CG CC 6456 Intertie Deviation Settlement v5.0

| |Settlements & Billing |

| | |

| | |

|Configuration Guide: |Intertie Schedules Decline ChargesIntertie |

| |Deviation Settlement |

| | |

| |6456CC 6455 |

| | |

| |Version 5.90 |

Table of Contents

1. Purpose of Document 3

2. Introduction 3

2.1 Background 3

2.2 Description 3

3. Charge Code Requirements 4

3.1 Business Rules 4

3.2 Predecessor Charge Codes 6

3.3 Successor Charge Codes 6

3.4 Inputs – External Systems 7

3.5 Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations 8

3.6 CAISO Formula 9

3.7 Outputs 16

4. Charge Code Effective Dates 19

Purpose of Document

The purpose of this document is to capture the requirements and design specification for a Settlements Charge Code in one document.


1 Background

It is the responsibility of the ISO to ensure there is enough energy supply to meet load across the balancing authority area footprint. Maintaining the balance between supply and demand will ensure stability of the bulk electric grid.

Internal supply sources and interchange, which is energy imported and exported across interties, are used to balance load across the ISO’s balancing authority area. An intertie is an interconnection permitting the flow of electric power (current) between two or more balancing authority areas.

When an intertie resource receives a market award to import energy into the balancing authority area but does not deliver the awarded energy, the grid operator must maintain system balance by increasing internal supply or finding another intertie resource to replace the undelivered energy.

The purpose of the Intertie Deviation Settlement is to incentivize delivery of awarded energy. Its objective is to decrease the number of undelivered intertie resources that occur due to declines and under-tagging. Therefore, the purpose is to incentivize acceptance and delivery of market awards – if an award is either declined or not tagged, the market participant will be charged based on the price implications to the real-time market.

Under the ISO market design that integrates the requirements of FERC Order 764, block intertie schedules will be accepted in the hour-ahead scheduling process, but the ISO will not establish financially binding prices for settlement purposes through that process. Therefore, there can be instances where a resource does not bear a financial consequence, if it is unable to meet its advisory energy schedule. Such instances can occur when an incremental export is constrained in the import direction, when an incremental import is constrained in the export direction, or when an import from a variable energy resource overstates its expected energy output.

Under the ISO’s real-time market changes instituted for FERC Order 764, an intertie schedule decline charge, similar to the HASP intertie schedules decline charge in existence prior to the changes, will apply to various intertie schedules. The intent of this charge, as presented through Settlement Charge Code CC 6455, is to penalize energy schedules that are not delivered or variable energy resource forecasts that are over-stated but do not otherwise incur a financial obligation in the market for the undelivered energy. The proposed intertie schedules decline charge will apply to the different hourly block scheduling options, delineated as follows:

1) Hourly Block;

2) Hourly Block with Schedule Change; and

3) Variable Energy Resource Using its Own Forecast.

2 Description

Charge Code “CC 6455 6456 – Intertie Schedules Decline Monthly ChargesDeviation Settlement” will perform the calculations necessary to implement the business rules identified in the Business Rules of the following section here below.

Charge Code Requirements

1 Business Rules

|Bus Req ID |Business Rule |

| |This Charge Code shall calculate on a monthly daily basis. |

| |For adjustments to the Charge Code that cannot be accomplished by correction of upstream data inputs/recalculation or |

| |operator override Pass Through Bill Charge logic will be applied. |

| |Actual Scheduling Coordinators (SCs) are referenced by Business Associate ID, and CAISO shall settle with Business |

| |Associates (BA) through these IDs. |

| |The formulas herein adopt the convention that payments made by CAISO to BAs will be negative, while payments received by |

| |the CAISO from BAs (charges to BAs) will be positive. (In other words, the signs reflect the flow of money from the point |

| |of view of the CAISO.) |

| |The Decline Potential ChargeIntertie Deviation Settlement shall apply to Intertie transactions as discussed below. |

| |The Decline Potential Charge does not apply to FMM Schedules of Economic Bids, Dynamic Transfers, and Variable Energy |

| |Resources located outside the CAISO Balancing Authority Area that have been qualified to use the forecast of their output |

| |produced by the CAISO and utilizes the CAISO forecast.Intertie Deviation Settlement shall only apply to intertie resources|

| |(non-dynamic system resources) within the ISO BAA. |

| |Intertie resources that are statically scheduled into the ISO (non-dynamic system resources) can bid using the following |

| |options: |

| |Self-scheduled hourly block. An intertie resource bid that is a price taker. The schedule must remain constant throughout|

| |the operating hour and is unable to be dispatched on a fifteen minute basis. |

| |Economic hourly block. An intertie resource bid that specifies a price. The schedule must remain constant throughout the |

| |operating hour and is unable to be dispatched on a fifteen minute basis. |

| |Economic hourly block with intra-hour option. An intertie resource bid that specifies a price. The schedule can only |

| |change one time during the operating hour. |

| |Economic. An intertie resource bid that specifies a price. The schedule can change every fifteen-minute interval as |

| |scheduled by the fifteen-minute market. |

| |Economic variable energy resource. A variable energy resource that is economically bid as an intertie resource. The |

| |economic variable energy resource schedule can change every fifteen-minute interval as scheduled by the fifteen-minute |

| |market. |

| |The Decline Potential Charge will not apply if the decline is made after the applicable E-tag deadline. |

| |The Intertie Deviation Settlement shall apply to intertie resources awarded in the day-ahead market, hour-ahead scheduling|

| |process, incremental and decremental changes between the day-ahead market and hour-ahead scheduling process, and the |

| |fifteen-minute market.Economic Hourly Block Bid with Intra-Hour Option: |

| |Imports and exports accepted in an HASP Block Intertie Schedule that are incremental to Day-Ahead Schedules are subject to|

| |the Decline Potential Charge to the extent the decline is made prior to the start of the applicable FMM interval. |

| |System shall exclude balancing authority operator curtailments from the Intertie Deviation Settlement. |

| |If an E-Tag is both curtailed and adjusted, the ISO will only apply the Intertie Deviation Settlement to the amount of the|

| |adjustment. The reliability curtailed amount will be excluded from the charge.The Decline Potential Charge will not apply|

| |if the decline is made after the applicable E-tag deadline. |

| |System shall apply the Intertie Deviation Settlement to both under and over tagging. |

| |In the case of an Exceptional Dispatch or other manual Dispatch Instruction, the Under/Over Delivery Quantity shall be |

| |the absolute value of the difference between the: (1) Exceptional Dispatch or manual Dispatch Instruction quantity; and |

| |(2) final quantity of the Energy profile on the Intertie transaction’s E-Tag. |

| |The Intertie Deviation Settlement price shall equal 50% of the greater of the real-time dispatch or fifteen-minute |

| |locational marginal price. This price shall be applied for each interval in which an under/over delivery quantity is |

| |calculated. |

| |System shall keep a floor of $10 for the Intertie Deviation Settlement amount. |

| |System shall calculate the Intertie Deviation Settlement quantity for hourly intertie resources by comparing the HASP |

| |schedule to the E-Tag energy profile. The Intertie Deviation Settlement quantity will equal the absolute value of the |

| |difference between the HASP schedule and the after the fact E-Tag energy profile. To the extent the incremental import or|

| |export schedule in HASP is curtailed through the FMM, for the 15-minute FMM interval in which the resource follows the |

| |CAISO Dispatch Instructions the resource will not be subject to the Decline Potential Charge. |

| |System shall levy an additional 25% charge at the greater of the FMM or RTD LMP when the scheduling coordinator accepts an|

| |award in ADS but fails to deliver the energy. The 25% charge will apply to the entire portion of the under/over delivered|

