The four personality Quadrants

Who Are You?

Which of these four quadrants best describes your personality? Although you will probably see words in each quadrant that you relate to, pick the list that best represents you in your professional role. The Four Personality Quadrants















3 Analytical Thorough Serious Methodical Precise Deliberate

4 Independent Candid Decisive Practical Efficient Determined

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Overview of Social Styles

There are four basic behavior styles determined along two dimensions: ask versus tell and relationship versus task. Each sector of the grid below represents a different personality type.

The Personality Grid Illustrative




Feeler Loyal Cooperative Supportive Sensitive Patient Reliable


Thinker Analytical Thorough Serious Methodical Precise Deliberate

Entertainer Outgoing Enthusiastic Influential Playful Spontaneous Ambitious


Controller Independent Candid Decisive Practical Efficient Determined




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a Primer oN The CoNTroller

Controllers tend to issue directives, among the other characteristics below.

social style overview

also Known as: Driver Key Characteristics: Independent Candid Decisive Practical efficient Determined

you at your Best efficient focused Goal-oriented Realistic Independent Determined

you at your Worst Harsh Controlling short-sighted Abrasive Pushy Power-seeking

Primary reaction to stress: Autocratic measures Personal success By: Results

famous Controllers: Henry ford, Barbara Walters, Malcolm X, Charles lindbergh, teddy Roosevelt, Mike Wallace

how to identify Controllers

verbal Clues: Uses commands rather than questions. speaks fast. speaks directly and succinctly. Not apt to tell stories. Not very talkative. focuses on facts and data.

Non-verbal Clues: Moves quickly. leans forward when making a point. Very task-oriented. Disciplined about time. often prefers working alone or directing others. exerts pressure for decisions. Controls facial expressions. Uses direct eye contact.

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a Primer oN The eNTerTaiNer

Entertainers tend to be more emotional in nature, among the other characteristics below.

social style overview: entertainer

also Known as: expressive Key Characteristics: outgoing enthusiastic Influential Playful spontaneous Ambitious

you at your Best Ambitious enthusiastic Visionary fun-loving friendly Influential

you at your Worst overbearing Unrealistic egotistical Undisciplined Manipulative Hasty

Primary reaction to stress: Attacking measures Personal success By: Applause

famous entertainers: Muhammad Ali, Bill Clinton, Madonna, Pablo Picasso, oprah Winfrey

how to identify entertainers

verbal Clues: Uses commands rather than questions. speaks fast. speaks loudly. tells jokes and stories. Wanders from the topic. shows a range of vocal inflection and tone. strongly expresses opinions.

Non-verbal Clues: Uses motions and gestures. full of energy. leans forward when trying to persuade. Willing to take risks. Apt to make quick decisions. Dislikes monotony and routine. less disciplined about time. People-oriented. Makes eye contact.

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a Primer oN The feeler

Like entertainers, feelers are also more emotionally-driven, among the other characteristics below.

social style overview: feeler

also Known as: Amiable Key Characteristics: loyal Cooperative supportive sensitive Patient Reliable

you at your Best loyal supportive Respectful Dependable Agreeable Perceptive

you at your Worst Conforming Needy Unsure Dependent Awkward easily Manipulated

Primary reaction to stress: Acquiescing measures Personal success By: Attention

famous entertainers: Princess Diana, Gerald ford, Mary tyler Moore, Ronald Reagan

how to identify entertainers

verbal Clues: speaks slowly. speaks softly. Asks others for their opinions. tends to be quiet in group settings. offers compromises or synthesizes others' ideas. tentatively offers suggestions.

Non-verbal Clues: slow to make decisions.

Moves slowly.

People- and team-oriented. leans backward even when making a point. More apt to remember personal information and details about others. Prefers 1:1 interactions or small group settings. flexible about time. Relaxed posture.

Responds to the feelings of others.

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a Primer oN The ThiNKer

Thinkers tend to be rationally-minded, in addition to the other characteristics below.

social style overview

Also Known As: Analytical Key Characteristics: Analytical Thorough Serious Methodical Precise Deliberate

you at your Best

Logical Thorough Perfectionist Disciplined Deliberate Organized

you at your Worst

Critical Indecisive Old-Fashioned Hard to Please Moralistic Unemotional

Primary Reaction to Stress: Avoidance Measures Personal Success By: Activity

Famous Controllers: George H.W. Bush, Albert einstein, Alan Greenspan, Woodrow Wilson

how to identify Thinkers

verbal Clues: Speaks slowly.

Speaks softly. "Ask-oriented" even when giving directions. Careful in choosing words. May stop mid-sentence, then begin a new sentence that they believe makes more sense. Qualifies ideas with facts and data.

Little inflection in voice and tone.

Not apt to tell stories.

Fact- and task-oriented.

Non-verbal Clues: Leans backward when talking.

Likes to work alone.

Slow to make decisions.

Moves slowly. Carefully researches and examines all opinions. Focused on details.

Disciplined about time. Appears serious and detached from feelings. Responds to the feelings of others.

? 2013 The Corporate Executive Board Company. All Rights C4643312SYN-C


Customer Service by Personality Type

Every personality has its unique strengths and shortcomings. By becoming self-aware and understanding who you are, you can utilize your traits to create the best customer experiences. Customer Service by Personality Type



Strengths: Your slower-paced, cooperative nature is ideal for understanding customers and their needs. Keep in mind: Remember what your goals are, where you stand, and what you are setting out to accomplish. Don't get caught up in the customer's emotions--keep a clear head and remember your next steps.



Strengths: Your high energy and quick actions are perfect for engaging with customers on a personal level. Keep in mind: Listen more, and when others start to speak, don't raise your voice to talk over them. Your customer is important--share the limelight with them.



Strengths: Your systematic fact gathering and cautious decision-making are great for analysis and issue resolution. Keep in mind: How you say it is just as important as what you say--don't forget to position the solution for the customer's benefit and use positive language. Don't lead with the negative.


Strengths: Your fast-paced, goal-oriented approach is perfect for solving problems. Keep in mind: Make sure to slow down and listen to your customers' ideas, suggestions, and requests. Listen actively until you understand why their problems are important to them, and remember to incorporate your customer's needs into your solution.


? 2013 The Corporate Executive Board Company. All Rights C4643312SYN-C


verBal Clues To ideNTify CusTomer PersoNaliTy TyPe

For every customer personality type you interact with, there are some verbal clues that can help identify the customer personality type--the first step in offering personality-based service to customers.

how to identify Controllers

verbal Clues: Uses commands rather than questions. speaks fast. speaks directly and succinctly. Not apt to tell stories. Not very talkative. focuses on facts and data.

how to identify Thinkers verbal Clues: Speaks slowly. Speaks softly. "Ask-oriented" even when giving directions. Careful in choosing words. May stop mid-sentence, then begin a new sentence that they believe makes more sense. Qualifies ideas with facts and data. Little inflection in voice and tone. Not apt to tell stories. Fact- and task-oriented.

how to identify feelers

verbal Clues: speaks slowly. speaks softly. Asks others for their opinions. tends to be quiet in group settings. offers compromises or synthesizes others' ideas. tentatively offers suggestions.

how to identify entertainers

verbal Clues: Uses commands rather than questions. speaks fast. speaks loudly. tells jokes and stories. Wanders from the topic. shows a range of vocal inflection and tone. strongly expresses opinions.

? 2013 The Corporate Executive Board Company. All Rights C4643312SYN-C



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