
1. Complete the chart by identifying six actions that decrease the risk of infection and strengthen the body's immune system. In the second column, describe how the action reduces the risk of infection and strengthens the body's immune system.


|Action |How action reduces risk or strengthens immunity |

|Eat fruits & vegetables |Fruits & vegetables contain vitamins & antioxidants which will strengthen your body |

| |immunity. |

|Get a good night's sleep |Sleeping helps balancing hormone levels and provides rest to the nervous system thereby |

| |strengthening immunity. |

|Stop smoking |Reduces the risk of heart disease & lung cancer & will also strengthen immunity. |

|Eat Plenty of proteins |Proteins are the body's building blocks. They help to build immunity. |

|Take fish oil supplements (Omega- 3 Fatty |Helps to increase ‘good' cholesterol HDL & reduce ‘bad' cholesterol triglycerides & |

|acids) |strengthens immunity. |

|Ensure regular exercise |This fights lethargy and keeps muscles in shape, keeping the body healthy and better able|

| |to fight infection and illness. |


2. What does it mean when a physician is Board Certified?

A physician is Board Certified when he has undergone rigorous testing and peer evaluation to ensure that he meets the criteria set within a specialty for knowledge, experience & skills to continuously provide exceptional clinical outcomes in a responsive, patient oriented environment.



3. Explain the difference between a Doctor of Dental Surgery and Doctor of Medical Dentistry.

Essentially, they are the same degree in the United States, having basically the same curriculum. A Doctor of Dental Surgery deals with oral surgeries, whereas, a Doctor of Medical Dentistry deals with preventive dental treatments. Academically, both these doctors are trained similarly.


4. Explain the difference between an allopathic and osteopathic physician.

A doctor who holds an MD is also known as an allopathic doctor, able to treat medical diseases with medications or surgeries if he/she has been so trained. An osteopathic doctor, besides being trained like an allopathic doctor to treat medical diseases with medications or surgeries, has also been specially trained to perform osteopathic (musculoskeletal) manipulations on patients. An osteopathic doctor views the patient as a ‘total person' & focuses on preventive care.

5. Complete the chart. For each provider category briefly describe the education and licensing requirements for practice in the state in which you reside. Then, in the scope of care column, describe the type of care the provider can and cannot legally provide in the state in which you reside.


|Provider Category |Education required |License Required |Scope of Care |Can the provider |

| | | | |write prescriptions? |

|Ophthalmologist | >4 yrs. Undergraduate | > MD or DO plus the | M.D. specializing in treating the| Yes, specific to |

| |>4 yrs. med. school |board certified |eye |ophthalmology |

| |>3-8 yrs. residency and internship |specialization | | |

| |depending on specialty | | | |

|Optometrist | >4 yr. Bachelors degree | >DO (Dr. of Optometry| Non-medical practitioner who has | Yes, specific to |

| |>4 yr. OD program |& passing grade for |completed a post-graduate study |optometry |

| |>Optional resident or post-graduate |Nat'l Board of |program to provide a variety of | |

| |residency in area of interest |Examiners in Optometry|eye care services | |

| | |Certification | | |

|Orthopedic Surgeon | >4 yrs Undergrad. with average GPA | >BS | Focuses of the diagnoses, | Yes |

| |of 3.6 |>MD |treatment, and care of patients | |

| |>4 yrs. med. school |>Certification from |with disorders of the bones, | |

| |>At least 5 yrs. orthopedic surgery |the American Board of |joints, muscles, ligaments, | |

| |residency |Orthopaedic Surgery |tendons, nerves and skin. | |

| |> Must pass national oral and |with any certificates |(musculoskeletal system) | |

| |written exam to be recognized as |indicating any | | |

| |board certified |specialties | | |

|Podiatrist | > 4 yr. undergrad. degree | Doctor of Podiatric | Provides preventative care, | Yes |

| |> 4 yr. program at a college of |Medicine, or DPM plus |diagnosis and treatment of | |

| |podiatric medicine |board certification - |patients with foot and lower limb | |

| |> 1 yr. residency with licensed |limited or full |injuries and abnormalities in | |

| |podiatrist | |order to improve mobility | |

| |>Pass both parts I & II of the exam | | | |

| |given by the National Board of | | | |

| |Podiatric Medical Examiners | | | |

| |(Podiatry > Massachusetts, 2010) | | | |

|Chiropractor | >2 - 4 yr. Undergrad degree | >DC | Focusing on the patients overall | No |