| |quantity. |

| |System shall calculate the undelivered quantity for fifteen-minute dispatchable resources by comparing the E-Tag |

| |transmission profile to the HASP schedule for each fifteen-minute interval. If this value is less than 0 (the |

| |transmission profile does not fully support the HASP schedule), the charge will apply to the difference between the two. |

| |If this value is greater than or equal to 0 (the transmission profile adequately supports the HASP schedule), the charge |

| |will not apply. |

| |Settlements must receive the 15 minute transmission profile and the HASP schedule for all intertie resources. |

| |Implementation Note: This is new service that accomodates the change in granularity from hourly to 15 minutes.For each |

| |Trading Hour, the CAISO compares the maximum 15-minute FMM Schedule (that is based on the forecast submitted 37.5 minutes |

| |prior to flow and considered to be financial binding) to the maximum 15-minute advisory schedule from the Hour-Ahead |

| |Scheduling Process (based upon the hourly forecast received 75 minutes prior to flow) and calculates the differences |

| |between the two. |

| |The charge funds collected will be allocated to measured demand less existing transmission contracts (ETCs) and |

| |transmission operating rights (TORs). |

| |Note: This ensures a charge exists even when pricing is low or negative. |

| |Decline Potential Charge: |

| |For any Settlement Interval, the Decline Potential Charge – Imports or Decline Potential Charge – Exports, as the case may|

| |be, shall equal the MWh quantity of the import or export not delivered multiplied by the greater of $10/MWh or fifty |

| |percent (50%) of the FMM LMP. |

2 Predecessor Charge Codes

|Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name |

|Pre-calculation – Real-Time Energy |

|Pre-calculation – Real-Time Price |

3 Successor Charge Codes

|Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name |

|CC 64578 – Intertie Schedules Decline ChargesDeviation Settlement Allocation |

|CC 4989 – Rounding Adjustment Settlement |

4 Inputs – External Systems

|Row # |Variable Name |Description |

| |BAHourlyResourceFMMFinalAcceptedEnergySchedule |Tagged, final-accepted FMM Energy Schedule (in MW), as registered by |

| |BrtQ’uT’I’M’F’S’mdh |ADS in response to an intertie resource dispatch instruction, for a |

| | |given intertie resource and Trading Hour. The input is used to |

| | |determine the resource’s binding Energy for each FMM Interval. |

| |BAHourlyResourceFMMTransmissionSchedule |The tagged Fifteen Minute Transmission Schedule (in MW) recorded in CAS|

| |BA15MResourceTransmissionSchedule BrtQ’uT’I’M’F’S’mdhc |for an intertie resource. The input is provided for a given intertie |

| | |resource and Trading Hour.each 15 min Interval. The input is used to |

| | |determine the resource’s binding Energy for each FMM Interval.calculate|

| | |the Intertie Deviation Settlement quantity for 15 min economic bid |

| | |resources. |

| |BAHourlyResourceFifteenMinuteIntertieEconomicBidFlag |A flag (1/0) where 1 indicates that a given resource’ Intertie Bid |

| |BrtQ’mdh |Option for a specified Balancing Authority Area, and Trading Hour |

| | |is as follows: |

| | |EB15MIN: Economic bid with participation in 15-minute market. |

| |BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockIntertieFlag BrtQ’mdh |A flag (1/0) where 1 indicates that a given resource’ Intertie Bid |

| | |Option for a specified Balancing Authority Area, and Trading Hour |

| | |is as follows: |

| | |EBHB: Economic bid hourly block. |

| | |EBHBCHG: Economic bid hourly block with single intra-hour economic |

| | |schedule change. |

| | |SSHB: Self scheduled hourly block. |

| |BAHourlyResourceHASPBlockAdvisoryEnergySchedule |Energy (in MW) cleared by the HASP for the specified Trading Hour from |

| |BrtQ’uT’I’M’F’S’mdhBAHourlyResourceHASPBlockAdvisoryEne|the HASP Block Intertie Schedule that a Scheduling Coordinator has |

| |rgySchedule BrtuT’I’M’F’S’mdh |submitted in the FMM for an intertie resource and the four (4) FMM |

| | |Intervals of a Trading Hour. The FMM will utilize the cleared HASP |

| | |Block Energy as the resource’s initial advisory Energy for the FMM |

| | |Intervals of the Trading Hour. The advisory Energy can subsequently be |

| | |updated in the FMM through the intertie tagging process until the FMM |

| | |interval in which the Energy becomes binding.Energy (in MW) cleared by |

| | |the HASP for the specified Trading Hour from the HASP Block Intertie |

| | |Schedule that a Scheduling Coordinator has submitted in the FMM for an |

| | |intertie resource and the four (4) FMM Intervals of a Trading Hour. The|

| | |FMM will utilize the cleared HASP Block Energy as the resource’s |

| | |initial advisory Energy for the FMM Intervals of the Trading Hour. The |

| | |advisory Energy can subsequently be updated in the FMM through the |

| | |intertie tagging process until the FMM interval in which the Energy |

| | |becomes binding. |

| |BA5MResourceReliabilityCurtailmentQty BrtQ’mdhcif |The Reliability Curtailment quantity for a given intertie resource. |

| |PTBChargeAdjustmentFMMIntertieDeclineCharge |PTB adjustment variable for this Charge Code, amount per Business |

| |PTBChargeAdjustmentIntertieDeviationSettlement BJmdm |Associate and Trading Monthdate. ($) |

| |BA15MResourceFMMIntertieExceptionalDispatchInstructionQ|The Fixed Exceptional Dispatch Instruction for a given intertie |

| |ty BrtQ’mdhc |resource and a fifteen-minute FMM interval. |

| |BA5MResourceRTDIntertieExceptionalDispatchInstructionQt|The Fixed Exceptional Dispatch Instruction for a given intertie |

| |y BrtQ’mdhcif |resource and a five-minute RTD interval. |

5 Inputs - Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations

|Row # |Variable Name |Predecessor Charge Code/ Pre-calc Configuration |

|1 |SettlementIntervalRTDLMP |Real-Time Price PrecalculationReal-Time Energy Precalculation |

| |BrtuT’I’M’mdhcifSettlementIntervalOAEnergy | |

| |BrtuT’I’Q’M’F’S’mdhcif | |

|2 |FMMIntervalLMPPrice BrtuM’mdhc |Real-Time Price Precalculation |

|3 |SettlementIntervalInterchangeFlowQuantityFiltered |System Resource Deemed Delivered Energy Quantity PC |

| |Brtmdhcif | |

|4 |BAHourlyResourceDABalancedContractCRNFilteredQuantity |ETC/TOR/CVR Quantity Pre-calculation |

| |Brtmdh | |

|5 |BASettlementIntervalResourceFinalBalancedContractCRNFil|ETC/TOR/CVR Quantity Pre-calculation |

| |teredQuantity Brtmdhcif | |

6 CAISO Formula

The monthly daily settlement of penalties for declinedIntertie Deviations intertie import and export schedules and over-forecasted VER import Energy for each Business Associate by Trading Month Day is derived according to the formulation below.

Note: The following calculation is listed starting with the final charge calculation and progressively detailing the intermediate calculations and Settlement input.

