that,Meanwhile,Soon after,Over time,Eventually,, and thenafterasas soon asbeforesinceuntilwhenwhileThe first step is to…The next thing that happened was…Since 2014,….For the past ten years,….In 2014,……During the summer,….After the wedding,….My family and I took the train to Santiago. Next, we got a bus to Valparaiso. Over time, I have become more mature.When I was five years old, I got my first bicycle.She has lived on her own since she came to Houston.It’s not easy choosing the right career. The first step is to figure out what you enjoy doing. After the storm, the streets were flooded.To show order of importance or emphasize importanceFirst (of all),Second,Finally,Lastly,Most importantly,One of the most important issues is....The second most important point is….A more important factor to consider is….The biggest problem is (that)….The most significant issue is (that)….Many people are concerned about the future of the country. One of the most important issues is the economy. The biggest problem in my town is the traffic.In the process of buying a home, a second important factor to consider is the quality of the schools. Meaning/FunctionTransition Signals & Introductory PhrasesCoordinatingConjunctionFANBOYSSubordinatingConjunctionOther PhrasesTo add a similar ideaTo make an additional pointIn addition,Furthermore,Moreover,Also,Besides that,On top of that,, and, nor (“and not”)In addition to + noun, S + VBesides + noun, S + VAnother factor is that….An additional reason is that….A further problem is that…Cities can help the environment by starting neighborhood recycling programs. In addition, they should offer more public transportation. Houston is one of the most diverse cities in United States, and the restaurants serve food from around the world.My grandparents did not live in the city, nor did they own their own car.In addition to recycling programs, cities can help the environment by reducing pollution from factories.To introduce an exampleFor example,For instance,To demonstrate,To illustrate,Specifically,..., such as x and y.…., including x, y, and z.One example of X is…Another example would be…..Students can practice their English outside of class. For example, they can watch movies and videos at home or online.Children inherit physical traits from both parents. To illustrate, I have my father’s eyes but my mother’s nose.Medical students must take many science courses, including biology, chemistry, and anatomy.One example of a food company that uses social media to grow its brand is Nestle. Another example would be Coca-Cola.To compare thingsAlso,Likewise, Similarly,In a similar way,, andjust asBoth X and Y…..…not only…, but also…..Neither….nor…..X is/are as ….as YX and Y are alike in that both….X is similar to Y in that it…The Houston Food Bank supplies food to low-income people. Likewise, Home Aid Houston provides them homes. My friend takes bus 41 to work, and I take it to school. Just as some people talk in their sleep, deaf people sometimes use sign language in their sleep.Both America and Canada celebrate Thanksgiving. / Neither bread nor pasta is allowed on the diet.Paris and London are alike in that they were both Roman cities. Meaning/FunctionTransition Signals & Introductory PhrasesCoordinatingConjunctionFANBOYSSubordinatingConjunctionOther PhrasesTo introduce an opposite ideaTo contrast thingsHowever,In contrast,On the other hand,In comparison,On the contrary,, butwhilewhereasIn contrast to + noun, S + VCompared to + noun, S + VUnlike + noun, S + VX is different from Y in that it…X differs from Y in that it….X and Y are different….X and Y are dissimilar…The Internet needs to be a free and open source of information. However, we still need to protect the rights of artists and musicians.The new shopping center is conveniently located, but it has increased traffic in the area. While some schools have German and French classes, others only offer Spanish. Whereas older cars tend to use more gas, newer cars use much less. In contrast to Obama, President Trump does not really care about protecting the environment.Unlike most software programs, this one is very easy to use. Houston differs from New York in that it is a much younger city. My mother and father are different in the way they talk to me.To introduce an unexpected contrast or a concessionNevertheless,Nonetheless,Still,, yetalthougheven thoughthoughDespite + noun, S + VIn spite of + noun, S + VRegardless of + noun, S + VWhile it may be true that….My grandmother is eighty years old. Nevertheless, she still lives by herself. My neighbor always helps me, yet she never expects anything in return. Even though we know what causes tornadoes, predicting a tornado is still very difficult. Despite the stormy weather, the soccer game was not cancelled.Regardless of the cost, I plan to get the new iPhone when it comes out. While it may be true that the number of women in upper management is increasing, they still get paid less than men. Meaning/FunctionTransition Signals & Introductory PhrasesCoordinatingConjunctionFANBOYSSubordinatingConjunctionOther PhrasesTo introduce a cause/reason, forwhenif becausesinceasDue to + noun, S + VBecause of + noun, S + VAs a result of + noun, S + VAs a consequence of + noun, S + VX results from YX is the result of YI plan to get a master’s degree, for I want to be a biology professor.When people throw trash into the river, the water becomes polluted.The building was torn down because it was old.All schools were closed due to the hurricane.Because of the low cost of living, many people choose to reside in Houston.Headaches can result from too much stress.Her novel was the result of years of research.To introduce an effect/resultAs a result,Therefore,For this reason,Consequently,As a consequence,Thus,, soX results in YX causes YX has an effect on YX has an impact on YX is the cause of YX is the reason Maria has twenty years of experience. Therefore, she is the best person for this job.My husband has a sensitive stomach, so he avoids spicy foods.Air pollution can result in health problems such as asthma.Getting a better job is the reason I’m studying English.To emphasize a point or state a truth or factIn fact,In reality,Actually,This is especially true when….This happens mainly when….My roommate is addicted to coffee. In fact, she drinks about eight cups a day. I will never forget the day my daughter was born. Actually, it was the most important day in my life. People need to keep their credit card information safe. This is especially true when shopping online. Meaning/FunctionTransition Signals & Introductory PhrasesCoordinatingConjunctionFANBOYSSubordinatingConjunctionOther PhrasesTo show purposeFor this reason,For these reasons,For this purpose,To this end,With this in mind,so thatin order toin the hope thatfor the purpose of I need to buy a new car. For this reason, I have decided to get an extra part-time job. I am interested in your accounting position. With this in mind, I have attached my resume.Parents need to let their children make mistakes so that they learn from the experience. He’s going to college in order to get a degree in marketing. The city is building a new park in the hope that many people use and enjoy it. To concludeIn conclusion,In brief,In summary,In short,To conclude,To summarize,All in all,Overall,In conclusion, San Salvador has many problems caused by public transportation, but the local government can solve the problem with a new strategy.To summarize, many immigrants decide to return home because they miss their language, their culture, and their families. All in all, organizations could be a great solution to keep natural areas clean and make people think about their actions. ................

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