Thinking like a Scientist

SC.7.N.1.1 SC.7.N.1.3 SC.7.N.1.4

1. Define: Hypothesis, scientific inquiry, empirical evidence

Hypothesis – An educated guess or prediction based on the scientist's previous research and background knowledge.

Scientific Inquiry – When a scientist performs experiments and investigations, using various methods and tools, to discover information about the natural world, rather than finding the answer in a book or getting told answers. Scientific Inquiry is more hands-on.

Empirical Evidence – The cumulative valid observations of the scientific community. Try to link empirical evidence and observations together to remember this term.

2. Define:

a. Independent Variable – the variable you are testing. It is the variable that the researcher changes. Also called the manipulated variable.

b. Dependent Variable– the variable that you are measuring. It is also called the responding variable.

3. How many variables should be tested during an experiment?

Since the question is asking about the variable that is being tested, which is the independent variable, the answer should be one. If there was more than one than you do not know which of the variables caused the results to turn out the way that they did.

4. Why is accurate record keeping necessary during a scientific investigation?

So that someone else can replicate your experiment and therefore validate it.

5. If your conclusion does not support your hypothesis what should you do?

You can modify your experiment and retest another variation of your hypothesis.

6. Explain the difference between qualitative and quantitative observations.

Qualitative- Uses WORDS to make the observation.

Quantitative – Uses NUMBERS to make the observation.


7. In order, list the steps a scientist preforms during a scientific investigation:

Ask questions


Hypothesize and predict

Test hypothesis

Analyze results

Draw conclusions

Communicate results

8. What is a biologist: Someone who studies life and living organisms.

9. Compare quantitative and qualitative observations See #6

10. How might scientists resolve their differences about scientific ideas, avoid bias, and change scientific ideas? Debate their ideas at a scientific conference.

11. Define:

a. Replication b. Repetition

Replication – When someone else does your experiment (better than repetition)

Repetition – When you repeat your own experiment

12. Differentiate between replication and repetition. See #11

13. Where during a Scientific Investigation will there be repetition? The amount of trials

14. How could one replicate an experiment?

Have someone else conduct your experiment by following the exact same procedures that you followed.

15. List 5 results of Science. SKIP

SC.7.N.2.1 SC.7.N.3.1 SC.7.N.3.2

16. What is a model? A 3-D representation

17. How do models benefit a scientific investigation? Models can be used to explain things that are too small, too large, too costly, or too dangerous.

18. How do models limit a scientific investigation? Models are not exactly the same as the thing that they are trying to represent so there will be limitations such as a model of the solar system not being able to show gravitational forces.

19. Explain why all knowledge isn’t gained from scientific experimentations. Only one variable is being tested during the experiment, and results aren’t always accurate. Also, not everything can be tested.

20. Define:

a. Scientific Theory - Describes why or how a phenomenon in nature occurs

a. Scientific Law - Explains what or a relationship, or a pattern of nature.

21. How are scientific theories formed? Scientist’s debate with each other after enough empirical evidence has been gathered that supports the theory.

22. How are scientific theories different from laws? See number 20.

23. Can scientific theories be modified, rejected or both? Justify. Both - when new evidence that contradicts the theory arises, the theory is usually modified and in rare cases can be rejected.

24. Can a scientific law be modified, rejected, or both? Justify. Same as #23

25. Give an example of a two Scientific Laws that you learned about this semester.

a. Identify the pattern in the law. Answers vary, but there are mathematical equations for many laws that are always true and therefore show patterns in nature.

26. Give an example of a Scientific Theory you learned about this semester.

a. Why is the theory able to be modified? Answers vary, but you were shown how cell theory was modified throughout time as new evidence and ideas arose.



27. Using the diagram to determine if the change of state would require adding heat or removing heat?

Melting- Add Heat

Freezing- Remove Heat

Evaporation- Add Heat

Condensation- Remove Heat

SC.7.P.11.2 SC.7.P.11.3 SC.7.P.11.4

28. Define:

a. Potential energy – stored energy, or energy due to position

b. Kinetic energy – energy of movement

c. Work – Equals Force times Distance. If it doesn't move, then in science, no work has been done.

d. Energy – The ability to do work or cause change.

e. Insulator – Heat cannot pass through it very well. You put insulation in your walls to keep heat or cold from escaping. People use styrofoam to keep their coffee hot.

f. Conductor – Heat can pass through it well. Metal is a good conductor. Notice that metal feels cold because it is quickly taking heat away from you.