1. Total HA Intertie Bid Decline and VER Import Over-forecast Charge over the CAISO Control Area by Trading Month:

CAISOTotalIntertieDeviationSettlementAmount md =

SUM (B, h, c , i, f) CAISOMonthlyIntertieScheduleDeclineAndVEROverForecastCharge m =

[pic](BAMonthlyIntertieScheduleDeclineAndVEROverForecastCharge Bm +

PTBChargeAdjustmentFMMIntertieDeclineCharge BJm )

BA5MTotalIntertieDeviationSettlementAmount Bmdhcif

BA5MTotalIntertieDeviationSettlementAmount Bmdhcif =

BA5MFifteenMinuteIntertieTotalDeviationSettlementAmount Bmdhcif + BA5MHourlyBlockIntertieTotalDeviationSettlementAmount Bmdhcif + PTBChargeAdjustmentIntertieDeviationSettlementFiltered Bmd

Total HA Interte Schedule Decline and VER Import Over-forecast Charge by BA and Trading Month:

BAMonthlyIntertieScheduleDeclineAndVEROverForecastCharge Bm =

BAMonthlyIntertieImportBidDeclineCharge Bm + BAMonthlyIntertieExportBidDeclineCharge Bm + BAMonthlyIntertieImportVEROverForecastCharge Bm

Intertie Non-VER Imports15M Economic Bid Resources

BA5MFifteenMinuteIntertieTotalDeviationSettlementAmount Bmdhcif =

SUM (r, t) BA5MResourceFifteenMinuteIntertieDeviationSettlementAmount Brtmdhcif

Note: BA5MResourceFifteenMinuteIntertieDeviationSettlementAmount Brtmdhcif is the driver. Equation will not calculate if the driver does not exist.

1 Decline Monthly Charge – Imports by BA and Trading Month:

BAMonthlyIntertieImportBidDeclineCharge Bm =

BAMonthlyIntertieImportBidDeclinePotentialCharges Bm * BAMonthlyFMMIntertieImportBidDeclineRatio Bm

Where Exists

BAMonthlyFMMIntertieImportBidDeclineRatio Bm

Where BAMonthlyIntertieImportBidDeclinePotentialCharges Bm =

[pic]BA15MinResourceIntertieImportBidDeclinePotentialCharges Brtmdhc

2 BA5MResourceFifteenMinuteIntertieDeviationSettlementAmount Brtmdhcif =

Where BA15MinResourceIntertieImportBidDeclinePotentialCharges Brtmdhc =

BA5MResourceFifteenMinuteIntertieDeviationSettlementQuantity Brtmdhcif BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh * BA5MResourceIntertieDeviationSettlementPrice Brtmdhcif BA15MinIntertieImportBidDeclinePotentialCharges Brtmdhc

Both Intertie VER Imports and Intertie Non-VER Imports

And BA15MinIntertieImportBidDeclinePotential

6 BA5MResourceFifteenMinuteIntertieDeviationSettlementQuantity Brtmdhcif =harges Brtmdhc =


BA5MResourceExceptionalDispatchInstructionFlag Brtmdhcif = 1



BA5MResourceIntertieExceptionalDispatchInstructionQuantity Brtmdhcif – (SettlementIntervalInterchangeFlowQuantityFiltered Brtmdhcif + BA5MResourceReliabilityCurtailmentFilteredQuantity Brtmdhcif




(BA5MResourceETCTORBalancedExemptQuantity Brtmdhcif >= BA5MResourceFifteenMinuteTransmissionSchedule Brtmdhcif)


(BA5MResourceETCTORBalancedExemptQuantity Brtmdhcif 0


BA15MinImportUndeliveredEnergyQuantity Brtmdhc =

MIN (0, BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyDeviationEnergy Brtmdhc ) * (-1)


BA15MinImportUndeliveredEnergyQuantity Brtmdhc = 0

End If

Intertie VER Imports, Intertie Non-VER Imports and Intertie Exports

9 And BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyDeviationEnergy Brtmdhc =

BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyFMMOverallBindingEnergy Brtmdhc – (BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyFMMExpectedIntertieFlow Brtmdhc + BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyOAEnergy Brtmdhc )

10 And BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyOAEnergy Brtmdhc =

BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh *


BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyFMMExpectedIntertieFlow Brtmdhc

= 0


BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyOAEnergy Brtmdhc = 0


BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyFMMExpectedIntertieFlow Brtmdhc

> 0


BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyOAEnergy Brtmdhc =

[pic]MIN(0, SettlementIntervalOAEnergy BrtuT’I’Q’M’F’S’mdhcif )


BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyOAEnergy Brtmdhc =

[pic]MAX(0, SettlementIntervalOAEnergy BrtuT’I’Q’M’F’S’mdhcif)




Resource Type (t) in (‘ITIE’,’ETIE’)


Entity Component Type (F’) ‘TG’


Balancing Authority Area (Q’) = ‘CISO’


Where Does Not Exist

BADeclinedHourlyPreDispatchPenaltyExceptionFlag B, BAResourceDeclinedHourlyPreDispatchPenaltyExceptionFlag BrtF’


The same value for variable BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh applies over all four (4) FMM Intervals (c) of the Trading Hour.

11 And BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyFMMOverallBindingEnergy Brtmdhc =

BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyHourlyBlockBindingEnergy Brtmdhc +

(1/4) * BAHourlyResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyVERSMaxFMMForecastBindingEnergy Brtmdh

12 And BAHourlyResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyVERSMaxFMMForecastBindingEnergy Brtmdh =

MAX over c {[pic](BAHourlyResourceVERForecastIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh * BA15MinResourceFMMForecastEnergy Brtmdhc) }

13 BA15MinResourceFMMForecastEnergy

BA15MinResourceFMMForecastEnergy Brtmdhc = [pic][pic] BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyFMMFinalForecastEnergy BrtF’S’mdhc

14 And BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyHourlyBlockBindingEnergy Brtmdhc =

BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh *



BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyFMMExpectedIntertieFlow Brtmdhc = 0


BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyHourlyBlockBindingEnergy Brtmdhc = 0

Else If

BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyFMMExpectedIntertieFlow Brtmdhc > 0


BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyHourlyBlockBindingEnergy Brtmdhc =

Min(BA15MinResourceFMMIntertieFinalAcceptedEnergySchedule Brtmdhc, BA15MinResourceFMMTransmissionSchedule Brtmdhc)


BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyHourlyBlockBindingEnergy Brtmdhc = Max(BA15MinResourceFMMIntertieFinalAcceptedEnergySchedule Brtmdhc, BA15MinResourceFMMTransmissionSchedule Brtmdhc)

End If



The same value for variable BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh applies over all four (4) FMM Intervals (c) of the Trading Hour.

15 And BA15MinResourceFMMIntertieFinalAcceptedEnergySchedule Brtmdhc =


BAHourlyResourceFMMDefaultFinalAcceptedEnergyFlag BrtuT’I’M’F’S’mdh = 1


BA15MinResourceFMMIntertieFinalAcceptedEnergySchedule Brtmdhc =

[pic](1/4) * BAHourlyResourceHASPBlockAdvisoryEnergySchedule BrtuT’I’M’F’S’mdh


BA15MinResourceFMMIntertieFinalAcceptedEnergySchedule Brtmdhc =

[pic]((1/4) * BAHourlyResourceFMMFinalAcceptedEnergySchedule BrtuT’I’M’F’S’mdh )



(Resource Type t = ‘ITIE’ OR ‘ETIE’) AND Entity Component Subtype F’ ‘TG’


Where Does Not Exist

BADeclinedHourlyPreDispatchPenaltyExceptionFlag B, BAResourceDeclinedHourlyPreDispatchPenaltyExceptionFlag BrtF’

16 And BA15MinResourceFMMTransmissionSchedule Brtmdhc =

[pic] ((1/4) * BAHourlyResourceFMMTransmissionSchedule BrtuT’I’M’F’S’mdh)


(Resource Type t = ‘ITIE’ OR ‘ETIE’) AND Entity Component Subtype F’ ‘TG’


Where Does Not Exist

BADeclinedHourlyPreDispatchPenaltyExceptionFlag B, BAResourceDeclinedHourlyPreDispatchPenaltyExceptionFlag BrtF’

17 And BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockOrVERIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh =

Max(BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh, BAHourlyResourceVERForecastIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh)


BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockOrVERIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh shall be calculated and published on daily settlement statements.

