Liver failure stages


Liver failure stages

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By Patricia, Facty StaffUpated: 29 November 2018The liver, a gland of the digestive system, produces bile, which helps to reduce fat in foods. The liver acts as a chemical transformation plant that helps to produce essential proteins and remove harmful artifacts of the digestive process. The organ also regulates the storage of glycogens, excess red blood cells and produces hormones. The functioning of the liver can be modified in different ways, each of which can cause symptoms of liver failure. Cirrhosis damages the organ and can cause excessive scar tissue. Factors that cause cirrhosis include excessive use of alcohol, chronic viral infections such as hepatitis B and C, autoimmune diseases, excessive copper accumulation, infections and certain drugs. Herbal supplements, metabolic diseases, cancer, shock and sepsis can also contribute to liver failure. When certain harmful liver conditions are inevitable, others may be controlled. Individuals can help maintain healthy livers by avoiding alcohol and excessive activities that increase the risk of contracting hepatitis. Eating a healthy diet and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle will also protect the liver. [Synthem-Checker] The damage that leads to the liver error cannot be cancelled. Once the scar tissue is formed, it can be maintained or worsened only. The failure of the liver is progressive, it happens in stages and can go unnoticed until it advances until a failure of the acute liver. The early stages of liver failure resemble other conditions and include general symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fatigue and a general feeling of not being well. Common symptomsJaundiceabdominal Paindabdominale swellingdisorientationFaticon The liver has a number of essential functions for the body. These include: removal of toxic substances from the body, including alcohol. Make sure that blood clots are properly .storage of substances - for example, iron and glycogen (which is used to store glucose - for energy). Continue the body to fight Infection. Wooden bile, which passes into the intestine (intestine) to break down (digest) fats. The failure of the liver is very rare: In the UK, there were 775 liver transplants performed in April 2012 to April 2013. The number The transplants have increased in recent years. In Scotland, acute liver failure affected about 6 in 1 million people between 1992 and 2009. The most common cause was a paracetamol overdose. Failure is caused by damage to liver cells. There are many possible causes of acute liver failure. Often no cause is found, but the most common causes are: Paracetamol Overdose. Taking too much paracetamol is a relatively common cause of acute liver failure. Overdose can occur by taking aQuantity of paracetamol or taking higher than the recommended doses for a few days or more days. Some prescription medicines can cause sharp hepatic failures, but this is very rare. Examples of medicines that can rarely cause acute hepatic insufficiency include some some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSW) and some drugs used for epilepsy (anticonvulsants). Some herbal medicines and supplements have been linked to cause liver failure. Illegal drugs. Drugs such as ecstasy and cocaine may occasionally cause liver failure. Infections. Viral hepatitis infections (for example, hepatitis B or hepatitis C) can cause liver failure. Other viruses that may cause acute liver failure include Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex virus. The cancer that begins in the liver or spread to the liver from other parts of the body can cause liver failure. Come (toxins). Toxins that can cause acute liver failure include some poisonous fungi. autoimmune hepatitis. It is a disease in which the body's defense system (immune system) attacks the liver, causing inflammation and damaging liver cells. Some diseases (e.g. Budd-Chiari syndrome) can cause blockages in the liver veins, which can lead to acute liver failure. Some rare metabolic diseases can cause acute liver failure. These include hemochromatosis, alpha-1 anti-tripsina deficiency, Wilson's disease, fructose intolerance, galactosemia and thyrosinemia. Reye syndrome. It is a rare condition that affects especially children and young adults. It can cause brain damage and liver failure. The cause is not known. Acute liver failure can occur in a person who already has a chronic liver disease when liver function suddenly gets worse. This is called acute-chronic liver failure. The three most common causes of chronic liver disease in the UK are obesity, hepatitis and alcohol abuse. A number of chronic liver diseases gradually lead to liver cirrhosis. Often there is no identified cause for liver function deteriorating suddenly. However, known trigger factors include an infection or drinking alcohol. See the separate leaflet entitled Cirrhosis for more information on chronic liver disease and cirrhosis. In the initial stages chronic liver disease may not cause any symptoms. Vague symptoms such as: Feeling of malaise (nausea). Loss of appetite. Feeling tired. Diarrhea. More advanced chronic liver disease or acute liver failure can cause serious symptoms. These may include: The skin and white of the eyes can yellow (ittero). The belly (addomen) can become swollen due to an accumulation of liquids (ascites). Easy bleeding and bruising without injury. The body can become very dry (dehydrated). The palms of the hands can become reddened (called hepatic palms). It could develop a slow abnormal movement of the wrist (called hepatic flap). Hepatic failure can alsoother symptoms due to the complications of liver failure. These include: Blood from the intestine, which can cause blood spill (vomite) (ematemesis) or feces become very dark or black (this)caused by digested blood passing through your intestines and in your stools - it is called Melaena) liver failure .Acute, which can affect badly how our brain works and can make you feel sleepy and confused, and have problems with memory and concentration, in addition to having hallucinations. Acute liver failure, which could even make you a coma. Severe difficulty with brain functions caused by liver failure is called hepatic encephalopathy. The cause of liver failure may require specific treatment. It is essential to avoid drinking alcohol, although alcohol abuse is not the cause of liver failure. Any medicine that caused liver failure should be interrupted immediately.medicines is used to reduce the effects of liver failure on the body. These include medicines to reduce stomach acid (for example, a protonic pump inhibitor). It often helps with the intake of food using a tube passed through the nose in the stomach (stomach tube) or a tube placed through the skin directly in the stomach (piole feeding tube). Atometrages treatments can be necessary to treat any complications of liver failure Like excess fluid in your brain (brain edema), reduced blood capacity to clot, brain dysfunction (brain brain encephalopathy) or acute kidney injury. Transplantalationa liver transplantation can be saved if a suitable donable liver graft becomes available. Various artificial liver devices have been developed and can bridge the gap until a liver is available for transplantation or until recovery of liver failure can cause various complications, which are often very serious and need urgent medical attention. The complications of liver failure include: Reduced protection against infection. Built-up fluid in the brain (brain edema). VariceOfageal. These are dilated veins in the rubber tube (esophagus) that lead into the stomach. They can cause huge bleeding and this can be dangerous to life. Ableding (hemorrhage) from other parts the intestinal renal injury (intestine). Kidney injury. Severe breathing problems ( respiratory failure). The outlook (prognosis) depends on the cause of liver failure, the severity of symptoms and any complication. The prospects for failure of the acute liver are greatly improved. In the past most people with the failure of the acute liver died, but many survive as a result of improvements in intensive medical care. What's your liver doing? The liver is a vital organ that regulates the levels of many substances in the body. The liver is a vital organ that regulates the levels of many substances in the body. Eliminates a substanceBile. The bile helps to take away waste from the liver. Blood from the digestive system (stomach and intestine) passes through the liver. The liver removes the toxins from this blood, produces vitamins and breaks the drugs taken in harmless substances. It has a vital role in digestion protein, grease and carbohydrates. The liver weighs about 1.5 kilograms and performs over 500 500 Functions in the body. Few the important functions include the following: Bile production: liver expels the bile. The bile helps to take away the waste and break down fats into the tenuous intestine during digestion. PROTEINS PRODUCTION: The liver produces many proteins ?

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