I. Call to Order

• The meeting was called to order at 9:39

II. Approval of March 9, 2017 Meeting Minutes

• The minutes will be filed as written.

III. Principal’s Report, Mrs. Frost

• Park Testing is continuing with 3rd, 4th, and 5th. 5th grade will be taking a science assessment.

• The Rock Wall has been installed and the PE classes have been using it.

• iPads are being programmed this week.

• Field Day is 5/30 rain date 5/31. Mrs. Kiesewetter will be looking for volunteers.

• 5th Grade Celebration will be the last day of school 6/2 in the afternoon.

• Glow 5k will be 6/3.

• Playground had some revisions and repairs.

• Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast will be at the next PTA meeting at 9:30.

• Class Lists Development - There is a parent input form that was sent in the announcements. The deadline is 5/5.

• Chrome Book pilot will be next year.

IV. President’s Report

• IPPC Meeting - 18/19 school year will change the divisions we play in sports. Lacrosse - people want it as a sanctioned sport.There is a new food service company that will be more inline with the dietary needs.

• Registration packets will be going home soon with some PTA forms.

• Open Chair Positions - Mascot, Directory, TAW Liaison, Box Top co-chair, Square 1 Art, Apparel, Pics with Pete, Fall Photography.

Next Year Board Elections

The following candidates have been elected:

President - Megan Fastabend

VP Administration - Shannon Adcock

VP Enrichment - Carrie Giabobbe

VP Finance - Stephanie Rodebaugh

Secretary - Ellen Creaves

Treasurer - Yan Lee

V. Treasurer’s Report

Register Balance $20992.40

Income Highlights - none

Expense Highlights - $3356.89 Field Trips STEAM related, Sock Hop, Spring Family Fun, Staff Recognition, STEAM Academy, TAW Lunch, Wheel of Wisdom.

Projected Income - Oberwise, Square 1 Art, Sharkos, IPEF.

Projected Expenses - Wheel of Wisdom

VI. VP - Finance/Fund Raising

• Square 1 Art - Items should be going home today or Thursday.

• School Supply Kits - Ordering will be all on line. Assignment notebooks will be ordered through the office.

• Summer Bridge Books - will be in next weeks list serve $14.95.

• Restaurant Nights - 4/19 Chipotle, 5/2 ModPizza, 5/17 Yogurt Beach

VII. VP - Administrative/Service

• 5th Grade Celebration - 2pm on the last day of school. Things are already done. 5/4 is visit Crone.

• Teacher Appreciation Week - Monday is Breakfast, Wed is taco truck, Friday is barrista. There will also be a school supply bar and snack day.

• TAW Classrooms - Tuesday - students bring in candy, Friday - students bring in a note to their teacher. Money collected will be pooled together and then distributed. Suggestion for next year was to stream line and everyone does the same thing from the PTA and not the liaison.

VIII. VP - Enrichment/Social

• STEAM Day - April 27th - People who are presenting can preview their space on 4/24.

• Variety Show - It is in the works.

• Science Fair - looking to pull in more 4th and 5th grade. Overall there was great participation.

• We collected 1500 books from the book drive.

IX. Old Business

• None

X. New Business

• None

XI. Meeting adjourned at 10:55.

• None


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