Psychology Study Guide

Psychology Study GuideSemester I – Grades 11&12Farah El SaidNoteThe material presented in this document should be viewed as a “study guide” only. Meaning, it is just headlines and topics to help you study. However you are responsible for everything that is in your notes and textbook as well as any external material provided throughout the course.Material Covered & Study GuideChapter 1: What is Psychology?Section 1: Why Study Psychology?06963800How are behavior and mental processes different?What are some basic goals of psychology?How is psychology a science?Understand why psychology is viewed to be a social science as well as a natural science.What is psychology?Highlight why people study psychology and how it could help humans, their lives, their behaviors, and their cognitive abilities. The difference between behavior and mental processes, and examples for both. What are the goals of psychology.Understand what are psychological constructs.Highlight and explain what are psychological research and psychological theories. Section 2: What Psychologists do.014372200What are some of the major fields in psychology?How do specialists in some applied fields of psychology serve people’s needs?Understand the major fields in psychology and the importance and uses of each field. Distinguish between major fields and applied or specialized fields of psychology.How do different fields of psychology and different psychologists serve people’s needs?Understand and distinguish between the following major fields of psychology:Clinical psychology.Counseling psychology.Counseling psychology.Educational psychology.Developmental psychology.Personality psychology.Social psychology.Experimental psychology.Understand and distinguish between the following specialized fields of psychology:Environmental parative psychology.Consumer psychology.Understand and distinguish between the following applied fields of psychology:Industrial anizational psychology.Human factors munity psychology.Forensic psychology.Health psychology.Rehabilitation psychology.Cross- Cultural psychology.Understand how psychology is considered an important field to understand criminals (inside the criminal mind). Section 3: A history of Psychology.06413500What were some early views and beliefs about human behavior?Who were some of the pioneers of psychology?What modern developments in psychology have dominated much of the 20th century?Distinguish between the different views about the history of psychology. Know who are the pioneers in the field of psychology and the major contributions of each of them in the field. Explain the modern developments in psychology. The pioneers in psychology include:Wilhelm Wundt and Structuralism.William James and Functionalism.Sigmund Freud and Psychoanalysis. John B. Watson & B.F Skinner and Behaviorism. Explain modern developments in psychology from the perspectives of:John B. Watson and Behaviorism.B.F Skinner and Reinforcement. Section 4: Contemporary Perspectives. 06540500What is the role of biology in behavior and survival?What role does the mind play in determining behavior?How does the role of experience affect behavior?What factors influence the biopsychosocial perspective?Know the different contemporary perspectives to understand behaviors and mental processes.The role of biology:The biological perspective.The evolutionary perspective.The role of the mind:The cognitive perspective.The humanistic perspective.The psychoanalytic perspective.The role of experience:The learning perspective.The sociocultural perspective.The biopsychological perspective.Understand the fundamentals of the research done by Kenneth Clark.Chapter 3: Biology & Behavior.Section 1: The Nervous System.09398000What are neurons, and how do they work?How do neurotransmitters work as chemical messengers?What does the central nervous system control?How is the peripheral nervous system structured?Understand what are neurons. Understand what is the central nervous system, its importance, and how it works. Know how the peripheral nervous system is structured. Know what are the components of a neuron. Explain the importance of the spinal chord and how it works. Know what the peripheral nervous system and the fact that it is composed of the somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system. Section 2: The Brain: Our Control System.07429500What were some of the early beliefs about the brain?What are the parts of the brain, and how do they function?How is the cerebral cortex divided?Which methods do scientists use to study the brain?Know the three main parts of the brain and the function of each of these parts. Understand what is the cerebral cortex, and what it is made up of and its functions. Know what the early beliefs about the brain. Ancient Egyptian beliefs.Greek philosophers beliefs. Know how the cerebral cortex is divided. Explain different methods used in order to study the brain. Know the different parts of the brain and the functions of each:The Hindbrain:The medulla.The pons. The cerebellum.The Midbrain:The reticular activation system. The Forebrain:The thalamus.The hypothalamus.The limbic system.The cerebrum.The cerebral cortex.Understand how the cerebral cortex is structured, its functions, and the function of the corpus callosum.Explain what are occipital lobe, the temporal lobe, and their importance in senses and motor behavior. Know what are association areas.Understand the brain’s role in language abilities and the difference between the