
Signature AssignmentThe discussion I have chosen for my Signature Assignment is the one on the Epilogue. This discussion was on the last section of our textbook, Invitation to the Life Span, by Kathleen Stassen Berger, entitled Death and Dying. The section talked about the different stages of dying, different ways of dealing with death, hope and how it relates to death, children and the way they cope with death, etc. Our assignment was as follows: “Describe one thing that you learned from reading the Epilogue that made you think and/or feel differently about dying, death, mourning, and/or grief. Explain how/why it changed your thinking/feeling about the topic.”One thing that stuck out for me while reading the Epilogue was when it talked about Kubler-Ross’s and Maslow’s stages of death. I have learned before about the stages of grief but I’ve never put myself in the situation like I did as I read it in the Epilogue.?I started thinking about the many emotions and thoughts that go through a dying person’s head at that point of their life. I’m sure there is a lot of reflection on what their life has been to this point. The first stage mentioned by Kubler-Ross is denial. As humans we all go through denial at many points in our lives. When something happens that is hard to believe, denial is a very natural reaction.? I have a friend whose grandpa was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and was told he had 6 weeks to live. My friend was on an LDS mission in Texas at the time and was given the option to return home to spend some time with his grandpa. His grandpa refused and told him he loved him but there was no need to temporarily come home from his mission to see him. I imagine at this point my friend’s grandpa was going through some denial. He may have thought he would live longer than his given prognosis of 6 weeks. This is simply an observation. I don’t know exactly what was going through his head at this time. He died exactly 6 weeks from the day he was diagnosed.My great grandmother died recently at the age of 94. She was in a nursing home and we were all waiting for her to go. She had severe dementia and would lie in her bed all day other than when she ate her meals. We would go visit her often but she never knew any of our names. This sounds heartless but I never thought of her going through these stages of death. I wasn’t conscious of the emotions she was going through or the thoughts she had as she lay in bed. I figured that she was really old so she would be ready for death. After reading about death I know my thoughts were inaccurate. Everyone deals with death differently and will go through many emotions before their own death.After reading about the different stages of death I have learned that there are many different ways a person may deal with it. Our role as family, caregivers and bystanders is to be as compassionate, loving and empathetic as possible. Everyone deals with death differently depending on personality, personal beliefs, past experience with death, and many other factors. It is a hard subject to think about but death will eventually affect every single one of us, one way or another.?This discussion really opened my eyes to the different ways people might deal with death. I learned a lot from this last section of the book and was very interested the whole time I was reading it. My submission of this discussion shows my best work because I was able to recall experiences I’ve had with death and relate them to the material. This helped me understand what was being taught. Overall, I learned that any given situation of death may be different depending on the person going through the trial. Because of this, sensitivity is necessary in all situations. Children deal with death differently and false ideas about death should not be put into their minds. There are many areas of psychology and a lot were discussed in detail in our textbook. The section on death and dying was very influential for me and will help me deal with these situations better in the future. ................

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