Story of us, civil War.docx.docx

Mr. HornbergThe Story of US: Civil War Name: ____________US UNIT 3 Chs 8-10When was the civil war at its heightWhat new invention brought the death tole up to its highest?How fast could this new invention go through a man body?Was the civil war the first modern war, and why?_________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________How many men are dead after the Civil war? What percent of the population is that? How many people would that be in today’s terms? __________________________ __________________________ __________________________Who is at Command of the Confederate troops? Why is the war more difficult for the North? What was Lincoln’s hidden weapon of the War? How did it impact the war? _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________In what ways did industry impact the war for the north? _________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How did the Telegraph impact the war? How many telegraph does Lincoln send during the course of the war? How many are killed at Antietam? How many are wounded? ___________________________ ___________________________From the description of Battlefield Physicians how do the battle fields of the Civil war sound? Give one detail to support your answer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Who is Clara Barton? And what does she do after the war? What role did the media play in the Civil War? What new invention makes it real for the public? _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ What happens in September of 1862? How many African Americans sign up for the Union during the War? What are William Sherman’s Orders? What is the Difference between the north and south Supply lines? How is Sherman apart of it? What are some one the Keys to Northern Victory in the War? ................

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