29. Explain the relationship between energy and work Energy is the ability to do work.

30. Differentiate between potential energy and kinetic energy. See 28a and 28b

31. List the forms of energy. MR. SCENT – Mechanical, Radiant, Sound, Chemical, Electrical, Nuclear, and Thermal.

32. What does the Law of Conservation of energy state? That energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can only transform into other types of energy.

33. How does the Law of Conservation of Energy relate to Energy being transformed or transferred? Energy can be transformed or transferred.

34. List the different ways Thermal energy is transferred. Conduction, Convection, and Radiation

35. Describe the different ways thermal energy is transferred. Conduction – Transfer of heat through direct contact.

Convection – The movement of the particles themselves. Hot air rises, cold air sinks.

Radiation – Heating through light energy (electromagnetic spectrum)

36. Give an example of:

g. Conduction - A pot touching a hot stove

h. Convection - The hot water in a pot rising and the cooler water sinking.

i. Radiation - The sun warming the Earth's surface.

37. Manufacturers place rubber handles on metal cooking pans. Explain why the rubber handles are needed using the terms insulator and conductor. The metal is a good conductor so it would transfer heat to your hand quickly so a rubber handle is used because it is a good insulator so your hand will not get burned.

38. Describe the energy transfer between objects of different temperatures. Heat travels from hot to cold until both objects reach the same temperature.


39. What source of energy comes from the Sun?

Radiant energy, Electromagnetic Waves, or Light Energy

40. How does the sun’s (radiation) energy travel? Through transverse waves.

41. What is the name for the waves that carry the sun’s energy radiation? Transverse waves

42. List the Electromagnetic Waves in order from lowest frequency to highest frequency.

Radio Waves, Microwaves, Infrared Radiation, Visible Light, Ultraviolet, X-rays, Gamma Rays

43. Explain the relationship between the frequency, wavelength and energy of a wave.

Higher Energy = Higher Frequency = Shorter Wavelength

Lower Energy = Lower Frequency = Longer Wavelength

44. Draw two waves of the same distance with different wavelengths.

45. Compare the wavelengths using the terms energy, frequency, and wavelength. See #42 and 43

46. Are light waves the same or different from EM waves? The same

47. Can light waves travel through matter, vacuums, or both? Both, an object might block visible light from passing through, but remember that light waves include radio waves through gamma rays as well.

48. Can sound waves travel through matter, vacuums, or both? Only matter, since sound requires particles to make direct contact with each other to transfer sound.

49. Which of the light waves (EM waves) is visible with your eyes? Visible Light

50. List the different colors of light in order from shortest wavelength to longest wavelength.

ROY G. BIV – Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet

51. List the different colors of light in order from lowest frequency to highest frequency.

See #50


52. Describe light:

a. Reflection b. refraction c. absorption

a. Reflection – light bounces off at the same angle it came towards the object

b. Refraction – light bends when it goes through matter of different densities, such as from air to water.

c. Absorption – Light gets absorbed into the object.

53. Give an example of light:

a. Reflection b. refraction c. absorption

a. Reflection – Mirror

b. Refraction – Spearing Fish

c. Absorption – An opaque object blocking light

54. When light is shining on an object with blue color. What happens to the blue beam of light in as hit touches the object? What happens to the remaining colors? All the colors are getting absorbed by the object except for blue. The blue color is being reflected and taken in by your eyes so you end up seeing the object as blue.


55. Do light waves, sound waves, and other waves travel the same speed in different materials? Justify. No, light waves travel fastest in a vacuum, such as space. Sound waves travel fastest in a solid and slowest in


Changing Surface of the Earth

Layers of the Earth


56. List the layers of the earth.

Physical layers – Crust, Mantle, Core

Chemical layers – Lithosphere, Asthenosphere, Mesosphere, Outer Core, Inner Core

57. What is the outermost layer of the Earth?

Crust or Lithosphere

58. Where in the Earth’s layer are there convection currents?

In the Asthenosphere

59. Describe convection currents.

Hotter magma (less dense) rises and cooler magma (more dense) sinks and forms a convecting current, where magma is in motion. This is the cause of continental drift.

60. Which two parts of the Earth make-up the lithosphere?

The crust and the uppermost mantle made up of brittle mantle (not yet a semi-solid).

61. This layer of the Earth is a semisolid.


62. Explain the characteristics of a semisolid.

Semisolid is called “plastic” and is slow moving.

