
|1/28/15 Review Worksheet |Leader: |Tina Akinyi |

|Supplemental Instruction | | |

|Iowa State University | | |

| |Course: |Chem 177 |

| |Instructor: |David Appy |

| |Date: |1/28/15 |

This worksheet contains material covered during the 1/26/15- 1/28/15 lectures.

1. What is the difference between inorganic and organic compounds?

(In regards to organic compounds, are you bale to use and identify the prefixes (meth-, eth-, prop-, but- etc.?)

2. Chemical Nomenclature Practice:

Write the Chemical Formula or Chemical name of these molecular and ionic compounds;

a) Cesium Bromide

b) H2S (aq)

c) C10H22

d) Pentane

e) Ammonia

f) Methyl alcohol (methanol)

g) Chromium (III) phosphate

h) Calcium Sulfate

i) Ammonium nitrate

j) N2O4

3. Being able to write, balance and correctly predict chemical reactions is one of the most important skills in Chemistry and in most scientific fields. Complete the following chemical reactions by balancing them and writing their physical states. Predict the types of reactions as well.

a) __SnO2 +__ H2 → __Sn + __H2O

b) __KOH+__ H3PO4 →__K3PO4 +__H2O

c) __KNO3+__ H2CO3 → __K2CO3+__ HNO3

d) __Na3PO4 +__HCl→ __NaCl +__H3PO4

e) __TiCl4 +__ H20 → __TiO2 +__HCl

f) When chlorine gas reacts with methane, carbon tetrachloride and hydrogen chloride are produced

g) Iron (III) oxide and carbon monoxide gas produce carbon dioxide gas and iron.

h) Barium metal and water react to produce barium hydroxide and hydrogen

i) In a precipitation reaction, sodium hydroxide solution is mixed with Iron (II) chloride solution. Sodium Chloride solution and insoluble Iron (II) hydroxide are produced.

j) Copper and sulfuric acid react to form Copper (II) sulfate and water and sulfur dioxide.

k) Calcium hydroxide and phosphoric acid react to form calcium phosphate and water.

l) Aluminum bromide and chlorine gas react to form aluminum chloride and bromine gas.

“The secret to success is to start from scratch and keep on scratching.”

- Dennis Green


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