Chapter 6 Study Guide – Earth, Moon, and Sun

Chapter 6 Study Guide – Earth, Moon, and Sun

Key Words

Look on your chart, or in the textbook for these definitions.

Satellite Planet Meteor Comet

Star Constellation Asix Rotation

Revolution Orbit Calendar Solstice

Equinox Force Gravity Law of Universal Gravitation

Mass Weight Inertia Newton’s First Law of Motion

Phase Eclipse Solar Eclipse Umbra

Penumbra Lunar Eclipse Tide Spring Tide

Neap Tide Maria Crater Meteoroid

Key Questions From Each Lesson

Read through these questions. You should be able to answer all of them before the test.

Lesson 1~

1. What can you see in the Night Sky?

2. How do objects in the sky appear to move?

Lesson 2~

1. How Does Earth Move?

2. What Causes Seasons?

Lesson 3~

1. What Determines Gravity?

2. What Keeps Objects in Orbit?

Lesson 4~

1. What Causes the Moon’s Phases?

2. What Are Eclipses?

Lesson 5~

1. What are Tides?

Lesson 6~

1. What is the Moon Like?

Topics To Study for the test

Unlike previous study guides, I am going to do more of letting you know the topics that will be included on this upcoming test, and then giving you a short list of resources to use to help you study for the test. My goal is to NOT make you reread the entire chapter, so please do not do this, but to be able to choose sections that you feel you need to go over. Read the list below carefully so you know what is coming up on the test.

From Lesson 1~

• Be able to describe the different objects you might see in the night sky, including what constellations are, and how they seem to move in the night sky. Be able to answer whether or not they are actually moving, or is there something else that causes them to appear to be moving.

From Lesson 2~

• Be sure you can explain the different ways Earth moves. This includes rotations and revolutions and what these types of movements cause.

• Be able to explain why Earth has different seasons. This means be able to explain why the Earth’s tilt causes different seasons.

• Be able to explain what a solstice and equinox is and the differences between solstices that occur in the Northern Hemisphere and the southern hemisphere.

• Know the difference between the vernal equinox and the fall, or autumnal equinox.

From Lesson 3~

• Be able to explain what gravity, inertia, and Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation are. Be able to explain how Earth stays in its orbit using these three different ideas.

• Know that the strength of gravity depends on the distance from another object and also the masses of the objects. Also, be able to explain what happens as these factors increase or decrease.

From Lesson 4~

• Be able to describe, using the correct names, the different phases of the moon. You will need to be able to look at a picture depicting all the 8 phases, which can be found on page 204 in your textbook, and label them.

• Know the difference between a lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse and know the terms that go with each of them i.e. the Umbra, Penumbra

From Lesson 5~

• Know the two types of tides, spring tide and the neap tide, and be able to compare each of them together. This includes things like water levels for each, and also the position of the moon and sun for each tide.

From Lesson 6~

• Be able to use the different terms such as maria, craters, and meteoroids when describing the moon.

• Also, be sure you can explain why the moon has such as vast temperature range between day and night.


Be sure you can explain what type of tide is being shown using this table. You will need to look at the differences between high tide and low tide to help answer this question.



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