
Lexis Practice Advisor for the Spring 5-for-5 Incentive Instructions, Talking Points & Best PracticesIntroduction to Lexis Practice Advisor and the 5-for-5 Incentive –Spring 2016To earn the 5-for-5 Incentive, you must meet with a minimum of 9 students for a brief (5-minutes or more) conversation where you will demonstrate one of two LexisNexis products, Lexis Views or Lexis Practice Advisor, and help them to use it once – preferably on their own computer – and then send them a follow-up email. Meet with 15 students to earn the maximum Incentive of $100.The Reason for the Sweet Spot ListThe students which your manager asks you to meet with use both LexisNexis and Westlaw. We know that when these students spend time with Lexis Advance they tend to prefer it. But it’s hard to get someone to use Lexis Advance a little more without giving them a reason. By showing Lexis Views or Lexis Practice Advisor to these particular students – people who are not fully Westlaw preferred nor already completely Lexis preferred – you will be able to help more students at your school get to know, and use, Lexis Advance.Incentive Timing1/4 – 4/29; Preliminary Results 5/5; Questions by 5/11; Final Results 5/17; Bonus in 5/27 PaychecksAbout Lexis Practice Advisor?Lexis Practice Advisor is a good choice for anyone heading to a summer job, trying to increase their skill-set and confidence for their job search, and students who are hesitant to download a browser extension. Below is information about Lexis Practice Advisor and how to successfully demonstrate it to students on your Sweet Spot List.What is Lexis Practice Advisor?Lexis Practice Advisor is an end-to-end resource for transactional matters in 12+ areas of law. Students start with basic information to understand the practice area, get checklists to plot out what’s needed for the transactional matter, draft forms and contracts using hundreds of editable Word documents, and end with in-depth analysis of emerging trends to understand how they may impact the situation being drafting for.Where can I find Lexis Practice Advisor?Lexis Practice Advisor is listed under the Research menu at the top left of Lexis Advance. It’s available to all law students. There is nothing to install. What makes Lexis Practice Advisor unique? Only Lexis Practice Advisor offers the real-world experience of 300+ expert practitioners that take you from the beginning to the end of a matter with overviews, practice notes, and legal and emerging issues analysis.What students might need Lexis Practice Advisor?Students who have an upcoming position in a transactional practice or corporationStudents working in a Clinic with clients dealing with transactional matters or contracts Students taking advanced legal research classes focused on drafting, or seminar classes on the areas of law covered by Lexis Practice Advisor.Three Steps for Using Lexis Practice Advisor for Your 5-for-5 IncentiveInvite students on your list to meet with you. If you don’t know them and another Lexis Associate does, approach them together. Give them the Lexis Practice Advisor Card with your name and contact info on the back. See below for best practices to approach someone and break the ice.When you meet, show the student Lexis Practice Advisor using the demo steps below. If possible, show them on their own computer, so they become accustomed to navigating on their own. Within 24 hours send a follow-up email with a recap of what you looked at, thanking them for their time. BCC your manager and lawschool.operations@. You must use the email addresses in your 5-for-5 list in order to get credit toward your Incentive. They will receive an email with a $5 e-gift card within 3 business days.Your meeting’s outcome will depend on successful use of these resources: Knowledge of Lexis Practice Advisor To get up to speed quickly, review this video showing what Lexis Practice Advisor is and how to navigate to various helpful resources in the product. This 2-page PDF to help you learn about Lexis Practice Advisor. The screens will look slightly different in the current product, but a new piece is coming soon. Plus, for more detailed coverage of features and functionality, download this Quick Reference Guide PDF, created for attorneys.Your knowledge of Lexis Advance (please complete all of the Lexis Learn modules by 2/12/16)The Law School Way: Connect the dots from what they need, to how Lexis Advance can help.Inviting Students to MeetIf you’re reaching out to students via email, customize one of the email templates in the email section below. If you’re approaching someone in person, the suggestions here may help. Breaking the ice is always the hardest part, so there’s nothing wrong with practicing that first sentence.If you’ve got five minutes to let me show you something new from Lexis, I can give you $5.Hi [Name]. I can give you $5 for taking five minutes to look at something from Lexis.Do you have plans at lunch (after class) today? If I could show you something quickly, I can give you $5 from Lexis for checking it out.Best Practices for Inviting ThemLAs did a variety of methods-email, Facebook, but most grabbed their peers in the library or after class. ?They worked together as a team to help each other. ?If no one really was close with a student, two of them would work together to go up to the student and introduce themselves.Most students didn’t mind giving 5 minutes of their time. The $5 is not “paying them” for their time, it’s just a “Thank You” gesture.We asked Lexis Associates who were successful with their 