left and right hemispheres. Know the four different methods of studying the brain:Accidents.Lesions.Electrical Stimulation.Electroencephalogram (EEG).Understand what is brain imaging and how we can use it.Know the different brain imaging techniques. Section 3: The Endocrine System.02476500What are three major glands of the endocrine system, and how do they affect the body?What are the testes and ovaries, and what are their functions?The importance of the endocrine system and how it functions. Know what are the three major endocrine glands and how they affect the body.The thyroid gland.The Pituitary gland.The adrenal gland. Understand the importance of the ovaries and testes and the hormones they produce. Estrogen & progesterone.Testosterone.Section 4: Heredity: Our Genetic Background.09906000What are the roles of genes and chromosomes in heredity?What are the main points of the nature-nurture issue?What are kinship studies?Understand how hereditary plays a key role in the development of human traits.Explain the role of genes and chromosomes in hereditary. Explain the main points of the nature-nurture debate. Explain what are kinship studies and why they are used. Twin studies.Adoptee studies.Twins reared apart.Understand what are genes and what are chromosomes, where each one of them is found and the function of each. Explain what is the genographic project and its significance. Case Study: The Brain of Phineas Gage.Understand and explain the importance of this case in the field of psychology. Recall the accident and the aftermath of the accident. Explain the studies done on Gage’s skull and their significance. Case Study: The David Rimer Case.Understand the David Rimer case and its importance in explaining the nature vs. nurture debate.As well as ethics in the field of psychology and the role of genes and upbringing in the development of human traits and characteristics. Chapter 4: Sensation & Perception.Section 1: Understanding Sensation & Perception.07471800What processes and concepts affect the stimulation of the senses?How does the process of sensory adaptation work?What is signal-detection theory?What processes and concepts affect the stimulation of the senses?How does the process of sensory adaptation work?Understand the difference between sensation & perception. Distinguish between what is the absolute threshold and what is the difference threshold. Know what is sensory adaptation. Explain the signal detection theory and how it could be affected.Understand the importance of animal senses and how they might help be used as disaster warning systems. Also, understand how they might be of help to disabled or sick people.Section 2: Vision.011303000How does light work?What are the main parts of the eye?What allows us to have color vision?What causes color blindness?Explain how light works. Understand the factors that allow us to have color vision.What causes color blindness?Understand the basic makeup of the eye. Pupil.Lens.Retina.Photoreceptors. Explain what is the blind spot. Explain what are rods and cones and the importance of each. Know what is dark and light adaptation.Explain what is visual acuity. Explain what is the color wheel and what are complementary colors. Understand how cones help people to see colors.Know what are afterimages and how they are formed. Understand color blindness and how it occurs. Section 3: Hearing.011535800What two characteristics does every sound have?What are the main parts of the ear, and how do they work?What are some of the causes of deafness?Understand that the ear allows us to hear and locate sound. Know that each sound has its own pitch and loudness. Understand the casus of deafness:Inherited.Disease.Injury.Old age. Note: you do not need to know the main parts of the ear!Understand the importance of why the ear is shaped as it is. Know what are the cochlea and the auditory nerve, their functions and locations. Understand how we can locate sound. Explain the different types of deafness:Conductive deafness.Sensorineural deafness.Explain how society today accommodates the deaf community. Interpreters.American sign language.Closed captioned television shows. Advances in repairing damages inside the ear. Understand what is the bionic ear and the controversy behind it.Explain what is the cochlear implant and how it works.Section 4: Other Senses. 0-11006800Most researchers agree on four basic taste qualities: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter.We sense taste through receptor neurons located on taste buds on the tongue. Taste cells reproduce rapidly.Understand how we perceive smell and taste. Know the functions of sensory receptors on the skin. Sense Pressure.Sense Pain.Sense Temperature.Know the use of the olfactory nerve. Know the four basic taste qualities. Understand the gate theory of pain and what it explains. Know the difference between the vestibular sense and kinesthesis and the importance of both. Case Study: The Case of Helen Keller. Understand the importance and significance of the Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan case and how it could be used in overcoming the psychological and social effects of the loss of a sensation. Explain the impacts that losing a sense might have on people.Explain how might people compensate for the loss of a sense. Explain how you might deal with losing one of your senses (living without exercise done in class). Chapter 5: Consciousness.Section 1: The Study of Consciousness.011811000Why is consciousness a psychological