Dear Mr

Name __________________

English 9

Period ______

House on Mango Street (page 701 in textbook)

By Sandra Cisneros


House on Mango Street Poetry Terms

Alliteration: the repetition of the same consonant sounds in words that are close together, or the repetition of consonant sounds that are very similar

“Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter…”

Assonance: the repetition of similar vowel sounds followed by different consonant sounds, especially in words that are close together: “base” and “fade,” “young” and “love”

Consonance: the repetition of a pattern of consonants within words in which the separating vowels differ

*examples: "leaf" and "loaf" or "room" and "roam."

Free Verse: poetry that doesn’t have a regular meter or rhyme scheme (but may use

internal rhyme, repetition, alliteration, onomatopoeia, etc.)

Hyperbole (overstatement): exaggeration

Imagery: language that appeals to the senses

Internal rhyme: occurs within a line

Irony: a contrast or discrepancy between expectation and reality-- between what is

said and what is really meant, between what is expected to happen and what really does happen, or between what appears to be true and what is really true

Metaphor: a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two unlike things, in which one thing becomes another thing without the use of words “like,” “as,” “than,”

or “resembles

Onomatopoeia: the use of a word whose sound imitates or suggests its meaning

*examples: crackle, pop, hiss, fizz, click, zoom, crash, splash, whirr, tick-tock, meow, ruff, squeak, thump, boom, rumble, snarl, sizzle, bang, cock-a-doodle-do, clickety-clack, gong, moo, screech, howl, growl, kerplunk, gush, clang, chime

Oxymoron: words that have contradictory or sharply incongruous meanings

*examples: conspicuous by his absence; cruel kindness; thunderous silence; make haste slowly; found missing; genuine imitation; good grief, almost exactly; same difference; government organization; military intelligence; sweet sorrow; act naturally; business ethics; clearly misunderstood; passive aggression; pretty ugly; definite maybe; twelve-ounce pound cake; diet ice cream; working vacation; exact estimate; sanitary landfill; home office; nearly perfect; natural synthetic; graduate student; virtual reality; first annual; vegetarian meatballs; safe bet

Paradox: a phrase that appears to be contradictory but expresses some measure of truth

*example: His complaint ... is too funny not to be taken seriously

Personification: a special kinds of metaphor in which a nonhuman thing or quality is talked about as if it were human

*examples: “The sun smiled on us.” “The ocean scribbles long sentences on the shore.” “Love is blind.” “My cough is stubborn.”

Refrain: a repeated word, phrase, line or group of lines

Rhyme Scheme: can be determined by using a letter of the alphabet to indicate each new rhyme examples: ex. ABAB, AABB (couplets), ABCB

Rhythm: a musical quality produced by the repetition of stressed and unstressed syllables

or by the repetition of certain other sound patterns, in poetry and prose

Simile: a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two unlike things,

using an explicit word such as “like,” “as,” “resembles” or “than”

Symbolism: a person, place, thing or even stands for itself as well as for something

beyond itself *examples: the American flag or the bald eagle represents America

Tone: the attitude a writer takes toward the audience, a subject or a character; conveyed

through the writer’s choice of words and detail (can be serious, affectionate, mocking, nostalgic, sympathetic, sad, etc.)

Focus Your Reading (page 701)

1. What is the setting of Mango Street?

2. Define vignette:

“House on Mango Street” pages 703-4

3. Why does the family’s new house on Mango Street upset eleven year old Esperanza?

4. How does Esperanza envision her dream house?

5. What is the mood of this vignette?

6. Find the alliteration : gr_________ gr______________

7. Find the alliteration : p_________ p________________

“My Name” pages 705-6

8. Why doesn’t Esperanza want to be like her great-grandmother?

9. If Esperanza could change her name, what would it be and why?

10. Simile/ Alliteration: It is like the n________ n__________.

11. Metaphor: A m___________ c____________.

12. Metaphor: It is the M___________________________________________.

13. Simile: s__________ like s__________________

14. Metaphor: a w________ h__________ of a w___________

15. Hyperbole: my great-grandfather ______________________________________


16. Hyperbole: She________________________________________________

17. Metaphor: I don’t want to _______________________________________

18. Simile: They say my name funny as if _____________________________


19. Simile/ Alliteration: In Spanish my name is made out of a s___________ s____________, like s________________


“Papa Who Wakes Up Tired in the Dark”

20. Why does Esperanza “hold and hold and hold” her father?

21. Simile/ Alliteration: as if he just heard the news himself, ____________


22. Simile: flowers ___________________________________________________

23. Tone:

“A Smart Cookie”

24. What does Esperanza's mother regret?

25. Simile: sings _____________________________________________________


26. Metaphor: she ___________________________________________________

27. Metaphor: I ______________________________________________________

28. Mood:

“Mango Says Goodbye Sometimes”

29. Explain the last three lines of the book: "They will now know I have gone away to come back. For the ones I left behind. For the ones who cannot out."

30. Personification: s_____________________________________

31. Paradox: the house _______________________________________________

32. Metaphor: the ghost ______________________________________________

33. Personification: Mango ___________________________________________

34. Paradox: I have gone away ____________________________.

35. What does Esperanza’s search for a house symbolize?

Choose ONE of the following reading responses:

Reading Response #1: Describe your dream house in detail on the inside and the outside. Where would it be? Who would live there with you?

Reading Response 2: Emulate Sandra Cisneros’ style in writing your own vignette. Relate a personal experience with vivid details.

Reading Response #3: Esperanza feels disillusioned when she sees her new home, eats in the canteen, and obtains her first job. When was a time that you or someone you know felt disillusioned? What are some common experiences that might disillusion young people?

Reading Response #4: Esperanza and many of the people in her community such as her grandmother, Marin, Mamacita, Rafaela and Sally seem to be unhappy with their lives and long to be somewhere else. How are you going to live your life so that you won’t have regrets when you’re older? What advice would you give to other people to obtain happiness in their adult lives?
































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