
Lesson Plan: THIS IS A COFFEE SHOP Jessica Moreira Fall 2014Azusa Pacific UniversityAudience: THIS IS A COFFEE SHOP is a lesson plan designed for beginner adult learners at Hancock International College (HIC). Students are placed in the Intensive English as a Second Language (IESL) 102 course by taking a standardized placement exam created by Pearson’s NorthStar 3rd Edition. HIC offers six levels of IESL from Beginner to Advanced. The IESL Program runs on 10-week quarters and students must attain a 70% or higher to continue onto the next course. Students attend class Monday through Friday from 9:30 in the morning till 1:30 in the afternoons. Currently, six students are enrolled in the course and they are working on progressing onto IESL 103. The leaners range between the ages of 18 and 40 years old and are US student visitors from Saudi Arabia, China, and Iran. The purpose for the students to learn English is to communicate with other English speakers, rather than learning for academic or professional purposes. Prior to the THIS IS A COFFEE SHOP lesson; students know how to express opinions, make inferences, and how to express similar or contrasting ideas by using and and but. Students also understand and use the present and past of the verb be. The THIS IS A COFFEE SHOP lesson teaches students skills to recognize and use there + be tenses and practices to pronounce the th sounds. Learning Outcomes:Students will be able to express opinions about coffee shopsStudents will be able to use there + be in the present and past tense Students will be able to recognize and pronounce the th soundsStudents will be able to write and say contractions of there + beRational:The lesson emphasizes grammar, listening and speaking skills while incorporating reading and writing. IESL 100 is a beginning level course of students who are commonly misinterpreted when stating the th sounds. They have trouble placing the tip of their tongue between their teeth and making voiced and voiceless th sounds. Students from the Middle East have similar pronunciation sounds and mouth movements, therefore anticipating that they will be able to learn the skill fairly quickly; whereas, the students who speak Mandarin are anticipated to have a little more difficulty with the mouth movements. Therefore, learning these skills through a variety of classroom activities and real life experiences will help students pick up the skills to pronounce the th sounds successfully. During the lesson, students will work through a variety of conversations to find the present and past of there + be by using there is/ are/ was/ were. Then, students will recognize and use contractions for informal situations. This lesson is important for students to learn because it is some of the most commonly used skills in the English language. Without learning these proficiencies students will not be able to progress in the English language from Basic to Intermediate levels. THIS IS A COFFEE SHOP Time Frame: 90 minutesMaterials:Coffee shop in walking distanceScreen Projector3.Whiteboard and markers4.THIS IS A COFFEE SHOP PACKET (Appendix A-E)5.Pencil or penProcedure:Warm-up/Hook (10 minutes): After greeting each student, the teacher will begin with a quick warm up activity. The instructor passes out the THIS IS A COFFEE SHOP packet to each student. After every student has a packet, place the students into groups of two. Students are given 5 minutes to discuss the topic questions found on the cover page of the packet (see Appendix A). 1.Look at the title and the photo. Where are they? What are they doing?2.Describe a visit to a coffee shop? What do you order? Coffee or tea?3.Where is your favorite coffee shop? What is it called?As students are discussing the questions, the teacher walks around and observes the students comprehension to the questions. The instructor may provide any assistance as needed. After 5 minutes, pull the class together to discuss the topic questions all as a whole. Listening (25 minutes):The instructor will introduce the listening activity found on page two of THIS IS A COFFEE SHOP packet (see Appendix B) and will read the article aloud two times. While reading the article, the instructor needs to read clearly and confidently while taking short pauses and emphasizing the bold words. The students should follow along as the instructor reads. After the instructor finishes reading, the students continue to work in pairs answering the questions provided. The instructor walks around observing the students understanding of the article, questions and answers. The following is a script for the instructor to read:Directions: Espresso is popular around the world, (pause) however, (pause) what is espresso? (pause) Read and listen to this article about espresso. (pause) Then, answer the following questions.What is Espresso? (pause)If you go to a cafe or espresso bar and ask for an espresso, (pause) what you will get is a shot-sized glass holding a small amount of very strong coffee. (pause) There are many different types of espresso drinks, (pause) including cappuccino, (pause) cafe latte (pause) and