18 And BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh =

Max(BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockWithoutIntraHourIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh, BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockWithIntraHourIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh )


BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh shall be calculated and published on daily settlement statements.

19 And BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockWithoutIntraHourIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh =



BAHourlyResourceIntertieBidOptionsFlag BrtQ’mdh = 5 (“”SSHB”)


BAHourlyResourceIntertieBidOptionsFlag BrtQ’mdh = 3 (“EBHB”)


BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockWithoutIntraHourIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh = 1


BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockWithoutIntraHourIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh = 0




Balancing Authority Area (Q’) = ‘CISO’


BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockWithoutIntraHourIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh shall be calculated and published on daily settlement statements.

20 And BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockWithIntraHourIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh =



BAHourlyResourceIntertieBidOptionsFlag BrtQ’mdh = 4 (“EBHBCHG”)


BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockWithIntraHourIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh = 1


BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockWithIntraHourIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh = 0




Balancing Authority Area (Q’) = ‘CISO’


BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockWithIntraHourIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh shall be calculated and published on daily settlement statements.

21 And BAHourlyResourceVERForecastIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh =



BAHourlyResourceIntertieBidOptionsFlag BrtQ’mdh = 6 (“SSVER”)


BAHourlyResourceVERForecastIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh = 1


BAHourlyResourceVERForecastIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh = 0




Balancing Authority Area (Q’) = ‘CISO’


BAHourlyResourceVERForecastIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh shall be calculated and published on daily settlement statements.

22 And BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyFMMExpectedIntertieFlow Brtmdhc =

(BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyHourlyBlockFMMOriginalAdvisoryEnergy Brtmdhc +

(1/4) * BAHourlyResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyMaxFMMVERForecastEnergy Brtmdh

23 And BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyHourlyBlockFMMOriginalAdvisoryEnergy Brtmdhc =

(1/4) * BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh * BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyFMMOriginalAdvisoryEnergy Brtmdhc

24 And BAHourlyResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyMaxFMMVERForecastEnergy Brtmdh =

MAX over c {[pic](BAHourlyResourceVERForecastIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh * BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyFMMOriginalAdvisoryEnergy Brtmdhc ) }

25 And BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyFMMOriginalAdvisoryEnergy Brtmdhc =

[pic] (BAHourlyResourceHASPBlockAdvisoryEnergySchedule BrtuT’I’M’F’S’mdh

+ BA15MinResourceVERHASPAdvisorySchedule BrtuT’I’M’F’S’mdhc )


(Resource Type t = ‘ITIE’ OR ‘ETIE’) AND Entity Component Subtype F’ ‘TG’


Where Does Not Exist

BADeclinedHourlyPreDispatchPenaltyExceptionFlag B, BAResourceDeclinedHourlyPreDispatchPenaltyExceptionFlag BrtF’


In the above formula the same value for variable BAHourlyResourceHASPBlockAdvisoryEnergySchedule BrtuT’I’M’F’S’mdh applies (is duplicated) over all four (4) FMM Intervals (c) of the Trading Hour.

Intertie Non-VER Imports

26 And BAMonthlyFMMIntertieImportBidDeclineRatio Bm =

If BAMonthlyFMMIntertieImportBidDeclineQuantity Bm 0


BAMonthlyFMMIntertieImportBidDeclineRatio Bm = (MAX(0,(BAMonthlyFMMIntertieImportBidDeclineQuantity Bm - BAMonthlyFMMIntertieImportBidDeclineThresholdQuantity Bm)))/ BAMonthlyFMMIntertieImportBidDeclineQuantity Bm


BAMonthlyFMMIntertieImportBidDeclineRatio Bm = 0

End If

27 And BAMonthlyFMMIntertieImportBidDeclineQuantity Bm =

[pic]BA15MinResourceFMMIntertieImportBidDeclineQuantity Brtmdhc

28 And BA15MinResourceFMMIntertieImportBidDeclineQuantity Brtmdhc =

BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh * BA15MinImportUndeliveredEnergyQuantity Brtmdhc

29 BAMonthlyFMMIntertieImportBidDeclineThresholdQuantity Bm =

MAX(ImportsDeclineThresholdQuantity m, BAMonthlyImportsDeclineThresholdPercentageQuantity Bm)

Where Exists

BAMonthlyImportsDeclineThresholdPercentageQuantity Bm

30 And BAMonthlyImportsDeclineThresholdPercentageQuantity Bm =

ImportsDeclineThresholdPercentage m *

BAMonthlyImportsFMMHourlyBlockDispatchQuantity Bm

31 And BAMonthlyImportsFMMHourlyBlockDispatchQuantity Bm =

[pic]BA15MinResourceImportsFMMHourlyBlockDispatchQuantity Brtmdhc

32 And BA15MinResourceImportsFMMHourlyBlockDispatchQuantity Brtmdhc =

BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh * BA15MinResourceFMMInterchangeImportDispatchQuantity Brtmdhc

Both Intertie VER Imports and Intertie Non-VER Imports

33 And BA15MinResourceFMMInterchangeImportDispatchQuantity Brtmdhc =

BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockOrVERIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh *



BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyFMMExpectedIntertieFlow Brtmdhc

> 0


BA15MinResourceHAInterchangeImportDispatchQuantity Brtmdhc = ABS(BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyFMMExpectedIntertieFlow Brtmdhc + BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyOAEnergy Brtmdhc )


BA15MinResourceHAInterchangeImportDispatchQuantity Brtmdhc = 0

End If



The same value for variable BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockOrVERIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh applies over all four (4) FMM Intervals (c) of the Trading Hour.

Intertie ExportsHourly Block Interties

BA5MHourlyBlockIntertieTotalDeviationSettlementAmount Bmdhcif =

SUM (r, t) BA5MResourceHourlyBlockIntertieDeviationSettlementAmount Brtmdhcif + BA5MResourceUndeliveredADSAcceptAdditionalPenaltyAmount Brtmdhcif

Note: BA5MResourceHourlyBlockIntertieDeviationSettlementAmount Brtmdhcif and BA5MResourceUndeliveredADSAcceptAdditionalPenaltyAmount Brtmdhcif are the drivers. Equation will not calculate if the drivers do not exist.

Decline Monthly Charge – Exports by BA and Trading Month

BAMonthlyIntertieExportBidDeclineCharge Bm =

BAMonthlyIntertieExportBidDeclinePotentialCharges Bm * BAMonthlyFMMIntertieExportBidDeclineRatio Bm

1 WBA5MResourceHourlyBlockIntertieDeviationSettlementAmount Brtmdhcif =here BAMonthlyIntertieExportBidDeclinePotentialCharges Bm =

BA5MResourceHourlyBlockIntertieDeviationSettlementQuantity Brtmdhcif * BA5MResourceIntertieDeviationSettlementPrice Brtmdhcif

[pic]BA15MinIntertieExportBidDeclinePotentialCharges Brtmdhc

BA5MResourceHourlyBlockIntertieDeviationSettlementQuantity Brtmdhcif =


BA5MResourceExceptionalDispatchInstructionFlag Brtmdhcif = 1



BA5MResourceIntertieExceptionalDispatchInstructionQuantity Brtmdhcif – (SettlementIntervalInterchangeFlowQuantityFiltered Brtmdhcif + BA5MResourceReliabilityCurtailmentFilteredQuantity Brtmdhcif))