5-for-5, “How did you approach students?”I?introduced myself and commented if I'd seen them at our Lexis tables or not. For example,?I said, "Hi, I'm [name]. I noticed that you were at the Lexis table last Thursday. Did that Tip help you?"Those who were on my list and I was not very?familiar with, I would personally approach them and engage in conversation and eventually ask them if they were interested in learning about Lexis Views.For students I had a stronger relationship with, I would either contact via email, text, or personally - using the same strategy. When it was time for our meeting, I already had background information on how this product could help them the most (e.g. were they on law review/ moot court, researching a paper, had a job where it would help, etc.). I would use this information as an icebreaker.?Present Lexis Views and Lexis Practice Advisor Tips of the week, and when a sweet-spot student approaches the table, mention that if they met with (x) LA for 5 minutes they could learn more (and get a $5 bonus).Share your best practices at team meetings if you’re doing well, or share your challenges so others can help.Once they agree to meet, set expectations for the meeting.You’ll want to have your laptop with you when we get together, so let’s figure out a time and place that would work for that.What if they say they don’t own a laptop?That’s ok. We can use a lab computer or we can use my laptop. It won’t be ideal, but we can make it work.What if they don’t reply to your emails?Use the Last-Resort email template below to encourage them to try Lexis Practice Advisor on their own.Instructions for Your Meeting and DemonstrationYour meeting should be short, easy for you and helpful for them. Lexis Practice Advisor is very intuitive once you know how to navigate to the various resources, so the student may want to quickly take the reins and try it for themselves. Use the three steps of the Law School Way to conduct the most effective 5-minute meeting. Scroll down for specific demo instructions to prepare for meetings with students on your list.Using the Law School Way:Discover what matters to them. Ask them whether they’re heading into a job, or whether they want to broaden their skills to increase employment opportunities. Leverage the broadest practice area, Business and Commercial, for the demo, but show them how they can easily navigate in the future to any practice area of interest to them.Have them access Lexis Practice Advisor. Show them how to navigate to Business and Commercial and how to access the practice notes – a great resource to get up to speed on any practice area or topic they may be unfamiliar with. Then show them an editable form and point out the drafting notes and alternative clauses. Connect the dots to how valuable this will be for them in their job.Wrap up with a mention of how we can support them in an ongoing way. Mention 24/7 Customer Support including research assistance, free printing, Rewards, and most importantly, the way you and your Account Executive are available to answer their questions.Lexis Practice Advisor DemonstrationFor your demonstration, you’ll want to have both computers up and running so that they can get used to navigating around Lexis Practice Advisor on their own. Here are talking points:Thank you for taking a few mintues to meet with me. I’m glad I’ll be able to give you a gift card as a Thank You, since I know how busy you are.Let’s take a look at Lexis Practice Advisor. It’s a great tool for getting up to speed and drafting contracts or forms, especially in unfamiliar areas of law, and it’s chock full of features that make it easy to quickly respond to legal questions and look like a pro.Go to Lexis Advance from the lawschool and click on the Research menu, top left, to get to Lexis Practice Advisor.You’ll see here that Lexis Practice Advisor covers 12+ practice areas you may encounter, but for purposes of this demo, I’ll show you the broadest practice area – Business & Commercial.5664200399542000If you ever encounter a practice area or topic you are unfamiliar with, Lexis Practice Advisor’s practice notes are a great starting point to orient you to all aspects relevant to it.Expand all topics using the ‘Expand All’ button in the topic tree. Scroll through the list of topics to demonstrate the breadth and then click on the topic ‘Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreements’ under the Commercial Contracts topic. Click on ‘Practice Notes” to demonstrate how LPA walks the student through the process.Click on the Topics tab to take you back to the main landing page.Now let’s pretend that you’re setting up a business corporation in Delaware. We’ll select ‘Business Corporations’ then ‘Delaware’ <Delaware being the most popular regardless of what state you are in>. Click on Business Corporations >Delaware. Scroll through the content in the ‘snapshot view’. Notice how Lexis Practice Advisor provides practice notes, forms, cases, articles, statutes and secondary materials to help with that task.Once you’ve set up your “pretend” corporation using the practical guidance and forms in Lexis Practice Advisor, let’s now pretend that the business that you set up in Delaware is going to enter into an Asset Purchase business transaction and you need to understand how to draft the Asset Purchase Agreement.Go to the big red search box and type ‘asset purchase agreement’ and click on the second result returned which should be “Asset Purchase Agreement (Pro-Buyer)”. Scroll through and click on the drafting notes to