cafe mocha. (pause) All are made with one or more shots of espresso. (pause)A shot of espresso is made by forcing about 1.5 ounces of hot water through tightly packed, (pause) finely ground (pause) espresso coffee. (pause) If everything goes well, (pause) what comes out is a dark brown, slightly thick liquid with a small amount of crema (pause) (a foam, sort of like the head on a beer) on top. (pause)There are many variables in the process of making a shot of espresso. (pause) The temperature of the water, (pause) the pressure of the water, (pause) the fineness of the ground coffee (pause) and how tightly the coffee is packed are just a few. (pause) The skilled espresso maker, or barista, (pause) controls all of these variables to produce a quality shot of espresso. (pause) Let's start with one of the most crucial variables: the coffee. (pause)(continue reading on the next page)The CoffeeEspresso coffee is a blend of several different types of coffee beans from different countries. (pause) The beans are roasted until they are dark and oily-looking. (pause)The beans are ground very finely -- much finer than for drip coffee makers. (pause) The consistency is almost like powdered sugar. (pause) The more finely the coffee is ground, (pause) the slower the espresso comes out. (pause) Generally, for the best shot of espresso, (pause) it should take about 25 seconds for the water to pass through the coffee. (pause) Sometimes the grind is adjusted to control the brewing time. (pause)Now, you and your partner have 5 minutes to answer the questions on your worksheet.As students are discussing the questions, the teacher walks around and assesses the students’ comprehension as they discussion the answers with a partner. The instructor may provide assistance/advice as needed. After 5 minutes, pull the class together and discuss the answers by having the each student state one answer. Grammar (25 minutes):After discussing the listening activity, the instructor introduces the grammar lesson of there + be. Teaching this lesson is important for students to describe situations in the present and past as they continue to learn Basic English skills. The instructor will project the worksheet on the board to present the use of there + be. While the teacher explains the purpose and details of the grammar skill they are to write the answers in the blanks on the worksheet that is projected on the board. During this time, students are to fill-in the blanks on the worksheet (Appendix C). Give the students’ appropriate amount of time to fill in their worksheet. The following information is what will be displayed on the board by the end of the grammar lesson:THERE + BE Lesson Plan1. Use there + be to describe a situation in the present:There is + a + singular count noun (one)There is a coffee shop.There is a chair open. There is + non-count noun (uncountable)There is coffee in the kitchen.There is milk for the coffee. There are + plural count noun (more than one)There are dirty cups in the kitchen.There are five people in line.By using the classroom and surrounding objects, have students create and write 4 sentences using There + be in the present tense. Then, have students say one sentence aloud to the class.Contractions are used for informal speaking and writing: There + is = There’sThere is a mug. = There’s a mug.There + are = There’re There are five people in line. = There’re five people in line. Have students rewrite their 4 sentences using contractions. Then, have students say one sentence using contractions aloud to the class.As the students read their sentence aloud, observe their mouth movements and abilities to say th sounds. 2. Use there + be to describe a situation in the past:There was + a + singular count noun (one)There was a cat in the coffee shop.There was a line at Peets Coffee. There was + non-count noun (uncountable)There was coffee on the ground.There was milk and sugar in my tea. There were + plural count noun (more than one)There were cups on the table.Have students remember their dinner table from the night before, what was on the table? What was on the plate to eat? (quickly draw a picture of a table setting with a plate and utensils so students get the picture) Then, have students write 4 sentences using There + be in the past tense. After, have students say one sentence aloud to the class. Observe students comprehension of using there + be in the past tense. If any assistance is needed with the present and past tenses address them now. 3. Add the contraction n’t to form a negative statement:There isn’t cream in the refrigerator. There aren’t any coffee shops by my house.There wasn’t a dog at Peets Coffee.Have students state 4 negative statements using both the present and past tense. Discuss what isn’t in the classroom and what wasn’t on their dinner table last night. Next, have students present one negative sentence aloud to the class. Observe students understanding of using there + be with a negative statement. 