
Teaching in fall

Don – intro course


Vicki – 4th year geologic engineering (geologic storage of nuclear fuel)

Kevin – physical geol

Bill- not teaching

Abe – intro hydro, graduate hydro

Terry – Physical geology

Scott – speleology, upper level hydrogeology

David – work into book chapter for Earth system class


1 Scott, David

2 David

Terry, Mary ,

3- Kevin, Abe, Terry, Scott, David = === Kevin

Learning Goal:

Understand what types of data can be used to understand subsurface geology

Use different types of evidence/data to understand geologic framework that influences water flow (surface/subsurface) in site area

Construct a geologic map that demonstrates the organization of materials in the subsurface.

understand spatial relations in subsurface

- move from map to plan

- use logs to plot units

- use aereal photography to understand terrain’

Interpret water flow based on topography using air photo.

4 – Don, Kevin, Abe, Terry, Scott, David

Learning Goal

5 – Don, Kevin, Bill, Abe, Terry, Scott, David

Abe, David, Scott

6- Abe, Terry, Scott, David

7- Abe, Terry, Scott, David

8- Don, Abe, David

Develop skills in hypothesis testing.

LEARING GOAL: Evaluate the most likely source of contaminants in the well based on hydrologic and geologic data and principles. To what extent do each of these three factors play a role in the contamination of the well: river, flooding, and groundwater.

Successfully explain this argument to a layperson or jury by reducing it to a simplified form.

Trial Group: Kevin Bill, Vicki, Don

9 – Vicki

Ability to present scientific concepts to lay people.


Develop a believable opinion based on scientific knowledge.

Students can be an effective expert witness for a specific point of view (believable expert)

Method: Rubric for assessment of presentation


Learning Goal: Be facile with knowledge surrounding case

Construct arguments based on data.

Demonstrate by effectively querry opposition and strong defense of case.

Enter trial with strong position based on well informed case and strong understanding of what opposition knows (minimize surprises)

Formulating your Case rubric

11- Bill, Kevin, Don

12- Bill

13 - Vicki


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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