| |>4 yr. chiropractic college program |>DCM |health, these practitioners | |

| |>Passing scores on State and |>BSc or MSc & |diagnose and treat patients with | |

| |National Examinations |> Certification from |health problems of the | |

| | |the Council on |musculoskeletal system and treat | |

| | |Chiropractic Education|the effects of those problems on | |

| | | |the nervous system and general | |

| | | |health, often by dealing | |

| | | |specifically with the spine and | |

| | | |its' manipulation. | |

|Physical Therapist | > 2 - 4 yr Bachelors degree | >DPT or | Healthcare professionals who | No |

| |> Degree from an APTA (American |> BSPT & |diagnose and treat individuals | |

| |Physical Therapy Association) |> Must pass a National|from newborns to geriatric | |

| |accredited program |Physical Therapy Exam |patients who have medical problems| |

| |>Passing score of 600 or above on | |, illnesses, injuries or other | |

| |National Physical Therapy exam | |health-related conditions that | |

| | | |limit their abilities to move and | |

| | | |perform functional activities as | |

| | | |well as they would like in | |

| | | |day-to-day life. | |

|Physician's Assistant | > Bachelors degree preferably in a| >BSc, MPAS, MH, MMS, | Working with a supervising | Yes |

| |health field |DScPA, > must pass the|physician, these healthcare | |

| |> Completion of a Master's degree |Physician Assistant |service providers provide | |

| |Physician Assistant's program |National Certifying |preventative healthcare, | |

| |followed by clinical field |Exam |therapeutic and diagnostic | |

| |experience | |services as well as treating minor| |

| | | |injuries. | |

|Nurse Practitioner | > 4 yr. Bachelors Degree | >RN or BSN | These professionals serve as | Yes |

| |> 2 Yr. Associates Degree in a |> NP, MSc & |primary and specialty care | |

| |health related field and a diploma |>pass National Nursing|providers. They provide a blend | |

| |from an approved Nursing program |Board Exams |of nursing and healthcare services| |

| |> 4 yr. Master's degree in a health | |to patients and families. | |

| |related field | | | |

|Dentist | > 2 yrs. college level pre-dental | >DDS | Diagnose and treat problems with | Yes |

| |education (minimum) |>DMD |teeth and tissues in the mouth | |

| |> Completion of a 4 yr. degree at a |>BDent & |along with issuing advice and care| |

| |school accredited by the American |>Certification as well|to prevent future problems. They | |

| |Dental Association with 2 yrs of |as a pass from the |also perform corrective surgery on| |

| |"clinicals" under the supervision of|National Board |gums and supporting tissues to | |

| |a practicing dentist | |treat gum diseases. | |

|Psychologist | >4 yr. Undergrad. Degree | >BSc or BA | These professionals study mental | No |

| |>Master's degree in Psychology |>PHD |processes and human behavior by | |

| |> Ph.D (about 5 yrs graduate study) |> Certified national |observing, interpreting and | |

| |in psychology for private practice. |license |recording how people and other | |

| |> + 1 yr of supervised experience | |animals relate to one another and | |

| |for school psychology or counseling | |the environment. | |

|Psychiatrist | > 4 yr. Undergrad. degree | >BSc | These full M.D.'s are primary | Yes |

| |> 4 yrs. Medical School |>MD or DO |caregivers for mental health. They| |

| |> 3 to 8 yrs. internship and |> Certification on |assess and treat mental health and| |

| |residency depending on specialty |National Boards |illness through a combination of | |

| |selected | |psychotherapy (discussions which | |

| | | |help patients find solutions | |

| | | |through changes in behavioral | |

| | | |patterns), psychoanalysis | |

| | | |(long-term psychotherapy and | |

| | | |counseling), hospitalization, and | |

| | | |medication. | |

|Hypnosis Practitioner | MA has no regulations affecting | No | Seek to help clients change their| No |

| |Hypnosis. (National Guild of | |inner belief systems at the | |

| |Hypnotists, 2009) | |subconscious level in order to | |

| |There are various private | |assist changes desired on a | |

| |institutions that offer this | |conscious level. This is done | |

| |training. | |through deep trance states. | |

|Reiki Therapist | MA has no regulations affecting | No | These practitioners seek to | No |