4. To form a question, place is/are/was/were before there:Are there any chocolate chip cookies?Was there a line for coffee? To form yes/no questions, use a for singular nouns and any for plural and non-count nouns.Briefly model this skill by asking students a yes/no question about the classroom setting or their dinner last night. Then, have students take turns asking each other a yes/no question. After the grammar lesson is complete and students understand the grammar tense, have them fill-in the blanks in a conversation using the present and past tense forms of there + b (Appendix D). Once the conversation is completed students will read aloud the dialog with a partner. During this time, the teacher is walking around and observing students understanding with there + be statements and making th sounds. Once students’ finish, the instructor allows students to say the answers aloud as another student writes the answers on the board. This activity is important because the students have to clearly say the correct answer for writer to understand what to write on the board. The writer may not have the workbook in hand. As the students discuss the answer, the teacher may provide support by say “correct” or “yes” if the answer is correct and stated correctly. If the student does not pronounce the answer correctly or it is wrong all together the teacher may provide an “oh-no” or “try again” to encourage the student to recognize and fix their mistake. Once the answers are all on the board, have two students read aloud the conversation. *Hancock College mandatory 15 minute break*Speaking (20 minutes):The instructor will continue the lesson by teaching pronunciation of the th sounds. Have students turn to page four of their packet to see an image of the mouth movement for pronouncing the th sounds (Appendix D). As the instructor describes the mouth movements students will follow along in their packets and fill-in blanks. The teacher says the following:To pronounce th sounds, (pause) the most important part is to put the tip of your tongue between your teeth. (pause and point to the tip of your tongue between your teeth) Then, blow out air (pause) to make sound. (pause) Everyone, blow out air right now. (pause for a few seconds allowing students to blow out air) Now, (pause) blow out air with the tip of your tongue between your teeth. (pause and demonstrate this movement and then have students follow along) Remember to keep just the tip of your tongue between your teeth while you blow out air. There are two sounds with th, (pause) there are the voiced and voiceless sounds. (pause) The voiced th sound is made by your vocal cords (point to your vocal cords) vibrating and is a quite sound. (pause) For example, (pause and write the examples on the board while saying them aloud) they, them, those, other, mother, brother, and father. (pause) The voiceless th sound is made by your vocal cords making a buzzing sound. For example, (pause and write the examples on the board while saying them aloud) things, thumb, with, think, math, path, and cloth. (pause) Remember that for both sounds the tip of the tongue is between your teeth. (pause) Okay, lets practice! (pause) On your worksheet, you are going to read the sentences and underline the words that have “th”. Read the sentences out loud with your partner. Listen to each other and check your pronunciation of the th sounds. When students are working together, walk around observing the students understanding and ability to pronounce the th sounds. After 5-8 minutes, bring the class back together and answer any questions students may have. Speaking Activity (45 minutes):During this final activity, students are given the opportunity to observe a coffee shop and role-play. This lesson was designed for a class that is located next to a coffee shop and has the ability to leave the class. Before the class heads to the nearby coffee shop, introduce the activity. Then, students will be ready to properly observe the different roles. The teacher states:You are going to role-play a scene from a coffee shop project meeting. Peets Coffee wants a new look for their University Center shop. Today, you are going to look at the shops setting (tables, chairs, space provided), the set up for food and drinks, how the employees are dressed and their customer service, and customer satisfaction (Are they happy? Are they comfortable?). You will be in teams of two. You will need to take notes on what you see in the coffee shop and describe what you would change. The company wants to hear 10 ideas in 30 minutes. We will spend 15 minutes at the coffee shop and 15 minutes planning in the classroom. You may get a drink when we are there. But make sure to look around and get a good idea of what is at the coffee shop. Answer the questions on the worksheet. After we go to the coffee shop, you will work with your partner and prepare a presentation. You need to present the changes you would make to the coffee shop. Use the grammar and pronunciation skills learned today, there + be present and past tenses. While at the coffee shop, the instructor needs to remain interactive with the students. Walking around the coffee shop observing the students as they take down notes. Provide