Unanswered: Lasting Answers to Trending Questions (DVD ...

Unanswered: Lasting Answers to Trending

Questions (DVD Leader Kit)

Jeremiah Johnston

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Unanswered: Lasting Answers to Trending Questions (DVD

Leader Kit)

Jeremiah Johnston

Unanswered: Lasting Answers to Trending Questions (DVD Leader Kit) Jeremiah Johnston

Unanswered Bible Study Kit includes a Bible Study Book and two DVDs featuring a promotional video and

six 20-minute teaching sessions led by author Jeremiah Johnston.

We live in a radically skeptical age. Tough questions are being asked about Christianity. And most believers

are ill-equipped to provide the answers our culture and communities desperately need. Many in today's

church do not know the Bible as well as they should and they struggle with their own "big questions" about

the faith.

This study provides precisely what the church needs today: tools and answers! It addresses several

challenging topics, including mental health and suicide, paranormal activity, the resurrection, how we got the

Bible, suffering, and why God is sometimes silent. The study will show you how to answer, how to explain,

and how to respond in a deeply winsome and attractive way, as a thoughtful ambassador of Jesus. You will

leave this study enriched, characterized by a thinking faith, capable to communicate confidently, and

committed to escape the tendency to offer trite answers to a skeptical world.

Kit Includes:

Bible Study Book

Two DVDs

Original book on which the study is based


Teaching videos from Jeremiah Johnston

Biblically rooted and gospel-centered

Leader tips

Individual study opportunities for continued growth

Six-session Bible Study Book with group and personal component


Empower yourself with tools and answers to difficult questions to explain your faith.

Equip Christians to become thinkers and engage thinkers to become Christian.

Learn how to answer commonly asked questions with confidence.

Break through to a new level of understanding of your faith.

Learn how to engage with nonbelievers and be able to explain what you believe.

Gain greater clarity about topics including paranormal activity, mental health and suicide, the resurrection,

how we got the Bible, suffering, and why God is sometimes silent.

Establish a hermeneutic for believers to answer questions beyond what is included in the six sessions.

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Trending Questions (DVD Leader Kit) Jeremiah Johnston



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