(BA5MResourceETCTORBalancedExemptQuantity Brtmdhcif < (SettlementIntervalInterchangeFlowQuantityFiltered Brtmdhcif + BA5MResourceReliabilityCurtailmentFilteredQuantity Brtmdhcif))


(BA5MResourceETCTORBalancedExemptQuantity Brtmdhcif < BA5MResourceHASPBlockAdvisoryEnergySchedule Brtmdhcif)


ABS ( BA5MResourceHASPBlockAdvisoryEnergySchedule Brtmdhcif – (SettlementIntervalInterchangeFlowQuantityFiltered Brtmdhcif + BA5MResourceReliabilityCurtailmentFilteredQuantity Brtmdhcif



((BA5MResourceETCTORBalancedExemptQuantity Brtmdhcif = BA5MResourceHASPBlockAdvisoryEnergySchedule Brtmdhcif))


((BA5MResourceETCTORBalancedExemptQuantity Brtmdhcif >= (SettlementIntervalInterchangeFlowQuantityFiltered Brtmdhcif + BA5MResourceReliabilityCurtailmentFilteredQuantity Brtmdhcif))


(BA5MResourceETCTORBalancedExemptQuantity Brtmdhcif 0


BA15MinResourceIntertieImportVERForecastDeviationQuantity Brtmdhc =

BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyDeviationEnergy Brtmdhc


BA15MinResourceIntertieImportVERForecastDeviationQuantity Brtmdhc = 0

End If


12 And BAMonthlyIntertieImportVEROverForecastThresholdQuantity Bm =

MAX(VERImportOverForecastThresholdQuantity m, BAMonthlyVERImportOverForecastThresholdPercentageQuantity Bm)

Where Exists

BAMonthlyVERImportOverForecastThresholdPercentageQuantity Bm

13 And BAMonthlyVERImportOverForecastThresholdPercentageQuantity Bm =

VERImportOverForecastThresholdPercentage m *

BAMonthlyImportsFMMVERForecastDispatchQuantity Bm

14 And BAMonthlyImportsFMMVERForecastDispatchQuantity Bm =

[pic]BA15MinResourceImportsFMMVERForecastDispatchQuantity Brtmdhc

15 And BA15MinResourceImportsFMMVERForecastDispatchQuantity Brtmdhc =

BAHourlyResourceVERForecastIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh * BA15MinResourceFMMInterchangeImportDispatchQuantity Brtmdhc

7 8 Outputs

|Output Req ID |Name |Description |

| |In addition to any outputs listed below, all inputs shall be |All inputs. Refer to section 3.6 and 3.7 above for input |

| |included as outputs. |descriptions. |

| |CAISOTotalIntertieDeviationSettlementAmount |Total of HA intertie bid decline and VER import over-forecast |

| |mdCAISOMonthlyIntertieScheduleDeclineAndVEROverForecastCharge|charges (in U.S. $)Intertie Deviation Settlement Amount (in U.S. |

| |m |$) for all all Business Associates and all Trading Day including |

| | |any PTB adjustments.s of a given Trading Month. |

| |BA5MTotalIntertieDeviationSettlementAmount |Total of Intertie Deviation Settlement Amount (in U.S. $) for a |

| |BmdhcifBAMonthlyIntertieScheduleDeclineAndVEROverForecastChar|given Business Associate and Settlement Interval.Total of import |

| |ge Bm |and export hourly pre-dispatched intertie bid decline charges and|

| | |VER import over-forecast charges (in U.S. $) for a given Business|

| | |Associate and Trading Month. |

| |BA5MFifteenMinuteIntertieTotalDeviationSettlementAmount |Total of Intertie Deviation Settlement Amount (in U.S. $) of 15 |

| |BmdhcifBAMonthlyIntertieImportBidDeclineCharge Bm |Minute Economic Bid Resources for a given Business Associate and |

| | |Settlement Interval. This Amount reflects the floor of $10.Hourly|

| | |pre-dispatched intertie import bid decline charge (in U.S. $) for|

| | |a given Business Associate and Trading Month. |

| |BA5MResourceFifteenMinuteIntertieDeviationSettlementAmount |Total of Intertie Deviation Settlement Amount (in U.S. $) of 15 |

| |Brtmdhcif |Minute Economic Bid Resources for a given Business Associate, |

| | |Resource, and Settlement Interval. |

| |BA5MResourceFifteenMinuteIntertieDeviationSettlementQuantity |Total of Intertie Deviation Settlement Quantity (in MWh) of 15 |

| |BrtmdhcifBAMonthlyIntertieImportBidDeclinePotentialCharges Bm|Minute Economic Bid Intertie Resources for a given Business |

| | |Associate, Resource, and Settlement Interval.Potential decline |

| | |charges (in U.S. $) due to decline of hourly pre-dispatched |

| | |intertie non-VER import bids, calculated for a given Business |

| | |Associate and Trading Month. The monthly charges are used to |

| | |derive the monthly hourly pre-dispatch intertie import bid |

| | |decline penalty charge for the Business Associate. |

| |BA5MHourlyBlockIntertieTotalDeviationSettlementAmount |Total of Intertie Deviation Settlement Amount (in U.S. $) of |

| |BmdhcifBA15MinResourceIntertieImportBidDeclinePotentialCharge|Hourly Block Economic Bid Intertie Resources for a given Business|

| |s Brtmdhc |Associate and Settlement Interval including the additional |

| | |penalty for when the scheduling coordinator accepts an award in |

| | |ADS but fails to deliver the energy. This Amount reflects the |

| | |floor of $10.Potential decline charges (in U.S. $) due to decline|

| | |of hourly pre-dispatched intertie import bids, calculated for a |

| | |given resource and FMM Interval. The charge is used to derive |

| | |the monthly hourly pre-dispatch intertie import bid decline |

| | |penalty charge for the Business Associate. |

| |BA5MResourceHourlyBlockIntertieDeviationSettlementAmount |Total of Intertie Deviation Settlement Amount (in U.S. $) of |

| |BrtmdhcifBA15MinIntertieImportBidDeclinePotentialCharges |Hourly Block Economic Bid Intertie Resources for a given Business|

| |Brtmdhc |Associate, Resource, and Settlement Interval NOT including the |

| | |additional penalty for when the scheduling coordinator accepts an|

| | |award in ADS but fails to deliver the energy.Potential decline |

| | |charges (in U.S. $) due to decline of hourly pre-dispatched |

| | |intertie import bids, calculated for a given resource and FMM |

| | |Interval. |

| |BA5MResourceHourlyBlockIntertieDeviationSettlementQuantity |Total of Intertie Deviation Settlement Quantity (in MWh) of |

| |BrtmdhcifBA15MinResourceSpecificFMMLMP Brtmdhc |Hourly Block Economic Bid Intertie Resources for a given Business|

| | |Associate, Resource, and Settlement Interval.FMM Energy Price for|

| | |a given resource and FMM Interval |

| |BA5MResourceUndeliveredADSAcceptAdditionalPenaltyAmount |Total of additional penalty (in U.S. $) for Hourly Block Economic|

| |BrtmdhcifBA15MinImportUndeliveredEnergyQuantity Brtmdhc |Bid Intertie Resources for when the scheduling coordinator |

| | |accepts an award in ADS but fails to deliver the |

| | |energy.Undelivered intertie import Energy (in MWh), calculated |

| | |for a given resource and FMM Interval c. |

| |BA5MResourceUndeliveredADSAcceptAdditionalPenaltyQuantity |Total Quantity (in MWh) of accepted award in ADS that have been |

| |BrtmdhcifBA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyDeviationEnergy|undelivered and subject to additional penalty for a given |

