THEME: Consumerism


|THEME: For Consumers |

|Module: Banking: Preliminaries to Setting up Accounts (continued from module plan 1) |

|Skills |Listening |Speaking |Reading |Writing |

| |CLB 5 |CLB 5 |CLB 5 |CLB 5 |

|Content Focus Information | | |Differences between banks and credit | |

| | | |unions. | |

| | | |Banks are well-regulated institutions that | |

| | | |guarantee deposits up to a certain amount | |

|CLB Competency/ies |III. Suasion |I. Social Interaction |III. Business/service texts |I. Social interaction |

| |Demonstrate comprehension of factual |Indicate non-comprehension |Identify factual details and some inferred |Convey a personal message ina formal…email |

| |details and some inferred meanings in |II. Instructions |meanings in moderately complex |III. Business/service messages |

| |simple…commercials |Give an extended set of simple clause |business/service texts, including formatted|Convey business messages as written notes |

| | |directions to find an ATM |texts. | |

| | | |IV. Informational Texts | |

| | | |Demonstrate comprehension of… basic graphs | |

|Genre |Commercial |Directions | |Email request for information |

|Text structure/Features |Text type: Problem/response |Text type: sequential |Identify layouts |Format: sections of email message (To, From|

| | | |Circle required information on authentic |Subject, Message) |

| | | |charts |Tone: semi-formal; business-like, direct |

| | | | |Features: use of complete sentences, few |

| | | | |contractions, little slang, politeness |

| | | | |conventions |

|Language Focus |Vocabulary: related to banking context |Grammar: |Vocabulary development |Functions: |

| |Adjectives and intensifiers – used to |Transitional words: first, then, next… | |Business greetings/closings |

| |persuade listeners |Imperatives | |polite requests |

| |Recognize persuasive appeals (logic, |Prepositional phrases (at the corner, | | |

| |emotion, reliability/ethics) |across from.., before the X, on the | |Grammar: |

| | |left/right, etc.) | |Modals (would, could…) for polite requests |

| | |Sociocultural: | | |

| | |Verbal and non-verbal signals for | |Vocabulary: related to context |

| | |comprehension/non-comprehension: eye | | |

| | |contact, nodding, smiling, short phrases, | | |

| | |back-channelling | | |

| | |Understand and use appropriate gestures | | |

|Language & Learning Strategies |Discuss vocabulary before listening |Closure: responding to thanks for help, |Reread and clarify information in brochures|Check spelling and grammar before sending |

| |Practise requesting repetition and |ending the conversation |Determine meaning from context | |

| |clarification |Clarifying |Scan for required information | |

| | |Meaning of directional gestures and |Circle/highlight relevant information in an| |

| | |vocabulary |information chart | |

| | |Align gestures with directions | | |

|Essential Skill Focus |Oral communication, Document Use, Numeracy, Finding information, Writing, Computer Use |

|ES-focused instructional | |

|activities | |

| |Listening comprehension - Use a map with banking institutes marked on it; give specific directions to a partner and have student follow/point out the route |

|Teaching Resources & Materials |Teacher-made tape of customer service |Class set of city maps, prepared with |Class sets of bank and credit union |Examples of email messages requesting |

| |dialogue |locations of banks and credit unions |brochures |different types of information |

|Outcome Assessment Task |Use the taped dialogue to develop a set of |Students have a set of cards or a list of |Read a services/fees chart in an authentic |Write an email to a bank using “Contact Us”|

| |questions for a customer service rep |different bank/credit unions. Student 1 |bank brochure; identify key information in |to find specific information |

| | |has a map with several banking institutions|order to make an informed decision about | |

| | |marked; Student 2 has a map with none of |choosing a bank | |

| | |the banks marked. Student 2 draws a card |Justify the decision | |

| | |or chooses a bank or credit union branch | | |

| | |from the list and asks Student 1 how to get| | |

| | |there. Student 1 gives directions to a | | |

| | |partner, who must mark the route on their | | |

| | |map. They must clarify by asking | | |

| | |questions. | | |


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