63. List the layers that are solid.

Inner Core, Mesosphere, Lithosphere

64. Identify the:

a. Outermost layer- Crust

b. Innermost layer- Inner Core

c. Liquid Layer- Outer Core

d. Thinnest layer- Crust

e. Thickest layer- Mantle at 1800 miles thick (the inner core is the densest)

f. Layer where convection currents are- Asthenosphere

Rock Formation & Rock Cycle


65. Describe the formation of the rocks.

a. Igneous - Formed from cooled magma (in the ground) or cooled lava (above the ground)

b. Metamorphic– Formed from heat and pressure inside the Earth.

c. Sedimentary – Formed from compaction and cementation.

66. Draw a diagram of the Rock cycle.


67. Explain how all rocks are connected in the rock cycle. All rocks can eventually get changed into each other over millions of years.

68. Identify agents of erosion. Things that can move objects, such as wind and water, and also people and animals.

69. Differentiate between physical & chemical weathering.

Physical weathering breaks things down (ripping paper, breaking up rock). Chemical weathering changes the objects nature or chemical make-up (burning paper, iron to rust)

70. Use the terms weathering, sediments, and deposition in a sentence to explain the principle or horizontality. Rocks get broken down into sediment and are deposited horizontally on Earth’s surface.

71. Describe what happen to the earth’s surface when it is affected by weathering and erosion.

The earth’s surface changes.

Plate Tectonics

SC.7.E.6.5 SC.7.E.6.7

72. Describe Plate Tectonics - The Earth’s surface is made up of 12 large plates that move due to convection currents in the Asthenosphere. This causes continents to change location over millions of years.

73. Explain Pangaea. When all of the continents were together to form a super continent.

74. Which layers of the Earth make up the lithosphere?

The crust and the uppermost, brittle mantle.

75. Which layer of the Earth allows the lithosphere to float and hold?


76. Explain how the asthenosphere being a semisolid allows the lithosphere to both float and hold. The Lithosphere is less dense than the Asthenosphere so it floats on top of the Asthenosphere. The Asthenosphere semi-solid nature (slow-moving “plastic”) keeps the continents from moving too quickly

77. Identify the motion at the following boundaries:

a. Convergent b. Divergent c. Transform

a. Convergent – plates move towards each other

b. Divergent – plates move away from each other

c. Transform – plates move along-side each other

78. Identify the major surface & subsurface events that take place at the following boundaries:

b. Convergent b. Divergent c. Transform

a. Convergent – Mountains, Volcanoes (when subduction occurs)

b. Divergent – Trenches (the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (seafloor spreading) is formed from divergent

plates), Volcanoes (many are below the ocean)

c. Transform – Earthquakes, fault-block mountains

79. What are the primary forces that cause continents to move? Where are the forces located?

Convection Currents in the Asthenosphere.

80. Explain how mountains, earthquakes, seafloor spreading, and volcanoes are formed. See #78

81. What are subduction zones? When one plate submerges under another plate (causes volcanoes)

Geologic Time

SC.7.E.6.3 SC.7.E.6.4

82. Explain the following principles:

a. Principle of Superposition – The lower the rocker layer, the older it is.

b. Principle of Horizontality – sediment is originally deposited horizontally

c. Principle of Cross-Cutting – A feature that cuts through rock layers is younger than the rock layers that it passes through. For example, magma shooting through rock layers.

d. Principle of Inclusion – Inclusions (rock found in other rock) are older than the rock they are found in. For example, a piece of rock falls in magma that later cools.

83. List the periods in the correct sequence of geologic time. (past to present)

Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Tertiary

84. What evidences did scientist use to create the geologic time scale?

Relative Dating (ex. principle of superposition) and Absolute Dating (ex. radioactive dating)

85. Define the terms below:

a. Absolute Dating b. Relative Dating

a. Absolute Dating – Age written in years. Can be found using radioactive dating

b. Relative Dating – Age said as “older than” or “younger than”. Can be found using the principles of superposition, crosscutting, original horizontality and inclusion.

86. Differentiate between absolute dating and relative dating. See #85

87. How would things be different without absolute dating?

Scientists may not realize that the Earth is billions of years old.

Humans Impact on Earth


88. Define:

a. Deforestation- The removal of large areas of forest for human purpose.

b. Desertification- The development of desert-like conditions due to human activities, and/or climate change.

c. Overgrazing- Allow animals (such as cows, horses, and goats) to eat so heavily that the vegetation is damaged and the ground becomes liable to erosion.

d. Urban Sprawl- The development of land for houses and other buildings near a city.

89. How do these following events affect the Earth?

90. Explain how human activities such as urban sprawl, deforestation, and desertification affect the landscape of the Earth.


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