construct?What are the general meanings of consciousness?What distinguishes the different levels of consciousness from full conscious awareness?Understand the meaning of consciousness and that it is a construct. Know that there are several levels of consciousness. Explain why consciousness is regarded as a psychological construct. Explain what distinguishes the different levels of consciousness from full conscious awareness. The three meanings of consciousness:Consciousness as sensory awareness.Consciousness as direct inner awareness.Consciousness as sense of self. Explain the different levels of consciousness and give examples in each level:The preconscious level.The unconscious level.The nonconscious level.Altered states of consciousness.Know Freud’s iceberg that explains the different levels of consciousness.Section 2: Sleep & Dreams.012107200What is the sleep cycle?How have psychologists explored the importance of sleep and dreams?What are sleep problems?Understand the sleep cycle and the different levels in the cycle. Know the difference between REM sleep and NREM sleep.Explain each level and know what are the main characteristics of each level. Understand the importance of sleep.Explain the different views regarding why people dream:The Freudian view.The Biopsychological approach.Understand and explain the common sleep problems:Insomnia.Nightmares and night terrors and the difference between both. Sleepwalking.Sleep apnea.Narcolepsy.Explain the current research in psychology:Sleep deprivation in teens.How people have suggested that we overcome this problem.Section 3: Altered States of Consciousness.07302500How do meditation and biofeedback work?What is hypnosis?How can hypnosis be used?Explain how we can achieve altered states of consciousness.Understand how meditation and biofeedback work.Explain what is hypnosis.Discuss the history of hypnosis. Understand how can we achieve hypnosis.Explaining hypnosis:Freud’s explanation.The role theory explanation.Know the myths and facts of hypnosis. Know the different uses of hypnosis:Hypnosis and memory.Hypnosis and pain preventions.Hypnosis and quitting bad habits. Explain why hypnosis cannot be used in crime testimonies. Know the multicultural perspectives on consciousness. Australian Aborigines. The Mevlevi.The Hindus. Buddhists.The Incas.The Huichol.Section 4: Drugs & Consciousness. 02434100How do depressants affect the body?What are stimulants?What are hallucinogens?How do some treatments for drug abuse work?Know what is addiction.Understand what are depressants and how they affect the body, and provide examples of depressants.Alcohol.Narcotics.Understand what are stimulants and how they affect the body, and provide examples of stimulants.Nicotine.Amphetamines.Cocaine.Understand what are hallucinogens and how they affect the body, and provide examples of hallucinogens.Marijuana.LSD.Mushrooms. Peyote.Ecstasy. Explain and provide examples for treatments from drug abuse:Detoxifications.Maintenance programs.Counseling.Support groups.Case Study: Biofeedback & Consciousness.Know what biofeedback is and why is it used. Chapter 7: Memory.Section 1: Memory Classifications and Processes013779500What are the three kinds of memory?How does encoding of memories work?What are the processes of memory storage?What factors affect memory retrieval?Understand and be able to explain what is memory. Be able to identify and explain the three types of memory.Episodic memory.Semantic memory.Implicit memory.Know the different stages of processing information:Encoding,Storage, andRetrieval.Understand what is encoding and list and explain the different types of codes. Visual and acoustic codes.Semantic codes.Understand what is storage and list and explain the different storage techniques.Maintenance rehearsal.Elaborative rehearsal.Know the organizational systems and the filling errors that may occur during processing information. Understand what is retrieval and list and understand the difference between context- dependent memory and state dependent memory.Explain the concept of “on the tip of the tongue”.Know the importance of current research in psychology related to unreliable memories and unreliable witnesses. Section 2: Three Stages of Memory010922000What are the three types of sensory memory?How does short-term memory work?How do schemas affect long-term memory?Understand what is sensory memory and be able to identify and explain the three types of sensory memory and the components of each:Iconic memory.Eidetic memory.Echoic memory.Understand and explain the difference between short-term memory and long-term memory.Understand the concepts of the primacy and recency effects, chunking, interference, and chucking.Know the capacity of memory and how much humans are able to store in their long-term memories. Section 3: Forgetting and Memory Improvement016192500How does forgetting happen?What are the three basic memory tasks?How are the three ways of forgetting different?What are some techniques for improving memory?Understand how forgetting occurs and why.Be able to explain the three basic memory tasks:Recognition.Recall.Relearning.Explain the different types of forgetting:Decay.Repression.Amnesia and its three different types:Retrograde.Anterograde.Infantile.Explain how one could improve memory through the four basic memory improving tasks:Drill & practice.Relating to existing knowledge.Form unusual associations.Use of mnemonic devices. ................

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