| |Reiki. (The Long, Bumpy Road in | |channel life force energy through | |

| |Massachusetts, n.d.)There are | |the body using a series of hand | |

| |various private institutions that | |placements above the clients' | |

| |offer this training. | |fully clothed body. These sessions| |

| | | |are to relieve tension and stress | |

| | | |and encourage healing on all | |

| | | |levels - mental, emotional and | |

| | | |physical. | |

|Radiologist | > 4 yr. Undergrad. degree | >Bsc |These M.D.'s specialize in using | Yes |

| |> 4 yrs. Medical school |>MD/DO |imaging technology to diagnose and| |

| |> 3 - 5 yrs internship and residency|>MSc & |treat a variety of medical | |

| |training depending on specialty |>Cert. from American |conditions. | |

| |selected |Board of Radiology | | |

|Pharmacist |>Most students complete 3 or more | >BSc | Distribute prescription drugs to | No |

| |yrs. toward a bachelors before |>MSc |individuals. They also advise | |

| |attempting the Pharm.D |>Certificatino from |their patients, physicians, and | |

| |program though this is not required |National Boards |other health practitioners on the | |

| |> Complete at least 2 yrs. specific | |selection, dosages, interactions | |

| |professional study | |and side effects of medications as| |

| |> Complete the 4 yr. Pharm. D. | |well as monitoring the health and | |

| |Bachelors program | |progress of those patients to | |

| |> (optional) 1-2 yr. "residency" or | |ensure they are taking their | |

| |fellowship | |medications safely and | |

| | | |effectively. | |



6. Explain the decision-making process you use when deciding whether or not to seek medical care for the types of symptoms listed in the chart. Provide an example for each of the five symptom categories; one example of when you would treat the symptom yourself, and one example of when you would seek professional care. Include who you would seek care from in your example.


|Symptom Category |Decision-making process |Example for Self-care |Example for professional care |

|Severe | Tangible, observed and symptoms| If condition has been previously | If any of the symptoms differ |

| |felt determine decisions made |experience AND |from what I am familiar with, if |

| |and the speed with which they |is very familiar AND I have all |any doubt exists about ability to |

| |are made |medications/tools needed to |self-medicate. Ex. - Ankle feels |

| | |adequately self-medicate Ex.: |somewhat different from previous |

| | |Sprained ankle/Tendon - I have the |sprain - possibility of fracture |

| | |boot from having previously done |- See physician or go to ER |

| | |the same thing and am familiar with| |

| | |the process of wrapping the ankle | |

|Unusual | Tangible, observed and symptoms| Phone conversation with physician | If symptoms are totally |

| |felt determine decisions made |& internet self-diagnosis can |unfamiliar or worsen after |

| |and the speed with which they |reassure of capacity to |self-treatment. Ex: Odd itchy |

| |are made |self-medicate. Ex.: Rashes, |bumps burst after being treated |

| | |unexplained itchiness |with hydrocortisone - See |

| | | |physician |

|Persistent | Tangible, observed and symptoms| If the condition occurs due to | If avoidance of the causal |

| |felt determine decisions made |personal choices that can be |situations no longer brings |

| |and the speed with which they |changed to avoid or combat its |relief/non-occurrence of the event|

| |are made |occurrence based on experience. |consult a physician. Ex.: Nausea |

| | |Ex.: Nausea caused by consuming too|continues despite avoidance of |

| | |much greasy food at once - avoid |suspect foods |

| | |those situations | |

|Recurrent | Tangible, observed and symptoms| Any regularly occurring condition | If the condition worsens beyond |

| |felt determine decisions made |with which I am familiar. Ex. |the normal, see your doctor or go |

| |and the speed with which they |Migraines, nosebleeds |to the ER. Ex.: Nosebleed that |

| |are made | |will not stop, Migraine lasting |

| | | |more than 3 days |

|Urgent/Emergency | Tangible, observed and symptoms| Self care is acceptable only | Situations requiring immediate |

| |felt determine decisions made |enroute to specialized assistance. |emergency attendants such as |

| |and the speed with which they |Ex. : Stabalizing a broken arm on |paramedics followed by |

| |are made |the way to the ER |hospitalization: Heart attacks, |

| | | |severe seizures, free bleeding |

| | | |wounds |


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