| |Brtmdhc |Business Associate, Resource, and Settlement Interval.The |

| | |deviation (in MWh) of deemed-delivered interchange Energy |

| | |relative to its FMM Energy schedule that is used in the HA |

| | |Decline Penalty calculation. The deviation is calculated for a |

| | |given resource and FMM Interval as the intertie import or export |

| | |binding (tagged) Energy less its associated FMM Expected Intertie|

| | |Flow (HA Advisory Energy plus FMM Dispatch Energy). |

| |BA5MResourceHourlyBlockIntertieFlag Brtmdhcif |A flag (1/0) where 1 indicates that a given resource’ Intertie |

| | |Bid Option for CISO Balancing Authority Area, and Trading Hour |

| | |is as follows: |

| | |EBHB: Economic bid hourly block. |

| | |EBHBCHG: Economic bid hourly block with single intra-hour |

| | |economic schedule change. |

| | |SSHB: Self scheduled hourly block. |

| |BA5MResourceFifteenMinuteIntertieEconomicBidFlag Brtmdhcif |A flag (1/0) where 1 indicates that a given resource’ Intertie |

| |BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyOAEnergy Brtmdhc |Bid Option for CISO Balancing Authority Area, and Trading Hour |

| | |is as follows: |

| | |EB15MIN: Economic bid with participation in 15-minute market. |

| | |Intertie import or export Energy that is considered OA and |

| | |discounted from the HA Decline Penalty Deviation Energy for a |

| | |given resource and FMM Interval. For an intertie import any |

| | |discounted OA Energy must be negative, while for an intertie |

| | |export the OA Energy must be positive in order to be discounted. |

| |BA5MResourceFMMFinalAcceptedEnergySchedule |The binding Energy for a given VER import and FMM Interval, where|

| |BrtmdhcifBAHourlyResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyVERSMaxFMMFore|the intertie resource has selected to submit its own forecast in |

| |castBindingEnergy Brtmdh |the FMM, and thereby is subjected to the declined intertie |

| | |schedule charge calculation.The total energy award (in MWh) for |

| | |Intertie resources that have been accepted by scheduling |

| | |coordinators in ADS for every Resource, and Settlement Interval. |

| |BA5MResourceHASPBlockAdvisoryEnergySchedule |Energy cleared by the HASP for the specific Trading Hour from the|

| |BrtmdhcifBA15MinResourceFMMForecastEnergy Brtmdhc |Intertie Schedule that has been converted to MWh for each |

| | |Settlement Interval. |

| | |Binding VER forecast submitted 37.5 minutes prior to flow, as |

| | |provided for a given VER resource and FMM Interval. |

| |BA5MResourceFifteenMinuteTransmissionSchedule Brtmdhcif |The tagged Fifteen Minute Transmission Schedule for an intertie |

| |BA15MinResourceFMMIntertieFinalAcceptedEnergySchedule Brtmdhc|resource converted into MWh for each Settlement Interval. The FMM|

| | |Final Accepted Energy Schedule (in MWh) as registered by ADS in |

| | |response to an intertie resource dispatch instruction. The output|

| | |is provided for a given intertie resource and FMM Interval. |

| |BA5MResourceIntertieDeviationSettlementPrice |The designated price to be applied to the Intertie Deviation |

| |BrtmdhcifBA15MinResourceFMMTransmissionSchedule Brtmdhc |Settlement. This price is 50% of the maximum between the RTD and|

| | |FMM LMP.The tagged FMM Transmission Schedule (in MWh) recorded in|

| | |CAS for an intertie resource. The output is provided for a given |

| | |intertie resource and FMM Interval. |

| |FMMIntervalMaxRTDLMPPriceBrtuM’mdhc |The Fifteen Minute Interval Max RTD Locational Marginal Price for|

| |BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockOrVERIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh |Resource r. ($/MWh)A flag (as a Boolean 0/1 value) that, when = |

| | |1, indicates that for a given resource and Trading Hour the |

| | |resource |

| | |has submitted an import or export schedule for which applies the |

| | |bidding option of Self-scheduled hourly block, Economic bid |

| | |hourly block, or Economic bid hourly block with single intra-hour|

| | |economic schedule change, or |

| | |is a Variable Energy Resource (VER) with an FMM import schedule |

| | |that represents the resource’s own Energy forecast. |

| | |This output will be calculated and published on daily settlement |

| | |statements. |

| |BA5MResourceIntertieExceptionalDispatchInstructionQuantity |The Fixed Exceptional Dispatch Instruction for a given intertie |

| |Brtmdhcif |resource across both FMM and RTD markets. |

| |BA5MResourceExceptionalDispatchInstructionFlag Brtmdhcif |A Flag (1/0) where 1 indicates that a given resource has been |

| | |exceptionally dispatched in the given settlement interval. |

| |BA5MResourceReliabilityCurtailmentFilteredQuantity Brtmdhcif |The Reliability Curtailment quantity for a given intertie |

| | |resource in the CISO BAA. |

| |BA5MResourceETCTORBalancedExemptQuantity Brtmdhcif |The maximum between the ETC/TOR DA and Post DA Balanced |

| | |quantities for a given resource and a given settlement interval. |

| |PTBChargeAdjustmentIntertieDeviationSettlementFiltered Bmd |PTB adjustment variable for this Charge Code, amount per Business|

| | |Associate and Trading date. ($) |

| |BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh |A flag (as a Boolean 0/1 value) that, when = 1, indicates that a |

| | |given resource for the specified Trading Hour has submitted an |

| | |import or export schedule for which applies the bidding option of|

| | |Self-scheduled hourly block, Economic bid hourly block, or |

| | |Economic bid hourly block with single intra-hour economic |

| | |schedule change. |

| | |This output will be calculated and published on daily settlement |

| | |statements. |

| |BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockWithoutIntraHourIntertieBidFlag |A flag (as a Boolean 0/1 value) that, when = 1, indicates that a |

| |Brtmdh |given resource for the specified Trading Hour has submitted an |

| | |import or export schedule for which applies the bidding option of|

| | |Self-scheduled hourly block or Economic bid hourly block. |

| | |This output will be calculated and published on daily settlement |

| | |statements. |

| |BAHourlyResourceHourlyBlockWithIntraHourIntertieBidFlag |A flag (as a Boolean 0/1 value) that, when = 1, indicates that a |

| |Brtmdh |given resource for the specified Trading Hour has submitted an |

| | |import or export schedule for which applies the bidding option of|

| | |Economic bid hourly block with single intra-hour economic |

| | |schedule change. |

| | |This output will be calculated and published on daily settlement |

| | |statements. |

| |BAHourlyResourceVERForecastIntertieBidFlag Brtmdh |A flag (as a Boolean 0/1 value) that, when = 1, indicates that a |

| | |given resource is a Variable Energy Resource (VER) resource with |

| | |an FMM import schedule that represents the resource’s own Energy |

| | |forecast for the specified Trading Hour. |

| |BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyFMMExpectedIntertieFlow |For a given resource that is subject to the Intertie Schedules |

| |Brtmdhc |Decline Charges calculation the output presents the expected |

| | |intertie flow (in MWh) for the specified FMM Interval. The flow |

| | |consists of one of three Energy components – the original |

| | |advisory Energy (from an associated hour-ahead schedule submitted|

| | |in the FMM), the original advisory Energy adjusted by an economic|

| | |dispatch in the FMM, or, in the case of a VER, the resource’s own|

| | |Energy forecast – with the exact component depending upon the |

| | |resource’s selected intertie bidding option. |

| |BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyHourlyBlockFMMOriginalAd|For a given intertie resource that has selected one of the FMM |

