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Tissues, part 1: Crash Course A&P #2”:


1. Groups of similar cells working together to perform a specific function are called ___________________.

2. The type of tissue defines its _____________________________.

3. ____________________________________ is the study of our tissues.

4. Anton Van Leeunwenhoek’s work earned him the title of the father of ________________________________.

5. The cells that Gerlach studied are today known as ___________________________________________.

6. That tissue (#6) is made of two specialized types of cells: _____________________ & ____________________

7. Neurons are the _____________________________________ of the nervous system.

8. No matter where in the body they are, the neurons have the same anatomy:

• The cell body is the neuron’s ______________________________.

• The dendrites ___________________________ signals from other cells.

• The long, rope-like axon ___________________________ signals to other cells.

9. The glial cells are like the neuron’s ______________________________________.

10. There are three types of muscle tissue: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth. Complete the table below with information about these tissues.

|Tissue |Striations? |Multinucleated? |Voluntary? |Where’s it found? |

|Skeletal |YES | | | |

|Cardiac | | |NO | |

|Smooth | | | | |

11. Identify the tissue:

[pic] [pic] [pic]

______________________ ____________________ _____________________

“Tissues, part 2 – Epithelial Tissue: Crash Course A&P #3”:

1. Your body needs _______________________________ to function.

2. The tissue that lines, covers, and generally organizes your body is __________________________ tissue.

3. The __________________________ epithelium covers and lines your outer and inner body while your ___________________________ epithelium forms your glands and secretes hormones and other substances.

4. Humans (and worms and every other animal) are essentially just __________________________.

5. All of your epithelial tissues are __________________________: they don’t have a blood supply. They rely on the ________________________________ tissues around them for what they need.

6. There are three basic shapes of epithelial cells:


7. The shape of each kind of epithelial cell correlates with its ______________________________.

8. The epithelial cells of the stomach are mostly ______________________________ cells.

9. Epithelial tissue can also be classified based on its layering. A _____________________ epithelium has only one layer of cells. A _________________________ epithelium has multiple layers set on top of one another. A _____________________________ epithelium is mostly just one layer but the cells can be different shapes and sizes.

10. We can think of a tissue’s first name as its number of ________________________ and its last name as the shape of its __________________________________.

11. Epithelial tissue regenerates QUICKLY SLOWLY

12. All of your epithelial cells are polar: they have ______ different sides. They are also selectively permeable: they allow some things through, but not others.

13. Your glandular epithelium creates two different kinds of glands: ___________________________ glands that secrete hormones directly into your blood stream or cells and _________________________ glands that secrete juices into tubes or ducts.

“Tissues, part 3 – Connective Tissues: Crash Course A&P #4”:

1. Marfan syndrome is a genetic disorder of the ________________________________ tissue. People suffering from it have a defect in their connective tissue that ______________________________ it over time.

2. Connective tissue is what _________________________________________________ (in more ways than one).

3. Your ____________________________ is mostly connective tissue.

4. __________________ is a type of ____________________________ connective tissue which provides insulation and fuel storage.

5. Your _______________________ transports your hormones, nutrients, and other materials all over your body.

6. All connective tissues have three factors in common that set them apart from other tissue types:

• They all have a common origin: they all develop from _________________________________, a loose and fluid type of embryonic tissue.

• Connective tissues also have different degrees of vascularity, or ____________________________.

• All connective tissues are mostly composed of ____________________________ material, called the extracellular matrix.

7. Your connective tissue, when you see it up close, looks and acts a lot like ___________________________.

8. The extracellular matrix is mostly made of two components:

• The _________________________________, the main, watery, rubbery, unstructured material that fills in the spaces between cells.

• Fiber which provide support of structure.

o ____________________________ fibers, the strongest and most abundant fibers.

o ____________________________ fibers, which form a branching framework.

o ____________________________ fibers, which are short, collagen-like fibers.

9. Each cell type has two different phases: immature and mature. You can tell the immature cells because they have the term ______________________________ in their name, which literally means “forming”.

10. When a cell enters the less active, mature phase, they turn in the suffix “blast” for “_____________________”.

11. Another, equally important class of connective tissue cells, carry out many of your body’s ________________________ processes.

12. One of the best ways of studying you body’s structures is by studying what happens when something goes ____________________________________ with them.

“Tissues, part 4 – Types of Connective Tissues: Crash Course A&P #5”:

1. You can eat ____________________________ tissue raw. What does need cooking, though, is the _____________________________ tissue in order to break it down so that we can chew it.

2. The most diverse type of connective tissue is your connective tissue ______________________________. It has two categories: loose and dense. The subclasses are based on how many fibers it has in its ________________________________________.

3. Loose connective tissue have _____________ fibers, and __________ cells, and __________ ground substance.

4. Areolar tissue is the most common loose connective tissue in your body. Under a microscope, its most obvious feature is that it looks like it has a lot of ___________________________ in it.

5. Your ____________________________ tissue is your fat tissue.

6. Your reticular tissue is what holds your _________________________ in place in many of your organs.

7. Dense, regular tissue is full of _____________________________ fibers, making it hard to break apart.

8. If the collagen fibers aren’t all stacked together neatly, you have dense _____________________ tissue.

9. Dense ______________________ tissue are found in areas where you need support and flexibility.

10. Hyaline cartilage connects your ribs to your ____________________ and can be found on the tip of your nose.

11. Elastic cartilage is found where flexibility is needed, like your __________________.

12. Fibro cartilage acts like a shock absorber and can be found in your vertebrae or ________________ joints.

13. Bone is just _____________________________________ connective tissue.

14. In the case of blood, the ground substance is your blood ______________________, which has protein fibers floating around it.

15. Most of your blood cells are RED WHITE blood cells. The rest of your blood is made of leukocytes and platelets.


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