|ASSESSMENT REPORT |( |Educational |) | |Initial Evaluation | |

| | | | | |Reevaluation | |

| | | | | | |

|Student | |Date of Report: |11/18/2016 | |

|School: | Elementary School |Date of Birth: |12/26/2010 | |

| | | | |

|Date of IEP meeting to develop student evaluation plan: |9/27/2016 | | |

| | |To determine eligibility for special education services | |

|I. |Purpose of Assessment: | | |

| | | | | |

|II. |Socio-cultural or linguistic considerations: | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |A. |The primary language of the home is: |English | | |

| | |If the primary language of the home is English, is there another language spoken in the home? |

| | |Yes No |

| | | |

| |B. |The student is receiving services and is identified as an ELL (English Language Learner). |

| | | |

| |C. |Throughout screening and assessment (including students with deafness or blindness or both), considering socio-cultural and |

| | |linguistic differences, this instrument was determined to be valid for this s student. |

| | |

|III. |Address background information relevant to this assessment (such as previous assessments with similar purpose, classroom performance, related |

| |screening information, socio-cultural information, etc.) (attach additional sheets if necessary): |

| |[Student] is a new student in the state of Maryland. He received special education services in his previous home state of New York. [Student] |

| |was assessed to determine eligibility for special education services and to gather information to support his educational programming. |

|Testing Instrument |Date of Testing |Current Age |

|Test of Early Reading Ability, Third Edition (TERA-3) |11/15/2016 |5 years, 11 months |

|Test of Early Mathematics Ability, Third Edition (TEMA-3) |11/18/2016 |5 years, 11 months |

|Test of Early Written Language, Third Edition (TEWL-3) |11/18/2016 |5 years, 11 months |

|IV. Assessment results: |

| |Very Low |Low |Low Avg. |Avg. |High Avg. |Superior |Very Superior |

|Standard Score |130 |

|TERA-3 Reading Quotient | | | |91 | | | |

|Conventions Subtest | | |6 | | | | |

|Meaning Subtest | | |7 | | | | |

|TEMA-3 Math Ability Score |

| | | | | |

|Student: |Student | |Report Date: |11/18/2016 |

| | |

|V. |Based on assessment procedures implemented, what are the student’s abilities and difficulties? |


| | | |

|Reading |Alphabet Subtest: |Alphabet Subtest: |

| |Receptively identifies capital and lowercase letters |Pointing to a matching word from a field of 4 similar words|

| |Names capital and lowercase letters | |

| |Points to letters within a word that correspond to given letter sound|Reading common community and sight words (Daddy, WAS, BOY, |

| |(“pp” for /p/ in, “Mississippi”) |GIRL, MAN) |

| |Points to picture/word that starts with a given letter (baby for “b”)|Segmenting 3 syllable words (policeman) |

| |States the first letter of a word | |

| |Points to common community and sight words (EXIT, cat, east, down, | |

| |mama, up) | |

| |Points to word that corresponds with picture (dog, house) | |

| | | |

| |Conventions Subtest: | |

| |Matches letters | |

| |Receptively identifies environmental print in context (i.e. points to|Conventions Subtest: |

| |name on a cereal box) |Identifying cursive writing from other markings (drawing, |

| |Receptively identifies a story from other text forms |scribbles) |

| |Points to words in a single sentence with 1:1 correspondence as |Pointing to where a reader should begin and end reading a |

| |examiner reads |paragraph |

| |Points to beginning of paragraph on next page when asked where you |Stating that a reader should go on to the next page after |

| |would read after finishing the first page |finishing the available text |

| | |Identifying that text is upside-down |

| | |Pointing to words using a sweeping motion and return sweeps|

| | |as examiner reads |

| | |Naming and explaining the purpose of a period |

| |Meaning Subtest: | |

| |Receptively identifies environmental print by name and category |Meaning Subtest: |

| |(Candy/Reese’s, Jell-O, Kool-Aid) |Naming and describing environmental print (McDonald’s) |

| |Points to words with corresponding pictures (dog, hat) |Reading a longer word with corresponding picture (said, |

| |Reads a simple word with corresponding pictures (fork) |“hippo” instead of “hippopotamus”) |

| |Names a community sign (School Crossing) |Naming common stories/fairy tales with picture support |

| | |Naming and describing a variety of print forms |

| | |(letter/note, menu) |

| | |Categorizing words (pointing to words that “go with” a |

| | |given word) |

| | | |

|Math |Perception of small numbers (states number of pictures without |Visualizing simple math calculations |

| |counting, 1-3) |Stating the number that comes after a given number |

| |Produces finger displays representing numbers through 5 |Visualizing and solving simple part-whole problems |

| |Counts fingers/objects/pictures by 1s, with 1:1 correspondence (to 5)|Choosing the larger number: number comparisons between 1 |

| |Number constancy (recalls number of pictures/objects counted without |and 10 |

| |recounting) |Verbally counting by 1s (beyond 10) |

| |Concretely models simple word problems, sums to 9 |Creating written representations (visual models) of sets |

| |Perception of more (identifies which side has more) | |

| |Produces matching sets of objects (up to 4) from memory | |

| |Produces requested sets with up to 5 items | |

| |Verbally counts by 1s to 10 (with examiner pointing to objects) | |

| |Reads and writes single digit numerals | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Written Language |Basic Writing Subtest: |Basic Writing Subtest: |

| |Points to requested writing instrument |Drawing a picture about a given prompt/personal experience |

| |Writes first name legibly, with all letters in proper sequence |Demonstration of basic conventions of written text |

| |Holds writing instrument in a 3 finger grasp |(left/right, up/down paper directionality) |

| |Identifies numbers, letters, words, and print |Explaining the purpose for different forms of writing |

| |Traces letters |(letters/notes, lists) |

| |Identifies a newspaper form other forms of text |Writing numbers or letters without being given a specific |

| |Copying words from an environmental model (“bus stop” from a sign) |number/letter |

| |Writing single word answers to a question from a picture model |Written expression (writing novel sentences, stories, |

| | |notes) |

| |Contextual Writing Subtest: | |

| | | |

| |The Contextual Writing subtest was not administered, per assessment |Contextual Writing Subtest: |

| |guidelines, due to difficulties with written expression observed in | |

| |the Basic Writing subtest. [Student] did not respond to any subtest | |

| |items that required a novel written response. | |

|VI. Provide an analysis of any factors influencing the results of the assessment. Include relevant behavior exhibited during the testing, the influence of|

|any socio-cultural factors, consideration of student/examiner interaction, use of an interpreter, etc. |

| |

| |

| |

| | |

| |Testing was completed in two sessions. Student appeared in good health both days of testing. He maintained a positive attitude and interacted |

| |with the examiner readily during both sessions. Multiple breaks were provided during the testing sessions. |

| | |

| | |

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| | |

| | |

| |

|VII. Based on the report above, the examiner has determined: |

| |

|A. the assessment procedure was valid for the purpose intended Yes No |

| |

|B. The results are a valid report of the student's ability or achievement Yes No |

| |

|If A or B are answered "no," please address comments, explanations or recommendations to resolve the problems(s): |

| | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|VIII. |Examiner's certification: | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Amanda J. Mastran | | | |

| |Printed Name of Examiner(s) | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |11/18/16 | |

| |Signature of Examiner(s) | |Date Signed | |

| | | | | |

| |Instructional Specialist for Special Education | | | |

| |Title(s) of Examiner(s) | | | |


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