any help the students may need with spelling and naming objects. After 15 minutes, return to the classroom. Allow students to work with their partner to create a shot presentation as if they were the design team to redesign the coffee shop. Do not provide students with too much information on creative ideas. This is a time for them to use the knowledge they have and to practice speaking in a safe environment. Have each group present their ideas to the class. They may use the white board or any materials in the classroom. However, you are assessing them solely on their speaking skills. Are they clearly making th sounds? Do they hesitate? Are there language errors when speaking? As the students speak take notes on their mouth movements and their ability to be understood (see Appendix) Appendix A THIS IS A COFFEE SHOPWORKBOOK1.Look at the title and the photo. Where are they? What are they doing?2.What do you get when you go to a coffee shop? Do you like coffee or tea?3.Where is your favorite coffee shop? What is it called?Appendix BDirections: Espresso is popular around the world, but what is espresso? Listen and read to the article about espresso. Then, use the information to answer the following questions.How Espresso Machines Work by Karim NiceWhat is Espresso? If you go to a cafe or espresso bar and ask for an espresso, what you will get is a shot-sized glass holding a small amount of very strong coffee. There are many different types of espresso drinks, including cappuccino, cafe latte and cafe mocha. All are made with one or more shots of espresso. A shot of espresso is made by forcing about 1.5 ounces of hot water through tightly packed, finely ground espresso coffee. If everything goes well, what comes out is a dark brown, slightly thick liquid with a small amount of crema (a foam, sort of like the head on a beer) on top.There are many variables in the process of making a shot of espresso. The temperature of the water, the pressure of the water, the fineness of the ground coffee and how tightly the coffee is packed are just a few. The skilled espresso maker, or barista, controls all of these variables to produce a quality shot of espresso. Let's start with one of the most crucial variables: the coffee. The CoffeeEspresso coffee is a blend of several different types of coffee beans from different countries. The beans are roasted until they are dark and oily-looking. The beans are ground very finely -- much finer than for drip coffee makers. The consistency is almost like powdered sugar. The more finely the coffee is ground, the slower the espresso comes out. Generally, for the best shot of espresso, it should take about 25 seconds for the water to pass through the coffee. Sometimes the grind is adjusted to control the brewing time. . What are three kinds of espresso drinks? ___________________________________2. Who is the barista? _____________________________________________________3. Why are the beans roasted? ______________________________________________4. How do you get the espresso to come out slowly? _____________________________5. Espresso is very strong ________________.Appendix CTHERE + BE Grammar Lesson1. Use there + be to describe a situation in the ____________:There _____+ _____+ ____________There _____ _____ ____________.________________________. There _____+ ____________There _____ ____________.________________________. There _____+ ____________There _____ ____________.________________________. 1. ____________________________________________________________________.2. ____________________________________________________________________.3. ____________________________________________________________________.4. ____________________________________________________________________.Contractions are used for ____________speaking and writing: There + is = ____________There is a mug. = ____________a mug.There + are = ____________There are five people in line. = ____________ five people in line. 1. ____________________________________________________________________.2. ____________________________________________________________________.3. ____________________________________________________________________.4. ____________________________________________________________________.Appendix C continuedTHERE + BE Grammar Lesson2. Use there + be to describe a situation in the ____________:There _____+ _____+ ____________There _____ _____ ____________.________________________. There _____+ ____________There _____ ____________.________________________. There _____+ ____________There _____ ____________.________________________. 1. ____________________________________________________________________.2. ____________________________________________________________________.3. ____________________________________________________________________.4. ____________________________________________________________________.Appendix DMouth of the th soundsinclude a picture of the th mouth movement*Appendix EInclude coffee shop observation notes and presentation guidelines* ................

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