Healthy Foods

Healthy Foods

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For Physical Education Students

Grades 3-5

Introduction Goals Tasks Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion







• Students will have a better understanding of where vegetables and fruit come from.

• Students will have a better understanding of the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables.

• Students will be able to identify specific fruits and vegetables by their color, shape, and/or size.

• Students will be able to distinguish the differences between a fruit and a vegetable.






Step 1: Choose your favorite fruit and vegetable.

• Form a group of 2.

• Each of you will pick different fruits and vegetables.

• Once you pick different fruits and vegetables, you will need to research the ones you picked.

Step 2: Research your fruit and vegetable.

Found out the following:

1. What is the name of your fruit and vegetable? Do they have any other names?

2. Where can you find the fruit and vegetable? (Trees, in the ground, vines, etc.)

3. What makes the fruit and vegetable good for you?

Step 3: Create a colorful poster board.


• The name of your fruit and vegetable.

• Pictures of each.

• A brief description of where the fruit and vegetable can be found.

• A brief description of why they are good for you.

Step 4: Group presentations.

Groups will stand in front of the class and give a 1 to 3 minute presentation of what they have learned and why it is beneficial to eat fruits and vegetables.



Feel free to find other resources but you may also use these.

Links to Fruit:

Links to Vegetables:

Link to Fruits and Vegetables:



| |Below Average (1) |Average |Above Average (3) |

| | |(2) | |

| | | | |

|Poster Board |Little effort, or very little |Information is written but |Student excels the requirements |

| |information |average effort is shown | |

| | | | |

|Research of Topic |Little or no effort used |Average information given ex. |Student exceeds requirements |

| | |Minimal info points | |

| | | | |

|Presentation |Less than 1 min. and no effort |Meets requirements but is a |Student exceeds requirements and|

| |given |little hesitant about |goes above expectations |

| | |information | |

Points available: 9

Attendance points: 1

Total: 10 points



Learning about fruits, vegetables, and their nutritional value is an exciting adventure.

• What did you learn?

• What were some interesting facts you learned about your favorite fruits and vegetables?

• What was your favorite fruit and vegetable?

• After presentations, did you see a new fruit or vegetable you want to try? Was there a fruit or vegetable you did not like or one that you do not want to try?

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[pic]There are several different types of fruits and vegetables.

[pic] You can find them in gardens, fruit trees, and even in the grocery store.


Do you like fruits or vegetables?

What color are some of your favorite fruits and vegetables?

Are they good for our bodies?

Students will get into groups of two to design a picture of their favorite fruit and vegetable, where they grow, and why they’re good for you.

1. You will create a poster board of the fruit and vegetable you chose.

2. Write on the poster board why you chose each of them.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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