demonstrate one (document icon) and alternate clauses (blue document icon with a ‘c’ inside’)The forms provided in Lexis Practice Advisor are editable and provide in-depth drafting notes, written by practicing attorneys, to help you draft based on the details specific to your matter. Furthermore, alternate clauses are available and can easily be inserted into your document.Remember, you can find resources like I showed you today (practice notes, forms and related content) for any practice area or topic. Is there a practice area you are particularly interested in? Show the student how to navigate to that practice area and scroll through the list of topics (easily expanded by the >>>) so they know how to navigate in any practice area or topic moving forward. End your demonstration let them know that you and your Account Executive are there to answer questions any time. Let them know about the $5 gift card:Thank you for meeting with me and checking out Lexis Practice Advisor. If you have any questions [AE] or I are here to help.You’ll get a $5 e-gift card in a few days. You can use it for , Starbucks, charities like Habitat for Humanity… a total of 45 brands are available at the link you’ll receive. Check your Junk folder if you don’t see it after 3 or 4 days.3. Send the Follow-Up Thank-You EmailWhen you’ve completed your meeting with the student(s), send the student a thank-you email and blind copy (BCC) your manager and lawschool.operations@. You MUST USE the student’s email address from your Sweet-Spot List.Here is a template to customize for your Thank-You EmailSubject Line: Thank you for meeting with meHi [student name],I’m glad we had a chance to look at Lexis Practice Advisor together. With so much going on, it’s great to find something that’s so well-thought out with seriously helpful advice built in, that can save hours of time. I’m really glad we got to look at [something they were interested in], and I hope you’ll reach out to me or [AE] whenever you have research questions. We’re here to help.Best,LA NameP.S. Look for your e-gift card in a few days!IMPORTANT FOR YOUR INCENTIVE: You MUST use the student’s email address from your Sweet-Spot List and BCC your manager and lawschool.operations@.If the student asks you to use a different email address, then after you write to them, forward the email to your AE and to Operations, adding the email address from the list to the top of the message. This ensures you get credit toward your Incentive. Operations will use the email the student prefers for their Tango card.Students will receive an email with a $5 gift card code and complete instructions for redemption within 3 business days after you send this email. The e-gift card is associated with 45 brands, including and Starbucks, plus charities such as Habitat for Humanity. If a student does NOT receive their gift card email within 5 business days, please have them check their spam/junk folder and call or send an email to Tango Card customer service, providing the student’s email:Tango Card Customer Service email: cs@Tango Card Customer Service phone: 877-558-2646A new email will be sent with the same code. They won’t be “double dipping.”Invitation Email TemplatesEmail Template 1. Basic Email Inviting Student to MeetDear [Name],I’m a 2L at Law School working with LexisNexis. We’re trying to spread the word about two different features that are especially helpful to students right now:A new time-saving browser extension, called Lexis Views, that instantly connects you to legal research results from any website. This short video conveys the concept.Or Lexis Practice Advisor, a transactional drafting tool with hundreds of fully editable forms that includes practical guidance from top practitioners in 12 practice areas.I can show you either of these in about 5 minutes. Anything that helps AND saves time is useful to know about, and I promise to be quick. Let me know when you’re free to meet. I know you’re very busy, so I’d also like to thank you for your time with a $5 gift card. What day would work for you? [Name, contact info]Email Template 2. If no response to first invite to meetHi [Name],You may have missed my earlier email, so I’m shooting you this follow-up. I’m a 2L at Law School and, since I work for Lexis, I’d like to send you a $5 gift card for giving me just 5 minutes to show you a new tool that will speed up your research process. If you only have 5 minutes, I promise to only take 5 minutes of your time.Are you up for it? What day works best to find 5 minutes for me? [Name, contact info]Email Template 3. Last Resort Email – if student has not respondedDear [Name],I appreciate how busy you are and that it’s difficult to meet with me. Let’s try this: Use the links below to check out Lexis Practice Advisor on your own. Check this two-page PDF to see what it’s about and how easy it is to use. You can find it right in Lexis Advance under the Research menu.Here are the links:Review this video to see it in action.Check out this PDF for a little more detail.That’s it! It will definitely give you confidence on job interviews to be familiar with this transactional tool, and if you’re in a clinic, it’s perfect for you.Here’s my email address in case you have any questions: xxxxxxxxxx@If you don’t mind, please let me know if you took a look, and if so, what you think about Lexis Views, I can send you a $5 e-gift card that you can redeem at , or dozens of other places. Thanks for your time,Name, Contact info ................

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