| |visoryEnergy Brtmdhc |intertie bidding options that consist of Self-scheduled hourly |

| | |block, Economic bid hourly block, or Economic bid hourly block |

| | |with single intra-hour economic schedule change, the output |

| | |presents for the specified FMM Interval the Advisory Energy (in |

| | |MWh) from the resource’s original hourly schedule submitted in |

| | |the FMM. |

| |BAHourlyResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyMaxFMMVERForecastEnergy|For a given intertie resource that has selected the FMM intertie |

| |Brtmdh |bidding option to submit its own forecast into the FMM as its |

| | |scheduled Energy, the output presents for the specified Trading |

| | |Hour the maximum (in MWh) of the four (4) FMM forecasts submitted|

| | |for the Trading Hour. The Energy will be applied in the Intertie |

| | |Schedules Decline Charges calculation as the resource’s advisory |

| | |schedule for each 15-minute FMM interval of the Trading Hour (in |

| | |lieu of the original submitted FMM schedule values). |

| |BA15MinResourceIntertieDeclinePenaltyFMMOriginalAdvisoryEnerg|The hourly intertie import or export Energy schedule, or VER |

| |y Brtmdhc |forecast, whatever applies to a given resource and FMM Interval |

| | |based on the resource’s selected intertie bidding option, that |

| | |has been submitted into the FMM as an advisory schedule. |

| |BAMonthlyFMMIntertieImportBidDeclineRatio Bm |The ratio of (i) the total MWh quantity of the FMM-submitted |

| | |Intertie Schedules for Energy imports of a given Business |

| | |Associate that were not delivered during the specified Trading |

| | |Month minus the applicable exemption threshold, divided by (ii) |

| | |the total MWh quantity of FMM-submitted Intertie Schedules for |

| | |Energy imports of the same Business Associate that were not |

| | |delivered during the Trading Month. The intertie schedules used |

| | |in the calculation are those of resources that have selected the |

| | |intertie bidding option of Self-scheduled hourly block, Economic |

| | |bid hourly block, or Economic bid hourly block with single |

| | |intra-hour economic schedule change. |

| |BAMonthlyFMMIntertieImportBidDeclineQuantity Bm |Undelivered FMM intertie import Energy (in MWh) associated with |

| | |a given Business Associate and Trading Month, where the Energy is|

| | |provided by resources that have selected the intertie bidding |

| | |option of Self-scheduled hourly block, Economic bid hourly block,|

| | |or Economic bid hourly block with single intra-hour economic |

| | |schedule change. |

| |BA15MinResourceFMMIntertieImportBidDeclineQuantity Brtmdhc |Undelivered FMM intertie import Energy (in MWh) associated with |

| | |a given resource and FMM Interval, where the Energy is provided |

| | |by a resource has selected the intertie bidding option of |

| | |Self-scheduled hourly block, Economic bid hourly block, or |

| | |Economic bid hourly block with single intra-hour economic |

| | |schedule change. |

| |BAMonthlyFMMIntertieImportBidDeclineThresholdQuantity Bm |The threshold (in MWh) above which a given Business Associate |

| | |assumes “Intertie Schedules Decline Charges Settlement” charges |

| | |for declining intertie import dispatches in the specified Trading|

| | |Month. The output is calculated based on scheduled Energy of |

| | |import resources that have selected the intertie bidding option |

| | |of Self-scheduled hourly block, Economic bid hourly block, or |

| | |Economic bid hourly block with single intra-hour economic |

| | |schedule change. |

| |BAMonthlyImportsDeclineThresholdPercentageQuantity Bm |The sum of the products (in MWh) of the Tariff-specified “Decline|

| | |Threshold Percentage – Imports” and the FMM hourly block dispatch|

| | |quantity, summed over all System Resources associated with a |

| | |given Business Associate and Trading Month, where the product for|

| | |each System Resource is greater than or equal to zero. The output|

| | |is calculated based on scheduled Energy of import resources that |

| | |have selected the intertie bidding option of Self-scheduled |

| | |hourly block, Economic bid hourly block, or Economic bid hourly |

| | |block with single intra-hour economic schedule change. |

| |BAMonthlyImportsFMMHourlyBlockDispatchQuantity Bm |Total monthly FMM dispatch quantity (in MWh as a positive value) |

| | |over all import resources that have selected one of the intertie |

| | |bidding options Self-scheduled hourly block, Economic bid hourly |

| | |block, or Economic bid hourly block with single intra-hour |

| | |economic schedule change. The output is provided for a given |

| | |Business Associate and Trading Month. |

| |BA15MinResourceImportsFMMHourlyBlockDispatchQuantity Brtmdhc |FMM dispatch quantity (in MWh as a positive value) for an import |

| | |resource has selected one of the intertie bidding options |

| | |Self-scheduled hourly block, Economic bid hourly block, or |

| | |Economic bid hourly block with single intra-hour economic |

| | |schedule change. The output is provided for a given resource and |

| | |FMM Interval. |

| |BA15MinResourceFMMInterchangeImportDispatchQuantity Brtmdhc |An output (in MWh as a positive value) that equals |

| | |(a) the 15-minute FMM dispatch quantity (in magnitude), if the |

| | |FMM-dispatched Energy is from an import resource and |

| | |(b) 0, if the 15-minute FMM Energy is not from an import |

| | |resource, where (in either case) the scheduled and dispatched |

| | |Energy is associated with a given Resource and FMM Interval, and |

| | |where the import resource has selected one of the intertie |

| | |bidding options Self-scheduled hourly block, Economic bid hourly |

| | |block, Economic bid hourly block with single intra-hour economic |

| | |schedule change, or VER forecast. |

| |BAMonthlyIntertieExportBidDeclineCharge Bm |Hourly pre-dispatched intertie export bid decline charge (in U.S.|

| | |$) for a given Business Associate and Trading Month. |

| |BAMonthlyIntertieExportBidDeclinePotentialCharges Bm |Potential decline charges (in U.S. $) due to decline of hourly |

| | |pre-dispatched intertie export bids, calculated for a given |

| | |Business Associate and Trading Month. The monthly charges are |

| | |used to determine the monthly hourly pre-dispatch intertie export|

| | |bid decline penalty charge for the Business Associate. |

| |BA15MinIntertieExportBidDeclinePotentialCharges Brtmdhc |Potential decline charges (in U.S. $) due to decline of hourly |

| | |pre-dispatched intertie export bids, calculated for a given |

| | |resource and FMM Interval. |

| |BA15MinExportUndeliveredEnergyQuantity Brtmdhc |Undelivered intertie export Energy (in MWh), calculated for a |

| | |given Business Associate and FMM Interval. |

| |BAMonthlyFMMIntertieExportBidDeclineRatio Bm |The ratio of (i) the total MWh quantity of FMM-submitted Intertie|

| | |Schedules for Energy exports of a given Business Associate that |

| | |were not delivered during the specified Trading Month minus the |

| | |applicable exemption threshold, divided by (ii) the total MWh |

| | |quantity of FMM-submitted Intertie Schedules for Energy exports |

| | |of the Business Associate that were not delivered during the |

| | |Trading Month. The intertie schedules used in the calculation are|

| | |those of resources that have selected the intertie bidding option|

| | |of Self-scheduled hourly block, Economic bid hourly block, or |

| | |Economic bid hourly block with single intra-hour economic |

| | |schedule change. |

| |BAMonthlyFMMIntertieExportBidDeclineQuantity Bm |Undelivered FMM intertie export Energy (in MWh) for a given |

| | |Business Associate (BA) and Trading Month. The output is |

| | |calculated based on scheduled Energy of the BA’s export resources|

| | |that have selected the intertie bidding option of Self-scheduled |

| | |hourly block, Economic bid hourly block, or Economic bid hourly |

| | |block with single intra-hour economic schedule change. |

| |BA15MinResourceFMMIntertieExportBidDeclineQuantity Brtmdhc |Undelivered FMM intertie export Energy (in MWh) for a given |

| | |resource and FMM Interval. The output is calculated based on |

| | |scheduled Energy of the BA’s export resources that have selected |

| | |the intertie bidding option of Self-scheduled hourly block, |

| | |Economic bid hourly block, or Economic bid hourly block with |

| | |single intra-hour economic schedule change. |

| |BAMonthlyFMMIntertieExportBidDeclineThresholdQuantity Bm |The threshold (in MWh) above which the specified Business |

| | |Associate (BA) assumes “Intertie Schedules Decline Charges |

| | |Settlement” charges for declining intertie export dispatches in |

| | |the specified Trading Month. The output is calculated based on |

| | |scheduled Energy of the BA’s export resources that have selected |

| | |the intertie bidding option of Self-scheduled hourly block, |

| | |Economic bid hourly block, or Economic bid hourly block with |

| | |single intra-hour economic schedule change. |

| |BAMonthlyExportsDeclineThresholdPercentageQuantity Bm |Output (in MWh) calculated as the sum of the products (in MW) of |

| | |the Tariff-specified “Decline Threshold Percentage – Exports” and|

| | |the FMM hourly block dispatch quantity, summed over all System |

| | |Resources associated with a given Business Associate (BA) and |

| | |Trading Month. The output is calculated based on scheduled Energy|

| | |of the BA’s export resources that have selected the intertie |

| | |bidding option of Self-scheduled hourly block, Economic bid |

| | |hourly block, or Economic bid hourly block with single intra-hour|

| | |economic schedule change. |

| |BAMonthlyExportsFMMHourlyBlockDispatchQuantity Bm |Total monthly FMM dispatch quantity (in MWh as a positive value) |

| | |over all export that have selected one of the intertie bidding |

| | |options Self-scheduled hourly block, Economic bid hourly block, |

| | |or Economic bid hourly block with single intra-hour economic |

| | |schedule change. The output is associated with a given Business |

| | |Associate and Trading Month. |

| |BA15MinResourceFMMInterchangeExportDispatchQuantity Brtmdhc |An output (in MWh as a positive value) that equals |

| | |(a) the hourly 15-minute FMM dispatch quantity (in magnitude), |

| | |if the FMM-dispatched Energy is from an export resource and |

| | |(b) 0, if the 15-minute FMM Energy is not from an import |

| | |resource, where (in either case) the scheduled and dispatched |

| | |Energy is associated with a given resource and FMM Interval, and |

| | |where the export resource has selected one of the intertie |

| | |bidding options Self-scheduled hourly block, Economic bid hourly |

| | |block, or Economic bid hourly block with single intra-hour |

| | |economic schedule change. |

| |BAMonthlyIntertieImportVEROverForecastCharge Bm |Hourly pre-dispatched intertie VER import bid decline charge (in |

| | |U.S. $) associated with a VER self-forecast that over-forecasted |

| | |the import Energy, and thereby, reserved excess intertie flow. |

| | |The charge applies to a given Business Associate and Trading |

| | |Month. |

| |BAMonthlyIntertieVERImportBidDeclinePotentialCharges Bm |Potential decline charges (in U.S. $) due to decline of hourly |

| | |pre-dispatched intertie VER import bids, calculated for a given |

| | |Business Associate and Trading Month. The monthly charges are |

| | |used to derive the monthly hourly pre-dispatch intertie import |

| | |bid decline penalty charge for the Business Associate. |

| |BA15MinResourceIntertieVERImportBidDeclinePotentialCharges |Potential decline charges (in U.S. $) due to decline of hourly |

| |Brtmdhc |pre-dispatched intertie VER import bids, calculated for a given |

| | |resource and FMM Interval. The charges are used to derive the |

| | |monthly hourly pre-dispatch intertie import bid decline penalty |

| | |charge for the Business Associate. |

| |BAMonthlyIntertieImportVEROverForecastRatio Bm |The ratio (as a value between 0 and 1) of (i) the total |

| | |undelivered MWh quantity of forecasts from self-schedules |

| | |submitted in FMM for VER Energy imports in association with a |

| | |given Business Associate and Trading Month minus the applicable |

| | |exemption threshold, divided by (ii) the total MWh quantity of |

| | |FMM-submitted Intertie Schedules (Energy forecasts) for VER |

| | |imports associated with the Business Associate during the Trading|

| | |Month. The ratio is calculated over all VER, where the VER has |

| | |selected the intertie bidding option to submit a self-forecast. |

| |BAMonthlyIntertieImportVEROverForecastDeviationQuantity Bm |The total undelivered MWh quantity (in MWh) of forecasts from |

| | |self-schedules submitted in FMM for VER Energy imports. The |

| | |output is calculated in association with a given Business |

| | |Associate and Trading Month over all VER, where the VER has |

| | |selected the intertie bidding option to submit a self-forecast. |

| |BAMonthlyIntertieImportVERForecastDeviationQuantity Bm |The deviation quantity (in MWh) of forecasts from self-schedules |

| | |submitted in FMM for VER Energy imports, with over-forecast and |

| | |under-forecast quantities netted over a given Trading Month for a|

| | |given Business Associate. The output is calculated over all VER |

| | |of the Business Associate, where the VER has selected the |

| | |intertie bidding option to submit a self-forecast. |

| |BA15MinResourceIntertieImportVERForecastDeviationQuantity |The deviation quantity (in MWh) of forecasts from self-schedules |

| |Brtmdhc |submitted in FMM for VER Energy imports, with over-forecast and |

| | |under-forecast quantities netted over a given resource and FMM |

| | |Interval. The output is calculated for a VER where the VER has |

| | |selected the intertie bidding option to submit a self-forecast. |

| |BAMonthlyIntertieImportVEROverForecastThresholdQuantity Bm |The threshold (in MWh) above which a given Business Associate |

| | |assumes “Intertie Schedules Decline Charges Settlement” charges |

| | |for VER over-forecasted schedules dispatched in the FMM for the |

| | |Business Associate and specified Trading Month. |

| |BAMonthlyVERImportOverForecastThresholdPercentageQuantity Bm |The sum of the products (in MWh) of the Tariff-specified “VER |

| | |Over-forecast Threshold Percentage – Imports” and the FMM |

| | |interchange import dispatch quantity of all VER resources for a |

| | |given Business Associate and Trading Month. The calculation is |

| | |performed over all VER import resources having selected the VER |

| | |forecast intertie bidding option for the Trading Month, and where|

| | |the product for each VER import resource is greater than or equal|

| | |to zero. |

| |BAMonthlyImportsFMMVERForecastDispatchQuantity Bm |Total monthly FMM dispatch quantity (in MWh as a positive value) |

| | |of all VER import resources for a given Business Associate and |

| | |Trading Month that have selected the VER forecast bidding option.|

| |BA15MinResourceImportsFMMVERForecastDispatchQuantity Brtmdhc |Total hourly FMM dispatch quantity (in MWh as a positive value) |

| | |of all VER import resources for a given resource and FMM Interval|

| | |that have selected the VER forecast bidding option. |

Charge Code Effective Dates

|Charge Code/ |Document Version |Effective Start |Effective End Date|Version Update Type |

|Pre-calc Name | |Date | | |

|Declined Hourly Pre-Dispatch Penalty |5.0Error! Reference |04/01/0901/01/2021|03/31/09Open |Documentation Edits and |

|SettlementIntertie Deviation Settlement |source not found. | | |Configuration Impacted |


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